From livingmike at  Thu Aug  1 00:01:27 2013
From: livingmike at (Mike McTernan)
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:01:27 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] readline
In-Reply-To: <ktbu6m$sa5$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks everyone.

For some reason I thought that readline counted the \n at the end of
each line and stopped at each one. Clearly, I was mistaken!


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 31/07/13 21:12, Mike McTernan wrote:
>> I am having problems with the readline command in Python 2.7.
>> script, zodiac = argv
>> prediction = open(zodiac, "r")
> This code is very fragile, you should check that zodiac is actually being
> set by the user and ideally that it is a real file before using it.
> Alternatively use a try/except block to catch any error. The latter is
> probably the most Pythonic approach.
>       if "Leo" in star_sign:
>           print prediction.readline(5)
>> instead of printing the line 5 it prints the first 5 letters on line 1.
> What made you think it would read line 5? The help clearly says:
> readline(...)
>     readline([size]) -> next line from the file, as a string.
>     Retain newline.  A non-negative size argument limits the maximum
>     number of bytes to return (an incomplete line may be returned then).
>     Return an empty string at EOF.
> (END)
> So the '5' limits the number of *bytes* read not the lines.
> The program is working exactly as you should expect.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  1 01:20:50 2013
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 00:20:50 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] readline
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> For some reason I thought that readline counted the \n at the end of
> each line and stopped at each one. Clearly, I was mistaken!

That is kind of what the default behaviour does. It doesn't?
actually?count the \n characters but it reads up to and?
including it.

Alan G.

From chigga101 at  Thu Aug  1 14:11:05 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 13:11:05 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
Message-ID: <>

im trying to do some unittesting and i've written 1 class with 4 test
methods and it skips 2 of these methods for no reason. If i comment
out the 2 it doesn't skip, it will now test the 2 it previously
skipped. Is this the default behaviour to only test 2 methods in a
class? Anyone have any ideas how i can solve this problem?

Thanks. I'm using Python 3

From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  1 14:19:18 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 13:19:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktdjnu$h10$>

On 01/08/13 13:11, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> im trying to do some unittesting and i've written 1 class with 4 test
> methods and it skips 2 of these methods for no reason. If i comment
> out the 2 it doesn't skip, it will now test the 2 it previously
> skipped. Is this the default behaviour

I'm pretty sure its not the default but it might help if you posted the 
code and a cut n' paste of your test session. That way we can see what 
framework you use, how you use it and what actually happens.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From wprins at  Thu Aug  1 14:44:42 2013
From: wprins at (Walter Prins)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 13:44:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On 1 August 2013 13:11, Matthew Ngaha <chigga101 at> wrote:

> im trying to do some unittesting and i've written 1 class with 4 test
> methods and it skips 2 of these methods for no reason. If i comment
> out the 2 it doesn't skip, it will now test the 2 it previously
> skipped. Is this the default behaviour to only test 2 methods in a
> class?

No.  (That would be silly, nay, crazy even.)

> Anyone have any ideas how i can solve this problem?

Alan's answer is the first port of call.  You really need to give us more
to work with, otherwise we're just guessing, and if we have to guess it
makes our lives and your life more difficult than it needs to be.

That said, what you describe makes me suspect indentation problems of some
sort.  It sounds almost as if the latter test methods are somehow
considered to be inside the former test code, such that they're not "seen"
by the testing framework's test discovery process.  And, when you then
comment out the prior 2 methods, the latter 2 become "visible" due to not
being in the former's enclosing scope.  Or something like that.  But,
that's just a guess, and may be way off base...

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From chigga101 at  Thu Aug  1 15:22:19 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 14:22:19 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks guys. i was following some examples and noticed it. I tried to
use it in my program and the same thing happened. In this example,
there are 6 tests, and only 4 run.

From wprins at  Thu Aug  1 15:42:24 2013
From: wprins at (Walter Prins)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 14:42:24 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On 1 August 2013 14:22, Matthew Ngaha <chigga101 at> wrote:

> Thanks guys. i was following some examples and noticed it. I tried to
> use it in my program and the same thing happened. In this example,
> there are 6 tests, and only 4 run.

The reason that 2 of the tests are apparently ignored, is because they are
overwritten/redefined by the last 2 test methods in the class, which have
the same name as the prior 2.  You cannot have have multiple methods with
the same name in the same class.    Change the name of the last 2 methods
in your class and your problem will go away.

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From __peter__ at  Thu Aug  1 15:47:59 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 15:47:59 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktdou1$fcf$>

Matthew Ngaha wrote:

> Thanks guys. i was following some examples and noticed it. I tried to
> use it in my program and the same thing happened. In this example,
> there are 6 tests, and only 4 run.

class TestAverage(unittest.TestCase):


    def test_python30_mine(self):

    #although sum is Zero, the length is not Zero
    def test_python30_mine(self):

You need a different name for every method. That's the same situation as

x = "foo"
x = "bar"
print(x) # there's no way to find the previous value of x

Python's 'def' is executable code similar to an assignment, basically

def f(): ...

makes a function object and binds it to the name 'f'.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  1 15:51:17 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 14:51:17 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktdp4e$i4l$>

On 01/08/13 14:22, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> Thanks guys. i was following some examples and noticed it. I tried to
> use it in my program and the same thing happened. In this example,
> there are 6 tests, and only 4 run.

You're still just teasing us.
You show us the code and say 4 methods run.
But which 4?

And how are you running the test?
And what output do you get that tells you 4 ran?

We need to know what is happening in more detail.
While you are at it, which OS and Python  version too.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From chigga101 at  Thu Aug  1 16:08:19 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 15:08:19 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] unittest skipping tests
In-Reply-To: <ktdp4e$i4l$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the help and explanations guys. I feel really bad for
making this type of error.

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> You're still just teasing us.
> You show us the code and say 4 methods run.
> But which 4?
> And how are you running the test?
> And what output do you get that tells you 4 ran?

Sorry about this, I wasn't sure at the time which 4 were running. I
have run it through both IDLE and my terminal. Here's the output

> We need to know what is happening in more detail.
> While you are at it, which OS and Python  version too.

I'm on windows vista and I have both Python 3.1 and 3.3. This script
is a Python 3.1 script, and in the terminal it runs via Python 3.1.
But for some reason when i run any Python through IDLE, they all run
from Python 3.3.
The test output i showed is from Python 3.3, but it's the same as the 3.1 output

From sunithanc at  Thu Aug  1 16:52:16 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 10:52:16 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Implementing Copy/Cut/Paste menu actions using
Message-ID: <>

I am using the PyQT4 designer to create the MainWindow with very simple
drop-down menu items. File->Exit, Edit->Cut,Copy,Paste
After converting .ui to .py I am trying to make some manual modifications
to the Python script to set the SLOTs for cut/copy/paste actions.

Within the main window, I have a tabbed-Gui, where clicking on each tab
will display more options for the users to choose various files and
directories. I am using lineEdit and TextEdit widgets for this and would
like to have the cut/copy/paste menus from the MainWindow let the user use
them while typing text into the lineEdit and textEdit spaces.
I am setting the slots as below:

I am implementing routines for the "slot" functions, where I need help.
Exit action works. But I couldn't find a way to implement the rest for this
situation where there
are multiple locations on the Gui where these actions are to be done.
    def exitMenu(self):

    def cutMenu(self):
        print("cutting  text ")

    def copyMenu(self):
        print("Copying text ")

    def pasteMenu(self):
        print("Pasting text ")

If I was using just one editor for all these actions, I could do something

edit = QtGui <>.QTextEdit<>

But here I have multiple places on multiple tabs of the Gui to do
cut/copy/paste actions. Is there a way in PyQt4 that I can do it?

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From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  1 18:52:34 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 17:52:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Implementing Copy/Cut/Paste menu actions using
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kte3ob$ind$>

On 01/08/13 15:52, SM wrote:

> I am using the PyQT4 designer...

This list is for those learning Python and its standard library.
You may find somebody here that knows QT well enough to answer
but you will have more chance of success on a PyQT specific
forum or the main Python list.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From mike at  Thu Aug  1 19:51:48 2013
From: mike at (mike at
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 12:51:48 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Using dictionary key values as subprocess arguments
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I'm trying to use dictionary key values as arguments being passed via
subprocess. The following is supposed to use argv arguments passed for the
target host, and direction to turn the ipmi interface up on or off. When I
run it I get an error about TypeError: format requires a mapping

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!

#!/usr/bin/env python
from sys import argv
import subprocess

script, targ, switch = argv

ren      = {'hostn':'ren.ipmi', 'usern':'Admin', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
stimpy   = {'hostn':'stimpy.ipmi', 'usern':'Admin', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
lrrr     = {'hostn':'lrrr.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
kif      = {'hostn':'kif.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
ndnd     = {'hostn':'ndnd.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
zapp     = {'hostn':'zapp.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}

def run():
    if switch == "on":
    elif switch == "off":

def on():
    turnOn = ['ipmitool', '-I', 'lan', '-U', '%(usern)s' % targ, '-P',
'%(passw)s' % targ, '-H', '%(hostn)s' % targ, 'chassis', 'power',
    print "on!"

def off():
    turnOff = ['ipmitool', '-I', 'lan', '-U', '%(usern)s' % targ, '-P',
'%(passw)s' % targ, '-H', '%(hostn)s' % targ, 'chassis', 'power',
    print "off"


From steve at  Thu Aug  1 20:27:17 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 04:27:17 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Using dictionary key values as subprocess arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Mike, and welcome!

On 02/08/13 03:51, mike at wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use dictionary key values as arguments being passed via
> subprocess. The following is supposed to use argv arguments passed for the
> target host, and direction to turn the ipmi interface up on or off. When I
> run it I get an error about TypeError: format requires a mapping

Would you like us to guess which line gives that error? I love guessing games!

Ah, who am I fooling? Actually I hate them. Please don't expect us to guess where the error is, and don't assume we're going to run your code and see the same error.

- we might not get the same error, for many reasons
- or we might not be willing, or able, to run the code

In general, the most valuable piece of information Python will ever give you is the full traceback it prints when an error occurs, starting with the line "Traceback" and ending at the actual error message. Please copy and paste the entire traceback -- don't retype, simplify, summarize or abbreviate it.

In the meantime, I'm going to guess where your error might be:

> script, targ, switch = argv

Here you assign targ to one of the items of argv. Unless you've done something really weird elsewhere, targ will be a string.

> def on():
>      turnOn = ['ipmitool', '-I', 'lan', '-U', '%(usern)s' % targ,

Here you call the % string interpolation operator and try to look up the name 'usern' from what ought to be a dict or other mapping, but is actually just a string.

> '%(passw)s' % targ,

And again.

>'%(hostn)s' % targ,

And one more time.

You can replicate this error trivially:

py> '%(spam)s' % 'hello'
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: format requires a mapping

Solution: targ is a string, not a mapping. You need to convert it into a mapping.

If anyone suggests you use eval(targ), hit them with a halibut. eval() is not safe with untrusted data, and can execute arbitrary code. Instead, you can either parse targ yourself, or try using ast.literal_eval.


From fomcl at  Thu Aug  1 21:28:35 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 12:28:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] True and 1 [was Re: use of the newer dict types]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<ksuuc2$n0o$> <>
	<kt1mi4$1nh$> <>
	<kt2jgj$q42$> <>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----

> From: eryksun <eryksun at>
> To: Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at>
> Cc: "tutor at" <tutor at>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 4:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] True and 1 [was Re: use of the newer dict types]
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> 
> wrote:
>>  Wow, too bad __cmp__ is no longer present. Not so much for cmp(), but
>>  because it's such a compact way to define all the comparison methods.
>>  Btw, my book says "Python will supply the __ne__() (not equal)
>>  inequality operator automatically if wel implement __eq__ but don't
>>  implement __ne__()". [Programming in Python 3 (2009), M. Summerfield,
>>  p.213]
> That's true in 3.x. The base object type has a default rich comparison
> that uses __eq__ to implement __ne__ (but not vice versa).
> The CPython tp_richcompare slot function is object_richcompare in
> Objects/typeobject.c. Here's a link to 3.3.2:
> In 2.x the base object type doesn't implement rich comparisons. You'll
> get the default comparison in CPython (by id or type name), which
> won't necessarily be consistent with __eq__.
> Here's something to riddle out. Why does CPython 2.x make 22 method
> calls for the following cmp()?
> ? ? class A(object):
> ? ? ? ? def _print(self, op):
> ? ? ? ? ? ? print '%s.__%s__' % (type(self).__name__, op)
> ? ? ? ? def __eq__(self, other):
> ? ? ? ? ? ? self._print('eq')
> ? ? ? ? ? ? return NotImplemented
> ? ? ? ? def __lt__(self, other):
> ? ? ? ? ? ? self._print('lt')
> ? ? ? ? ? ? return NotImplemented
> ? ? ? ? def __gt__(self, other):
> ? ? ? ? ? ? self._print('gt')
> ? ? ? ? ? ? return NotImplemented
> ? ? ? ? def __coerce__(self, other):
> ? ? ? ? ? ? self._print('coerce')
> ? ? ? ? ? ? return NotImplemented
> ? ? class B(A):
> ? ? ? ? pass
> ? ? >>> cmp(A(), B())
> ? ? B.__eq__
> ? ? A.__eq__
> ? ? A.__eq__
> ? ? B.__eq__
> ? ? B.__eq__
> ? ? A.__eq__
> ? ? B.__gt__
> ? ? A.__lt__
> ? ? A.__lt__
> ? ? B.__gt__
> ? ? B.__gt__
> ? ? A.__lt__
> ? ? B.__lt__
> ? ? A.__gt__
> ? ? A.__gt__
> ? ? B.__lt__
> ? ? B.__lt__
> ? ? A.__gt__
> ? ? A.__coerce__
> ? ? B.__coerce__
> ? ? B.__coerce__
> ? ? A.__coerce__
> ? ? -1

Six comparisons for each operator (6 x 3) and the 4 calls to __coerce__ seems much.
So you arrvie at 8 calls by 3 operator methods called  "bidirectionally" (A-B and B-A) + two calls to __coerce__?

> Why is the order BAABBA repeated 3 times? As a hint, I'll group it
> like this: BA--AB--BA.
> Jython does this 'right' (IMHO) with 8 calls. PyPy appears to be
> playing tight to what's technically allowed and steps over the line.
> It only uses 4 calls, but it doesn't attempt a __coerce__, which I
> think is technically wrong.

I did "help(coerce)" and it seems straightforward, however, I can't connect it to your remark about coercion.
I thought pypy would behave differently with e.g cmp(1, "x"), compared to cpython

antonia at antonia-HP-2133 ~ $ pypy
Python 2.7.2 (1.9+dfsg-1, Jun 19 2012, 23:23:45)
[PyPy 1.9.0 with GCC 4.7.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
And now for something completely different: ``'that's definitely a case of
>>>> cmp(1, "x")
>>>> cmp(1, 1.0)
>>>> cmp(-1, 1.0)
>>>> quit()
antonia at antonia-HP-2133 ~ $ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2013, 05:09:49) 
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> cmp(1, "x")
>>> cmp(1, 1.0)
>>> cmp(-1, 1.0)
# I was hoping this, I mean dis, would shed some light on this
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis("cmp(0, 0)")
????????? 0 DUP_TOPX??????? 28781
????????? 3 STORE_SLICE+0? 
????????? 4 <48>?????????? 
????????? 5 <44>?????????? 
????????? 6 SLICE+2??????? 
????????? 7 <48>?????????? 
????????? 8 STORE_SLICE+1? 
>>> dis.dis("cmp(0, 0.0)")
????????? 0 DUP_TOPX??????? 28781
????????? 3 STORE_SLICE+0? 
????????? 4 <48>?????????? 
????????? 5 <44>?????????? 
????????? 6 SLICE+2??????? 
????????? 7 <48>?????????? 
????????? 8 <46>?????????? 
????????? 9 <48>?????????? 
???????? 10 STORE_SLICE+1? 

From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  1 23:30:56 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 22:30:56 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Using dictionary key values as subprocess arguments
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktek29$vbo$>

On 01/08/13 18:51, mike at wrote:

> I'm trying to use dictionary key values as arguments being passed via
> subprocess. The following is supposed to use argv arguments passed for the
> target host, and direction to turn the ipmi interface up on or off. When I
> run it I get an error about TypeError: format requires a mapping

You need to provide a dict to the form,at operator you are passing a 
string which (you hope!) represents one of your dicts.

> script, targ, switch = argv
> ren      = {'hostn':'ren.ipmi', 'usern':'Admin', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
> stimpy   = {'hostn':'stimpy.ipmi', 'usern':'Admin', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
> lrrr     = {'hostn':'lrrr.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
> kif      = {'hostn':'kif.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
> ndnd     = {'hostn':'ndnd.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}
> zapp     = {'hostn':'zapp.ipmi', 'usern':'ADMIN', 'passw':'p0w1r'}

Rather than using named variables it would be better to make the hosts a 
dicty too keyed by host name:

hosts = { 'ren':{'hostn':'ren.ipmi',
            # etc...

Now you can pass the dict into the format with:

      turnOn = ['ipmitool', '-I', 'lan',
                '-U', '%(usern)s' % hosts[targ],
                '-P', '%(passw)s' % hosts[targ],
                '-H', '%(hostn)s' % hosts[targ],
                'chassis', 'power', 'on']

And while you are at it catch invalid host names by using a try/except 
block to catch KeyErrors

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From eryksun at  Fri Aug  2 01:58:52 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 19:58:52 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] True and 1 [was Re: use of the newer dict types]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<ksuuc2$n0o$> <>
	<kt1mi4$1nh$> <>
	<kt2jgj$q42$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:
> Six comparisons for each operator (6 x 3) and the 4 calls to __coerce__
> seems much. So you arrvie at 8 calls by 3 operator methods called
> "bidirectionally" (A-B and B-A) + two calls to __coerce__?

If the types are the same, cmp uses __cmp__ if it's defined and
implemented. Otherwise CPython uses the rich comparisons EQ, LT, and
GT, with the operands both unswapped and swapped (EQ swaps with
itself, and LT swaps with GT). It returns the first implemented result
(but not the default comparison at this step). Also, if the 2nd
operand's type is a subclass of the first, the swapped operation is
done first, so the subclass can override the parent.

My example returns NotImplemented for all of the rich comparisons, so
the interpreter should try a classic comparison using __coerce__
(unswapped and swapped) to get comparable objects. PyPy skips coercing
the objects. It also allows the default result from the LT rich
comparison (comparing type names in this case) to trump attempting a
GT comparison. CPython only uses the default comparison after
exhausting all other options. That seems right to me, but this is
language lawyer territory...

As to the excessive calls in CPython, (1) it doesn't remember that
it's already tried the swapped operation if the 2nd operand's type is
a subclass, so it does it again. (2) The API calls such as
PyObject_RichCompare try each comparison swapped and unswapped, but
the slot function (e.g. slot_tp_richcompare) *also* tries it swapped
and unswapped. The same problem exists with PyNumber_CoerceEx vs.
slot_nb_coerce. CPython 3.x doesn't have this problem with its rich
comparison implementation.

> I did "help(coerce)" and it seems straightforward, however, I can't connect
> it to your remark about coercion. I thought pypy would behave differently
> with e.g cmp(1, "x"), compared to cpython

In CPython 2.x numbers are less than other types, except None is less
than anything. I think PyPy implements the same default behavior.

int 1 and str "x" won't be coerced to a comparable type. str doesn't
implement __coerce__. The number types have rich comparisons defined
with each other and won't coerce with non-number types. For example,
long can coerce an int; float can coerce an int or long (maybe with
loss of precision); and complex can coerce an int, long, or float.

Here's a simple example that returns the default result in PyPy 2.02:

    class A(object):
        def __coerce__(self, other):
            return 10, other

    >>>> cmp(A(), 9), cmp(A(), 10), cmp(A(), 11)
    (1, 1, 1)
    >>>> cmp(9, A()), cmp(10, A()), cmp(11, A())
    (-1, -1, -1)

Here's the result in CPython 2.7.5:

    >>> cmp(A(), 9), cmp(A(), 10), cmp(A(), 11)
    (1, 0, -1)
    >>> cmp(9, A()), cmp(10, A()), cmp(11, A())
    (-1, 0, 1)

> # I was hoping this, I mean dis, would shed some light on this
>>>> import dis
>>>> dis.dis("cmp(0, 0)")
>           0 DUP_TOPX        28781
>           3 STORE_SLICE+0
>           4 <48>
>           5 <44>
>           6 SLICE+2
>           7 <48>
>           8 STORE_SLICE+1

First, disassembling a function *call* won't tell you anything about
its implementation. You'd have to disassemble the function, which you
can't do for a built-in function or method (it isn't bytecode). You
can't even disassemble cmp in PyPy.

Second, you just disassembled a string as bytecode. Let's do that
manually. First get the op names, but remove the 'mp' from 'cmp',
which is treated as an arg to DUP_TOPX:

    >>> ops = [dis.opname[ord(c)] for c in 'c(0, 0)']

Now unpack 'mp' as a little-endian, unsigned short and insert it at index 1:

    >>> ops.insert(1, struct.unpack('<H', 'mp')[0])

    >>> ops
    ['DUP_TOPX', 28781, 'STORE_SLICE+0', '<48>', '<44>',
     'SLICE+2', '<48>', 'STORE_SLICE+1']

From cybervigilante at  Fri Aug  2 09:32:20 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 00:32:20 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
Message-ID: <>

# python 3 on win 7

S = enumerate('all good dogs eat shoes'.split())
# I'm curious why this works:
x = [(idx, word) for idx, word in S]
# but this doesn't:
x = [idx, word for idx, word in S] #syntax error
# Why can I imply a tuple after the for, but not before?

Just remember, food faddists, the first three letters of Diet spells DIE!

From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  2 09:46:21 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 08:46:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktfo46$7jb$>

On 02/08/13 08:32, Jim Mooney wrote:

> x = [idx, word for idx, word in S] #syntax error
> # Why can I imply a tuple after the for, but not before?

How should Python interpret this?


x = [idx, (word for idx, word in S)]


x = [(idx, word) for idx, word in S]

It's ambiguous.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From cybervigilante at  Fri Aug  2 10:02:01 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 01:02:01 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <ktfo46$7jb$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2 August 2013 00:46, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 02/08/13 08:32, Jim Mooney wrote:

> How should Python interpret this?
> As
> x = [idx, (word for idx, word in S)]
> Or
> x = [(idx, word) for idx, word in S]
> It's ambiguous.
I see what you mean, but I figured it can't be ambiguous if one
interpretation makes no sense, and I can't see what   x = [idx, (word
for idx, word in S)] could possibly mean. Am I assuming too much
foresight on the part of the parser or does that actually mean

Just remember, food faddists, the first three letters of Diet are DIE!

From steve at  Fri Aug  2 10:27:38 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 18:27:38 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 02/08/13 18:02, Jim Mooney wrote:

> I see what you mean, but I figured it can't be ambiguous if one
> interpretation makes no sense, and I can't see what   x = [idx, (word
> for idx, word in S)] could possibly mean. Am I assuming too much
> foresight on the part of the parser or does that actually mean
> something?

