[Tutor] does anyone know a good module for automation

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 26 19:26:56 CEST 2013

On 26/04/13 16:28, Frank Schiro wrote:
> Pywinauto is not working with this application that opens from the
> internet via javascript. Its not in a browser, its a complete
> application thats not installed on the computer just installed on the
> internet.

That sounds very dodgy, it would be a huge gaping security

Are you sure its not running in a separate browser
window - possibly as a Java applet?

How does it appear in the Windows Task Manager? Is it a separate 
process? If so what is it called?

> Pywinauto sees the window...but cant find any controls and does not
> recognize menu items, neither does its helper program swapy. Does anyone
> know how I could automate a program like this ?

Not without a lot more detail about the runtime environment.

> Also I dont like sikuli, because I hate its interpreter.

Errr, where does sikuli fit in? I've never heard of it.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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