[Tutor] New to this list ....

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 30 17:26:34 CEST 2012

On 30/03/2012 15:13, Barry Drake wrote:
> On 30/03/12 15:04, Barry Drake wrote:
>> One of the things I wanted to do is to use a four integer array to get
>> four integers returned from a function. I ended up using what I think
>> is a list. (I'm not really sure of the datatypes yet). This is what I

Please read the tutorial if you haven't done so already at 

>> did, and it works, but looks very inelegant to me:
>> correct = 0
>> match = 0
>> wrong = 0
>> results = [correct, match, wrong]

Usually written

results = [0, 0, 0]

or even

results = [0] * 3

>> results = getflag(flag_1, results)
>> results = getflag(flag_2, results)
>> results = getflag(flag_3, results)
>> results = getflag(flag_4, results)

How is getflag defined and what are flag_1/2/3/4 ?

> Sorry - I meant three-digit array, and the indents in the code fragment
> above were all in line originally.


Mark Lawrence.

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