[Tutor] Python books
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 10 10:18:25 CET 2012
On 10/11/12 01:18, Ed Owens wrote:
Please start new threads with a fresh mail. On threaded readers this
gets lost under a previous topic called "Question"...
> Dawson, which is too plodding. Can you experts recommend a Python
> library? I would like to have:
> A command reference for the basic library.
O'Reilly's Nutshell book or the Pocket Reference or Beasleys "Essential
Reference". But mostly I just use the built in help() system...
> A comprehensive "How to" course for the basic library.
There is a best practice Python 'Recipes' book, but there is a much
bigger resource on ActiveState's site.
> Graphics in Python
Depends on the tookit. For GUIs there are books on Tkinter, wxPython,
PyQt and (I think) pyGTk. There are more general books on things like R
and GNU plot. Theres also pygame and things like OpenGL. It all depends
on what kind of graphics and your favoured toolkit. Too hard to
recommend anything specific.
> Data Management in Python
I don't know of anything specific although a lot of the general
tutorials include a chapter on the Python DBI interface. But the biggest
thing here is learning SQL...
> Using the internet with Python
Python Network Programming by Goerzen.
> (maybe Real Time(ish) Python)
Don't know of anything here. The (ish) is the killer, you can't really
do too much hard real-time in Python...
> A comprehensive "Learn Python" course that puts all this together
I would have recommended Python -How to Program by the Deitels but I
don't know if its been updated so is now quite old. If you can pick up a
cheap second hand copy its a good broad top level intro to all of the
topics above. Its the only one I've seen that covers everything in your
list except real-time. But it was very expensive.
That's my list :-)
Of course I cover most of it in my online tutorial too.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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