It makes perfect sense. You can try it yourself, if you pre-define some names that get used:

idx = 42
S = [(0, "fe"), (1, "fi"), (2, "fo"), (3, "fum")]
x = [idx, (word for idx, word in S)]

=> prints [42, <generator object <genexpr> at 0xb7b7098c>]

Hmmm, that's interesting. What's a generator object?

py> next(x[1])
py> next(x[1])
py> next(x[1])
py> next(x[1])
py> next(x[1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>


From hugo.yoshi at  Fri Aug  2 10:27:19 2013
From: hugo.yoshi at (Hugo Arts)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 10:27:19 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:

> On 2 August 2013 00:46, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> > On 02/08/13 08:32, Jim Mooney wrote:
> > How should Python interpret this?
> >
> > As
> >
> > x = [idx, (word for idx, word in S)]
> >
> > Or
> >
> >
> > x = [(idx, word) for idx, word in S]
> >
> > It's ambiguous.
> >
> I see what you mean, but I figured it can't be ambiguous if one
> interpretation makes no sense, and I can't see what   x = [idx, (word
> for idx, word in S)] could possibly mean. Am I assuming too much
> foresight on the part of the parser or does that actually mean
> something?
Yes, it means something very clear, try running it:

>>> s = zip(range(10), range(10, 0, -1))
>>> s
[(0, 10), (1, 9), (2, 8), (3, 7), (4, 6), (5, 5), (6, 4), (7, 3), (8, 2),
(9, 1)]
>>> idx = "hello"
>>> x = [idx, (word for idx, word in s)]
>>> x
['hello', <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f54a21e0780>]

it means "make the name 'x' point to a list, with as its first element the
variable 'idx' and as its second variable a generator expression. The
generator expression takes s, assumes it is a sequence of 2-tuples (by
unpacking each item into two variables, 'idx' and 'word', and grabs the
second item ('word') from each tuple.

-------------- next part --------------
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From cybervigilante at  Fri Aug  2 20:13:25 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 11:13:25 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2 August 2013 01:27, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> It makes perfect sense. You can try it yourself, if you pre-define some
> names that get used:
> idx = 42
> S = [(0, "fe"), (1, "fi"), (2, "fo"), (3, "fum")]
> x = [idx, (word for idx, word in S)]

Ack, I even made the original mistake, thinking word for idx, then
comma, then word in S, which made no sense, instead of unpacking -
word for (idx, word) in S. Done in again by the implied tuple ;')

If you sign a petition that usually says "People for Freedoms of blah,
blah, blah" and look into it, you may find the petitioner is a paid
shill for a giant company or organization, it has nothing to do with
people or freedom, and is positively damaging.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  2 21:07:25 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 20:07:25 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kth016$u6m$>

On 02/08/13 19:13, Jim Mooney wrote:

> comma, then word in S, which made no sense, instead of unpacking -
> word for (idx, word) in S. Done in again by the implied tuple ;')

Just to pick up a point that might be confusing you.

A tuple does not need parentheses.

 >>> tup = 5,4
 >>> tup
(5, 4)
 >>> type(tup)
<type 'tuple'>

tup is a tuple. Its not implied it is complete. The parentheses
are only added to avoid ambiguity and aid readability.
For example a single item tuple is more obvious with
the parens:

t = (6,)  # t=6,  works but is much harder to see.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From cybervigilante at  Fri Aug  2 21:18:10 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 12:18:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <kth016$u6m$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2 August 2013 12:07, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> t = (6,)  # t=6,  works but is much harder to see.

That could lead to awful bugs, since it really is hard to see, and
hitting the comma is a mistake I often make. I think I may stick with
always using parentheses for tuples. Some conveniences aren't that


From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  2 21:26:31 2013
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 20:26:31 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>  t = (6,)? # t=6,? works but is much harder to see.
> That could lead to awful bugs, since it really is hard to see, and
> hitting the comma is a mistake I often make. I think I may stick with
> always using parentheses for tuples. Some conveniences aren't that
> convenient.

And this from the man who hates extra typing! ;-)

Alan g.

From cybervigilante at  Fri Aug  2 23:09:40 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 14:09:40 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] implied tuple in a list comprehension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2 August 2013 12:26, ALAN GAULD <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> And this from the man who hates extra typing! ;-)

Well, I'm not going whole hog. I'll keep unstated tuples in simple
stuff like a,b,c,d,e = 1,2,3,4,5 , but I'll state them in complex,
dynamic expressions that make my eyes swim. It's a matter of a
sensible compromise between laziness and confusion ;')


From tim at  Sat Aug  3 01:34:45 2013
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 15:34:45 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
Message-ID: <>

Frequently I use a function dispatch approach like this:
funcs = {"key1":func1,"key2":func2}

## and call one of those functions with a key value
## as follows

Less frequently, I might want to dispatch functions with variable
numbers of arguments.

Follows is an illustrative (hopefully) REPL session
## define a couple of simple function
def test_apply(one,two): print(str(one) + " " + str(two))
def func_two(): print("I don't have an argument!")

## define references to one or more functions and argument lists
## of variable lengths

func_D = {"key1":(test_apply,("one","two")), "key2":(func_two,())}

## give a key some value
k = "key1"

## Use the deprecated apply() function first
one two  ## yup, that's what I was looking for!

## Now use the extended call syntax
one two 
## also what I was looking for, but yuck!

Is there a cleaner way to do this? using apply()
looks so much simpler, but I understand it is not even available in
py 3 ....

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

From tim at  Sat Aug  3 04:06:30 2013
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 18:06:30 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Tim Johnson <tim at> [130802 15:41]:
<...> Is there a cleaner way to do this? using apply()
> looks so much simpler, but I understand it is not even available in
> py 3 ....
  def apl(funcall): funcall[0](*funcall[1])
  k = "key2"
  >>> apl(func_D[k])
  I don't have an argument!
  ## ??? :)

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

From davea at  Sat Aug  3 04:25:19 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 02:25:19 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
References: <>
Message-ID: <kthpme$hrt$>

Tim Johnson wrote:

> * Tim Johnson <tim at> [130802 15:41]:
> <...> Is there a cleaner way to do this? using apply()
>> looks so much simpler, but I understand it is not even available in
>> py 3 ....
>   def apl(funcall): funcall[0](*funcall[1])
>   k = "key2"
>   >>> apl(func_D[k])
>   I don't have an argument!
>   ## ??? :)


The apply approach has been replaced by * and ** arguments, the former
for positional args, and the latter for keyword arguments.



From tim at  Sat Aug  3 04:38:57 2013
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 18:38:57 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
In-Reply-To: <kthpme$hrt$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Dave Angel <davea at> [130802 18:31]:
> Tim Johnson wrote:
> > * Tim Johnson <tim at> [130802 15:41]:
> > <...> Is there a cleaner way to do this? using apply()
> >> looks so much simpler, but I understand it is not even available in
> >> py 3 ....
> >   def apl(funcall): funcall[0](*funcall[1])
> >   k = "key2"
> >   >>> apl(func_D[k])
> >   I don't have an argument!
> >   ## ??? :)
> >
> See
> The apply approach has been replaced by * and ** arguments, the former
> for positional args, and the latter for keyword arguments.
> See
  Hi Dave :

  Thank you for the reply, but I don't see anything that answers my
  original query at _that_ URL.

  Perhaps I will be edified further after a good night's sleep
  apply() needs to be revisited.

  I look forward to the morning's revelations.

  thanks again
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

From __peter__ at  Sat Aug  3 08:32:46 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 08:32:46 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
References: <>
Message-ID: <kti85q$4vc$>

Tim Johnson wrote:

> Frequently I use a function dispatch approach like this:
> funcs = {"key1":func1,"key2":func2}
> ## and call one of those functions with a key value
> ## as follows
> funcs[key](some,fixed,number,of,arguments)
> Less frequently, I might want to dispatch functions with variable
> numbers of arguments.
> Follows is an illustrative (hopefully) REPL session
> ## define a couple of simple function
> def test_apply(one,two): print(str(one) + " " + str(two))
> def func_two(): print("I don't have an argument!")
> ## define references to one or more functions and argument lists
> ## of variable lengths
> func_D = {"key1":(test_apply,("one","two")), "key2":(func_two,())}
> ## give a key some value
> k = "key1"
> ## Use the deprecated apply() function first
> apply(*func_D[k])
> one two  ## yup, that's what I was looking for!
> ## Now use the extended call syntax
> func_D[k][0](*func_D[k][1])
> one two
> ## also what I was looking for, but yuck!
> Is there a cleaner way to do this? using apply()
> looks so much simpler, but I understand it is not even available in
> py 3 ....

I'd say

func, args = func_D[k]

looks pretty clean. Alternatively, if the arguments are fixed anyway, change 
the dict to store only no-arg functions. You can make them on the fly with 
lambda expressions or functools.partial():

from functools import partial

func_dict = {
   "key1": partial(test_apply, "one", "two"),
   "key2": func_two,
   "key3": lambda: foo + bar/baz,

From fomcl at  Sat Aug  3 11:02:36 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 02:02:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
In-Reply-To: <kti85q$4vc$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----

> From: Peter Otten <__peter__ at>
> To: tutor at
> Cc: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
>T im Johnson wrote:
>>  Frequently I use a function dispatch approach like this:
>>  funcs = {"key1":func1,"key2":func2}
>>  ## and call one of those functions with a key value
>>  ## as follows
>>  funcs[key](some,fixed,number,of,arguments)
>>  Less frequently, I might want to dispatch functions with variable
>>  numbers of arguments.
>>  Follows is an illustrative (hopefully) REPL session
>>  ## define a couple of simple function
>>  def test_apply(one,two): print(str(one) + " " + str(two))
>>  def func_two(): print("I don't have an argument!")
>>  ## define references to one or more functions and argument lists
>>  ## of variable lengths
>>  func_D = 
> {"key1":(test_apply,("one","two")), 
> "key2":(func_two,())}
>>  ## give a key some value
>>  k = "key1"
>>  ## Use the deprecated apply() function first

Is there a reason why the apply function is deprecated/gone, but map() isn't? Aren't they both based on the lisp-style functional programming approach?

From __peter__ at  Sat Aug  3 11:24:51 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 11:24:51 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktii8c$svs$>

Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

> Is there a reason why the apply function is deprecated/gone, but map()
> isn't? Aren't they both based on the lisp-style functional programming
> approach?

I don't remember the discussion, but personally I never (well, maybe once or 
twice) used apply while there are many instances of map/imap() in my code, 
even though these could be rewritten as list comprehensions or generator 
expressions. Perhaps there are core-devs in the same situation...

Had there been a great demand for apply() it could have been moved into 
functools (like reduce()).

From fomcl at  Sat Aug  3 16:50:49 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 07:50:49 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] <mutable>.__mul__
Message-ID: <>


Suppose I initialize? a list (let? say it's a record) to e.g all zeroes, or all sixes. Suppose, further, that I use "*" for this (which is a nice an clean way). Then how do I get rid of the scary thing that the list items are "interdependent"? See below what I mean with that.

# repeating items of a list using list.__mul__

>>> y = 4 * [[6]]
>>> y
[[6], [6], [6], [6]]
>>> # is there something I can do right *here* to make the list items independent? (copy.deepcopy does not work)

>>> y[0][0] = 666
>>> y
[[666], [666], [666], [666]]??? # look mom, I changed all four items in one go! :-(

# repeating items of a list using itertools.repeat

>>> from itertools import repeat
>>> yyy = repeat([6], 4)
>>> yyy
repeat([6], 4)
>>> yyy = list(yyy)
>>> yyy
[[6], [6], [6], [6]]
>>> yyy[0][0] = 666
>>> yyy
[[666], [666], [666], [666]]? # same thing: assignment of one item changes all items.

# the not-so-scary alternative
>>> yy = [[6] for i in range(4)]
>>> yy
[[6], [6], [6], [6]]
>>> yy[0][0] = 666
>>> yy
[[666], [6], [6], [6]]


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

From eryksun at  Sat Aug  3 17:19:39 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 11:19:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] <mutable>.__mul__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:
> # repeating items of a list using itertools.repeat
>>>> from itertools import repeat
>>>> yyy = repeat([6], 4)
>>>> yyy
> repeat([6], 4)
>>>> yyy = list(yyy)
>>>> yyy
> [[6], [6], [6], [6]]
>>>> yyy[0][0] = 666
>>>> yyy
> [[666], [666], [666], [666]]
> # same thing: assignment of one item changes all items.

You repeated the same list object 4 times in a new list. All that does
is increment the reference count on the original list:

    >>> base = [6]
    >>> sys.getrefcount(base)
    >>> seq = list(repeat(base, 4))
    >>> sys.getrefcount(base)  # +4

You'd need to make a shallow copy:

    >>> base = [6]
    >>> seq = map(list, repeat(base, 4))
    >>> sys.getrefcount(base)
    >>> seq[0][0] = 666
    >>> seq
    [[666], [6], [6], [6]]

From tim at  Sat Aug  3 17:26:13 2013
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 07:26:13 -0800
Subject: [Tutor] apply() vs. the extended call syntax
In-Reply-To: <kti85q$4vc$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Peter Otten <__peter__ at> [130803 07:11]:
> func, args = func_D[k]
> func(*args)
  Of course! Much cleaner and clearer. 
> looks pretty clean. Alternatively, if the arguments are fixed anyway, change 
> the dict to store only no-arg functions. You can make them on the fly with 
> lambda expressions or functools.partial():
> from functools import partial
> func_dict = {
>    "key1": partial(test_apply, "one", "two"),
>    "key2": func_two,
>    "key3": lambda: foo + bar/baz,
> }
> ...
> func_dict[k]()
  ... and it remains quite easy for one to 'rool their own' apply()
  Thanks for the tip, Peter
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

From alan.gauld at  Sat Aug  3 18:41:01 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 17:41:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] <mutable>.__mul__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktjbqm$433$>

On 03/08/13 15:50, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

> Suppose I initialize  a list (let? say it's a record) to e.g all zeroes,
 > or all sixes. Suppose, further, that I use "*" for this
> (which is a nice an clean way).

Its only nice if you use it at the top level with an immutable value, 
otherwise , as you can see, it quickly becomes not nice and not clean.

Use a list comprehension instead

y = [[6] for i in range(4)]

As the name suggests list comprehensions are designed for building lists.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From fomcl at  Sat Aug  3 19:50:21 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 10:50:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] <mutable>.__mul__
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----

> From: eryksun <eryksun at>
> To: Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at>
> Cc: Python Mailing List <tutor at>
> Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] <mutable>.__mul__
> On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> 
> wrote:
>>  # repeating items of a list using itertools.repeat
>>>>>  from itertools import repeat
>>>>>  yyy = repeat([6], 4)
>>>>>  yyy
>>  repeat([6], 4)
>>>>>  yyy = list(yyy)
>>>>>  yyy
>>  [[6], [6], [6], [6]]
>>>>>  yyy[0][0] = 666
>>>>>  yyy
>>  [[666], [666], [666], [666]]
>>  # same thing: assignment of one item changes all items.
> You repeated the same list object 4 times in a new list. All that does
> is increment the reference count on the original list:
> ? ? >>> base = [6]
> ? ? >>> sys.getrefcount(base)
> ? ? 2
> ? ? >>> seq = list(repeat(base, 4))
> ? ? >>> sys.getrefcount(base)? # +4
> ? ? 6
> You'd need to make a shallow copy:
> ? ? >>> base = [6]
> ? ? >>> seq = map(list, repeat(base, 4))
> ? ? >>> sys.getrefcount(base)
> ? ? 2
> ? ? >>> seq[0][0] = 666
> ? ? >>> seq
> ? ? [[666], [6], [6], [6]]

Hi Alan, Eryksun,

Thank you. If list.__mul__ is so tricky, why did they implement it the way they did? Are there situations where this behavior could be useful?

Btw, this is one of the rare (very, very rare) cases where I find CRAN R better than Python:

R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) -- "Roasted Marshmallows"
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
> rrr <- rep(list(list(6)), 4)
> class(rrr)
[1] "list"
> rrr[[1]][[1]] <- 666
> rrr
[1] 666

[1] 6

[1] 6

[1] 6
> rrrr <- list()
> for (i in 1:4) { rrrr[[i]] <- list(6) }
> rrrr[[1]][[1]] <- 666
> identical(rrr, rrrr)
[1] TRUE

From akleider at  Sat Aug  3 20:15:28 2013
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 11:15:28 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
Message-ID: <>

#!/usr/bin/env python

I've been puzzling over the re module and have a couple of questions
regarding the behaviour of this script.

I've provided two possible patterns (re_US_money):
the one surrounded by the 'word boundary' meta sequence seems not to 
while the other one does. I can't understand why the addition of the 
boundary defeats the match.

I also don't understand why the split method includes the matched text.
Splitting only works as I would have expected if no goupings are used.

If I've set this up as intended, the full body of this e-mail should be
executable as a script.

Comments appreciated.
alex kleider

# file : (Python 2.7, NOT Python 3)
print 'Running "" on an Ubuntu Linux machine. *********'

import re

target = \
"""Cost is $4.50. With a $.30 discount:
Price is $4.15.
The price could be less, say $4 or $4.
Let's see how this plays out:  $4.50.60

# Choose one of the following two alternatives:
re_US_money =\
# The above provides matches.
# The following does NOT.
# re_US_money =\
# r"\b((?P<sign>\$)(?P<dollars>\d{0,})(?:\.(?P<cents>\d{2})){0,1})\b"

pat_object = re.compile(re_US_money)
match_object =
if match_object:
     print "'' and 'match_object.span()' yield:"
     print, match_object.span()
     print "NO MATCH FOUND!!!"
print "Now will use 'finditer()':"

iterator = pat_object.finditer(target)
i = 1
for iter in iterator:
     print "iter #%d: "%(i, ),
     print "'groups()' yields: '%s'."%(iter.groups(), )
     print iter.span()
     i += 1
     sign ="sign")
     dollars ="dollars")
     cents ="cents")
     print sign,
     print "  ",
     if dollars:
         print dollars,
         print "00",
     print "  ",
     if cents:
         print cents,
         print "00",


t = target
sub_target = pat_object.sub("<insert value here>", t)
print "Printing substitution: "
print sub_target
split_target = pat_object.split(target)
print "Result of splitting on the target: "
print split_target

# End of script.

From davea at  Sat Aug  3 21:58:59 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 19:58:59 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] <mutable>.__mul__
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktjne1$apl$>

Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

> Thank you. If list.__mul__ is so tricky, why did they implement it the way they did? Are there situations where this behavior could be useful?
> Btw, this is one of the rare (very, very rare) cases where I find CRAN R better than Python:

Using "multiply" to pre-fill a list is very useful, and it's harmless if
the value used is immutable, which it usually is.  And the problem
described in this thread is not specific to a list being filled with
multiply..  Any time you bind the same mutable value to multiple
places, you need to be aware that changing one of them changes them all.

But this behavior is much safer than the alternative, not to mention
faster and more memory efficient.  Further, if the alternative (copy)
were the default, it would require a new syntax to specify that you
don't want a copy.

Most languages I know of have the same duality, but they expose it
differently.  And in many cases, you can hide the behavior under the
declarations.  So you have tricky declarations and if you get them
wrong, there are nasty surprises in store.  For example in C++, you can
declare a variable as a refernece to another one.  Now when you use the
first variable, you get value of the second one, changed or not.  But if
you forget the & in the declaration, the behavior changes in a subtle
way, perhaps far from the place you made the declaration.

One thing that Python does differently is that it *allows* you to change
what something references.  By being less restrictive than C++, you get
more power.  And more responsibility.

Signature file not found

From fomcl at  Sat Aug  3 22:30:14 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 13:30:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----

> From: Alex Kleider <akleider at>
> To: Python Tutor <tutor at>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:15 PM
> Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> """
> I've been puzzling over the re module and have a couple of questions
> regarding the behaviour of this script.
> I've provided two possible patterns (re_US_money):
> the one surrounded by the 'word boundary' meta sequence seems not to 
> work
> while the other one does. I can't understand why the addition of the 
> word
> boundary defeats the match.

Word boundary.  This is a zero-width assertion that matches only at the
beginning or end of a word.  A word is defined as a sequence of alphanumeric
characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a
non-alphanumeric character.[]
So I think it's because a dollar sign is not an alphanumeric character.

>>> re.findall(r"\b\e\b", "d e f")
>>> re.findall(r"\b\$\b", "d $ f")
>>> re.findall(r"\b\&\b", "d & f")

How about this version (I like the re.VERBOSE/re.X flag!)

import re
import collections

regex = r"""(?P<sign>\$)
??????????? (?P<dollars>\d*)
??????????? (?:\.)
??????????? (?P<cents>\d{2})"""
target = \
"""Cost is $4.50. With a $.30 discount:
Price is $4.15.
The price could be less, say $4 or $4.
Let's see how this plays out:? $4.50.60
Match = collections.namedtuple("Match", "sign dollars cents")
matches = [Match(*match) for match in re.findall(regex, target, re.X)]
for match in matches:
??? print repr(match.sign), repr(match.dollars), repr(match.cents)

From nik at  Sat Aug  3 22:38:56 2013
From: nik at (Dominik George)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:38:56 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


\b is defined as all non-word characters, so it is the complement oft \w. \w is [A-Za-z0-9_-], so \b includes \$ and thus cuts off your <sign> group.


Alex Kleider <akleider at> schrieb:
>#!/usr/bin/env python
>I've been puzzling over the re module and have a couple of questions
>regarding the behaviour of this script.
>I've provided two possible patterns (re_US_money):
>the one surrounded by the 'word boundary' meta sequence seems not to 
>while the other one does. I can't understand why the addition of the 
>boundary defeats the match.
>I also don't understand why the split method includes the matched text.
>Splitting only works as I would have expected if no goupings are used.
>If I've set this up as intended, the full body of this e-mail should be
>executable as a script.
>Comments appreciated.
>alex kleider
># file : (Python 2.7, NOT Python 3)
>print 'Running "" on an Ubuntu Linux machine. *********'
>import re
>target = \
>"""Cost is $4.50. With a $.30 discount:
>Price is $4.15.
>The price could be less, say $4 or $4.
>Let's see how this plays out:  $4.50.60
># Choose one of the following two alternatives:
>re_US_money =\
># The above provides matches.
># The following does NOT.
># re_US_money =\
># r"\b((?P<sign>\$)(?P<dollars>\d{0,})(?:\.(?P<cents>\d{2})){0,1})\b"
>pat_object = re.compile(re_US_money)
>match_object =
>if match_object:
>     print "'' and 'match_object.span()' yield:"
>     print, match_object.span()
>     print
>     print "NO MATCH FOUND!!!"
>print "Now will use 'finditer()':"
>iterator = pat_object.finditer(target)
>i = 1
>for iter in iterator:
>     print
>     print "iter #%d: "%(i, ),
>     print
>     print "'groups()' yields: '%s'."%(iter.groups(), )
>     print iter.span()
>     i += 1
>     sign ="sign")
>     dollars ="dollars")
>     cents ="cents")
>     print sign,
>     print "  ",
>     if dollars:
>         print dollars,
>     else:
>         print "00",
>     print "  ",
>     if cents:
>         print cents,
>     else:
>         print "00",
>t = target
>sub_target = pat_object.sub("<insert value here>", t)
>print "Printing substitution: "
>print sub_target
>split_target = pat_object.split(target)
>print "Result of splitting on the target: "
>print split_target
># End of script.
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

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From akleider at  Sun Aug  4 01:34:34 2013
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 16:34:34 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-03 13:30, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:

> Word boundary.  This is a zero-width assertion that matches only at the
> beginning or end of a word.  A word is defined as a sequence of 
> alphanumeric
> characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a
> non-alphanumeric character.[]
> So I think it's because a dollar sign is not an alphanumeric character.

