[Tutor] is there a simple stand alone python app I can use on my Kindle fire?

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Mon Apr 1 06:33:20 CEST 2013

On 01/04/13 12:18, ah wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm enjoying learning python, and would like to be able to study and practice on the go, using my kindle fire reader. (wifi enabled).
> Amazon does have an app, Qpython lite, but requires a  live wifi connection to the internet to run. I'm looking for a simple python app, stand alone that i can run on my kindle, without an internet connection,  just to practice while i learn. (Just a simple terminal, and text editor, and python? like ubuntu offers.)

This is a list for learning Python, not the details of arbitrary locked-down proprietary platforms. You might be lucky and have a response from somebody who knows how to get Python working on a Kindle, but probably not.

Your best bet is to ask on a Kindle forum, or failing that, try on the main Python mailing list:

python-list at python.org

also available on Usenet:


Because there are a lot more people on that list, you have a better chance of finding someone with a Kindle who knows how to get Python working on it.

The first step should be to try goggling:


If you do get an answer on some other forum, please post the answer here so anyone searching the archives will find the answer.


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