[Tutor] How to exit this loop in the interpreter
Mark Lawrence
breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 3 18:30:54 CEST 2012
On 03/05/2012 16:52, Gergely Lőrincz wrote:
> Dear folks,
> I've been struggling to set up python on snow leopard, mac os x. Stupidly I
> downloaded and installed python 3.2 and since then the 'python' command in
> the terminal yields 'no command found'. In addition when opening the
> terminal I get this error message on the top of the window:
> http://pastebin.com/QS3gpkjK
> For some reason the installation littered my Android SDK folder with
> main.py and other kind of python files. Don't ask me why, it's beyond me. I
> removed the offending files manually and deleted the python 3.2.2 folder
> form /Library/Frameworks/python.framework/versions folder. After rebooting
> the terminal still complains about those files. I wonder how can I fix it?
> I would love to learn to use python! Your help would be appreciated!
> On 3 May 2012 15:22, Simon Yan<simonyan at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:57 PM,<spawgi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have encountered the following scenario.
>>> Here is the code - on IDLE on Windows XP.
>>> *>>> while True:
>>> try:
>>> number = raw_input("enter number - ")
>>> print number * number
>>> except ValueError:
>>> print "invalid number"
>>> except:
>>> print "unspecified exception"
>>> else:
>>> print "other conditions"
>>> enter number - 3
>>> unspecified exception
>>> *
>>> What I noticed is that no matter, what input I give, I cannot exit this
>>> loop. I have tried control-C, control-D etc. all the keys. So how can I
>>> exit from this loop?
>> If you simply want to stop after an exception was caught, you can insert
>> "break" after each print line. Like below:
>> >>> while True:
>> try:
>> number = raw_input("enter number - ")
>> print number * number
>> except ValueError:
>> print "invalid number"
>> break
>> except:
>> print "unspecified exception"
>> break
>> else:
>> print "other conditions"
>> break
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Sumod
>>> --
>>> http://spawgi.wordpress.com
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> YeeYaa (Simon Yan)
>> http://simonyan.fedorapeople.org/
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I say old chap, it's simply not cricket to hijack a thread, particularly
when you've already asked your question some 4 hours and 38 minutes earlier.
Mark Lawrence.
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