I get it now, thanks.

>>>> re.findall(r"\b\e\b", "d e f")
I'm puzzled by the presence of the '\' character before the 'e' above.
Testing suggests that its presence or absence seems to make no 

> ['e']
>>>> re.findall(r"\b\$\b", "d $ f")
Here it escapes the '$' which would otherwise be a metachar.

> []
>>>> re.findall(r"\b\&\b", "d & f")
Here also I don't understand but again it seems not to matter.

> []
> How about this version (I like the re.VERBOSE/re.X flag!)

I am also now getting to like re.VERBOSE

> import re
> import collections
> regex = r"""(?P<sign>\$)
> ??????????? (?P<dollars>\d*)
> ??????????? (?:\.)
> ??????????? (?P<cents>\d{2})"""
> target = \
> """Cost is $4.50. With a $.30 discount:
> Price is $4.15.
> The price could be less, say $4 or $4.
> Let's see how this plays out:? $4.50.60
> """
> Match = collections.namedtuple("Match", "sign dollars cents")
> matches = [Match(*match) for match in re.findall(regex, target, re.X)]
> for match in matches:
> ??? print repr(match.sign), repr(match.dollars), repr(match.cents)

'collections' is new to me.  A new topic to study.
Thanks for the help, much appreciated!
alex k

From cybervigilante at  Sun Aug  4 03:14:31 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 18:14:31 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] range as a not-quite-iterator
Message-ID: <>

using py3.3 on win7

I'm reading the Lutz book, and he clearly calls range an iterator in
the context of Python 3.0, yet when I try

x = range(1,10)
I get: builtins.TypeError: 'range' object is not an iterator
And x itself is returned as: range(1, 10)

What am I missing here? Is it an iterator or not?

The Curiosity Rover has been on Mars a year. It feels like it landed,
at most, a few months ago. Where is the time going?

From at  Sun Aug  4 03:27:45 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 11:27:45 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] range as a not-quite-iterator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at> wrote:
> using py3.3 on win7
> I'm reading the Lutz book, and he clearly calls range an iterator in
> the context of Python 3.0, yet when I try
> x = range(1,10)
> next(x)
> I get: builtins.TypeError: 'range' object is not an iterator
> And x itself is returned as: range(1, 10)
> What am I missing here? Is it an iterator or not?

I think what you are looking for is x.__iter__()

>>> next(x.__iter__())

Sorry for the insufficient explanation or background, but I don't
quite recall it myself well enough.


From eryksun at  Sun Aug  4 03:32:19 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 21:32:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] range as a not-quite-iterator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at> wrote:
> using py3.3 on win7
> I'm reading the Lutz book, and he clearly calls range an iterator in
> the context of Python 3.0, yet when I try
> x = range(1,10)
> next(x)
> I get: builtins.TypeError: 'range' object is not an iterator
> And x itself is returned as: range(1, 10)
> What am I missing here? Is it an iterator or not?

No, it's not an iterator. It's an iterable. This way it's simple to
reuse a range object concurrently. For example, this creates 3
iterators and grabs values from each:

    from itertools import islice

    r = range(1, 10)
    it = [iter(r) for i in range(3)]

    >>> type(it[0])
    <class 'range_iterator'>

    >>> list(islice(it[0], 5))
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    >>> list(islice(it[1], 7))
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    >>> list(islice(it[2], 3))
    [1, 2, 3]
    >>> list(it[0]), list(it[1]), list(it[2])
    ([6, 7, 8, 9], [8, 9], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

The range object itself doesn't have to keep track of the state of
each iteration. It just spins off an iterator that handles it. Like
most iterators these get used once and thrown away:

    >>> next(it[0], "It's dead, Jim")
    "It's dead, Jim"

From steve at  Sun Aug  4 04:03:06 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:03:06 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] range as a not-quite-iterator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 04/08/13 11:14, Jim Mooney wrote:
> using py3.3 on win7
> I'm reading the Lutz book, and he clearly calls range an iterator in
> the context of Python 3.0, yet when I try
> x = range(1,10)
> next(x)
> I get: builtins.TypeError: 'range' object is not an iterator
> And x itself is returned as: range(1, 10)
> What am I missing here? Is it an iterator or not?

Technically, no. Informally, yes.

Technically, there are three rules for something to be an iterator:

* it must have an __iter__ method which returns itself;

* it must have a __next__ method which returns each subsequent value;

* if there are no more values, it must raise StopIteration

(this is called the "iterator protocol").

In addition, well-behaved iterators must continue to always return StopIteration once they have become empty. An iterator that becomes empty, then becomes non-empty, is officially deemed to be "broken", although you are permitted to write broken iterators if you insist.

So by this definition, range (or xrange in Python 2.x) is not an iterator, since it doesn't follow the iterator protocol. However, it does behave like an iterator, in the sense that it is a lazily generated sequence, so informally, it sometimes gets called one. If it quacks like an iterator, you can treat it as an iterator.

Note that range objects have an __iter__ which doesn't return the range object itself, but an iterator wrapper around itself:

py> r = range(2, 45, 3)
py> it = iter(r)  # calls __iter__ internally
py> it is r
py> it
<range_iterator object at 0xb7bca320>
py> r
range(2, 45, 3)

That wrapper object actually is a genuine iterator:

py> iter(it) is it

The reason for this is partly historical (xrange goes all the way back to Python 1.4 or even older, while iterators only go back to about 2.2, if I remember correctly) and partly practical -- iterators can normally be used only once, while range objects can be re-used, and also can be sliced almost like a list.

py> r[1:3]
range(5, 11, 3)


From cybervigilante at  Sun Aug  4 04:01:11 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 19:01:11 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] range as a not-quite-iterator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 3 August 2013 18:27, Amit Saha < at> wrote:

Oh, he clearly contradicts himself:

>>> R = range(10)                # range returns an iterator, not a list
>>> R
range(0, 10)
>>> I = iter(R)                  # Make an iterator from the range

He's saying R is an iterator, then he's saying iter makes it into an
iterator. It makes no sense to make an iterator into an iterator, so
the wording is wrong, somehow. One of the definitions is wrong or the
other one needs qualification. But I'll go by the interpreter, which
is the final judge. Besides, I can list(range(10)) all day long and
not raise StopIteration, so it must not be an iterator, at least
according to my  understanding.

I could have sworn range(10) was returning a range object def <...>
before, when it's now just >>> range(10)
range(0, 10)

in the interpreter, but I may be misremembering something. Or this is
a very recent change to Python. I'm using sys.version_info(major=3,
minor=3, micro=2, releaselevel='final', serial=0)

The Curiosity Rover has been on Mars a year Huh? It feels like it
landed, at most, a few months ago. Where in hell is the time going?

From cybervigilante at  Sun Aug  4 04:17:14 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 19:17:14 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] range as a not-quite-iterator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 3 August 2013 19:03, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

while range objects can be re-used, and also can be sliced almost
> like a list.
> py> r[1:3]
> range(5, 11, 3)

Ah, that makes them much more useful. I was wondering a while back if
I had to go through the entire range to get part of the sequence, but
didn't think of slicing the range since it seemed too dynamic.

The Curiosity Rover has been on Mars a year Huh? It feels like it
landed, at most, a few months ago. Where in hell is the time going?

From eryksun at  Sun Aug  4 04:25:29 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 22:25:29 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] range as a not-quite-iterator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 9:32 PM, eryksun <eryksun at> wrote:
> The range object itself doesn't have to keep track of the state of
> each iteration. It just spins off an iterator that handles it. Like
> most iterators these get used once and thrown away:

A common exception to this is the file type. A file is an iterator
that can be rewound and reused (e.g. seek(0)). If you want concurrent
access to a file, each with its own file pointer, then you have to
open the file multiple times -- for the obvious reason that the
operating system manages the underlying data structure.

From fomcl at  Sun Aug  4 09:21:07 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 00:21:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----

> From: Alex Kleider <akleider at>
> To: Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at>
> Cc: Python Tutor <tutor at>
> Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 1:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
> On 2013-08-03 13:30, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>>  Word boundary.? This is a zero-width assertion that matches only at the
>>  beginning or end of a word.? A word is defined as a sequence of 
>>  alphanumeric
>>  characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a
>>  non-alphanumeric character.[]
>>  So I think it's because a dollar sign is not an alphanumeric character.
> I get it now, thanks.
>>>>>  re.findall(r"\b\e\b", "d e f")
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ^
> I'm puzzled by the presence of the '\' character before the 
> 'e' above.

sorry, my bad. I forgot to delete that backslash, I meant   re.findall(r"\be\b", "d e f"). Same with the other example.

From nik at  Sun Aug  4 09:43:09 2013
From: nik at (Dominik George)
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 09:43:09 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


not quite. The moral is to learn about greedy and non-greedy matching ;)!


Alex Kleider <akleider at> schrieb:
>On 2013-08-03 13:38, Dominik George wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  b is defined as all non-word characters, so it is the complement oft
>> w. w is [A-Za-z0-9_-], so b includes $ and thus cuts off your <sign>
>> group.
>>  -nik
>I get it now.  I was using it before the '$' to define the beginning of
>a word but I think things are failing because it detects an end of
>Anyway, the moral is not to use it with anything but \w!

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
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From akleider at  Sun Aug  4 09:45:37 2013
From: akleider at (Alex Kleider)
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 00:45:37 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-04 00:21, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Alex Kleider <akleider at>
>> To: Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at>
>> Cc: Python Tutor <tutor at>
>> Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 1:34 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
>> On 2013-08-03 13:30, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>>>  Word boundary.? This is a zero-width assertion that matches only at 
>>> the
>>>  beginning or end of a word.? A word is defined as a sequence of
>>>  alphanumeric
>>>  characters, so the end of a word is indicated by whitespace or a
>>>  non-alphanumeric 
>>> character.[]
>>>  So I think it's because a dollar sign is not an alphanumeric 
>>> character.
>> I get it now, thanks.
>>>>>>  re.findall(r"\b\e\b", "d e f")
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ^
>> I'm puzzled by the presence of the '\' character before the
>> 'e' above.
> sorry, my bad. I forgot to delete that backslash, I meant
> re.findall(r"\be\b", "d e f"). Same with the other example.

..but the interesting thing is that the presence or absence of the 
spurious back slashes seems not to change the results.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Aug  4 10:30:57 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 09:30:57 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] re module- puzzling results when matching money
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktl3fq$uhg$>

On 04/08/13 08:45, Alex Kleider wrote:

>> sorry, my bad. I forgot to delete that backslash, I meant
>> re.findall(r"\be\b", "d e f"). Same with the other example.
> ..but the interesting thing is that the presence or absence of the
> spurious back slashes seems not to change the results.

It wouldn't because the backslash says treat the next character as a 
literal and if its not a metacharacter its already treated as a literal.
So the \ is effectively a non-operation in that context.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From tonifuente at  Mon Aug  5 11:56:27 2013
From: tonifuente at (Antonio de la Fuente)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 10:56:27 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] LDAP search with ldap library module failing
Message-ID: <20130805095627.GA4138@cateto>

Hello everybody,

I am trying to do a ldap search against a LDAP server, like this:

ld = ldap.initialize(ldapURI)
zones = ld.search_st(ldapBase,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'(&(objectclass=dnszone)(cn=*))',['dnszonename','modifytimestamp'],timeout=5)

It times out after 5 seconds, and if I don't use timeout, it will hang
up for ever.

Now, if I search fog cn=ab*, a much limited search it will return the search
results. Thinking that it could be a limitation from the server side, I've done
the same search with ldapsearch in bash, and it gets what is expected.

I am using ipython, and python 2.6 in a linux OS.

My question is: How can I try to debug this issue?

Thank you in advance fo your support,

Error output:

In [122]: zones = ld.search_st(ldapBase,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'(&(objectclass=dnszone)(cn=*))',['dnszonename','modifytimestamp'],timeout=5)
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (379, 0))

TIMEOUT                                   Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/admin/afm/tinydns_databases/<ipython console> in <module>()

/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.pyc in search_st(self, base, scope, filterstr, attrlest, attrsonly, timeout)
    518   def search_st(self,base,scope,filterstr='(objectClass=*)',attrlist=None,attrsonly=0,timeout=-1):
--> 519     return self.search_ext_s(base,scope,filterstr,attrlist,attrsonly,None,None,timeout)
    521   def set_cache_options(self,*args,**kwargs):


/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.pyc in _ldap_call(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
     94     try:
     95       try:
---> 96         result = func(*args,**kwargs)
     97         if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2:
     98           if func.__name__!="unbind_ext":

From nik at  Mon Aug  5 12:45:42 2013
From: nik at (Dominik George)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 12:45:42 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] LDAP search with ldap library module failing
In-Reply-To: <20130805095627.GA4138@cateto>
References: <20130805095627.GA4138@cateto>
Message-ID: <>


> Now, if I search fog cn=ab*, a much limited search it will return the search
> results. Thinking that it could be a limitation from the server side, I've done
> the same search with ldapsearch in bash, and it gets what is expected.

Are you sure it gets what is expected? ldapsearch limits the results to
500 - maybe the LDAP library does not. How many entries do you expect?

> I am using ipython, and python 2.6 in a linux OS.

Why are you using such an outdated version? Any chance you upgrade to
Python 2.7?

> My question is: How can I try to debug this issue?

There are several ways, Two are reading the LDAP server logs, and
tcpdumping the connection to see if anything happens. I am pretty
certain that this is not an issue with your code.

> The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (379, 0))

> --> 519     return self.search_ext_s(base,scope,filterstr,attrlist,attrsonly,None,None,timeout)

This is why I say "never use ipython". The error message is complete


* concerning Mozilla code leaking assertion failures to tty without D-BUS *
<mirabilos> That means, D-BUS is a tool that makes software look better
            than it actually is.

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From tonifuente at  Mon Aug  5 13:57:20 2013
From: tonifuente at (Antonio de la Fuente)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 12:57:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] LDAP search with ldap library module failing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <20130805095627.GA4138@cateto>
Message-ID: <20130805115720.GA4863@cateto>

* Dominik George <nik at> [2013-08-05 12:45:42 +0200]:

> Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 12:45:42 +0200
> From: Dominik George <nik at>
> To: Antonio de la Fuente <tonifuente at>, tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] LDAP search with ldap library module failing
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)
> Message-ID: <20130805104541.GE11510 at>
> Hi,
> > Now, if I search fog cn=ab*, a much limited search it will return the search
> > results. Thinking that it could be a limitation from the server side, I've done
> > the same search with ldapsearch in bash, and it gets what is expected.
> Are you sure it gets what is expected? ldapsearch limits the results to
> 500 - maybe the LDAP library does not. How many entries do you expect?

It doesn't look that ldapsearch is limiting the results to 500 hundred.

Around the 40000ish entries... And that is what ldapsearch returns,
48522 entries.

> > I am using ipython, and python 2.6 in a linux OS.
> Why are you using such an outdated version? Any chance you upgrade to
> Python 2.7?

I am going to run the script in a CentOS 6.4 box, and that is its python

> > My question is: How can I try to debug this issue?
> There are several ways, Two are reading the LDAP server logs, and
> tcpdumping the connection to see if anything happens. I am pretty
> certain that this is not an issue with your code.

I'll try that.

> > The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (379, 0))
> > --> 519     return self.search_ext_s(base,scope,filterstr,attrlist,attrsonly,None,None,timeout)
> This is why I say "never use ipython". The error message is complete
> non-sense.

I will also try with IDLE.

> -nik

Thank you nik.

> -- 
> * concerning Mozilla code leaking assertion failures to tty without D-BUS *
> <mirabilos> That means, D-BUS is a tool that makes software look better
>             than it actually is.
> PGP-Fingerprint: 3C9D 54A4 7575 C026 FB17  FD26 B79A 3C16 A0C4 F296

From davea at  Mon Aug  5 14:16:58 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 12:16:58 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] LDAP search with ldap library module failing
References: <20130805095627.GA4138@cateto>
Message-ID: <kto53p$lc8$>

Antonio de la Fuente wrote:

> * Dominik George <nik at> [2013-08-05 12:45:42 +0200]:
>> > The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (379, 0))
>> > --> 519     return self.search_ext_s(base,scope,filterstr,attrlist,attrsonly,None,None,timeout)
>> This is why I say "never use ipython". The error message is complete
>> non-sense.
> I will also try with IDLE.

Consider using the shell window and just running python.  it seems like
every IDE or pseudo-IDE tries to be helpful, and frequently misses the
mark.  The terminal will show you the unmodified traceback,

I'm not saying never use an IDE.  A good one is very useful for certain

But when it interferes with the job, run without it.


From rdmoores at  Mon Aug  5 14:51:18 2013
From: rdmoores at (Richard D. Moores)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 05:51:18 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
	fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
Message-ID: <>

>>> import fractions
>>> fractions.Fraction(6, 21)
Fraction(2, 7)

How do I turn that Fraction(2, 7) into "1/7"? (and not 0.2857142857142857...)

Or do I have to employ fractions.gcd?

I can't seem to find the answer in the doc at


DIck Moores

From nik at  Mon Aug  5 14:56:33 2013
From: nik at (Dominik George)
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 14:56:33 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator
	from	fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


how about casting to str()?


"Richard D. Moores" <rdmoores at> schrieb:
>>>> import fractions
>>>> fractions.Fraction(6, 21)
>Fraction(2, 7)
>How do I turn that Fraction(2, 7) into "1/7"? (and not
>Or do I have to employ fractions.gcd?
>I can't seem to find the answer in the doc at
>DIck Moores
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
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From rdmoores at  Mon Aug  5 15:09:32 2013
From: rdmoores at (Richard D. Moores)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 06:09:32 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Dominik George <nik at> wrote:
> Hi,
> how about casting to str()?
> -nik

Thanks very much Nik. I should have tried that.

>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> str(Fraction(6,21))


From at  Mon Aug  5 15:15:34 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 23:15:34 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
>>>> import fractions
>>>> fractions.Fraction(6, 21)
> Fraction(2, 7)
> How do I turn that Fraction(2, 7) into "1/7"? (and not 0.2857142857142857...)

I think you meant, 2/7? Here is how you can extract the numerator and
the denominator (as your subject states):

>>> fractions.Fraction(6,21)
Fraction(2, 7)
>>> f=fractions.Fraction(6,21)
>>> f
Fraction(2, 7)

>>> f.numerator
>>> f.denominator

Also, of course, str(f) would give you 2/7.


From marc at  Mon Aug  5 13:56:22 2013
From: marc at (Marc)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 07:56:22 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 114, Issue 11
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I am trying to do a ldap search against a LDAP server, like this:
> ld = ldap.initialize(ldapURI)
> ld.simple_bind_s(ldapBindDn,ldapBindPass)
> zones =
> ld.search_st(ldapBase,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'(&(objectclass=dnszone)(cn=*))',['dnszonename','modifytimestamp'],timeout=5)
> It times out after 5 seconds, and if I don't use timeout, it will hang
> up for ever.
> Now, if I search fog cn=ab*, a much limited search it will return the
> search
> results. Thinking that it could be a limitation from the server side, I've
> done
> the same search with ldapsearch in bash, and it gets what is expected.
> I am using ipython, and python 2.6 in a linux OS.
> My question is: How can I try to debug this issue?
> Thank you in advance fo your support,
> Antonio.
> Error output:
> In [122]: zones =
> ld.search_st(ldapBase,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'(&(objectclass=dnszone)(cn=*))',['dnszonename','modifytimestamp'],timeout=5)
> ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
> The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
> The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (379, 0))
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TIMEOUT                                   Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> /home/admin/afm/tinydns_databases/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.pyc in search_st(self,
> base, scope, filterstr, attrlest, attrsonly, timeout)
>     517
>     518   def
> search_st(self,base,scope,filterstr='(objectClass=*)',attrlist=None,attrsonly=0,timeout=-1):
> --> 519     return
> self.search_ext_s(base,scope,filterstr,attrlist,attrsonly,None,None,timeout)
>     520
>     521   def set_cache_options(self,*args,**kwargs):
> [...]
> /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/ldap/ldapobject.pyc in _ldap_call(self,
> func, *args, **kwargs)
>      94     try:
>      95       try:
> ---> 96         result = func(*args,**kwargs)
>      97         if __debug__ and self._trace_level>=2:
>      98           if func.__name__!="unbind_ext":

Hi  -  An example of the code (relevant snippet) I use is below - a little
different technique, but maybe it will help you figure it out (disclaimer:
I am by NO means an expert with Python - but I can get by):

import ldap
import sys
import string

if __name__ == "__main__":

        outfile = open("LDAPOut.txt",'w')
        con = ldap.initialize("<LDAP Server>")
        con.simple_bind(who="cn=<UserID>,o=<O>", cred="<Password>")

        print "success"

        print "failure"

    res = con.search_s("ou=<OU>,o=<O>",  ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
'objectClass=user' ,['createTimestamp','lastLoginTime','LoginTime'])

Manipulate the 'res =' statement to get the attributes you want.

From rdmoores at  Mon Aug  5 16:34:21 2013
From: rdmoores at (Richard D. Moores)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 07:34:21 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 6:15 AM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
>>>>> import fractions
>>>>> fractions.Fraction(6, 21)
>> Fraction(2, 7)
>> How do I turn that Fraction(2, 7) into "1/7"? (and not 0.2857142857142857...)
> I think you meant, 2/7?

Yes, sorry for screwing that up.

 Here is how you can extract the numerator and
> the denominator (as your subject states):
>>>> fractions.Fraction(6,21)
> Fraction(2, 7)
>>>> f=fractions.Fraction(6,21)
>>>> f
> Fraction(2, 7)
>>>> f.numerator
> 2
>>>> f.denominator
> 7

Ah, better yet! Thanks! But where could I have found that in


From kwpolska at  Mon Aug  5 16:40:04 2013
From: kwpolska at (=?UTF-8?B?Q2hyaXMg4oCcS3dwb2xza2HigJ0gV2Fycmljaw==?=)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 16:40:04 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 6:15 AM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
>>>>>> import fractions
>>>>>> fractions.Fraction(6, 21)
>>> Fraction(2, 7)
>>> How do I turn that Fraction(2, 7) into "1/7"? (and not 0.2857142857142857...)
>> I think you meant, 2/7?
> Yes, sorry for screwing that up.
>  Here is how you can extract the numerator and
>> the denominator (as your subject states):
>>>>> fractions.Fraction(6,21)
>> Fraction(2, 7)
>>>>> f=fractions.Fraction(6,21)
>>>>> f
>> Fraction(2, 7)
>>>>> f.numerator
>> 2
>>>>> f.denominator
>> 7
> Ah, better yet! Thanks! But where could I have found that in
> <>?
> Dick
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

> The Fraction class inherits from the abstract base class numbers.Rational, and implements all of the methods and operations from that class. [?] In addition, Fraction has the following methods:

This basically translates to ?go look numbers.Rational up if you want
more methods/properties?.  numbers.Rational is there:

Chris ?Kwpolska? Warrick <>
stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense

From at  Mon Aug  5 17:49:25 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 01:49:25 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 6:15 AM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:51 PM, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
>>>>>> import fractions
>>>>>> fractions.Fraction(6, 21)
>>> Fraction(2, 7)
>>> How do I turn that Fraction(2, 7) into "1/7"? (and not 0.2857142857142857...)
>> I think you meant, 2/7?
> Yes, sorry for screwing that up.
>  Here is how you can extract the numerator and
>> the denominator (as your subject states):
>>>>> fractions.Fraction(6,21)
>> Fraction(2, 7)
>>>>> f=fractions.Fraction(6,21)
>>>>> f
>> Fraction(2, 7)
>>>>> f.numerator
>> 2
>>>>> f.denominator
>> 7
> Ah, better yet! Thanks! But where could I have found that in
> <>?

