[Tutor] List all possible 10digit number

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Sat Sep 1 07:55:49 CEST 2012

On 09/01/2012 01:46 AM, Dwight Hutto wrote:
> Here's the better function fixed with a return statement I forgot, but
> might not be as quick as the pre-built functions already shown:
> def iterToHighNum(increment,high_num):
>     end_point = 0
>     a = [i for i in range(0,increment)]
>     while (end_point != high_num) == True:
>         for integer in a:
>             if integer != high_num:
>                 print "no match, integer = %i" % (integer)
>                 end_point += 1
>             if end_point == high_num and integer != (high_num - 1):
>                 print 'match, integer = %i, high_num = %i' %
> (integer,high_num)
>                 return
>         previous_increment = increment
>         increment += increment
>         a = [i for i in range(previous_increment,increment)]
> #instance
> increment = 10000
> high_num = 1000000
> iterToHighNum(increment,high_num)
I'm not sure what the point of any of that is;  you're making a simple
problem complex.  If you're wanting to accomplish the task without using
any of the itertools stuff, why not just:

current = 10**9
lim = 10**10
while current < lim:
     print current   #or write to file, or whatever
     current += 1



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