[Tutor] Str method

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Mon Nov 5 03:01:06 CET 2012

On 11/04/2012 08:45 PM, Ashley Fowler wrote:
> I'm trying to  initialize a list to several elements using the string method. I have some idea that you use a for loop I suppose...
> Could anybody help me out?

list has no string method, at least in the versions I tried.    Could
you perhaps restate your problem in English?

What data do you have, in what kind of objects?  What kind of data do
you want to end up, in what kind of object?  What are the rules and
restrictions for how that transformation should happen?

What version of Python are you using?  What code do you have so far? 
How does it fail to meet your expectations?  If it gives an error,
please post the entire traceback.



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