Sometimes, you may also want to do dir() on an object to see what
attributes/methods it has/supports.


From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug  5 19:18:13 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 18:18:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktomod$6hv$>

On 05/08/13 16:49, Amit Saha wrote:
>> Ah, better yet! Thanks! But where could I have found that in
>> <>?
> Sometimes, you may also want to do dir() on an object to see what
> attributes/methods it has/supports.

 >>> help(fractions.Fraction)

yields lots of details including the following:

  |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  |  Data descriptors defined here:
  |  denominator
  |  numerator

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From ryan.waples at  Mon Aug  5 21:17:39 2013
From: ryan.waples at (Ryan Waples)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 12:17:39 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Start multiple threads from Python
Message-ID: <>

Python 2.7.x on Windows 7.

I'm looking for a bit of advice, not sure how to proceed.

With Python I am generating a file with a bunch of data in it.  I want to
analyse the data in this file with three separate programs.  Each of these
programs is single threaded needs only read access to the data, and they do
not depend on each other.

Currently I am calling each analysis program one at a time with This is working without a hitch, but as each analysis
can take a while to run, I want to try to speed things up.  I realize I can
start three different python sessions to do this, but that just begs the
question how to do that from python?

How can I start multiple independent programs (as in
without waiting for them to finish?

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From ryan.waples at  Mon Aug  5 21:28:48 2013
From: ryan.waples at (Ryan Waples)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 12:28:48 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Start multiple threads from Python
In-Reply-To: <20130805192630.GA1345@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, that may be just what I'm looking for.


On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:

> On 2013-08-05 12:17, Ryan Waples wrote:
> > Currently I am calling each analysis program one at a time with
> > This is working without a hitch, but as each analysis
> > can take a while to run, I want to try to speed things up.  I realize I
> can
> > start three different python sessions to do this, but that just begs the
> > question how to do that from python?
> subprocess.Popen does not block unless you explicitly tell it to (by using
> communicate()). Perhaps that's what you want.
>     >>> import subprocess
>     >>> x = subprocess.Popen([ "sleep", "60" ])
>     >>> y = subprocess.Popen([ "sleep", "60" ])
>     >>>
>     3035
>     >>>
>     3036
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From eryksun at  Mon Aug  5 22:50:19 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 16:50:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
>>>>> f.numerator
>> 2
>>>>> f.denominator
>> 7
> Ah, better yet! Thanks! But where could I have found that in
> <>?

Start with help(fractions), dir(fractions), and
dir(fractions.Fraction). If that doesn't answer your question, then
scan over the source:

    >>> import fractions, inspect, pydoc
    >>> pydoc.pager(inspect.getsource(fractions))

A quick scan comes up with the following:

    __slots__ = ('_numerator', '_denominator')

    def numerator(a):
        return a._numerator

    def denominator(a):
        return a._denominator

    def __str__(self):
        if self._denominator == 1:
            return str(self._numerator)
            return '%s/%s' % (self._numerator, self._denominator)

More interesting is the reason it uses a property without a setter,
which makes the fraction 'immutable' -- as long as you don't tamper
with the private attributes.

The numerator and denominator values are used to compute the
fraction's hash, such that the hash is the same for an equal number
(int, float, Fraction, Decimal). So a Fraction can be used as a dict

    >>> frac = Fraction(1)
    >>> d = {frac: 1}
    >>> frac in d

The key to fetch the value can be any equal number:

    >>> d[1], d[1.0], d[Decimal(1)], d[Fraction(1)]
    (1, 1, 1, 1)

The value has to be immutable because mutating it (and thus the hash)
would leave the dict in an inconsistent state:

    >>> frac._numerator = 2
    >>> list(d)[0] is frac
    >>> frac in d
    >>> Fraction(2) in d
    >>> Fraction(1) in d

After mutating the value, frac has the hash of Fraction(2), but it's
still at the position for  Fraction(1) in the dict's hash table.
Looking for frac or Fraction(2) just finds an empty slot. Looking for
Fraction(1) finds frac in the table, but since it could just be a hash
collision it has to check for equality -- but frac no longer equals

From rdmoores at  Tue Aug  6 00:37:58 2013
From: rdmoores at (Richard D. Moores)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 15:37:58 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

My thanks to all for the great help.

Yay Tutors!

Dick Moores

From sbjaved at  Tue Aug  6 00:48:16 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 03:48:16 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
Message-ID: <>

I want to add users to the tweet from the list, the no. of users added
based on the length of the tweet.

#!/usr/bin/env python

lst = ['@saad', '@asad', '@sherry', '@danny', '@ali', '@hasan',
'@adil', '@yousaf', '@maria', '@bilal', '@owais']

#string = raw_input('enter string: ')
#example string
string = 'These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have
known them for years. They are good people in general. They are:'

limit = 140

remaining = limit - len(string)

print remaining, '\n'

running = True

while running:
    if len(lst) >=3 and len(lst[0]) + len(lst[1]) + len(lst[2]) <= remaining:
        print string, lst[0], lst[1], lst[2]
        del lst[:3]
        if len(lst) < 3:
    elif len(lst) >=2 and len(lst[0]) + len(lst[1]) <= remaining:
        print string, lst[0], lst[1]
        del lst[:2]
        if len(lst) < 2:
    elif len(lst) >=1 and len(lst[0]) <= remaining:
        print string, lst[0]
        del lst[0]
        if len(lst) < 1:
        print 'no room for friends'
        running = False

This code works but it can add a maximum of 3 users to the tweet at a
time. Is there a way to calculate how many users would fit into the
remaining space (i.e. 140 - len(tweet)) and add that no. of users from
the list to the tweet?

From cybervigilante at  Tue Aug  6 05:50:16 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 20:50:16 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 August 2013 06:09, Richard D. Moores <rdmoores at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Dominik George <nik at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how about casting to str()?

Or, to make it even more usable and get numbers back:

f = [int(x) for x in str(fractions.Fraction(6,21)).split('/')]
[2, 7]


From eryksun at  Tue Aug  6 06:21:43 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 00:21:43 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 11:50 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at> wrote:
> Or, to make it even more usable and get numbers back:
> f = [int(x) for x in str(fractions.Fraction(6,21)).split('/')]
> [2, 7]

This looks like a job for IterableFraction:

    class IterableFraction(Fraction):
        def __iter__(self):
            yield self.numerator
            yield self.denominator

    >>> list(IterableFraction(6, 21))
    [2, 7]

j/k :)

From cybervigilante at  Tue Aug  6 09:16:24 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 00:16:24 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5 August 2013 21:21, eryksun <eryksun at> wrote:

> This looks like a job for IterableFraction:

No, it's a job for SpammyFraction ;')

from fractions import Fraction
class SpammyFraction(Fraction):
    def spam(self):
        return [self.numerator, self.denominator]

>>>SpammyFraction(6, 21).spam()
       [2, 7]

Seriously, though, I thought yield was like return - one and you're
done - how are you getting two yields in there?

The Curiosity Rover has been on Mars a year Huh? It feels like it
landed, at most, a few months ago. Where in hell is the time going?

From fomcl at  Tue Aug  6 09:30:43 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 00:30:43 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] managing version numbers (with versioneer?)
Message-ID: <>

I was wondering what is the best way to manage version strings during the release process. I was browsing on the web and I found out about the 'versioneer' package, which seems very promising: "[During the creation of a bdist/sdist] they invoke ?git describe? (with ?tags ?always ?dirty) to come up with a fine-grained version string. If you?re sitting on a tag, you get just ?1.4?. If you?re after a tag, you?ll get something like ?1.4-8-gf7283c2?, which means there are 8 commits after the 1.4 tag, and the abbreviated SHA1 revision ID is f7283c2. And if your tree has uncommitted changes, you?ll get ?1.4-8-gf7283c2-dirty?. "?[]

What are the best practices here? Is there some, possibly better, alternative to versioneer? I am using git on linux ubuntu 12, and setuptools with Python 2.7.3.


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug  6 09:58:31 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 08:58:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktqaav$ocf$>

On 06/08/13 08:16, Jim Mooney wrote:

>>     class IterableFraction(Fraction):
>>        def __iter__(self):
>>            yield self.numerator
>>            yield self.denominator

> Seriously, though, I thought yield was like return - one and you're
> done - how are you getting two yields in there?

yield acts like a return but also a freeze frame.
So the first time you call the function it runs till it hits yield. The 
next time you call the function it picks up at the yield and continues 
from that point. In this case to the next yield.

The usual paradigm is to have the yield inside a loop such that every 
call returns the next result of a loop. You could do that here too but 
its shorter to use 2 yields:

def __iter__(self):
   for value in [self.numerator, self.denominator]
     yield value


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From steve at  Tue Aug  6 10:26:35 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 18:26:35 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
	fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <ktqaav$ocf$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>

On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 08:58:31AM +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 06/08/13 08:16, Jim Mooney wrote:
> >>    class IterableFraction(Fraction):
> >>       def __iter__(self):
> >>           yield self.numerator
> >>           yield self.denominator
> >Seriously, though, I thought yield was like return - one and you're
> >done - how are you getting two yields in there?
> yield acts like a return but also a freeze frame.
> So the first time you call the function it runs till it hits yield. The 
> next time you call the function it picks up at the yield and continues 
> from that point. In this case to the next yield.

All this is correct, but yield is more powerful than that. Not only does 
yield get used to return values from a function, it also gets used to 
send values *into* a running function.

py> def cr():  # Co-Routine.
...     x = yield()
...     while True:
...             x = yield(x + 1)
py> magic = cr()
py> magic.send(None)
py> magic.send(1)
py> magic.send(2)
py> magic.send(99)
py> magic.send(3)

Prepare to have your mind expanded, possibly until it leaks out your 
ears :-)


From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug  6 10:44:51 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 09:44:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>
References: <>
	<ktqaav$ocf$> <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>
Message-ID: <ktqd1s$lbh$>

On 06/08/13 09:26, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> All this is correct, but yield is more powerful than that. Not only does
> yield get used to return values from a function, it also gets used to
> send values *into* a running function.

Yikes. This is new to me too.
When did that happen? Has yield always had these two way powers?

> py> def cr():  # Co-Routine.
> ...     x = yield()
> ...     while True:
> ...             x = yield(x + 1)
> ...
> py> magic = cr()
> py> magic.send(None)
> ()
> py> magic.send(1)
> 2
> Prepare to have your mind expanded

I have some reading to do...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From wprins at  Tue Aug  6 11:01:55 2013
From: wprins at (Walter Prins)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 10:01:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <ktqd1s$lbh$>
References: <>
	<ktqaav$ocf$> <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Steven, Alan,

On 6 August 2013 09:44, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:

> On 06/08/13 09:26, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>  All this is correct, but yield is more powerful than that. Not only does
>> yield get used to return values from a function, it also gets used to
>> send values *into* a running function.
> Yikes. This is new to me too.
> When did that happen? Has yield always had these two way powers?

No, but having done a search myself about this just now, apparently since
about 2005:

>  py> def cr():  # Co-Routine.
>> ...     x = yield()
>> ...     while True:
>> ...             x = yield(x + 1)
>> ...
>> py> magic = cr()
>> py> magic.send(None)
>> ()
>> py> magic.send(1)
>> 2
>> Prepare to have your mind expanded
Wow, I like you Alan was aware of the basics of yield but not send etc...,
this is rather neat.  So you can also simplistically think of "send" and
yield as akin to threaded execution, where cr() is like a thread that
blocks at the yield call after creation, and then when you call on
magic.send() the "thread" wakes up and continues and eventually returns
another value to the "calling thread" and itself blocks again at the
yield?  All without using real threads anywhere?  Very very cool....

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From sbjaved at  Tue Aug  6 11:40:14 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 14:40:14 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <20130806091523.GD960@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> It looks like you're using Python 2, but you didn't specify.
> I'd probably do something like this:
>     #!/usr/bin/env python
>     MAX_LENGTH = 140
>     users = [
>         "saad", "asad", "sherry", "danny", "ali", "hasan", "adil",
> "yousaf",
>         "maria", "bilal", "owais",
>     ]
>     def populate():
>         message = raw_input("Enter string: ")
>         while users:
>             new_message = " ".join([message, "@" + users.pop(0)])
>             if len(new_message) > MAX_LENGTH:
>                 break
>             message = new_message
>         return message
>     if __name__ == "__main__":
>         print(populate())

It will add max no. of  users to one tweet until limit is reached. I want
all users added to the tweet. E.g. if 4 users can be added to the tweet
before reaching the limit, return three tweets...first two with 4 users
attached and the last one with three. Think of it as sending the same tweet
with all the users in the list mentioned. The code I posted does that but
can only add 3 users at a time. I want it to be able to calculate maximum
no of users it can attach to the tweet and then keep doing it until the
list runs out. Hope i've explained my problem. And yes, i'm using python 2.

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From tonifuente at  Tue Aug  6 12:01:59 2013
From: tonifuente at (Antonio de la Fuente)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 11:01:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] LDAP search with ldap library module failing
In-Reply-To: <kto53p$lc8$>
References: <20130805095627.GA4138@cateto>
	<20130805115720.GA4863@cateto> <kto53p$lc8$>
Message-ID: <20130806100158.GA3584@cateto>

* Dave Angel <davea at> [2013-08-05 12:16:58 +0000]:

> > * Dominik George <nik at> [2013-08-05 12:45:42 +0200]:
>     <snip>
> >
> >> > The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (379, 0))
> >> 
> >> > --> 519     return self.search_ext_s(base,scope,filterstr,attrlist,attrsonly,None,None,timeout)
> >> 
> >> This is why I say "never use ipython". The error message is complete
> >> non-sense.
> >> 
> >
> > I will also try with IDLE.
> Consider using the shell window and just running python.  it seems like
> every IDE or pseudo-IDE tries to be helpful, and frequently misses the
> mark.  The terminal will show you the unmodified traceback,
> I'm not saying never use an IDE.  A good one is very useful for certain
> things.
> But when it interferes with the job, run without it.

It seems all it was to blame is my impatience :-/

On the LDAP server I've run tcpdump catching anything that came from the
server were I am running the script, source IP:

# tcpdump -vvv src [IP address]

I wrote the python statements on a file and I've run it on the bash
shell. I've also changed the LDAP object search so I didn't include a
timeout argument, as I could see that when running the search, there was
periods of up to 30 seconds where the connection was idle, tcpdump
didn't spit anything:


After around 10 minutes there were the expected results.

Then I tried with iPython and IDLE, both of then also gave me the
expected result.

Thank you.


M?s vale una palabra a tiempo que cien a destiempo.
		-- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. (1547-1616) Escritor espa?ol. 

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Tue Aug  6 16:40:22 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 15:40:22 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000601ce8eaa$c6baabb0$54300310$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 1 August 2013 12:32, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Vick, sorry I've been away and I've only had a chance to look at this now.

> As per your request below, I have attached a stand-alone example (
> of my problem. I am trying to plot in 3D using ion() from a loop.

Basically don't use ion() for animation: it is intended for
interactive use. Use matplotlib's animation API for animation. See

I've put example scripts below. Both run fine on this computer. You'll
want a recent matplotlib version.

Here's a 2d animation script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# 2d animation

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.70, 0.70])
line, = ax.plot([], [], linewidth=2)

def init():
    ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
    ax.set_ylim([-1, 1])
    line.set_data([], [])
    return line,

def animate(i):
    t = dt * np.arange(i)
    x = np.cos(omega * t)
    y = np.sin(omega * t)
    line.set_data(x, y)
    return line,

dt = .02 # in seconds
T = 10   # Period (seconds)
omega = 2 * np.pi / T  # 0.1 Hz

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
interval=int(1000*dt), blit=True)

And here's a 3d script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# 3d animation

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.70, 0.70], projection='3d')
line, = ax.plot([], [], [], linewidth=2)

def init():
    ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
    ax.set_ylim([-1, 1])
    ax.set_zlim([0, 10])
    line.set_data([], [])
    return line,

def animate(i):
    t = dt * np.arange(i)
    x = np.cos(omega * t)
    y = np.sin(omega * t)
    z = t
    line.set_data(x, y)
    line.set_3d_properties(z)  # WTF!
    return line,

dt = .02 # in seconds
T = 10   # Duration (seconds)
omega = 2 * np.pi  # 1 Hz

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
interval=int(1000*dt), blit=True)


From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug  6 18:33:22 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 17:33:22 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<ktqaav$ocf$> <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>
Message-ID: <ktr8ga$qj2$>

On 06/08/13 10:01, Walter Prins wrote:

>         py> def cr():  # Co-Routine.
>         ...     x = yield()
>         ...     while True:
>         ...             x = yield(x + 1)
>         ...

> "send" and yield as akin to threaded execution, where cr() is like a
> thread that blocks at the yield call after creation, and then when you
> call on magic.send() the "thread" wakes up and continues and eventually
> returns another value

It's clever but I'm not keen on it overloading yield to do it.
yield as a word conveys (to me at least) the idea of returning a value 
but not quite completely ending. This usage sounds like a different 
concept and I'd have preferred a more explicit name - although I can't 
think what!! Also I'm not keen on the argument/parameter mechanism
here either. Arguments are sent but not explicitly declared in the 
receiver, that all feels rather un-pythonic to me. But I've only
skimmed it so far, I need to do some hands-on playing I think.

I am getting concerned that python is developing a lot of these
non-intuitive type features, almost because it can(*). A lot of it no 
doubt scratches somebody's itch but its at the expense of making what 
was a very easy to use language ever more complex. I'm not sure if i 
would choose Python for my Learn to Program tutorial if I was starting 
it  these days - although I'm not sure what else is any better...

(*)The same thing happened with C++ between v2 and ISO
standardization - a lot of bells n' whistles were added which made C++ 
much more complex than was good for it (or for me as a programmer!). 
Eventually you had to be a guru level coder to use it successfully. 
Python hasn't got that far yet but it seems to be in danger of it.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From sbjaved at  Tue Aug  6 19:31:45 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 22:31:45 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <20130806135109.GB4143@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Ah, I see. Sorry, I misread your requirements. Something like this should
> work.
>     #!/usr/bin/env python
>     MAX_LENGTH = 140
>     class TweetTooLongError(Exception):
>         """
>         Raised when a user would be too long to add to the tweet, even
> alone.
>         """
>         pass
>     def generate_tweets(message, users):
>         """
>         Generate tweets based around a message, with users
>         appended to each tweet.
>         :param message: the base message
>         :param users: a group of users to append
>         :returns: tweets based around the message to the users
>         """
>         add = ""
>         longest_in_list = " @" + max(users, key=len)
>         if len(longest_in_list) + len(message) > MAX_LENGTH:
>             raise TweetTooLongError(
>                 "At least one user would make the tweet too long."
>             )
>         while users:
>             new_message = message
>             while len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:
>                 new_message += add
>                 if not users:
>                     break
>                 add = " @" + users.pop(0)
>             yield new_message
>     if __name__ == "__main__":
>         users = [
>             "saad", "asad", "sherry", "danny", "ali", "hasan", "adil",
>             "yousaf", "maria", "bilal", "owais",
>         ]
>         message = raw_input("Enter string: ")
>         print("\n".join(generate_tweets(message, users)))

Thank you for your response. This code has a bug.

If there is one user left in the user list, it doesn't print a tweet with
just that one user added. For example use this string: "These are my
friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for years. They
are good people in general. They are:" will see that "owais" is still
in the list and is not added to a new tweet and printed.

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From sbjaved at  Tue Aug  6 19:49:19 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 22:49:19 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <20130806174430.GD9493@gopher>
References: <>
	<20130806174205.GC9493@gopher> <20130806174430.GD9493@gopher>
Message-ID: <>

> ...or, better, remove the if...break and just do:
>     while users and len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:

That causes:

Enter string: These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have
known them for years. They are good people in general. They are:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 44, in <module>
    print("\n".join(generate_tweets(message, users)))
  File "", line 31, in generate_tweets
    while users and len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'new_message' referenced before assignment

And the earlier fix now adds two users to a tweet, then one user, then two
user, then one... :(
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From sbjaved at  Tue Aug  6 19:51:37 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 22:51:37 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20130806174205.GC9493@gopher> <20130806174430.GD9493@gopher>
Message-ID: <>

> And the earlier fix now adds two users to a tweet, then one user, then two
> user, then one... :(

Enter string: These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have
known them for years. They are good people in general. They are:
These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for
years. They are good people in general. They are: @saad @asad
These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for
years. They are good people in general. They are: @sherry
These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for
years. They are good people in general. They are: @danny @ali
These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for
years. They are good people in general. They are: @hasan @adil
These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for
years. They are good people in general. They are: @yousaf
These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for
years. They are good people in general. They are: @maria @bilal
These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for
years. They are good people in general. They are: @owais
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From oscar.j.benjamin at  Tue Aug  6 19:56:14 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 18:56:14 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <ktr8ga$qj2$>
References: <>
	<ktqaav$ocf$> <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>
Message-ID: <>

On 6 August 2013 17:33, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 06/08/13 10:01, Walter Prins wrote:
>>         py> def cr():  # Co-Routine.
>>         ...     x = yield()
>>         ...     while True:
>>         ...             x = yield(x + 1)
>>         ...
>> "send" and yield as akin to threaded execution, where cr() is like a
>> thread that blocks at the yield call after creation, and then when you
>> call on magic.send() the "thread" wakes up and continues and eventually
>> returns another value
> It's clever but I'm not keen on it overloading yield to do it.
> yield as a word conveys (to me at least) the idea of returning a value but
> not quite completely ending. This usage sounds like a different concept and
> I'd have preferred a more explicit name - although I can't think what!!

I thought of Python's yield in the sense that 'to yield' means 'to
concede'. So funcA yields execution to to the parent frame. The new
'yield from' sort of messes that interpretation up though since it
should really be 'yield to' to make sense in this way.

> Also
> I'm not keen on the argument/parameter mechanism
> here either. Arguments are sent but not explicitly declared in the receiver,
> that all feels rather un-pythonic to me.

I'm not really sure what you mean here.

> But I've only
> skimmed it so far, I need to do some hands-on playing I think.
> I am getting concerned that python is developing a lot of these
> non-intuitive type features, almost because it can(*). A lot of it no doubt
> scratches somebody's itch but its at the expense of making what was a very
> easy to use language ever more complex. I'm not sure if i would choose
> Python for my Learn to Program tutorial if I was starting it  these days -
> although I'm not sure what else is any better...

