[Tutor] Python Project

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 11 03:05:42 CET 2012

On 11/11/12 01:24, darren swinson wrote:
> My name is darren and I'm new to this python subject but I'm a quick and
> persistent learner.

Wekcome to the list, however...

> I'm trying to do a presentation with rst2Reveal using html5

Ok, I have no idea what that means. Its not standard Python so you are 
probably going to have to give us a bit of a clue or ask questions on a 
forum aimed at rst2Reveal...

> My problem is that I don't know what to do first.

Nor me. To write a Python program you write python code in a file.
But how that fits with your rst files I have no idea.

> I need to know the steps I need to do to get this presentation up and
> running.
> I even started my python script??? I think???
> #!c:/Python27/python.exe
> def main():
>      print "Content-type: text/html"
>      print
>      print "<html><head>"
>      print "<title>Scrum Presentation</title>"
>      print "</html></head>"
>      print "Hello World"
>      print "</body></html>" #??????
> if _name_=="_main_":.00000

The only bit of help I can offer is that there should be two underscores 
on each side of name and main:

if __name__=="__main__":.00000

What the .0000 does I have no idea.

If you are using something outside of standard Python you can't expect 
us to know about it, you need to explain what you are doing first.

> Or at leat get the web page up and running. Any andall help will be
> appreciated.

I suspect you need help somewhere else before getting to the point where 
this list can help.

Unless you get lucky and somebody on the list does actually use the same 
framework - or is prepared to do the research for you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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