[Tutor] trouble installing library

Albert-Jan Roskam fomcl at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 23 23:28:13 CEST 2013

Subject: Re: [Tutor] trouble installing library

>guys having got the install to work, a part of the process fails me.. the full code instruction is:
>$ virtualenv --no-site-packages gmapenv 
>$ cd gmapenv 
>$ ls 
>bin/  include/  lib/ 
>$ . bin/activate
>since im on windows i used dir instead of ls, but this line:
>$ . bin/activate
>is not recognised as a command. If i try to open it wth python cmd says no such file or directory
>The dot (.) command is used to source a file, It executes Unix like commands in bin/activate. Not relevant when  you're on windows. Is there a .bat or .cmd file instead?
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