No one needs to use .send() if they don't want to. It's also so
uncommonly used that you don't need to mention it in any introductory

There's also .throw():

def cr():
    except Exception as e:
        print('received: %s' % e)

g = cr()
next(g)  # Advance to yield

Some time ago I wanted to be able to compute statistics over some data
in a single-pass and I wanted to think of an easy way to invert a
function that consumes an iterator so that I could push values in. The
basic idea is to do something like:

mean = Mean()
var = Var()
max = Max()

for x in data:

print('mean:', mean.compute())
print('var:', var.compute())
print('max:', max.compute())

Then I realised that any function that computes a fold over an
iterator can be inverted using yield so that this

def isum(iterable, start=0):
    total = start
    for x in iterable:
        total += x
    return total

becomes this

def gsum(start=0):
    total = start
    yield lambda: total
    while True:
        total += yield

gen = gsum()
evaluate = next(gen)
next(gen)  # Move to second yield
push = gen.send

print(evaluate())  # 6

It looks a little shaky like this but you can use a decorator to clean it up:

import functools

def gencalc(gfunc):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        gen = gfunc(*args, **kwargs)
        evaluate = next(gen)
        next(gen)  # Move to second yield
        push = gen.send
        return push, evaluate
    return wrapper

def gsum(start=0):
    total = start
    yield lambda: total
    while True:
        total += yield

push, evaluate = gsum()

Then it's easy to make other generator calculation functions:

def gmax():
    yield lambda : currentmax
    currentmax = yield
    while True:
        newval = yield
        if newval > currentmax:
            currentmax = newval

def gvar():  # I haven't tested that this is correct
    yield lambda: totalvar / (count - 1) if count > 1 else 0
    mean = 0
    totalvar = 0
    for count in itertools.count():
        newval = yield
        oldmean = mean
        mean += (newval - mean) / count
        totalvar += (newval - oldmean) * (newval - mean)

The obvious way to do this without generators is something like:

class Sum:
    def __init__(self, start=0): = start
    def push(self, value): += value
    def evaluate(self):

But I prefer the version that keeps it all in one function and still
looks a lot like the normal function that consumes an iterable.


From sbjaved at  Tue Aug  6 20:11:27 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 23:11:27 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <20130806175702.GE9493@gopher>
References: <>
	<20130806174205.GC9493@gopher> <20130806174430.GD9493@gopher>
Message-ID: <>

> I don't see how that differs from your expected output...?
> > I want all users added to the tweet. E.g. if 4 users can be added to the
> > tweet before reaching the limit, return three tweets...first two with 4
> users
> > attached and the last one with three.
> You hit the 140 character limit if another user is added, so it resets to
> the
> base message and adds the next user(s) as possible.
> What is your expected output for that sample input?

Oops! My bad. The fix worked as expected. The output fooled me into
thinking it was skipping a user every second line. Actually MAX_LENGTH was
being reached in each case. I'll check the you posted.

Thanks again!
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From sbjaved at  Tue Aug  6 20:16:21 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 23:16:21 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20130806174205.GC9493@gopher> <20130806174430.GD9493@gopher>
Message-ID: <>

I added *len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH *to the outer while loop
instead of inner which threw an error. Your code works as expected. Thanks
a lot!

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From davea at  Tue Aug  6 20:36:09 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 18:36:09 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktrfmm$g5i$>

Saad Javed wrote:

> I want to add users to the tweet from the list, the no. of users added
> based on the length of the tweet.
This version should be a bit cleaner than what I've seen on this thread.

#!/usr/bin/env python

LIMIT = 140
#(I use uppercase there to show it's a constant)

def send(message, users):
    output = message
    while users:
        while users and 1+len(output+users[0]) < LIMIT:
            output += " " + users.pop(0)
        if output == message:
            print "message too long for user", user[0]
            raise userError
        print output
        output = message

lst = ['@saad', '@asad', '@sherry', '@danny', '@ali', '@hasan',
'@adil', '@yousaf', '@maria', '@bilal', '@owais']

#string = raw_input('enter string: ')
#example string
string = ("These are my friends living in the same city as i am."
" I have known them for years. They are "
"good people in general. They are:")

send(string, lst)

BTW, you have a bunch of other messages on the thread which are replying
to the invisible man, posts that aren't (yet?) visible.  Since you quote
him without attribution, we have no clue who you're commenting about.


From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug  6 20:56:04 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 19:56:04 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<ktqaav$ocf$> <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>
Message-ID: <ktrgrt$tv5$>

On 06/08/13 18:56, Oscar Benjamin wrote:

>>>          py> def cr():  # Co-Routine.
>>>          ...     x = yield()
>>>          ...     while True:
>>>          ...             x = yield(x + 1)
>>>          ...
>> I'm not keen on the argument/parameter mechanism
>> here either. Arguments are sent but not explicitly declared in the receiver,
>> that all feels rather un-pythonic to me.
> I'm not really sure what you mean here.

I simply meant that the syntax for send is like a normal function call:


But its not obvious from the code for cr() that someValue will get 
assigned to x. (It's not even obvious that the cr() code would be 
invoked at all!)

And in the last line I'm still not sure (I've not had time to play yet) 
but I think it's saying:

"return someValue+1 and assign that result to x ready for the next 
iteration of the cr() function."

At least, that's what I read it to mean. So x which looks like a regular 
local variable assigned the result of yield() suddenly acquires the 
value of the argument to send(). That's not intuitive and it's not 
explicit (It breaks with the Python credo - explicit is better than 

It all seems a bit like too much magic going on for most beginners to 
understand. And while it's true they don't have to use it, it's easy for 
beginners to hit that kind of thing by accident, have their code "work" 
(no errors) but actually do something very different to what they 
expect. Now, in this case they have to call send(), which in itself is 
not an intuitive thing to do accidentally but I shudder to think how I 
would explain all that to a newbie who did stumble upon it! (Maybe by 
cut n' pasting code from a forum/thread somewhere?)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From wolfrage8765 at  Tue Aug  6 21:04:39 2013
From: wolfrage8765 at (wolfrage8765 at
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 15:04:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to extract numerator and denominator from
 fractions.Fraction(4, 32)?
In-Reply-To: <ktrgrt$tv5$>
References: <>
	<ktqaav$ocf$> <20130806082634.GD17751@ando>
Message-ID: <>

> It all seems a bit like too much magic going on for most beginners to
> understand. And while it's true they don't have to use it, it's easy for
> beginners to hit that kind of thing by accident, have their code "work" (no
> errors) but actually do something very different to what they expect. Now,
> in this case they have to call send(), which in itself is not an intuitive
> thing to do accidentally but I shudder to think how I would explain all that
> to a newbie who did stumble upon it! (Maybe by cut n' pasting code from a
> forum/thread somewhere?)
I have to agree, at some point I thought I was getting to know Python
pretty well, then I read about iterators, and realized I understood
zero of what I had read about iterators.  Since I have unfortunately
avoided them, until I have time to really learn how they work.  It
sounds very cool and all, async type operations like threading with
out threads, but the magical syntax completely alludes me.  And it is
definitely above and beyond an average users level.  But I think that
is because it has it's root in functional programming which as I had
stated before is a complex subject on it's own.

From tonifuente at  Wed Aug  7 15:10:18 2013
From: tonifuente at (Toni Fuente)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 14:10:18 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Writing bind9 zone files with python
Message-ID: <20130807131018.GA2810@cateto>

Hi again,

I've got a Berkeley database with a key = 'domain name' and a value =
'timestamp'. And then I've got a list with items that I've got from a
LDAP search, it is a list of tuples. Each tuple is formed of a string,
which is a LDAP dn, and a dictionary with two key-value pairs,
dnszonename: [''] a domain name, and modifytimestamp:
['20130723201557Z'], with a number representing the last time that the
domain was modified.

This is a data example stored in a list variable from the LDAP search

 {'dnszonename': [''],
     'modifytimestamp': ['20120601100135Z']}),


 {'dnszonename': [''],
    'modifytimestamp': ['20130801100135Z']})]

I need to write something in python that would go through all the
domains in the ldap search and if the domain exist on the local
database, it then compares the timestamps, if they are the same, nothing
will be done, but if they are different then, it will need to do another
LDAP search for the zone, and then write a bind zone file in the
appropriate place, and update the timestamp value in the local database
with the one from LDAP. Finally if the domain zone name doesn't exist on
the local database, it will need to write a bind zone file in the
appropriate place and add a new key-value from the domain-timestamp on
the local database.

This is a sketch of what I am doing:

ldapDict = {}

ldapEntries = ld.search_s(ldapBase,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'(&(objectclass=dnszone)(cn=*))',['dnszonename','modifytimestamp'])

for entry in ldapEntries:
    tmpDict = entry[1]
    ldapDict[''.join(tmpDict['dnszonename'])] = ''.join(tmpDict['modifytimestamp'])

for k, v in ldapDict.iteritems():
    value = zonesdb.get(k)
    if value == None:
        print "New domain"
    elif v != zonesdb[k]:
        print "New record"

The first for loop converts the LDAP search list, into a dictionary of
key-values that I need to work with. And the second loop depending of
the values or existence of the keys, It will do something or the other.

My two questions are:

- Is this the right approach to solve the problem? Is there better ones?

- I don't know how to approach the problem of writing bind zone files
  with the data that I will get from the LDAP server, so I was wondering
  if anyone knows a module that will help me.
  I am looking at things on the Internet like, but it looks
  a daunting task for someone with my python skills level, to reverse
  that script. 

Thank you,

El que se casa fuera, o la trae o la lleva. 

From sbjaved at  Wed Aug  7 16:41:47 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 19:41:47 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <ktrfmm$g5i$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There was only Chris responding to the question so I removed the line above
the quoted part in my responses that says "On Aug 6, 2013 11:36 PM, "Dave
Angel" <davea at> wrote:"... is that what's confusing?
On Aug 6, 2013 11:36 PM, "Dave Angel" <davea at> wrote:

> Saad Javed wrote:
> > I want to add users to the tweet from the list, the no. of users added
> > based on the length of the tweet.
> >
> This version should be a bit cleaner than what I've seen on this thread.
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> LIMIT = 140
> #(I use uppercase there to show it's a constant)
> def send(message, users):
>     output = message
>     while users:
>         while users and 1+len(output+users[0]) < LIMIT:
>             output += " " + users.pop(0)
>         if output == message:
>             print "message too long for user", user[0]
>             raise userError
>         print output
>         output = message
> lst = ['@saad', '@asad', '@sherry', '@danny', '@ali', '@hasan',
> '@adil', '@yousaf', '@maria', '@bilal', '@owais']
> #string = raw_input('enter string: ')
> #example string
> string = ("These are my friends living in the same city as i am."
> " I have known them for years. They are "
> "good people in general. They are:")
> send(string, lst)
> BTW, you have a bunch of other messages on the thread which are replying
> to the invisible man, posts that aren't (yet?) visible.  Since you quote
> him without attribution, we have no clue who you're commenting about.
> --
> DaveA
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From alan.gauld at  Wed Aug  7 19:47:33 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 18:47:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktu17e$ltk$>

On 07/08/13 15:41, Saad Javed wrote:
> There was only Chris responding

Apparently he didn't CC the list so the rest of us didn't see it(*).

> is that what's confusing?

It's not just the lack of attribution but the fact we just didn't see 
the post to which you are replying.

(*)It is possible that Chris' mail is in the moderation queue,
which I was hoping to visit tonight or tomorrow...
In which case, watch this space...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From chris at  Mon Aug  5 21:26:30 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2013 21:26:30 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Start multiple threads from Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130805192630.GA1345@gopher>

On 2013-08-05 12:17, Ryan Waples wrote:
> Currently I am calling each analysis program one at a time with
> This is working without a hitch, but as each analysis
> can take a while to run, I want to try to speed things up.  I realize I can
> start three different python sessions to do this, but that just begs the
> question how to do that from python?

subprocess.Popen does not block unless you explicitly tell it to (by using
communicate()). Perhaps that's what you want.

    >>> import subprocess
    >>> x = subprocess.Popen([ "sleep", "60" ])
    >>> y = subprocess.Popen([ "sleep", "60" ])
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From at  Sat Aug  3 01:33:00 2013
From: at (Amandeep Behl)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 16:33:00 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Can anyone explain this
Message-ID: <>

Can anyone explain this code below:

import sys
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.path.insert(0, "..")
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(
        os.path.split(__file__)[0], '..'))
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From davea at  Tue Aug  6 22:34:47 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:34:47 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <20130806191827.GA17412@gopher>
References: <>
	<ktrfmm$g5i$> <20130806191827.GA17412@gopher>
Message-ID: <>

On 08/06/2013 03:18 PM, Chris Down wrote:
> On 2013-08-06 18:36, Dave Angel wrote:
>> This version should be a bit cleaner than what I've seen on this thread.
> Our methods are almost the same, other than the fact that you don't use a
> generator, and you do the length validity check during the loop instead of
> preemptively, I'm not sure which I think is cleaner.
> I'm more inclined toward using more lines of code to clearly express the reason
> for the failure's conclusion, but either is perfectly valid and readable.
> Thanks for the alternative :-)

I didn't actually check whether that exception is valid;  it's probably 
spelt wrong.

> On 2013-08-06 18:36, Dave Angel wrote:
>> BTW, you have a bunch of other messages on the thread which are replying
>> to the invisible man, posts that aren't (yet?) visible.  Since you quote
>> him without attribution, we have no clue who you're commenting about.
> He is replying to me, but his client seems to not prepend any header to his
> quotes. I am new to this list and am still held in the moderation queue.

Thanks for the status, I didn't think about the moderation queue. 
Presumably the only reason he saw your messages already is you did a 
reply-all instead of a reply-list.


From chris at  Tue Aug  6 21:18:27 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 21:18:27 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <ktrfmm$g5i$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130806191827.GA17412@gopher>

On 2013-08-06 18:36, Dave Angel wrote:
> This version should be a bit cleaner than what I've seen on this thread.

Our methods are almost the same, other than the fact that you don't use a
generator, and you do the length validity check during the loop instead of
preemptively, I'm not sure which I think is cleaner.

I'm more inclined toward using more lines of code to clearly express the reason
for the failure's conclusion, but either is perfectly valid and readable.
Thanks for the alternative :-)

On 2013-08-06 18:36, Dave Angel wrote:
> BTW, you have a bunch of other messages on the thread which are replying
> to the invisible man, posts that aren't (yet?) visible.  Since you quote
> him without attribution, we have no clue who you're commenting about.

He is replying to me, but his client seems to not prepend any header to his
quotes. I am new to this list and am still held in the moderation queue.

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From joshkim.319 at  Wed Aug  7 18:38:27 2013
From: joshkim.319 at (Joshua Kim)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 12:38:27 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] .txt matrix import
Message-ID: <>


This is my first time using Tutor, so I apologize for any fallacies I may be making; my problem involves opening a .txt file which contains several lines of descriptive information followed by a tab delimited matrix of numerical values? I am trying to find an effective way in which to skip the first 'X' number of lines in the .txt file (54 in my case) and input the columns of data into individual arrays (note the 55th line denotes the title of the column, so preferably I would like to have python use those values as the names to the individual array, but I am unsure of how involved that may become)

Any hints/suggestions/pointers would be appreciated. 


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From protonlenny at  Thu Aug  1 07:21:36 2013
From: protonlenny at (Zachary Rizer)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 00:21:36 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Question in regards to loops and matplotlib
Message-ID: <>

So I just started coding, and I'm so glad I chose Python to start me off! I
really enjoy the clean layout, easy syntax, and power of the language. I'm
doing astronomy research and I just started teaching myself matplotlib
along with my general python work. I feel like I'm catching on quick, but I
also feel that this particular plot script is a little rough. The plot
looks correct, but the code seems really long for what I'm trying to do. So
any tricks to make this more efficient would be greatly appreciated!

A little bit about what's going on before I post the script. I'm using
np.genfromtext to upload a CSV file of a bunch of astronomy data. I need to
break this data down into multiple subsets. 4 mass separated subsets
(row['logM']) and each of those is divided into bulge and disk dominated.
And for each of those I need to separate quiescent and star forming. So I
have a total of 8 star forming subsets and 8 quiescent subsets. And all
sixteen different styles of object need a distinct marker on the plot. I
hope that with the comments you can see where I divided those up in the
code. I did it all with a ton of for loops and if statements filling in a
bunch of empty arrays. Hopefully this is enough info to make sense of what
I'm going for. My main question is can I shorten this code, especially the
for loops, to make it more efficient and clean? Here is the script:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#----- Zach Rizer
#----- UVJ plot
#----- data = n>2_qui_flag.csv

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patch
from matplotlib.path import Path

fig = plt.figure('UVJ')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #subplot for shaded region

# ----- Data uploaded from preliminary TopCat CSV Files
data =
                    dtype=None,names=True,delimiter =",")

# ----- Define Quiesent Subset
qui_m1d_xval = []
qui_m1d_yval = []
qui_m2d_xval = []
qui_m2d_yval = []
qui_m3d_xval = []
qui_m3d_yval = []
qui_m4d_xval = []
qui_m4d_yval = []
qui_m1b_xval = []
qui_m1b_yval = []
qui_m2b_xval = []
qui_m2b_yval = []
qui_m3b_xval = []
qui_m3b_yval = []
qui_m4b_xval = []
qui_m4b_yval = []
for row in data:
    if row['Dv'] > 0.65 and row['DSw'] > 0.65:
     * # filling disk-dom arrays*
        if row['UminV'] > 1.3 and row['VminJ'] < 1.6 and row['UminV'] >
0.88*(row['VminJ']+0.59):#quiescent criteria at particular z
            if row['Z'] >= 0.6 and row['Z'] < 0.9:#redshift bin criteria
                if row['logM'] >= 9.7 and row['logM'] < 10:#mass subsets
for shape in plots
  * # (x) fill the empty list with the data from the appropriate column.*
                elif row['logM'] >= 10 and row['logM'] < 10.5:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.5 and row['logM'] < 10.8:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.8:
    if row['Dv'] < 0.35 and row['DSw'] > 0.65:
       *  # filling bulge-dom arrays*
        if row['UminV'] > 1.3 and row['VminJ'] < 1.6 and row['UminV'] >
0.88*(row['VminJ']+0.59):#quiescent criteria at particular z
            if row['Z'] >= 0.6 and row['Z'] < 0.9:#redshift bin criteria
                if row['logM'] >= 9.7 and row['logM'] < 10:#mass subsets
for shape in plots
                elif row['logM'] >= 10 and row['logM'] < 10.5:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.5 and row['logM'] < 10.8:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.8:

# ----- Define Star-Forming Subset
sf_m1d_xval = []
sf_m1d_yval = []
sf_m2d_xval = []
sf_m2d_yval = []
sf_m3d_xval = []
sf_m3d_yval = []
sf_m4d_xval = []
sf_m4d_yval = []
sf_m1b_xval = []
sf_m1b_yval = []
sf_m2b_xval = []
sf_m2b_yval = []
sf_m3b_xval = []
sf_m3b_yval = []
sf_m4b_xval = []
sf_m4b_yval = []
for row in data:
    if row['Dv'] > 0.65 and row['DSw'] > 0.65:
        # filling disk-dom arrays
        if row['UminV'] < 1.3 or row['VminJ'] > 1.6 or row['UminV'] <
0.88*(row['VminJ']+0.59):#star forming creteria at particular z
            if row['Z'] >= 0.6 and row['Z'] < 0.9:#reshift bin criteria
                if row['logM'] >= 9.7 and row['logM'] < 10:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10 and row['logM'] < 10.5:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.5 and row['logM'] < 10.8:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.8:
    if row['Dv'] < 0.35 and row['DSw'] > 0.65:
                # filling disk-dom arrays
        if row['UminV'] < 1.3 or row['VminJ'] > 1.6 or row['UminV'] <
0.88*(row['VminJ']+0.59):#star forming creteria at particular z
            if row['Z'] >= 0.6 and row['Z'] < 0.9:#reshift bin criteria
                if row['logM'] >= 9.7 and row['logM'] < 10:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10 and row['logM'] < 10.5:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.5 and row['logM'] < 10.8:
                elif row['logM'] >= 10.8:

# ----- plot the first column as x, and second column as y
plot_qui_m4d, = plt.plot(qui_m4d_xval, qui_m4d_yval, 'r^', ms=12)
plot_qui_m4b, = plt.plot(qui_m4b_xval, qui_m4b_yval, 'ro', ms=12)
plot_qui_m3d, = plt.plot(qui_m3d_xval, qui_m3d_yval, 'r^', ms=9)
plot_qui_m3b, = plt.plot(qui_m3b_xval, qui_m3b_yval, 'ro', ms=9)
plot_qui_m2d, = plt.plot(qui_m2d_xval, qui_m2d_yval, 'r^', ms=6)
plot_qui_m2b, = plt.plot(qui_m2b_xval, qui_m2b_yval, 'ro', ms=6)
plot_qui_m1d, = plt.plot(qui_m1d_xval, qui_m1d_yval, 'r^', ms=3)
plot_qui_m1b, = plt.plot(qui_m1b_xval, qui_m1b_yval, 'ro', ms=3)

plot_sf_m4d, = plt.plot(sf_m4d_xval, sf_m4d_yval, 'b^', ms=12)
plot_sf_m4b, = plt.plot(sf_m4b_xval, sf_m4b_yval, 'bo', ms=12)
plot_sf_m3d, = plt.plot(sf_m3d_xval, sf_m3d_yval, 'b^', ms=9)
plot_sf_m3b, = plt.plot(sf_m3b_xval, sf_m3b_yval, 'bo', ms=9)
plot_sf_m2d, = plt.plot(sf_m2d_xval, sf_m2d_yval, 'b^', ms=6)
plot_sf_m2b, = plt.plot(sf_m2b_xval, sf_m2b_yval, 'bo', ms=6)
plot_sf_m1d, = plt.plot(sf_m1d_xval, sf_m1d_yval, 'b^', ms=3)
plot_sf_m1b, = plt.plot(sf_m1b_xval, sf_m1b_yval, 'bo', ms=3)


####### Shading, coloring, patches, etc...
#------ quiescent divided region
verts = [(-1.,1.3),
codes = [Path.MOVETO,
path = Path(verts,codes)
patch = patch.PathPatch(path, facecolor='none', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5,

#----- titles and axis labels and axis limits
plt.title('UVJ Plot of n>2 population at 0.6<z<0.9')
plt.xlim(0.0, 2.5)
plt.ylim(0.0, 2.5)

(size goes w/ Mass)",\
            "Qui-Bulge (size goes w/ Mass)","SF-Disk (size goes w/ Mass)",\
            "SF-Bulge (size goes w/ Mass)"], 'best', numpoints=1)
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From vick1975 at  Thu Aug  1 13:32:16 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 15:32:16 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <000601ce8eaa$c6baabb0$54300310$>


As per your request below, I have attached a stand-alone example (
of my problem. I am trying to plot in 3D using ion() from a loop.

The code should plot x,y,z coordinates from a loop in ion(). We should see
the plot line moving and the marker moving as well.

I have also attached a working 2d-plot ( to show what it's
supposed to do. The 3d plot ( should plot the same but with an
additional z coordinates and a z axis!


-----Original Message-----
From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at] 
Sent: Thursday, 01 August, 2013 01:42
To: Vick
Subject: Re: [Tutor] hi

On 31 July 2013 22:20, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> Hello,

Hi Vick,

I would prefer it if you would send questions like this to the tutor mailing
list rather than directly to me. This is because:
1) I'm often unable to respond and there are many other people there who
could help (I may be the only one there who understands ODEs but I'm
certainly not the only one who understands matplotlib).
2) It's helpful for others on the tutor mailing list to see the kind of
problems (and solutions) that people new to Python are working with.
3) Any problem/solution gets publicly archived for future reference.

