[Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly

Surya K suryak at live.com
Wed Mar 21 15:42:29 CET 2012

Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:29:17 +0000
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly
From: bodsda at googlemail.com
To: suryak at live.com
CC: tutor at python.org; bgailer at gmail.com

On Mar 21, 2012 1:03 PM, "Surya K" <suryak at live.com> wrote:




> ________________________________

> Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:11:18 -0400

> From: bgailer at gmail.com

> To: suryak at live.com

> CC: tutor at python.org

> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Unable to open .py files directly



> On 3/19/2012 10:30 AM, Surya K wrote:


>> Hi there,


>> I am facing a typical problem in opening .py files by clicking them (In windows).



> In addition to the other advice - 


> "open" is ambiguous. What do you want to happen? Edit or execute?


> clicking a file usually just selects it. Do you mean double-click or what?


> The more precise you are regarding what you want and what you do makes it a lot easier for us to help.


> -- 

> Bob Gailer

> 919-636-4239

> Chapel Hill NC




> I was "double clicking".. and I want to open IDLE.



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In that case, you need to change the file association of .py files to IDLE 

Yeah, I tried that. The worst part is we don't have any exe file specifically for IDLE. I mean windows has to choose whether to edit or compile.
In my case, the file associated with my .py files is python.exe (c:/python27/python.exe). I still don't understand why its not opening in IDLE. 

If I am wrong, is there any special application (exe file) for IDLE so that I can configure to??
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