[Tutor] how to keep track of sorted lists

Albert-Jan Roskam fomcl at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 6 15:36:06 CET 2012

> On 11/03/2012 10:40 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

>>>  On 11/03/2012 09:04 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>>>>   Hello,
>>>  (I haven't run the code, as it was not presented in a form that I 
> could
>>>  do a single copy/paste.  So I may have missed some subtlety in the 
> code.)
>>  Hi, sorry about that. Here's a copy/pastable version. I also added a 
> 'data' parameter as my original code was too synthetic in this respect.
>>  The more realistically, the data come from some getter method.
>>  import bisect
>>  class TestOne(object):
>>      def __init__(self, data, param="x"):
>>          self.param = param
>>          self.data = data  # <------ NOTE: this would in reality be a 
> getter method of some sort
>>      def get(self, key, default=None):
>>          sorted_ = "sorted_" + self.param
>>          if not hasattr(self, sorted_):
>>              setattr(self, sorted_, sorted(self.data))
>>          return bisect.bisect_right(getattr(self, sorted_), x=key)
>>  t = TestOne(range(10, 1, -1), "x")
>>  t.get(1)
>>  class TestTwo(object):
>>      def __init__(self, data, param="x"):
>>          self.param = param
>>          self.data = range(10, 1, -1)
>>      def get(self, key, default=None):
>>          k = "sorted_" + self.param
>>          if not hasattr(self, "sorted_"):
>>              setattr(self, "sorted_", {k: sorted(self.data)})
>>          return bisect.bisect_right(getattr(self, "sorted_")[k], 
> x=key)
>>  t = TestTwo(range(10, 1, -1), "x")
>>  t.get(1)
>>  <snip>
>>      return bisect.bisect_right(getattr(self, sorted_), x=key)
>>>  Why have multiple copies of the sorted data, when there's only one 
> list?

I was already half way writing a reply when I (finally!) realized that you are absolutely right!
Maybe it's because I also considered using 'param' as a parameter of get() instead of __init__().
The code is needlessly complicated indeed, and mentioning bisect was distracting (and indeed,
the method was an index() method --I believe it was Steven who pointed that out). Thanks you all. 

Albert-Jan (with occasionally fuzzy cortex ;-)

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