[Tutor] looking for some advice

Chris Hare chare at labr.net
Mon May 7 20:46:50 CEST 2012

Thanks Peter - I will give it a look

On May 7, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Peter Otten wrote:

> Chris Hare wrote:
>> Hello Everyone:
>> Here is what I am trying to do:
>> I have a window which has a row of buttons on it.   Below the buttons is a
>> label frame.  Depending upon which button they push, I want to change the
>> widgets in the label frame.  I can add widgets now with no problem.
>> Basically, I am trying to imitate a notebook like in Tkinter.ttk, without
>> having to re-write a major chunk of the app to add such a widget.  I know
>> Tix has a notebook widget, but that would require people (read end users)
>> to download and compile the Tix components.
>> My questions are:
>> 1.  how do I remove all of the widgets from the label frame to add the new
>> ones?
>> 2.  Am I better off just creating different label frames for each group of
>> widgets and then just using grid_forget and grid_remember to hide or show
>> them as I need them?
>> 3.  How else would you approach this problem?
>> Yes - I guess I am looking for some design advice.  This is creeping a
>> little since my customer (my wife who is a horse breeder) would like to
>> have some things done a little differently in her app.
>> Thanks for your suggestions!
> There is a tabbedpages.TabbedPageSet widget in idlelib. At first glance I 
> don't see any dependencies, so maybe you can use that?
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