[Tutor] multiple versions of python on windows?

Andy McKenzie amckenzie4 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 18:26:56 CEST 2013

I have no idea on Wing, but I'm using Eclipse with the PyDev plugin, and
I'm able to associate projects with either Python 2.7 or 3.2 in Windows.
 It checks for correct grammar in each, and if I tell it to run as a Python
script, it uses the correct executable.

So if you're not tied to Wing, you might give Eclipse/PyDev a try.


On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 2:42 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 21 April 2013 22:47, School <northriptl at s.dcsdk12.org> wrote:
> > You can install multiple versions. The programs use the version they
> were assigned to, so there shouldn't be any conflict.
> This brings up the question of installing multiple versions of Wing
> 101 IDE. I forget the install but even if I can install in a different
> directory for Py 2.7, Windows awful Registry might trip me up. I've
> grown to love portables since they bypass Windows Worst Idea, but Wing
> isn't one of them.
> If anyone knows, does the paid version of wing allow to switch between
> multipe installs? I know, this is probably a Wing discuss question,
> but I'm burned out on joining discussion groups to ask one question,
> since otherwise Wing is very easy to grasp.
> --
> Jim Mooney
> Today is the day that would have been tomorrow if yesterday was today
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