[Tutor] Iterators, example (need help)

Prasad, Ramit ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com
Tue Oct 23 01:32:41 CEST 2012

Bryan A. Zimmer wrote:
> Hello, all.
> I am a long-time programmer with little experience in Python, but am
> trying to learn. The example program, attached, is a toy app with a
> GUI that merely prints out environment keys and their associated
> values.
> I know there are errors in the program, but I wanted to see if someone
> can tell me something about the iterator "magic" that this program is
> trying to use.
> The whole program was designed on, and written for cygwin (bash shell)
> under Windows 7. The python version is 2.6.3. I haven't tried it on
> other platforms but it "should" work under Windows and Linux.
> I want to understand what I stumbled into here in order to develop the
> code and use similar techniques in the future. Specifically, is it
> really necessary to use __iter__ and __next__ as system functions
> (with the double underscores)? I can program the basic program in any
> number of ways but was enthralled by the concept of iterators and
> generators.

Typically you call iter(obj)  and next(iter_object) when you need to
call them and not .__iter__() or .__next__(). This applies to many
built-in commands like len(obj).

> I know I missed the mark while trying to use the pythonic idiom, but maybe
> you can help me see where I went astray.
> Hopefully you will forgive my home-grown oop and GUI skills, I am from
> the old school of programming, prior to when these became necessities.

Practice (and constructive criticiscm) makes perfect. Also note,
I am unfamiliar with Tkinter and am basing some comments off experience
with wxpython. Some things will be different but principles should
be fairly similar.

> The original inspiration for the code came from "Dive Into Python",
> from the section about iterators and classes, from the fibonacci2.py
> example.
> Thank you
> Bryan A. Zimmer
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> from Tkinter import *

This is a frowned upon import style as it can easily override existing
names. Instead use:

import Tkinter as tk # You can change "tk" to something else.
# And then access everything in Tkinter as...
self.fm1 = tk.Frame() # use tk or whatever you imported Tkinter "as".

> import os
> ignore1='''
> This program works to do what I set out to do as a first step
> BAZ 10/19/2012
> '''
> class Env:
>     ''' This class represents the environment of the current process'''
>     def __init__(self, master=None):
>         self.d = os.environ.keys()
>         self.v = os.environ.values()
>         self.i = 0
>         self.y = self.v[self.i]
>         self.x = self.d[self.i]

Why are you storing these values? They will not update
in "realtime". Of course, environment variables may not
change so this might not matter.

>     def __iter__(self):
>         self.x = self.d[self.i]
>         self.y = self.v[self.i]
>         return self

Environment variables do not seem like something that really
needs to be iterable. Although, if I was going to do that
I would instead just store os.environ dictionary (instead
of keys and values) and iterate over that.

Also, if you are going to return self, you need to change
`def __next__` to `def next`. At least, that is true for
Python 2, but it may not be true in Python 3.

>>> e = Env()
>>> ie = iter(e)
>>> next(ie)
TypeError: instance has no next() method
>>> for o in ie:
...     print o
TypeError: instance has no next() method

>>> for o in e:
...     print o
TypeError: instance has no next() method

>     def __next__(self,master=None):
>         global s1
>         global s2
>         self.i += 1

This incrementing of i should probably done at the end of the 
loop, because otherwise you always lose what is stored in self.d[0] /self.v[0]. Or you can set self.i to -1 initially.

>         if (self.i < len(self.d)):
>             self.x = self.d[self.i]
>             self.y = self.v[self.i]
>         if (self.x):
>             print self.x, '==>', self.y
>             s1.set(self.x)
>             s2.set(self.y)

What are s1 and s2? Why should they be global? Why not return 
here directly? What happens if the key is None?

>         else:
>             print ("raising Stop Iteration")
>             raise StopIteration
>         return ((self.x, self.y))

It seems like you are replicating the functionality for dict.items().
I suppose this is mostly a learning exercise so that is fine, otherwise 
I would just use a dictionary instead.

> class App(object):
>     ''' This is the main GUI app'''
>     def __init__(self,master):
>         self.createWidgets()
>     def createWidgets(self,master=None):
>         global s1
>         global s2
>         self.fm1 = Frame(master)
>         self.fm2 = Frame(master)
>         self.fm1.pack(side = TOP, anchor=NW, fill=BOTH,expand=YES)
>         self.fm2.pack(side = TOP, anchor=SW, fill=BOTH,expand=YES)

s1 and s2 should be passed in and not be a global variable.
If you need to update the data later, then create an update
method instead of looking at global variables. 

>         s1=StringVar()
>         s1.set(env.x)

env is not set in the code and so I have no idea what this refers to.
I suppose by the time this gets created there is an env in the global
scope, but I think this is chancy and will only work from this script.
You cannot reuse or import class App from another program.
Instead pass env into the __init__ method.

>         self.l1=Label(self.fm1,text='Var:')
>         self.l1.pack(side=LEFT,fill=X,expand=NO,padx=10)
>         e1=Entry(self.fm1,textvariable=s1,width=40)
>         e1.pack(side=LEFT,fill=X,expand=YES,padx=10)
>         self.l2=Label(self.fm2,text='Val: ')
>         self.l2.pack(side=LEFT,fill=X,expand=NO,padx=10)
>         s2=StringVar()
>         s2.set(env.y)
>         e2=Entry(self.fm2,textvariable=s2, width=40)
>         e2.pack(side=LEFT,fill=X,expand=YES,padx=9)
>         self.b1=Button(self.fm2,text='Next',command=env.__next__)

I have not run this program, but I am pretty sure this button will
not update e1 and e2. Not to mention that you need to store e1/e2 
somewhere you can access later. I would just add it to self. Otherwise 
you will have no way of modifying the widgets. 

What will happen is env.__next__() will return some value, but it 
will return it to the default event handler where nothing will happen. 
You need to create a method that will call env.__next__ and do 
something  like the following (this is untested; while the theory 
should be sound, putting the code together might need some more 
changes than listed here).


def handle_button( self, event ):
    x,y = self.env.__next__()
    self.e1['text'] = x # Not sure how you set the value in Tkinter.
    self.e2['text'] = y

>         self.b1.pack(side=TOP,anchor=S,fill=X,expand=YES,padx=10)
> if __name__=='__main__':
>     env=Env()
>     root = Tk()
>     root.option_add('*font', ('verdana', 12, 'bold'))
>     root.title("Pack - Example 12")
>     app=App(root)

This should really have env passed into.
      app=App(root, env)

>     root.mainloop()
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------

Ramit Prasad

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