[Tutor] (no subject)

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 7 02:57:23 CEST 2013

On 07/04/2013 00:10, Soliman, Yasmin wrote:

To quote John McEnroe "You cannot be serious".  Thankfully Steven 
D'Aprano has already given you a roadmap to follow.  I'll point out a 
few things that should assist.

> How can I fix this loop so that it multiplies the two intergers and if
> user types in 'quit' for either number it stops? if not it keeps going.
> def multiply_integers(int1,int2):
>      print int1*int2

multiply_integers will return None, the Python default.

> int1=float(input('Please enter 1st integer: '))
> int2=float(input('Please enter 2nd integer: '))

Are you trying to get integers from the input by calling float?  Or 
could that be interest?  Or what?  The print statement later on tells me 
you're using Python 2.x.  Therefore you should be using raw_input above 
and *NOT* input, the latter is highly dangerous.

> while True:
>              multiply_integers= int("int1, int2")

Having defined a function you now try to reassign its name, obviously 
not what you want.  But that won't work as the call to int will fail as 
you're passing a single string "int1, int2" to it.

>              print int1*int2

Why print this here when your function multiply_integers already does 
exactly that?

>              if multiply_integers == 'Quit':

You now try to compare your function to a string.  Or should 
multiply_integers be an int here?

>                          print '\nThank you for using this program! Bye.'
>                          break
>              else:
>                          print 'Not quitting'

If you're using GoogleCrap™ please read this 

Mark Lawrence

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