[Tutor] Counting Items in a List
Oğuzhan Öğreden
ogreden at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 15:44:19 CEST 2012
Sorry, it seems like I was not clear enough in that statement. I should
have written something like "counting how many times each word occured"
insted of "counting words".
2012/6/20 mariocatch <mariocatch at gmail.com>
> Hello,
> Not sure if this is what you're trying to solve, although it sounds like
> it based on your leading statement.
> I think what you have is more complicated than it needs to be for
> something that simple:
> Why not something like this?
> * paragraph = """I have been learning Python and trying little bits of
> coding for a while. Recently I tried to have a paragraph and create a list
> of its words, then counting those words. Here is the code:"""*
> * splitParagraph = paragraph.strip().split(' ')
> print len(splitParagraph) # yields 36
> print splitParagraph # yields a list [] of each word separated by
> split()*
> **
> -Mario
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Oğuzhan Öğreden <ogreden at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been learning Python and trying little bits of coding for a while.
>> Recently I tried to have a paragraph and create a list of its words, then
>> counting those words. Here is the code:
>> import re
>>>> a = """Performs the template substitution, returning a new string.
>>>> mapping is any dictionary-like \
>>> object with keys that match the placeholders in the template.
>>>> Alternatively, you can provide keyword \
>>> arguments, where the keywords are the placeholders. When both mapping
>>>> and kws are given and there \
>>> are duplicates, the placeholders from kws take precedence."""
>>>> b = []
>>> c = 0
>>>> for y in a.split(" "):
>>> b.append(y.lower())
>>> if re.search(",", y) != None:
>>> c = b.index(y.lower())
>>> b.remove(y.lower())
>>> b.insert(c, y.strip(",").lower())
>>> b.sort()
>>> b.extend(["you"])
>>> count = 0
>>>> for x in b:
>>> count = b.count(x)
>>> if count > 1:
>>> c = b.index(x)
>>> if b[c+1] != x is True:
>>> print "%s listede %d tane var." % (x, count)
>>> else:
>>> print "%s listede %d tane var." % (x, count)
>> And here are the questions:
>> - This code doesn't print for the items that occur more than one
>> time. Why?
>> - And actually as I was writing, I realized that "if b[c+1]" may
>> return an error if the last item on the list occured more than one,
>> however, it didn't even if a manually made the last item occur two times.
>> Was my initial expectation a false one? If not, how could I turn it into a
>> b[c-1] so that it will not fail in first item?
>> Thanks,
>> Oğuzhan
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