> Can you help me please with plotting in 3D using ion()?
> My code is the following:
> from pylab import *
> #import pylab
> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D import 
> matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
> plt.ion()
> fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
> ax = axes3d.Axes3D(fig)#fig.add_subplot(111, projection = '3d')
> tn= mpf('300')#mpf('800')*dt
> for i in drange (t+dt, tn,dt):
>     mi = testran(i,mi,dt)
>     #print i+ dt,"       ", mi
>     a.append(mi[0])
>     b.append(mi[1])
>     z1.append(mi[2])
>     c.append(mi[6])
>     d.append(mi[7])
>     z2.append(mi[8])
>     #clf()
>     ax.plot(a,b,z1)#linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize = 5)
>     ax.plot(a,b,z1, marker='o', linestyle='None')
>     ax.plot(c,d,z2)
>     ax.plot(c,d,z2, marker='o', linestyle='None')
>     #draw()
> #grid()
> #show()
> I'm trying to plot in 3D, coordinates that are appended from a loop 
> using ion(), but it doesn't plot.

I get something different:

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 13, in <module>
    tn= mpf('300')#mpf('800')*dt
NameError: name 'mpf' is not defined

Where does the mpf function come from? There are many other symbols that are
not defined (t, dt, testran, ...) so presumably this code is incomplete

Could you please make a complete example illustrating the problem you have
and then post it to the tutor list?

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From chris at  Tue Aug  6 19:57:02 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 19:57:02 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<20130806174205.GC9493@gopher> <20130806174430.GD9493@gopher>
Message-ID: <20130806175702.GE9493@gopher>

On 2013-08-06 22:49, Saad Javed wrote:
> That causes:
> Enter string: These are my friends living in the same city as i am. I have
> known them for years. They are good people in general. They are:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 44, in <module>
>     print("\n".join(generate_tweets(message, users)))
>   File "", line 31, in generate_tweets
>     while users and len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'new_message' referenced before assignment

Cannot reproduce. I'm not sure how you edited the script, but somehow you moved
new_message to where it is unbound. See attached.

> And the earlier fix now adds two users to a tweet, then one user, then two
> user, then one... :(

I don't see how that differs from your expected output...?

> I want all users added to the tweet. E.g. if 4 users can be added to the
> tweet before reaching the limit, return three tweets...first two with 4 users
> attached and the last one with three.

You hit the 140 character limit if another user is added, so it resets to the
base message and adds the next user(s) as possible.

What is your expected output for that sample input?
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From chris at  Tue Aug  6 19:42:05 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 19:42:05 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130806174205.GC9493@gopher>

On 2013-08-06 22:31, Saad Javed wrote:
> Thank you for your response. This code has a bug.
> If there is one user left in the user list, it doesn't print a tweet with
> just that one user added. For example use this string: "These are my
> friends living in the same city as i am. I have known them for years. They
> are good people in general. They are:" will see that "owais" is still
> in the list and is not added to a new tweet and printed.

Good catch, that's my bad, sorry. Because pop() is called on the last element
just before the next iteration, when `users' is coerced to a bool, it becomes
False in the outer while loop. This affects only 50% of cases because it's
possible we will be in the inner loop when we hit the last element in `users',
which is why I didn't see it.

All that needs to happen is to move the pop to the top of the MAX_LENGTH check:

    while len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:
        add = " @" + users.pop(0)
        new_message += add
        if not users:
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From chris at  Tue Aug  6 19:44:30 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 19:44:30 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <20130806174205.GC9493@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130806174430.GD9493@gopher>

On 2013-08-06 19:42, Chris Down wrote:
> All that needs to happen is to move the pop to the top of the MAX_LENGTH check:
>     while len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:

...or, better, remove the if...break and just do:

    while users and len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:
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From chris at  Tue Aug  6 15:51:09 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 15:51:09 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130806135109.GB4143@gopher>

On 2013-08-06 14:40, Saad Javed wrote:
> It will add max no. of  users to one tweet until limit is reached. I want
> all users added to the tweet. E.g. if 4 users can be added to the tweet
> before reaching the limit, return three tweets...first two with 4 users
> attached and the last one with three.

Ah, I see. Sorry, I misread your requirements. Something like this should work.

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    MAX_LENGTH = 140

    class TweetTooLongError(Exception):
        Raised when a user would be too long to add to the tweet, even alone.

    def generate_tweets(message, users):
        Generate tweets based around a message, with users
        appended to each tweet.

        :param message: the base message
        :param users: a group of users to append
        :returns: tweets based around the message to the users

        add = ""
        longest_in_list = " @" + max(users, key=len)

        if len(longest_in_list) + len(message) > MAX_LENGTH:
            raise TweetTooLongError(
                "At least one user would make the tweet too long."

        while users:
            new_message = message
            while len(new_message) + len(add) <= MAX_LENGTH:
                new_message += add
                if not users:
                add = " @" + users.pop(0)
            yield new_message

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        users = [
            "saad", "asad", "sherry", "danny", "ali", "hasan", "adil",
            "yousaf", "maria", "bilal", "owais",
        message = raw_input("Enter string: ")
        print("\n".join(generate_tweets(message, users)))
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From chris at  Tue Aug  6 11:15:23 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 11:15:23 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130806091523.GD960@gopher>

On 2013-08-06 03:48, Saad Javed wrote:
> I want to add users to the tweet from the list, the no. of users added
> based on the length of the tweet.

It looks like you're using Python 2, but you didn't specify.

I'd probably do something like this:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    MAX_LENGTH = 140

    users = [
        "saad", "asad", "sherry", "danny", "ali", "hasan", "adil", "yousaf",
        "maria", "bilal", "owais",

    def populate():
        message = raw_input("Enter string: ")
        while users:
            new_message = " ".join([message, "@" + users.pop(0)])
            if len(new_message) > MAX_LENGTH:
            message = new_message
        return message

    if __name__ == "__main__":
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From sbjaved at  Wed Aug  7 23:40:31 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 02:40:31 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <ktu17e$ltk$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday, August 7, 2013, Alan Gauld wrote:

> On 07/08/13 15:41, Saad Javed wrote:
>> There was only Chris responding
> Apparently he didn't CC the list so the rest of us didn't see it(*).
>  is that what's confusing?
> It's not just the lack of attribution but the fact we just didn't see the
> post to which you are replying.
> (*)It is possible that Chris' mail is in the moderation queue,
> which I was hoping to visit tonight or tomorrow...
> In which case, watch this space...
Chris has been emailing me directly. Thats why his responses are not
showing up in the conversation.
Dear Chris, please remember to send your replies to tutor at with
the subject of the question ("adding users to tweets on a list"), so that
others can see them.

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From joel.goldstick at  Wed Aug  7 23:46:33 2013
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 17:46:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] .txt matrix import
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Joshua Kim <joshkim.319 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first time using Tutor, so I apologize for any fallacies I may be
> making; my problem involves opening a .txt file which contains several lines
> of descriptive information followed by a tab delimited matrix of numerical
> values? I am trying to find an effective way in which to skip the first 'X'
> number of lines in the .txt file (54 in my case) and input the columns of
> data into individual arrays (note the 55th line denotes the title of the
> column, so preferably I would like to have python use those values as the
> names to the individual array, but I am unsure of how involved that may
> become)
> Any hints/suggestions/pointers would be appreciated.

If you use the file method readlines() it will read the complete file
into a list of each line in the file.  From there you can start
processing from the 54th item in the list.

You should also look up the csv module which implies that is it for
processing comma separated value data, but it can also work with tab
separated values.

> Thanks
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Joel Goldstick

From joel.goldstick at  Wed Aug  7 23:50:37 2013
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 17:50:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Online references for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

start with the links at  They will keep you busy until you
know quite a lot!

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Rene Datta <renedatta at> wrote:
> Hi:
> I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good quality online resource tool
> or compendium to provide a beginner's level of information to start learning
> the Python language.
> Thank you.
> Rene Datta
> renedatta at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Joel Goldstick

From sbjaved at  Wed Aug  7 23:53:40 2013
From: sbjaved at (Saad Javed)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 02:53:40 +0500
Subject: [Tutor] adding users to tweets on a list
In-Reply-To: <20130807215020.GB14236@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday, August 8, 2013, Chris Down wrote:

> On 2013-08-08 02:40, Saad Javed wrote:
> > Chris has been emailing me directly. Thats why his responses are not
> > showing up in the conversation.
> > Dear Chris, please remember to send your replies to tutor at<javascript:;>with
> > the subject of the question ("adding users to tweets on a list"), so that
> > others can see them.
> You are mistaken, python-tutor was Cc'd on every message. I was merely
> held in
> the moderation queue -- there is nothing I can do about that.

My mistake, I apologize. I did the same thing a while back by accident and
assumed you made the same mistake. I guess it must be the moderation queue
then. It has reinforced my long standing belief that most programmers are
smarter than I am ;)

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From tonifuente at  Wed Aug  7 23:54:07 2013
From: tonifuente at (Antonio de la Fuente)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 22:54:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Trouble, Please Help!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130807215407.GC2810@cateto>

* Jonathan Hong <jayhong123 at> [2013-07-24 16:23:52 -0700]:

> Hello,
> I am currently working with the Python programming language and had a very
> basic question regarding the start up of Python. For some reason, when I
> open up the Command Prompt in my Windows 7 computer, I am unable to access
> python files. So when I type in the python command, I am able to start
> writing in python, but I cannot call other python files such as saying python
> I think it might have something to do with where I am
> placing my files and the path of python? Not too sure though because of my
> lack of computer knowledge. When I do put in python into the
> command prompt line, the computer gives me a response of: "python: can't
> open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory." I know for a
> fact that there does exist a file called though.
> Please help me if you can!
> Sincerely,
> Python_Beginner

I think I can help with this one.

Yes you are right, it is to where you are placing your files and where
you are in the file system when you are trying to run your

I leave you a link with some more info in how to navigate windows file
systems with the command prompt, I hope it helps:


Las tres cosas que mas me gustan en el mundo son el silencio, la soledad
y los espacios vacios.
		-- Chumy Chomez. 

From tonifuente at  Thu Aug  8 00:01:17 2013
From: tonifuente at (Antonio de la Fuente)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 23:01:17 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Online references for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130807220117.GD2810@cateto>

* Rene Datta <renedatta at> [2013-07-29 10:29:40 -0600]:

> Hi:
> I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good quality online resource tool
> or compendium to provide a beginner's level of information to start
> learning the Python language.

Hi Rene,

As Joel has said is a very good place to start with,
specifically its getting started page:


The onset and the waning of love make themselves felt in the uneasiness
experienced at being alone together.
		-- Jean de la Bruyere

From ramit.prasad at  Wed Aug  7 23:50:48 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 21:50:48 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Online references for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Rene Datta wrote:
> Hi:
> I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good quality online resource tool or compendium to provide a
> beginner's level of information to start learning the Python language.
> Thank you.
> Rene Datta
> renedatta at

You can try the links on the documentation page.
There are several tutorials/HOWTOs listed there.


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From ramit.prasad at  Wed Aug  7 23:46:59 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 21:46:59 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] .txt matrix import
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Joshua Kim wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first time using Tutor, so I apologize for any fallacies I may be making; my problem
> involves opening a .txt file which contains several lines of descriptive information followed by a tab
> delimited matrix of numerical values... I am trying to find an effective way in which to skip the first
> 'X' number of lines in the .txt file (54 in my case) and input the columns of data into individual
> arrays (note the 55th line denotes the title of the column, so preferably I would like to have python
> use those values as the names to the individual array, but I am unsure of how involved that may
> become)
> Any hints/suggestions/pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks

The csv module should be able to handle most common delimiters and also has a DictReader
which lets you load each line on dictionary. You can use next() on the filehandle
to skip lines. 

====== File data ======

>>> with open( filename, 'r' ) as f: # Might need 'rb' instead of 'r'
...     for _ in xrange(3): # skip arbitrary amounts.
...         _ = next(f) # use _ to avoid it showing on interpreter output
...     column_names = next(f).split(',') # split on your delimiting character
...     # might need to strip() on each column name
...     reader = csv.DictReader( f, fieldnames=column_names, )
...     for d in reader:
...         pprint.pprint(d)
{'col1': 'd1', 'col2': 'd2', 'col3\n': 'd3'}
{'col1': 'd4', 'col2': 'd5', 'col3\n': 'd6'}


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From davea at  Thu Aug  8 01:28:11 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 23:28:11 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] .txt matrix import
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktul69$j6p$>

Joshua Kim wrote:

> Hello, 
> This is my first time using Tutor, so I apologize for any fallacies I may be making; my problem involves opening a .txt file which contains several lines of descriptive information followed by a tab delimited matrix of numerical values? I am trying to find an effective way in which to skip the first 'X' number of lines in the .txt file (54 in my case) and input the columns of data into individual arrays (note the 55th line denotes the title of the column, so preferably I would like to have python use those values as the names to the individual array, but I am unsure of how involved that may become)
> Any hints/suggestions/pointers would be appreciated. 

First, let me suggest you not send html mail.  It basically tripled the
size of your message, and many times it will also distort parts of your
message, especially when you're including code.

Your query basically says you have a file that's in two parts.  The
first part is to be ignored, and the second part is a simple csv file,
complete with column headings.

All you need do to skip the first part is to call readline() on the file
object X times, something like:

    for temp in range(X):

At this point, the infile object is positioned at the header line of the
csv data.

You can then use the csv module to successively turn each row of the
infile into a dict, with the names being the ones specified in the

This will give you the data organized by row.  I'd recommend you get
this much debugged before trying to convert it to columns.

BTW you may not need the csv module if your data itself never has a tab
in it.  The place where the module really helps is (for example in a
comma-delimited file) when there's sometimes a comma in the actual data
that needs escaping, or quoting.


From wprins at  Thu Aug  8 01:51:59 2013
From: wprins at (Walter Prins)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 00:51:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Converting a string to an integer
In-Reply-To: <201307310814100.SM6474454@VADER2>
References: <201307310814100.SM6474454@VADER2>
Message-ID: <>

On 31 July 2013 16:14, Art Bullentini <artb at> wrote:

> I'm trying to convert from a string of digits such as x = [y:y+1] into an
> integer using int(x). the book says I can do this, but I get an error
> message saying no can do. Anybody tell me what's going on?
Please supply the actual code you've tried and the actual error message

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From wprins at  Thu Aug  8 02:00:29 2013
From: wprins at (Walter Prins)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 01:00:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Trouble, Please Help!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On 25 July 2013 00:23, Jonathan Hong <jayhong123 at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am currently working with the Python programming language and had a very
> basic question regarding the start up of Python. For some reason, when I
> open up the Command Prompt in my Windows 7 computer, I am unable to access
> python files.

I'd like to add the following suggestion to the link Antonio's already sent


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From davea at  Thu Aug  8 02:11:58 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 00:11:58 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Can anyone explain this
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktunoc$bd3$>

Amandeep Behl wrote:

> Can anyone explain this code below:
> <div dir="ltr"><div>Can anyone explain this code below:</div><div><br></div><br><div><div>import sys</div><div>import os</div><div>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??</div><div>if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;: ?</div><div>? ? sys.path.insert(0, &quot;..&quot;)?</div>
> <div>else: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?</div><div>? ? sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(</div><div>? ? ? ? os.path.split(__file__)[0], &#39;..&#39;))</div></div></div>

Yes, the gobbledygook is caused by selecting html email, rather than the
needed text form.

As for the code that's buried inside there, it seems to have no
usefulness if the file is run directly as a script, but if it's imported
from another script, it adds a particular directory to the search path.

Subsequent imports may find imports in that directory.


From eryksun at  Thu Aug  8 03:58:02 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 21:58:02 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Start multiple threads from Python
In-Reply-To: <20130805192630.GA1345@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
> subprocess.Popen does not block unless you explicitly tell it to (by using
> communicate()). Perhaps that's what you want.

Popen.wait is the method that blocks until the process exits. On POSIX
systems this uses waitpid. On Windows it uses WaitForSingleObject with
the process handle.

From eryksun at  Thu Aug  8 04:06:38 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 22:06:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Can anyone explain this
In-Reply-To: <ktunoc$bd3$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:
> As for the code that's buried inside there, it seems to have no
> usefulness if the file is run directly as a script

Amandeep, adding '..' to sys.path is an unusual thing to do. That's
relative to the current working directory. What's the source for this?

plain text version:

    import sys
    import os

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        sys.path.insert(0, "..")
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(
            os.path.split(__file__)[0], '..'))

From marc.tompkins at  Thu Aug  8 04:19:39 2013
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 19:19:39 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Can anyone explain this
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Amandeep Behl < at> wrote:

> Can anyone explain this code below:

> import sys
> import os
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     sys.path.insert(0, "..")
> else:
>     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(
>         os.path.split(__file__)[0], '..'))

When you run this module as a standalone, the value of __name__ will be
"__main__"; this is a standard test to see whether you're running it from
the command line or importing it from another script.

If you're running this code standalone, it will insert the directory one
level up from the current working directory (..) as the first item in the
Python path, so that subsequent imports will look there first.

If you're calling this code from another script, it can't rely on knowing
the current working directory - so it calls os.path.split to find the
directory where this file is located; then it inserts the parent of that
directory as the first item in the Python path.
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From cybervigilante at  Thu Aug  8 05:54:26 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 20:54:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] inconsistent destruction
Message-ID: <>

This bugs me for some reason. The final variable is saved in a for
loop but not in a list comprehension. It just seems to me they should
both be destroyed to avoid confusion.

lst = []
for cnt in range(5):

lst = [cnt2 for cnt2 in range(5)]
builtins.NameError: name 'cnt2' is not defined

Is there a form of for loop that would destroy the loop variable? I
could always do del cnt right after the for, but that seems


From cybervigilante at  Thu Aug  8 06:26:23 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 21:26:23 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] inconsistent destruction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7 August 2013 21:23, David Hutto <dwightdhutto at> wrote:

Oh, I don't want the variable from the list comp. It's the cnt in the
for loop I don't want hanging around after iteration, just waiting to
make trouble. It seems like a loose end.


From steve at  Thu Aug  8 08:34:19 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 16:34:19 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] inconsistent destruction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130808063419.GI17751@ando>

On Wed, Aug 07, 2013 at 08:54:26PM -0700, Jim Mooney wrote:
> This bugs me for some reason. The final variable is saved in a for
> loop but not in a list comprehension. It just seems to me they should
> both be destroyed to avoid confusion.

The variable in a for-loop is deemed to be in the same scope as the rest 
of the function, the same as any other local variable. This is often 
very useful:

for item in objects:
    if condition(item):

If for-loops introduced their own scope, as they do in a few other 
languages, you would need to do something like this:

found = None
for item in objects:
    if condition(item):
        found = item

On the other hand, list comprehensions (since Python 3) and generator 
expressions (always) are deemed to exist in their own scope. That makes 
conceptual sense, since a generator expression is its own chunk of 
executable code, like a function, and in fact are implemented much the 
same way that functions are implemented internally. List comps look the 
same, and since Python 3 are now treated the same. That way you can use 
a list comp or generator expression without worrying that its loop 
variable will clobber an existing local variable of the same name.

> Is there a form of for loop that would destroy the loop variable? I
> could always do del cnt right after the for, but that seems
> artificial.

Why do you care? The typical function is chock full of local variables 
that are used a few times, then hang around doing nothing until the 
function exits. This doesn't cause any problems in practice.


From eryksun at  Thu Aug  8 08:15:32 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 02:15:32 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] inconsistent destruction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at> wrote:
> This bugs me for some reason. The final variable is saved in a for
> loop but not in a list comprehension. It just seems to me they should
> both be destroyed to avoid confusion.

FYI, in 2.x a comprehension executes in the current scope, i.e. it
leaks. A 3.x comprehension uses a function:

    >>> code = compile('[cnt for cnt in range(5)]', '', 'eval')

The main code instantiates the function and iterator, and then calls
the function:

    >>> dis.dis(code)
     0 LOAD_CONST               0 (<code object <listcomp>)
     3 LOAD_CONST               1 ('<listcomp>')
     6 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
     9 LOAD_NAME                0 (range)
    12 LOAD_CONST               2 (5)
    15 CALL_FUNCTION            1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)
    18 GET_ITER
    19 CALL_FUNCTION            1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)

The 0th constant is the compiled code for the comprehension:

    >>> dis.dis(code.co_consts[0])
     0 BUILD_LIST               0
     3 LOAD_FAST                0 (.0)
     6 FOR_ITER                12 (to 21)
     9 STORE_FAST               1 (cnt)
    12 LOAD_FAST                1 (cnt)
    15 LIST_APPEND              2
    18 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            6

> lst = []
> for cnt in range(5):
>     lst.append(cnt)
> cnt
> 4
> Is there a form of for loop that would destroy the loop variable? I
> could always do del cnt right after the for, but that seems
> artificial.

There are tricks you can do manually with exec() and decorators, but
nothing simple enough to be worth considering. Just use a function;
the loop will even perform a bit better with "cnt" as a fast local
instead of a dict key.

Nick Coghlan has given the problem a lot of thought in two competing
PEPs (both deferred):

Statement local namespaces (aka "given" clause)

General purpose decorator clause (aka "@in" clause)

From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  8 09:29:29 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 08:29:29 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Trouble, Please Help!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ktvhci$pkr$>

On 25/07/13 00:23, Jonathan Hong wrote:

> because of my lack of computer knowledge. When I do put in python
> into the command prompt line, the computer gives me a
> response of: "python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file

You need to supply the full path to the file (or be in the same 
directory as the file) when you try to run it.

Mostly on Windows you can run scripts from Windows explorer but for 
simple scripts (like hello world) the window appears and then 
dissappears too quickly to see it. You can most easily get around that 
by putting one of:

raw_input("Hit Enter to quit")   # for Python v2

input("Hit Enter to quit")   # for Python v3

as the last line in your script.

