[Tutor] How to print a variable from an if/else statement

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 12:05:38 CEST 2012

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:32 AM,  <chrisbva81 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm very new thanks in advance for your help.
> My If statement is:
> If age < (40):
this will work, but python doesn't need the parentheses around the
second argument.  You can use it to make the logic more clear, but for
a single term it doesn't

>   Print("you are young.")
> Else:

in python else is lower case

>   Print("You look great.")
> Basically what I want to do is have a sentence using print that includes the results of the If or Else which is based on the users input of age.
>  I don't know if I'm doing something wrong by doing it this way. I can't figure it out.
so try this:

if age < 40:
  print ("you are young")
  print ("you look great!")

Joel Goldstick

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