[Tutor] Question

Ashley Fowler afowler2 at broncos.uncfsu.edu
Tue Sep 11 18:08:11 CEST 2012

I have a question. In a assignment it asks for me to do the following below...

if "peek" then print the Student object at the beginning
                of the list (using __str__) but don't remove it from
                the list;

Could you explain what it means?

This is what I have so far,

elif ask == "peek":
                print("First Name In List =", names[0])

How would you make it a string?

I know have a example of it but I'm not sure how to apply it to my code...The example is below.

def __str__(self):

        return self.sides + "\t" + self.value

Also below is part of the assignment and my whole code is in the attachment.

A "main" function which does the following:
(1) create an empty list;
(2) ask the user if he/she wants to perform a list operation.
     if "yes":
         (a) prompt the user for the operation:
                "test", "peek", "add", or "remove";
         (b) perform the operation:
           (i) if "test" then print whether the list is empty or not;
           (ii) if "peek" then print the Student object at the beginning
                of the list (using __str__) but don't remove it from
                the list;
           (iii) if "add", then prompt the user for student info, make
                 a Student object containing that info, and
                 add that Student object to the end of the list;
           (iv) if "remove", then delete the Student object at the
                beginning of the list and print it using __str__;
     repeat step (2) until the user enters "no";
(3) neatly print the entire list from beginning to end.

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