[Tutor] Help Passing Variables
Prasad, Ramit
ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com
Mon Oct 29 17:12:50 CET 2012
David Hutto wrote:
> #A little more complex in terms of params:
> def SwapCaseAndCenter(*kwargs):
> if upper_or_lower == "upper":
> print a_string.center(center_num).upper()
> if upper_or_lower == "lower":
> print a_string.center(center_num).lower()
> a_string = raw_input("Give me a word, or letter: ")
> upper_or_lower = raw_input("upper, or lower character(s): ")
> center_num = int(raw_input("Where should number be centered?: "))
> SwapCaseAndCenter(a_string, upper_or_lower, center_num)
This function is using the global variables for each of
its variables. To use the versions passed in you need
to define the names from kwargs; the name "kwargs" is
usually used in reference to a keyword arguments which
should be denoted by double asterisk instead of a single one.
In this case kwargs is confusingly a positional list of arguments
(sometimes referred to as "args" instead).
For a function called SwapCaseAndCenter, I see it doing
no case "swapping" unless it refers to changing the entire
string to a specific case? At the very least, no centering
is being done.
To format I use string formatting[0] which has its own
>>> '{0:^40}'.format( 'test' ) # The below line is the repr
' test '
>>> '{1:^{0}}'.format( 40, 'test' ) # Dynamically generate width
' test '
>>> '{0:^{1}}'.format( 'test', 40 )
' test '
[0]: http://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#formatstrings
[1]: http://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#formatspec
Ramit Prasad
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