You might find that technique easier than using the CMD window.
But the CMD window is better when things go wrong - it lets you see any 
error messages,...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu Aug  8 15:38:33 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 14:38:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Question in regards to loops and matplotlib
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 1 August 2013 06:21, Zachary Rizer <protonlenny at> wrote:
> So I just started coding, and I'm so glad I chose Python to start me off! I
> really enjoy the clean layout, easy syntax, and power of the language. I'm
> doing astronomy research and I just started teaching myself matplotlib along
> with my general python work. I feel like I'm catching on quick, but I also
> feel that this particular plot script is a little rough. The plot looks
> correct, but the code seems really long for what I'm trying to do. So any
> tricks to make this more efficient would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Zachary,

You can definitely make this shorter. I can't run your code since you
didn't provide any data. It's good to use dummy data in examples
posted to mailing lists so that others can run the code. Instead I'll
show an example with my own dummy data:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Plot heights and weights of subjects from different groups.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Dummy data
subjects = [
    # Group, height (m), weight (kg), diagnosis
    {'type': 'patient', 'height': 1.8, 'weight': 90 , 'diag': 'acute'  },
    {'type': 'patient', 'height': 1.6, 'weight': 85 , 'diag': 'acute'  },
    {'type': 'patient', 'height': 1.9, 'weight': 120, 'diag': 'chronic'},
    {'type': 'patient', 'height': 2.0, 'weight': 110, 'diag': 'chronic'},
    {'type': 'control', 'height': 1.7, 'weight': 60 , 'diag': 'N/A'    },
    {'type': 'control', 'height': 2.1, 'weight': 100, 'diag': 'N/A'    },

# Have just one place where we define the properties of each group
groups = {
    'control': {
        'indicator': lambda s: s['type'] == 'control',
        'color': 'blue',
        'marker': '*',
    'chronic': {
        'indicator': lambda s: s['diag'] == 'chronic',
        'color': 'magenta',
        'marker': 's',
        'label':'Chronic patients'
    'acute'  : {
        'indicator': lambda s: s['diag'] == 'acute',
        'color': 'red',
        'marker': 'o',
        'label':'Acute patients'

# Now we can reuse the same code for every subject
for groupdata in groups.values():
    groupdata['subjects'] = []

# Distribute the subjects to each group
for subject in subjects:
    for groupdata in groups.values():
        isingroup = groupdata['indicator']
        if isingroup(subject):

# Now create/format the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.70, 0.70])
ax.set_xlabel(r'Weight ($kg$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'Height ($m$)')
ax.set_title('Height vs. weight by subject group')
ax.set_xlim([50, 150])
ax.set_ylim([1.5, 2.2])

# Plot each group separately with its own format settings
for group, groupdata in groups.items():
    xdata = [s['weight'] for s in groupdata['subjects']]
    ydata = [s['height'] for s in groupdata['subjects']]
    ax.plot(xdata, ydata, linestyle='none', color=groupdata['color'],
            marker=groupdata['marker'], label=groupdata['label'])

ax.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1)

# Show the figure in GUI by default.
# Save to e.g. 'plot.pdf' if filename is given.
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    imgname = sys.argv[1]


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu Aug  8 15:45:35 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 14:45:35 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 25 July 2013 03:36, Rocko Brown <rokbrown at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to generate a 2D histogram for two arrays of data in CSV format.
> The code is:
> x, y = '5k_vec.csv','tcd_5k.csv'
> H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y)
> H.shape, xedges.shape, yedges.shape

Your using x and y as if they are your data. Presumably your data is
contained in the files '5k_vec.csv' and 'tcd_5k.csv'. However just
writing x = '5k_vec.csv' will not load the data from the file. It just
creates a string with those characters.

Presumably you wanted something like:

with open('5k_vec.csv') as inputfile:
    x = [float(line) for line in inputfile]

(I'm assuming your file just has a number on each line here).

Have a read about files here:

And the csv module may be helpful too:


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu Aug  8 16:13:59 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 15:13:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000001ce93b7$24a7d480$6df77d80$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 7 August 2013 22:43, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> It just plot one line. How to print several lines?

Just do:

line1, = plot([], [])
line2, = plot([], [])

And then

line1.set_data(x1, y1)
line2.set_data(x2, y2)

and so on.

> I've attached your example and I've corrected my own 3d code which works now
> but it is not an animation. So how can I plot it using the code you gave me?

Just change the data that you use for the line.

> By the way, I think you know that I'm trying to plot for n-body problem?
> Have you made a python code for the n-body problem?

No I haven't but I have written code for computing numerical solutions of ODEs.

> Mine works, but I'm just
> having trouble with 3d plotting of the orbits.

Once you have the lists of x, y, and z coordinates for the orbit just call:

plot(x, y, z)

(after creating an axes with projection='3d' and importing mplot3d).

What's not working for you?

> And also I have searched the
> web on how to integrate conservation of energy as you suggested to me, but I
> couldn't find any article that talks about 1st order ODEs for energy, and
> the annotation is different from mine.

I think you misunderstood. What I meant was if you implement your own
routine for solving ODEs you need to check its accuracy. In a 2-body
problem you would have an analytic solution in closed form. You can
then check the error between your numerical solution and the analytic
one. Investigating how this error scales with the step size dt enables
you to confirm the order of your integrator. The reason I suggested
this was that the original code you sent implemented the Runge-Kutta
algorithm incorrectly and I wanted you to check your code properly
before assuming it works.

In the case of the N-body problem you don't have an analytic solution
but, assuming Hamiltonian dynamics, energy is conserved. You can
compute the energy of your system at each state and compare how
constant it is over time in the output from your integrator. This
gives you a proxy for not having an analytic solution that you can use
to check the accuracy of your integrator: if the energy of your system
is not (approximately) maintained during integration then your
integration must be inaccurate.

> PS: Also how do you make the plot run only once without having to do it over
> and over again?

I'm not sure TBH. I normally use the animation API to save video files
for presentations.

You may be more interested in the approach here rather than using the
animation API:


From sunithanc at  Thu Aug  8 18:23:05 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 12:23:05 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from another
 class (which is a thread) in Python3?
Message-ID: <>

I am defining multiple classes (some of them are threads)
I have been writing Python programs for a few months, but never faced this
issue so far unless I am doing something different inadvertently. The only
difference I see is that I am calling the methods belonging to other
classes, from a class which is also a thread.
 I see the following error:

AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute

Code Snippets:

class Ui_MainWindow(object):

    def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(self):
          self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
          sys.stdout = self.oldstdout

Calling the above method from within the class works fine. But I am calling
it from another class as below:

class bcThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, cmd):
        self.cmd = cmd
    def run(self):

The highlighted line gives the following error :

Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.2/", line 740, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "", line 1299, in run
  File "", line 465, in setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw
    self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
AttributeError: type object 'Ui_MainWindow' has no attribute

I also tried many different ways of calling the method. The highlighted
line is one of them. Another one I tried is here where I create an
instance, which also gives the same error:

x = Ui_MainWindow()

I see the same error.
Can someone guide me as to what is the correct way to do something like

Thanks in advance.
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  8 19:22:12 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 18:22:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku0k3t$abv$>

On 08/08/13 17:23, SM wrote:
> I am defining multiple classes (some of them are threads)
> I have been writing Python programs for a few months, but never faced
> this issue so far unless I am doing something different inadvertently.
> The only difference I see is that I am calling the methods belonging to
> other classes, from a class which is also a thread.

Your main issue is that you are trying to program using classes not objects.
The normal usage of classes is to create an object from the class and 
then call the methods via the objects. You can pass objects around as 
arguments to the methods etc.

So if you have two classes A and B you can create objects
from those called, say, a and b:

class A:
    def f(self):
       print 'in A.f'

class B:
    def g(self):
       print 'in B.g'
    def h(self,anObject)
       anObject.f()   #cxall method of the object passed in

#create the object instances
a = A()
b = B()
a2 = A()    # a second object of class A.

#Now we can call the methods using the objects
a.f()   #-> print "in A.f"
b.g()   #-> print "in B.g"
a2.f()  #-> print "in A.f" again

# pass object a into object B's h() method
b.h(a)  # use a from b to print "in A.f"
b.h(a2) # and again using a2 this time

So by creating objects within your threads you
can access the methods of your classes. You can even access
global level objects from multiple threads and share state
  - but be careful about synchronising and locking issues.

Finally you need to make sure your classes are visibnle in the threads 
that use them. So if you define a master class per thread and keep each 
in its own module then each module will need to import the other class 
modules before it can use them.

I'm going out soon and typed that in a hurry. I hope it makes sense and 
doesn't have too many mistakes(all untested!).

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From ramit.prasad at  Thu Aug  8 19:17:18 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 17:17:18 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

SM wrote:
> I am defining multiple classes (some of them are threads)
> I have been writing Python programs for a few months, but never faced this issue so far unless I am
> doing something different inadvertently. The only difference I see is that I am calling the methods
> belonging to other classes, from a class which is also a thread.
> ?I see the following error:
> AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> Code Snippets:
> class Ui_MainWindow(object):
> ??? [snip]
> ??? def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(self):
> ?????? ?? self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
> ?????? ?? sys.stdout = self.oldstdout
> Calling the above method from within the class works fine. But I am calling it from another class as
> below:
> class bcThread(threading.Thread):
> ??? def __init__(self, cmd):
> ??????? threading.Thread.__init__(self)
> ??????? self.cmd = cmd
> ??? def run(self):
> ??????? [snip]
> ??????? Ui_MainWindow.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(Ui_MainWindow)
> The highlighted line gives the following error :
> Exception in thread Thread-1:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ? File "/usr/lib/python3.2/", line 740, in _bootstrap_inner
> ???
> ? File "", line 1299, in run
> ??? Ui_MainWindow.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(Ui_MainWindow)
> ? File "", line 465, in setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw
> ??? self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
> AttributeError: type object 'Ui_MainWindow' has no attribute 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> I also tried many different ways of calling the method. The highlighted line is one of them. Another
> one I tried is here where I create an instance, which also gives the same error:
> x = Ui_MainWindow()
> x.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()
> I see the same error.

I do not think that actually gave you the same error.
Most likely it gave you a *similar* error. See the below.

>>> o = object()
>>> o.blah # on instance object, not class object
AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'blah'

>>> object.blah # on class object, not instance object
AttributeError: type object 'object' has no attribute 'blah'

If you got the top error from the snippet where you instantiate 
an instance of Ui_MainWindow then I believe some function must 
create the textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput attribute and that needs 
to be called first. I would have imagined this creation should 
occur on __init__ but obviously it must be somewhere else. 
You will need to call that section of code. It should be in 
the Ui_MainWindow class and look something like:

self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = <create TextEdit object here>

> Can someone guide me as to what is the correct way to do something like this?
> Thanks in advance.
> -SM

This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From sunithanc at  Thu Aug  8 22:03:21 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 16:03:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the quick response. You are right about the error. When I did
the following:
x = Ui_MainWindow()

I got the following error:
AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute

But I do have code that creates an attribute in Ui_MainWindow() class:

self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)

This is what is making me get confused as to why it complains that there is
no attribute.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Prasad, Ramit <ramit.prasad at>wrote:

> SM wrote:
> >
> > I am defining multiple classes (some of them are threads)
> > I have been writing Python programs for a few months, but never faced
> this issue so far unless I am
> > doing something different inadvertently. The only difference I see is
> that I am calling the methods
> > belonging to other classes, from a class which is also a thread.
> >  I see the following error:
> >
> > AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute
> 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> > Code Snippets:
> >
> > class Ui_MainWindow(object):
> >     [snip]
> >
> >     def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(self):
> >           self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
> >           sys.stdout = self.oldstdout
> > Calling the above method from within the class works fine. But I am
> calling it from another class as
> > below:
> >
> > class bcThread(threading.Thread):
> >     def __init__(self, cmd):
> >         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
> >         self.cmd = cmd
> >     def run(self):
> >         [snip]
> >         Ui_MainWindow.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(Ui_MainWindow)
> > The highlighted line gives the following error :
> >
> > Exception in thread Thread-1:
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python3.2/", line 740, in _bootstrap_inner
> >
> >   File "", line 1299, in run
> >     Ui_MainWindow.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(Ui_MainWindow)
> >   File "", line 465, in setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw
> >     self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
> > AttributeError: type object 'Ui_MainWindow' has no attribute
> 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> > I also tried many different ways of calling the method. The highlighted
> line is one of them. Another
> > one I tried is here where I create an instance, which also gives the
> same error:
> >
> > x = Ui_MainWindow()
> > x.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()
> > I see the same error.
> I do not think that actually gave you the same error.
> Most likely it gave you a *similar* error. See the below.
> >>> o = object()
> >>> o.blah # on instance object, not class object
> AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'blah'
> >>> object.blah # on class object, not instance object
> AttributeError: type object 'object' has no attribute 'blah'
> If you got the top error from the snippet where you instantiate
> an instance of Ui_MainWindow then I believe some function must
> create the textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput attribute and that needs
> to be called first. I would have imagined this creation should
> occur on __init__ but obviously it must be somewhere else.
> You will need to call that section of code. It should be in
> the Ui_MainWindow class and look something like:
> self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = <create TextEdit object here>
> > Can someone guide me as to what is the correct way to do something like
> this?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> > -SM
> >
> This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
> conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities,
> accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal
> privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at
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From sunithanc at  Thu Aug  8 22:24:41 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 16:24:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <ku0k3t$abv$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Alan,
Thanks for your quick and detailed reply.
I guess what you are suggesting is very similar to what I am doing (of
course not when I use the class. I tried using the class when I couldn't
figure out why it gave error when I used the object).  Looking at your
example, I ended up doing exactly what you suggested. I am sure I am
missing something, as it is giving the same error:
Here is what I am doing based on your suggestion:

class bcThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, cmd):
        self.cmd = cmd

    def h(self, y):
        y.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()   #(line 1277)

    def run(self):
        # Run the command first.
        (data, err) = Popen(self.cmd, stdout=PIPE,
         x = Ui_MainWindow()
         self.h(x)    # (line 1319)

class Ui_MainWindow(object)
    def setupUi(self, MainWindow):

        self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)


    (line: 475)
    def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(self):
        self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
        sys.stdout = self.oldstdout

   The error looks like this:

Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.2/", line 740, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "", line 1319, in run
  File "", line 1277, in h
  File "", line 475, in setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw
    self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute

Wonder why it says the class/object has no attribute.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>wrote:

> On 08/08/13 17:23, SM wrote:
>> I am defining multiple classes (some of them are threads)
>> I have been writing Python programs for a few months, but never faced
>> this issue so far unless I am doing something different inadvertently.
>> The only difference I see is that I am calling the methods belonging to
>> other classes, from a class which is also a thread.
> Your main issue is that you are trying to program using classes not
> objects.
> The normal usage of classes is to create an object from the class and then
> call the methods via the objects. You can pass objects around as arguments
> to the methods etc.
> So if you have two classes A and B you can create objects
> from those called, say, a and b:
> class A:
>    def f(self):
>       print 'in A.f'
> class B:
>    def g(self):
>       print 'in B.g'
>    def h(self,anObject)
>       anObject.f()   #cxall method of the object passed in
> #create the object instances
> a = A()
> b = B()
> a2 = A()    # a second object of class A.
> #Now we can call the methods using the objects
> a.f()   #-> print "in A.f"
> b.g()   #-> print "in B.g"
> a2.f()  #-> print "in A.f" again
> # pass object a into object B's h() method
> b.h(a)  # use a from b to print "in A.f"
> b.h(a2) # and again using a2 this time
> So by creating objects within your threads you
> can access the methods of your classes. You can even access
> global level objects from multiple threads and share state
>  - but be careful about synchronising and locking issues.
> Finally you need to make sure your classes are visibnle in the threads
> that use them. So if you define a master class per thread and keep each in
> its own module then each module will need to import the other class modules
> before it can use them.
> I'm going out soon and typed that in a hurry. I hope it makes sense and
> doesn't have too many mistakes(all untested!).
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> ______________________________**_________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From ramit.prasad at  Thu Aug  8 22:41:41 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 20:41:41 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Please post responses in-line or at the bottom for this 
mailing list.

SM wrote:
> Ramit:
> Thanks for the quick response. You are right about the error. When I did the following:
> x = Ui_MainWindow()
> x.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()
> I got the following error:
> AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> But I do have code that creates an attribute in Ui_MainWindow() class:
> self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)
> This is what is making me get confused as to why it complains that there is no attribute.
> Thanks,
> -SM

You need to call that line of code to create the widget. Obviously 
it is not being created from the class's __init__. 


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  8 22:57:07 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 21:57:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku10ms$r18$>

On 08/08/13 21:24, SM wrote:

> example, I ended up doing exactly what you suggested. I am sure I am
> missing something, as it is giving the same error:
> Here is what I am doing based on your suggestion:
> class bcThread(threading.Thread):
>      def h(self, y):
>          y.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()   #(line 1277)

>           [snip]
>           x = Ui_MainWindow()
>           self.h(x)    # (line 1319)

So far so good.

> class Ui_MainWindow(object)
>      def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
>          [snip]
>          self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)

This only comes into existence after setupUi is called.
Normally that would be in the UI init() method but you don;t
show any init or any other call to setupUi

> self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput"))

>      def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(self):
>          self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )

So this fails if setupUi has not been called earlier because the 
attribute has not been initialised yet.

>      self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
> AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute
> 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'

You need to ensure that the UI __init__() method calls self.setupUi()
I suspect.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From sunithanc at  Thu Aug  8 22:57:54 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 16:57:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Is it necessary that the call should be in __init__? The widget is very
much getting created and I have the line (copied again here) under a method
setupUi() under Ui_MainWindow:

class Ui_MainWindow(object):
    def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
        self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)

        self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput, 6, 0, 1, 3)


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Prasad, Ramit <ramit.prasad at>wrote:

> Please post responses in-line or at the bottom for this
> mailing list.
> SM wrote:
> >
> > Ramit:
> > Thanks for the quick response. You are right about the error. When I did
> the following:
> > x = Ui_MainWindow()
> > x.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()
> > I got the following error:
> > AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute
> 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> > But I do have code that creates an attribute in Ui_MainWindow() class:
> >
> > self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)
> > This is what is making me get confused as to why it complains that there
> is no attribute.
> > Thanks,
> > -SM
> You need to call that line of code to create the widget. Obviously
> it is not being created from the class's __init__.
> ~Ramit
> This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
> conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities,
> accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal
> privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at
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From sunithanc at  Thu Aug  8 23:03:43 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 17:03:43 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <ku10ms$r18$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 08/08/13 21:24, SM wrote:

 example, I ended up doing exactly what you suggested. I am sure I am
> missing something, as it is giving the same error:
> Here is what I am doing based on your suggestion:
> class bcThread(threading.Thread):
>      def h(self, y):
>          y.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()   #(line 1277)


>           x = Ui_MainWindow()
>           self.h(x)    # (line 1319)

So far so good.

 class Ui_MainWindow(object)
>      def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
>          [snip]
>          self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)

This only comes into existence after setupUi is called.
Normally that would be in the UI init() method but you don;t
show any init or any other call to setupUi

[SM] Sorry that I didn't add that part. setupUI is called from the main as

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow()
    ui = Ui_MainWindow()

Wonder if it is necessary to call it through __init__. I used Py Qt4
Designer to generate the skeleton of the Gui code and have been using it
like this for sometime now.



      def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(self):
>          self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )

So this fails if setupUi has not been called earlier because the attribute
has not been initialised yet.

      self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
> AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute
> 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'

You need to ensure that the UI __init__() method calls self.setupUi()
I suspect.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>wrote:

> On 08/08/13 21:24, SM wrote:
>  example, I ended up doing exactly what you suggested. I am sure I am
>> missing something, as it is giving the same error:
>> Here is what I am doing based on your suggestion:
>> class bcThread(threading.Thread):
>>      def h(self, y):
>>          y.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(**)   #(line 1277)
> ...
>            [snip]
>>           x = Ui_MainWindow()
>>           self.h(x)    # (line 1319)
> So far so good.
>  class Ui_MainWindow(object)
>>      def setupUi(self, MainWindow):
>>          [snip]
>>          self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)
> This only comes into existence after setupUi is called.
> Normally that would be in the UI init() method but you don;t
> show any init or any other call to setupUi
>  self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.**setObjectName(_fromUtf8("**
>> textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput"))
>       def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(**self):
>>          self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.**setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
> So this fails if setupUi has not been called earlier because the attribute
> has not been initialised yet.
>       self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.**setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
>> AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute
>> 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> You need to ensure that the UI __init__() method calls self.setupUi()
> I suspect.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> ______________________________**_________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug  8 23:47:47 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:47:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku13ls$s38$>

On 08/08/13 22:03, SM wrote:

> [SM] Sorry that I didn't add that part. setupUI is called from the main
> as below:
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>      import sys
>      app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
>      MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow()
>      ui = Ui_MainWindow()
>      ui.setupUi(MainWindow)
>      sys.exit(app.exec_())
> Wonder if it is necessary to call it through __init__.

Thats the problem.
You are creating a new instance inside your run() method but
the call in main() only sets it for the instance created in
main. It won't set it up for any other instance. You need
to call it every time you create a new object. Unless....

If you put it in init() it will be called every time you
create a new instance. Much safer.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From eryksun at  Fri Aug  9 00:02:27 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 18:02:27 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <ku13ls$s38$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 08/08/13 22:03, SM wrote:
>> [SM] Sorry that I didn't add that part. setupUI is called from the main
>> as below:
>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>      import sys
>>      app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
>>      MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow()
>>      ui = Ui_MainWindow()
>>      ui.setupUi(MainWindow)
>>      sys.exit(app.exec_())
>> Wonder if it is necessary to call it through __init__.
> Thats the problem.
> You are creating a new instance inside your run() method but
> the call in main() only sets it for the instance created in
> main. It won't set it up for any other instance. You need
> to call it every time you create a new object. Unless....
> If you put it in init() it will be called every time you
> create a new instance. Much safer.

I'm confused. Why does the OP want multiple instances of the user
interface widgets?

From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  9 00:30:15 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 23:30:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku165g$mjg$>

On 08/08/13 23:02, eryksun wrote:

>> You are creating a new instance inside your run() method but
>> the call in main() only sets it for the instance created in
>> main. It won't set it up for any other instance. You need
>> to call it every time you create a new object. Unless....
>> If you put it in init() it will be called every time you
>> create a new instance. Much safer.
> I'm confused. Why does the OP want multiple instances of the user
> interface widgets?

He may not, but he is creating them! But it is possible he does want 
multiple duplicate windows, one monitoring each thread. (eg progress 
dialogs on an FTP program). Since I don't know the context I'm
assuming he knows how many windows he wants!

If he does want just one then he needs to reference the global object in 
his run() method... But that brings us back into the land of 
synchronisation issues and threadsafe locks etc.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From dwightdhutto at  Thu Aug  8 06:15:15 2013
From: dwightdhutto at (David Hutto)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 00:15:15 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] inconsistent destruction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

if the variable is the range in the first one, then just don't append it,
and replace it with something else.

The second, you use cnt2, but it is a part of the the list comp, but not a

#this is in [ython 3, but you can import from future, or remove quotes from
print parameters
lst = [cnt2 for cnt2 in range(5)]

you want cnt2, but cnt2 is in the list comprehension, so it is a variable
within the list comp, but after it has been used there, then you need to
iterate through the list(lst), in order to find particular cnt's within the
lst list of cnt2 variables..

