bob gailer
bgailer at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 04:42:26 CEST 2012
On 10/14/2012 9:21 PM, Salinas, Erwin d wrote:
> HELP! Hi I'm a newbie in Python,
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- regarding homework
> I'm having trouble organizing the FILE into the OUTPUT BELOW. I put
> the file into read, then I put it on a list, and my plan is to put the
> name and the corresponding grades into a dictionary, using the
> elements on the list, but when I print the dictionary, it's not giving
> me the result I wanted. MY CODE SO FAR IS SHOWN BELOW THE
> OUTPUT. For more details of the assignment, go to this
> link<http://ranger.uta.edu/%7Ekamangar/Courses/CSE_1310_FA12/Homework5%28DueDate.Oct.16,2012%29.html#Topic18>
> http://ranger.uta.edu/~kamangar/Courses/CSE_1310_FA12/Homework5(DueDate.Oct.16,2012).html#Topic18.
> Thank you so much.
> HM3, 80 , HM2 ,90 , ID, 1000123456,HM4,92,Last_name,Rubble
> ID, 1000100200,Last_name,Bunny,HM2,92,HM5,70,HM1,98,
> ID, 1000123300,HM1,86, HM3,100,Last_name,Duck
> HM4,96,Last_name,Chipmunk,HM1,86,ID,1000456456
> Last_name,Simpson,HM3,70, HM1, 90 ,ID, 1000321321,Test1,90
> HM1,87,Last_name,Duck,HM2, 100 ,HM4,94,ID, 1000123300
> HM3,95,HM2,88,Last_name, Chipmunk ,HM1,86 , ID,1000999888
> HM1, 92 ,Last_name,Simpson,ID, 1000321321,HM2,90
> Name | ID | HM1 | HM2 | HM3 | HM4 | Avg. |
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Bunny | 1000100200 | 98 | 92 | 0 | 0 | 47.50 |
> Chipmunk | 1000456456 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 96 | 45.50 |
> Chipmunk | 1000999888 | 86 | 88 | 95 | 0 | 67.25 |
> Duck | 1000123300 | 87 | 100 | 100 | 94 | 95.25 |
> Rubble | 1000123456 | 0 | 90 | 80 | 92 | 65.50 |
> Simpson | 1000321321 | 92 | 90 | 70 | 0 | 63.00 |
> filename = open("student_grades_hm_5.txt")
> infile = filename.read()
> mix_list = infile.split()
> print "Name | ID | HM1 | HM2 | HM3 | HM4 | Avg. |"
> print "______________________________________________________"
> Student_one =
> {"Name":mix_list[9],"ID":mix_list[5],"HM1":0,"HM2":mix_list[3],
> "HM3":mix_list[1],"HM4":mix_list[7]}
> print Student_one
You seem to be missing a number of basic concepts. It is hard to tell
how much help is allowed by your instructor.
Did you successfully complete the preceding assignments? Since the
"purpose" is to use lists, file i/o, loops and formatted print I assume
you already know how to use split and dictionaries. True?
What elements of the "purpose" are giving you trouble? Since I see no
loop or formatted print I assume these are giving you grief.
I suggest you start with a bit of pseudo-code to express the structure
of the program.
Your program should not refer to the keys explicitly as you have done in
the line starting with Student_one = nor should it refer to the list
elements by number (that implies knowledge of the structure of a
particular line of the file.
I also suggest you examine the results of each step by entering the
lines at the interactive prompt, then displaying the value of the newly
created variable. You will be surprised by what you see!
My personal guess is that you have not done the prior exercises or else
the instructor is expecting miracles.
Do what you can to improve things then return with more questions.
-- Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC
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