[Tutor] trouble installing library

eryksun eryksun at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 04:01:44 CEST 2013

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Lolo Lolo <losermeloser at yahoo.com> wrote:
> found the activate file inside a folder name Scripts (instead of bin) and
> and tried the same command, but now i get this error:
>   File "Scripts/activate", line 4
>     deactivate () {
>                   ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Run Scripts\activate.bat if your shell is cmd, or Scripts\activate.ps1
if you're using PowerShell. These are shell scripts. Do not run them
with Python.


>From the outset, use an elevated console and make sure you use the
desired version of Python when you install distribute/setuptools (use
distribute in 3.x). Be explicit here. For example, if 2.7 is in
C:\Python27, run

    CWD\>C:\Python27\python setup.py install

CWD is substituting here for your actual "current working directory",
as displayed in the default cmd shell prompt.

Or use pylauncher (installed with 3.3):

    CWD\>py -2.7 setup.py install

Then install pip with easy_install:

    CWD\>C:\Python27\Scripts\easy_install -Z pip

Finally virtualenv:

    CWD\>C:\Python27\Scripts\pip install virtualenv

If you're using Python 3.3, you may instead want to use the new
virtual environment module "venv" described in PEP 405:


Once the system-wide installation is finished you no longer need to
(and really shouldn't) work in an elevated console.


Generally I recommend using pip instead of easy_install. However, if
you have exe installers for pre-compiled packages, you can install
them with easy_install, at least if the installer is built with
distutils. pip can't do this. For example:

    (gmapenv) CWD\>easy_install -Z package-XXX-py2.7.exe

Note that "(gmapenv)" in the prompt signals that the "gmapenv" virtual
environment is active. Run "deactivate" to quit the virtual
environment and restore the original PROMPT and PATH.

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