[Tutor] Concatenating Strings

Jeremy Duenas jduenas23 at gmail.com
Tue May 29 04:00:48 CEST 2012

I am trying to understand the point behind using the  '+' character when
trying to concatenate strings. I am new to learning Python and going through
the book "Python Programming for Absolute Beginners 3rd ed."  and do not
understand the point or reason for concatenating strings. The reason I do
not understand is when experimenting to understand what was being taught I


print("\nThis string" "may not" "seem terr" "ibly impressive")


then wrote:


print("\nThis string" + "may not" + "seem terr" + "ibly impressive")



and the both printed the same output..so why would I want to use  '+' to add
strings if there seems to be no reason too?




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