[Tutor] OT: Netiquette

Andre' Walker-Loud walksloud at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 17:20:12 CEST 2012

To the python tutor list,

One comment I would like to make in light of the current email exchanges is that generally speaking, one of the things I have greatly appreciated about the python user community is how friendly and helpful they have been.  This particularly strikes me when I see time and again, new users ask the same old questions in their own way, and time and again, the same very helpful experienced users reply with helpful comments - they are clearly committed to trying to help people understand python (and programming), generally, with great patience.

I hope that new subscribers to the list do not go away with the thought that bickering is common - quite the contrary, as I stated above, I have found the python tutor list (and other python lists I subscribe to) mostly free of this problem.

Of course, in any community, problems like the current one are unavoidable.  People bring with them their own communication styles, and when communication is solely restricted to electronic forms, we are bound to misinterpret  others meaning and intentions, and sometimes that gets the better of us.  Also, as most of us know from experience, sometimes a good fight is what is needed, to clear the air - especially true with "family".



On Sep 26, 2012, at 3:59 AM, Walter Prins wrote:

> Dwight,
> On 26 September 2012 09:26, Dwight Hutto <dwightdhutto at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The only face I personally want to see of him
>>> because of this is his back.
>> You wanna see my ass, because that's what you want homo. Butt just
>> look, you can't touch.
> The personal attacks and innuendo are really not acceptable and you're
> apparently deliberately twisting/misinterpreting Mark's words there.
> Waaaay out of line and quite disingenuous.  Would you respond so
> aggressively to people in person?  No?  Well why do you think it's OK
> to be abusive on the internet?  (If you do think it's OK to be this
> abusive to people in person, then you're sadly mistaken.)   Grow up.
> Walk away. Learn to be polite to people you don't know.  This is not
> the school playground and you're not 5 years old.  Do some careful
> introspection.
> Walter
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