[Tutor] help

Isaac Parkes isaac.parkes at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 19 19:07:10 CET 2012


I'm quite new to python and have just made a program that makes a GUI but
when i open it it says there are some errors. I can't find any :( if you
find any problems could you tell me ASAP

# Match finder

from TKinter import *

import random

girls = ['Ellie', 'Maddy', 'Ursula', 'Annie', 'Stella',
         'Kimberely', 'Flora', 'Hannah', 'Bella', 'Ella',
         'Rosa', 'Olivia', 'Liya', 'Emma', 'Irene']

boys = ['Charlie', 'sion', 'Mikey', 'Jem', 'Matthew', 'Ethan', 'Kainan',
        'Louis', 'Jack', 'Abel', 'Alex', 'Tom', 'Will', 'James', 'Isaac']

class Application(Frame):
    """ GUI application which can reveal your perfect match. """
    def __init__(self, master):
        """ Initialize the frame. """
        Frame.__init__(self, master)

    def create_widgets(self):
        """ Create button, text, and entry widgets. """
        # create instruction label
        self.inst_lbl = Label(self, text = "Enter details below to find out
your perfect match")
        self.inst_lbl.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = W)

        # create label for name
        self.pw_lbl = Label(self, text = "Name: ")
        self.pw_lbl.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W)

        # create entry widget to accept name
        self.pw_ent = Entry(self)
        self.pw_ent.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = W)

        # create variable for single, favorite type of movie
        self.favorite = StringVar()

        # create boy radio button
                    gender = "Boy",
                    variable = self.favorite,
                    gender1 = "Boy.",
                    command = self.update_text
                    ).grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W)

        # create girl radio button
                    gender = "Girl",
                    variable = self.favorite,
                    gender1 = "Girl.",
                    command = self.update_text
                    ).grid(row = 3, column = 0, sticky = W)

        # create submit button
        self.submit_bttn = Button(self, text = "Submit", command =
        self.submit_bttn.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W)

        # create text widget to display message
        self.secret_txt = Text(self, width = 35, height = 5, wrap = WORD)
        self.secret_txt.grid(row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky =

    def update_text(self):
        """ Display message based on match. """
        message = "Your perfect match is: ",

        if gender == 'boy':
            choice = random.choice(girls)
            choice = random.choice(boys)
        message += choice

        self.secret_txt.delete(0.0, END)
        self.secret_txt.insert(0.0, message)

# main
root = Tk()
root.title("Match finder")

app = Application(root)

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