[Tutor] creating dictionary from a list

Saad Bin Javed sbjaved at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 16:34:49 CEST 2013

I ran into a bit of problem with my revised code based on Steven's 

lst = ['', 'Thu Apr 04           Weigh In', '', 'Sat Apr 06 Collect 
NIC', '                     Finish PTI Video', '', 'Wed Apr 10 
  Serum uric acid test', '', 'Sat Apr 13   1:00pm  Get flag from 
dhariwal', '', 'Sun Apr 14      Louis CK Oh My God', '', '']

lst = filter(None, lst)
lst = [item.split('  ') for item in lst]
lst = [item for sublist in lst for item in sublist]
lst = filter(None, lst)

This code would produce:

['Thu Apr 04', ' Weigh In', 'Sat Apr 06', ' Collect NIC', ' Finish PTI 
Video', 'Wed Apr 10', ' Serum uric acid test', 'Sat Apr 13', ' 1:00pm', 
'Get flag from dhariwal', 'Sun Apr 14', ' Download Louis CK Oh My God']

dict = {}
for item in lst:
     if item.startswith(('Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun')):

print dict

Such a dictionary would only add the item next to the date as the value. 
But from the list you can see 'Sat Apr 06' has two items on the agenda 
while 'Sat Apr 13' show item and a time. So you can understand why such 
a dict would be useless.

I want all agenda items joined as a comma delimited string and added to 
the date key as a value. I've been mulling over how to go about it. One 
idea was to get indices of dates in the list and add all items in 
between them as values.

index_keys = [] #0, 2, 5, 7, 9
index_values = [] #1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10
for item in lst:
	if item.lstrip().startswith(('Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun')):

But I can't quite get it to understand that i want all items between 
position 0 and 2 in the list to be assigned to item at 0 in the 
dictionary and so forth.


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