[Tutor] data analysis with python

David Martins awesome.me.dm at outlook.com
Wed Nov 14 04:17:39 CET 2012

Hi All

I'm trying to use python for analysing data from building energy simulations and was wondering whether there is way to do this without using anything sql like. 

The simulations are typically run for a full year, every hour, i.e. there are 8760 rows and about 100+ variables such as external air temperature, internal air temperature, humidity, heating load, ... making roughly a million data points. I've got the data in a csv file and also managed to write it in a sqlite db.

I would like to make requests like the following:

Show the number of hours the aircon is running at 10%, 20%, ..., 100%
Show me the average, min, max air temperature, humidity, solar gains,.... when the aircon is running at 10%, 20%,...,100%

Eventually I'd also like to generate an automated html or pdf report with graphs. Creating graphs is actually somewhat essential.

I tried sql  and find it horrible, error prone, too much to write, the logic somehow seems to work different than my brain and I couldn't find particulary good documentation (particulary the documentation of the api is terrible, in my humble opinion). I heard about zope db which might be an alternative. Would you mind pointing me towards an appropriate way to solve my problem? Is there a way for me to avoid having to learn sql or am I doomed?

Thank you

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