[Tutor] need help

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Thu Nov 1 22:43:45 CET 2012

On 11/01/2012 05:24 PM, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> working through my tutorial ive been told to set up a simple webserver. i
> can't even get started because the 1st line of code its asked me to do
> fails with a syntax error. here's the code:

If you got an error, quote it in full in your message (using copy/paste,
not by retyping or paraphrasing.  As it stands, we don't know if the
error was in bash, in csh, in cmd, or in Python, and if it was in
python, we don''t know what version.

> python3 -m http.server

Where did you type that?  Was it in a shell, or the interpreter, or in
IDLE, or someplace else complicated?

> any ideas what is going wrong? it asked me to make some simple .html files,
> then in the same directory run that line of code. I havent any experience
> with web servers, so i might not understand advanced instructions:(

You've already got one response showing it working with Python 3.3 on
OSX.  it also works here, running Python 3.2 on Linux.  But you don't
say what version, nor what OS.  I'd also ask what directory you're
running it in.

davea at think:~/temppython$ python3 -m http.server
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...



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