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:

> This bugs me for some reason. The final variable is saved in a for
> loop but not in a list comprehension. It just seems to me they should
> both be destroyed to avoid confusion.
> lst = []
> for cnt in range(5):
>     lst.append(cnt)
> cnt
> 4
> lst = [cnt2 for cnt2 in range(5)]
> cnt2
> builtins.NameError: name 'cnt2' is not defined
> Is there a form of for loop that would destroy the loop variable? I
> could always do del cnt right after the for, but that seems
> artificial.
> --
> Jim
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* **
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From dwightdhutto at  Thu Aug  8 06:23:03 2013
From: dwightdhutto at (David Hutto)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 00:23:03 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] inconsistent destruction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In other words lst is a global variable, where as cnt2 is a local variable
to just the list comps completion of the data being diplayed in the list
comp, with each cnt2 in the global var lst being contained in the list
comp, but only accessible through iteration/placing/splicing of the lst
variable that corresponds within the lst global variable which uses list

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 12:15 AM, David Hutto <dwightdhutto at> wrote:

> if the variable is the range in the first one, then just don't append it,
> and replace it with something else.
> The second, you use cnt2, but it is a part of the the list comp, but not a
> variable:
> #this is in [ython 3, but you can import from future, or remove quotes
> from print parameters
> lst = [cnt2 for cnt2 in range(5)]
> print(lst)
> you want cnt2, but cnt2 is in the list comprehension, so it is a variable
> within the list comp, but after it has been used there, then you need to
> iterate through the list(lst), in order to find particular cnt's within the
> lst list of cnt2 variables..
> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:
>> This bugs me for some reason. The final variable is saved in a for
>> loop but not in a list comprehension. It just seems to me they should
>> both be destroyed to avoid confusion.
>> lst = []
>> for cnt in range(5):
>>     lst.append(cnt)
>> cnt
>> 4
>> lst = [cnt2 for cnt2 in range(5)]
>> cnt2
>> builtins.NameError: name 'cnt2' is not defined
>> Is there a form of for loop that would destroy the loop variable? I
>> could always do del cnt right after the for, but that seems
>> artificial.
>> --
>> Jim
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> --
> Best Regards,
> David Hutto
> *CEO:* **

Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* **
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From japhy at  Thu Aug  8 06:26:54 2013
From: japhy at (Japhy Bartlett)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 23:26:54 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] inconsistent destruction
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

you can either manually manage the memory with `del cnt` or let the built
in memory management .. manage the memory.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 10:54 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:

> This bugs me for some reason. The final variable is saved in a for
> loop but not in a list comprehension. It just seems to me they should
> both be destroyed to avoid confusion.
> lst = []
> for cnt in range(5):
>     lst.append(cnt)
> cnt
> 4
> lst = [cnt2 for cnt2 in range(5)]
> cnt2
> builtins.NameError: name 'cnt2' is not defined
> Is there a form of for loop that would destroy the loop variable? I
> could always do del cnt right after the for, but that seems
> artificial.
> --
> Jim
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From john.feleppa at  Thu Aug  8 19:05:13 2013
From: john.feleppa at (John Feleppa)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 18:05:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the absolute beginner 3e Ch3
	Challenge 4
Message-ID: <>


I am working through Michael Dawson's book, "Python Programming for the
absolute beginner 3rd edition".

Have just completed Chapter 3, but cannot solve Challenge 4.

Has anyone solved this yet - and be willing to share this code?

I would much appreciate..

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From protonlenny at  Thu Aug  8 17:58:18 2013
From: protonlenny at (Zachary Rizer)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 10:58:18 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Question in regards to loops and matplotlib
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This looks quite clean! Since posting this question I have cleaned up this
script by using multiple functions, but it still isn't this clean! My data
is a normal CSV table with column headers. It isn't in a dictionary format
like your sample data here. I'm sure I could switch it to that format
though. I'll post a sample of my data, first 10 rows with column headers
here, and my current rendition of the code. Also, not to familiar with the
lambda function you did here. Little bit confused on how you split the
groups up. Anyway, new version of code and sample data:

I attached the ten row sample because it has 60 columns of info on each row
and would look huge pasted.

Zach Rizer
UVJ plot of n>2 pop compare qui and sf disk and bulge pop
data = n>2_qui_flag.csv

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patch
from matplotlib.path import Path

z1 = (0.6, 0.9, 0.59, 0.81, 2, "0.6<z<0.9")
z2 = (0.9, 1.3, 0.52, 0.89, 1.93, "0.9<z<1.3")
z3 = (1.3, 1.8, 0.49, 0.92, 1.9, "1.3<z<1.8")
z4 = (1.8, 2.5, 0.49, 0.92, 1.9, "1.8<z<2.5")

def redshift(table,z_range):
    takes a given csv table and a chosen redshift range and spits
    out a new array with only the objects with said redshift
    z_data = []
    for row in table:
        if row['pz_z'] >= z_range[0]  and row['pz_z'] < z_range[1]:
    z_data = np.array(z_data)
    return z_data

def quiescence(table,z_range):
    takes given csv table and specific redshfit range and spits out
    a two-tuple where first index of the tuple is the quiescent pop
    and the second index is the star forming pop
    qui_data = []
    sf_data = []
    for row in table:
        if row['rf_UminV'] > 1.3 and row['rf_VminJ'] < 1.6 and
row['rf_UminV'] > 0.88*(row['rf_VminJ'])+z_range[2]:
    qui_data = np.array(qui_data)
    sf_data = np.array(sf_data)
    return qui_data, sf_data

def disk_vs_bulge(table):
    turns given csv table into a two-tuple array where the first
    index is the disk-dom pop and the second index is the bulge-dom
    pop: these cuts are determined by visclass data
    disk_data = []
    bulge_data = []
    for row in table:
        if row['vc_Dv'] > 0.65 and row['vc_DSw'] > 0.65:
        elif row['vc_Dv'] < 0.35 and row['vc_DSw'] > 0.65:
    disk_data = np.array(disk_data)
    bulge_data = np.array(bulge_data)
    return disk_data, bulge_data

def make_mass_cuts(table):
    make mass cuts using logMass row and creates four-tuple
    each index is divided into its own dual tuple, x and y UVJ colors
    array returned = [(m1_x, m1_y), (m2_x, m2_y), (m3_x, m3_y), (m4_x,
    m1_x = []
    m1_y = []
    m2_x = []
    m2_y = []
    m3_x = []
    m3_y = []
    m4_x = []
    m4_y = []
    for row in table:
        if row['ms_lmass'] >= 9.7 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10:
        elif row['ms_lmass'] >= 10 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10.5:
        elif row['ms_lmass'] >= 10.5 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10.8:
        elif row['ms_lmass'] >= 10.8:
    return [(m1_x, m1_y), (m2_x, m2_y), (m3_x, m3_y), (m4_x, m4_y)]

def plots(m_q_disk, m_q_bulge, m_sf_disk, m_sf_bulge):
    plot the first column as x, and second column as y
    takes all four mass arrays and plots all 16 subplots
    returns a 3-tuple of plot of qui_bulge, sf_bulge, sf_disk for legend
    plt.plot(m_q_disk[3][0], m_q_disk[3][1], 'wo', ms=12)
    qui_bulge_label, = plt.plot(m_q_bulge[3][0], m_q_bulge[3][1], 'ro',
    plt.plot(m_q_disk[2][0], m_q_disk[2][1], 'wo', ms=9)
    plt.plot(m_q_bulge[2][0], m_q_bulge[2][1], 'ro', ms=9)
    plt.plot(m_q_disk[1][0], m_q_disk[1][1], 'wo', ms=6)
    plt.plot(m_q_bulge[1][0], m_q_bulge[1][1], 'ro', ms=6)
    plt.plot(m_q_disk[0][0], m_q_disk[0][1], 'wo', ms=3)
    plt.plot(m_q_bulge[0][0], m_q_bulge[0][1], 'ro', ms=3)

    sf_disk_label, = plt.plot(m_sf_disk[3][0], m_sf_disk[3][1], 'wo', ms=12)
    sf_bulge_label, = plt.plot(m_sf_bulge[3][0], m_sf_bulge[3][1], 'bo',
    plt.plot(m_sf_disk[2][0], m_sf_disk[2][1], 'wo', ms=9)
    plt.plot(m_sf_bulge[2][0], m_sf_bulge[2][1], 'bo', ms=9)
    plt.plot(m_sf_disk[1][0], m_sf_disk[1][1], 'wo', ms=6)
    plt.plot(m_sf_bulge[1][0], m_sf_bulge[1][1], 'bo', ms=6)
    plt.plot(m_sf_disk[0][0], m_sf_disk[0][1], 'wo', ms=3)
    plt.plot(m_sf_bulge[0][0], m_sf_bulge[0][1], 'bo', ms=3)

    return qui_bulge_label, sf_bulge_label, sf_disk_label

def make_hash_region(z_range):
    """make quiescent region"""
    verts = [(-1.,1.3),
    codes = [Path.MOVETO,
    return Path(verts,codes)

def titles_labels(labels, z_range):
    creates axis labels, title, and legend
    associating labels to these three specific plots
    plt.title('UVJ Plot of n>2 population at ' + z_range[5])
    plt.xlim(0.5, 2.0)
    plt.ylim(0.5, 2.5)
    plt.legend([labels[0], labels[1], labels[2]],
               ["Qui-Bulge-Dom", "SF-Bulge-Dom", "Disk-Dom"],
               'best', numpoints=1, fontsize='small')

def main():
    calls total script to create plot
    to run, simply load csv in the first spot in the np.genfromtxt args
    and exchange the zbin value to either z1, z2, z3, or z4
    fig = plt.figure('UVJ')
    n2_subset =
                     dtype=None, names=True, delimiter =",")
    zbin = z4
    z_data = redshift(n2_subset, zbin)
    qui_data = (quiescence(z_data, zbin))[0]
    sf_data = (quiescence(z_data, zbin))[1]

    qui_disk = (disk_vs_bulge(qui_data))[0]
    qui_bulge = (disk_vs_bulge(qui_data))[1]
    sf_disk = (disk_vs_bulge(sf_data))[0]
    sf_bulge = (disk_vs_bulge(sf_data))[1]

    m_q_disk = make_mass_cuts(qui_disk)
    m_q_bulge = make_mass_cuts(qui_bulge)
    m_sf_disk = make_mass_cuts(sf_disk)
    m_sf_bulge = make_mass_cuts(sf_bulge)

    legend_labels = plots(m_q_disk, m_q_bulge, m_sf_disk, m_sf_bulge)
    path = make_hash_region(zbin)
    titles_labels(legend_labels, zbin)

    hash_region = patch.PathPatch(path, facecolor='none', lw=1.5,
alpha=0.5, hatch='//')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #subplot for shaded region

if __name__ == '__main__':

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Oscar Benjamin
<oscar.j.benjamin at>wrote:

> On 1 August 2013 06:21, Zachary Rizer <protonlenny at> wrote:
> > So I just started coding, and I'm so glad I chose Python to start me
> off! I
> > really enjoy the clean layout, easy syntax, and power of the language.
> I'm
> > doing astronomy research and I just started teaching myself matplotlib
> along
> > with my general python work. I feel like I'm catching on quick, but I
> also
> > feel that this particular plot script is a little rough. The plot looks
> > correct, but the code seems really long for what I'm trying to do. So any
> > tricks to make this more efficient would be greatly appreciated!
> Hi Zachary,
> You can definitely make this shorter. I can't run your code since you
> didn't provide any data. It's good to use dummy data in examples
> posted to mailing lists so that others can run the code. Instead I'll
> show an example with my own dummy data:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> #
> # Plot heights and weights of subjects from different groups.
> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
> # Dummy data
> subjects = [
>     # Group, height (m), weight (kg), diagnosis
>     {'type': 'patient', 'height': 1.8, 'weight': 90 , 'diag': 'acute'  },
>     {'type': 'patient', 'height': 1.6, 'weight': 85 , 'diag': 'acute'  },
>     {'type': 'patient', 'height': 1.9, 'weight': 120, 'diag': 'chronic'},
>     {'type': 'patient', 'height': 2.0, 'weight': 110, 'diag': 'chronic'},
>     {'type': 'control', 'height': 1.7, 'weight': 60 , 'diag': 'N/A'    },
>     {'type': 'control', 'height': 2.1, 'weight': 100, 'diag': 'N/A'    },
> ]
> # Have just one place where we define the properties of each group
> groups = {
>     'control': {
>         'indicator': lambda s: s['type'] == 'control',
>         'color': 'blue',
>         'marker': '*',
>         'label':'Controls'
>      },
>     'chronic': {
>         'indicator': lambda s: s['diag'] == 'chronic',
>         'color': 'magenta',
>         'marker': 's',
>         'label':'Chronic patients'
>     },
>     'acute'  : {
>         'indicator': lambda s: s['diag'] == 'acute',
>         'color': 'red',
>         'marker': 'o',
>         'label':'Acute patients'
>     },
> }
> # Now we can reuse the same code for every subject
> for groupdata in groups.values():
>     groupdata['subjects'] = []
> # Distribute the subjects to each group
> for subject in subjects:
>     for groupdata in groups.values():
>         isingroup = groupdata['indicator']
>         if isingroup(subject):
>             groupdata['subjects'].append(subject)
>             break
> # Now create/format the figure
> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))
> ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.70, 0.70])
> ax.set_xlabel(r'Weight ($kg$)')
> ax.set_ylabel(r'Height ($m$)')
> ax.set_title('Height vs. weight by subject group')
> ax.set_xlim([50, 150])
> ax.set_ylim([1.5, 2.2])
> # Plot each group separately with its own format settings
> for group, groupdata in groups.items():
>     xdata = [s['weight'] for s in groupdata['subjects']]
>     ydata = [s['height'] for s in groupdata['subjects']]
>     ax.plot(xdata, ydata, linestyle='none', color=groupdata['color'],
>             marker=groupdata['marker'], label=groupdata['label'])
> ax.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1)
> # Show the figure in GUI by default.
> # Save to e.g. 'plot.pdf' if filename is given.
> import sys
> if len(sys.argv) > 1:
>     imgname = sys.argv[1]
>     fig.savefig(imgname)
> else:
> Oscar
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From tfarley at  Thu Aug  8 00:11:58 2013
From: tfarley at (Travis Farley)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 16:11:58 -0600
Subject: [Tutor] Online references for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've also found this to be helpful:

It's a little dated but most of the information still applies.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Rene Datta <renedatta at> wrote:

> Hi:
> I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good quality online resource
> tool or compendium to provide a beginner's level of information to start
> learning the Python language.
> Thank you.
> Rene Datta
> renedatta at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From vick1975 at  Wed Aug  7 23:43:24 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 01:43:24 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <000001ce93b7$24a7d480$6df77d80$>


It just plot one line. How to print several lines?

I've attached your example and I've corrected my own 3d code which works now
but it is not an animation. So how can I plot it using the code you gave me?

By the way, I think you know that I'm trying to plot for n-body problem?
Have you made a python code for the n-body problem? Mine works, but I'm just
having trouble with 3d plotting of the orbits. And also I have searched the
web on how to integrate conservation of energy as you suggested to me, but I
couldn't find any article that talks about 1st order ODEs for energy, and
the annotation is different from mine.

PS: Also how do you make the plot run only once without having to do it over
and over again?


-----Original Message-----
From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at] 
Sent: Tuesday, 06 August, 2013 18:40
To: Vick
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] hi

On 1 August 2013 12:32, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Vick, sorry I've been away and I've only had a chance to look at this

> As per your request below, I have attached a stand-alone example 
> ( of my problem. I am trying to plot in 3D using ion() from a

Basically don't use ion() for animation: it is intended for interactive use.
Use matplotlib's animation API for animation. See

I've put example scripts below. Both run fine on this computer. You'll want
a recent matplotlib version.

Here's a 2d animation script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# 2d animation

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.70, 0.70]) line, = ax.plot([], [],

def init():
    ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
    ax.set_ylim([-1, 1])
    line.set_data([], [])
    return line,

def animate(i):
    t = dt * np.arange(i)
    x = np.cos(omega * t)
    y = np.sin(omega * t)
    line.set_data(x, y)
    return line,

dt = .02 # in seconds
T = 10   # Period (seconds)
omega = 2 * np.pi / T  # 0.1 Hz

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                               frames=int(T/dt), interval=int(1000*dt),

And here's a 3d script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# 3d animation

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.70, 0.70], projection='3d') line, =
ax.plot([], [], [], linewidth=2)

def init():
    ax.set_xlim([-1, 1])
    ax.set_ylim([-1, 1])
    ax.set_zlim([0, 10])
    line.set_data([], [])
    return line,

def animate(i):
    t = dt * np.arange(i)
    x = np.cos(omega * t)
    y = np.sin(omega * t)
    z = t
    line.set_data(x, y)
    line.set_3d_properties(z)  # WTF!
    return line,

dt = .02 # in seconds
T = 10   # Duration (seconds)
omega = 2 * np.pi  # 1 Hz

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
                               frames=int(T/dt), interval=int(1000*dt),

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From vick1975 at  Thu Aug  8 19:22:57 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 21:22:57 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <000501ce945b$ed947f70$c8bd7e50$>


Thanks !

What is the best numerical ODE that you have coded then? Can you solve for
the following equation and tell me the error it gives:

N(ODE) = (4 * (exp(1) ** (0.8 * t))) - (0.5 * x)      for     f(t , x)

The true value should be : TF =  (4/1.3)*EXP(0.8*t)-(1.4/1.3)*EXP(-0.5*t)

The error after your numerical ODE should be Er = ABS((TF-N(ODE))/TF)*100

For my n-body problem, I will need to see how to implement the animation API
in my code and see if it works!


-----Original Message-----
From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at] 
Sent: Thursday, 08 August, 2013 18:14
To: Vick
Cc: tutor at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] hi

On 7 August 2013 22:43, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> It just plot one line. How to print several lines?

Just do:

line1, = plot([], [])
line2, = plot([], [])

And then

line1.set_data(x1, y1)
line2.set_data(x2, y2)

and so on.

> I've attached your example and I've corrected my own 3d code which 
> works now but it is not an animation. So how can I plot it using the code
you gave me?

Just change the data that you use for the line.

> By the way, I think you know that I'm trying to plot for n-body problem?
> Have you made a python code for the n-body problem?

No I haven't but I have written code for computing numerical solutions of

> Mine works, but I'm just
> having trouble with 3d plotting of the orbits.

Once you have the lists of x, y, and z coordinates for the orbit just call:

plot(x, y, z)

(after creating an axes with projection='3d' and importing mplot3d).

What's not working for you?

> And also I have searched the
> web on how to integrate conservation of energy as you suggested to me, 
> but I couldn't find any article that talks about 1st order ODEs for 
> energy, and the annotation is different from mine.

I think you misunderstood. What I meant was if you implement your own
routine for solving ODEs you need to check its accuracy. In a 2-body problem
you would have an analytic solution in closed form. You can then check the
error between your numerical solution and the analytic one. Investigating
how this error scales with the step size dt enables you to confirm the order
of your integrator. The reason I suggested this was that the original code
you sent implemented the Runge-Kutta algorithm incorrectly and I wanted you
to check your code properly before assuming it works.

In the case of the N-body problem you don't have an analytic solution but,
assuming Hamiltonian dynamics, energy is conserved. You can compute the
energy of your system at each state and compare how constant it is over time
in the output from your integrator. This gives you a proxy for not having an
analytic solution that you can use to check the accuracy of your integrator:
if the energy of your system is not (approximately) maintained during
integration then your integration must be inaccurate.

> PS: Also how do you make the plot run only once without having to do 
> it over and over again?

I'm not sure TBH. I normally use the animation API to save video files for

You may be more interested in the approach here rather than using the
animation API:


From sudipta.mml at  Wed Aug  7 23:37:06 2013
From: sudipta.mml at (sudipta)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 17:37:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

I am facing a problem for constrained linear least square fitting. In my
case the matrix equation looks like [Y]nX1=[X]nXm[P]mX1, where Y and P are
vectors and X is a matrix and n, m are dimension of the matrix. Further,
there is a equality constraint on P which is Sum(P(i))=0.0. How do I
proceed to solve that? Which function of python is suitable for this? I saw
few of discussion on scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp() function but the
implementation of this function is not very straightforward. Therefore, I
need your help. I am new in SCIPY. Please help me out in this regard.
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From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  9 01:14:31 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 00:14:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the absolute beginner 3e Ch3
 Challenge 4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku18of$er4$>

On 08/08/13 18:05, John Feleppa wrote:

> I am working through Michael Dawson's book, "Python Programming for the
> absolute beginner 3rd edition".
> Have just completed Chapter 3, but cannot solve Challenge 4.
> Has anyone solved this yet - and be willing to share this code?

If you give us a clue what it is then more of us might be able to give 
you a hint... Especially if you tell us what you've tried so far.
Also what python version you are using...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  9 01:17:16 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 00:17:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku18tl$er4$>

On 07/08/13 22:37, sudipta wrote:

> this? I saw few of discussion on scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp() function
> but the implementation of this function is not very straightforward.
> Therefore, I need your help. I am new in SCIPY. Please help me out in

This list is really aimed at newcomers to Python and is standard 
library. You probably will get a better response on a dedicated
scipy forum/mailing list.

However, we do have a few scipy users here too so you might be lucky.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From sunithanc at  Fri Aug  9 03:52:58 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 21:52:58 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <ku165g$mjg$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>I'm confused. Why does the OP want multiple instances of the user
interface widgets?

> He may not, but he is creating them! But it is possible he does want
multiple duplicate windows, one monitoring each thread. (eg progress
dialogs on an FTP program). Since I don't know the context I'm
assuming he knows how many windows he wants!

If he does want just one then he needs to reference the global object in
his run() method... But that brings us back into the land of
synchronisation issues and threadsafe locks etc.

OP is me? Not sure what it stands for, but I am a 'she' :)
Since you asked here is some context on what I am trying to do:
I don't want multiple instances of the widget. I have a Gui with 3 tabs,
each for a different purpose, with a unique functionality within the main
window.  Each tab has only one instance of this widget I am asking question
about. Everything is working great with full functionality. As an added
feature, I am now asked to have a "progress bar" widget which appears when
an operation is going on, to tell the user that he/she has to wait. So I am
running two threads - first one is the progressbar widget which has a
rectangular slab spinning sideways to indicate that the operation is going
on. The second thread is the one which is actually doing the operation . I
have a flag that the second thread sets after the job is done, which the
widget thread keeps checking in a loop and stops spinning and gets out of
the loop when the flag is set.  I have that working as well.
I also have a textEdit window on the Gui where I redirect all the standard
output using StringIO. For that I use the following code:
Before the operation starts, I call the following:
    self.oldstdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = StringIO()

After the operation, I call the method:
  def setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw(self):
        self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput.setText( sys.stdout.getvalue() )
        sys.stdout = self.oldstdout
I need to call it from the thread after the job is done, so the text I want
to output on the command line will show up on the textEdit window on the

The above method is defined on Ui_MainWindow class. The widget gets created
in the method setupUI which is defined under Ui_MainWindow class:
self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)

Alan indicated that it should be called by __init__.
I tried doing it and the gui crashed!  (I am yet to see why and where it
I am not sure I know what the problem or the solution is. Hence the email
Thanks for all your time, suggestions and help.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 6:30 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>wrote:

> On 08/08/13 23:02, eryksun wrote:
>  You are creating a new instance inside your run() method but
>>> the call in main() only sets it for the instance created in
>>> main. It won't set it up for any other instance. You need
>>> to call it every time you create a new object. Unless....
>>> If you put it in init() it will be called every time you
>>> create a new instance. Much safer.
>> I'm confused. Why does the OP want multiple instances of the user
>> interface widgets?
> He may not, but he is creating them! But it is possible he does want
> multiple duplicate windows, one monitoring each thread. (eg progress
> dialogs on an FTP program). Since I don't know the context I'm
> assuming he knows how many windows he wants!
> If he does want just one then he needs to reference the global object in
> his run() method... But that brings us back into the land of
> synchronisation issues and threadsafe locks etc.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> ______________________________**_________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From joel.goldstick at  Fri Aug  9 04:15:41 2013
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 22:15:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:52 PM, SM <sunithanc at> wrote:

> OP is me? Not sure what it stands for, but I am a 'she' :)

FYI (For you information) OP means Original Poster.  Although people
do refer to names in replies here, the term OP is used quite often.
As for the implication of he not she, I guess we are stuck with
guessing in English usage. (They doesn't cut it with Language mavens!)
Good to have "shes' to get more diverse user base.  Best thing about
user groups is that different backgrounds make for better discussions
and interesting ways of solving problems

Joel Goldstick

From marc.tompkins at  Fri Aug  9 05:01:11 2013
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 20:01:11 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Joel Goldstick <joel.goldstick at>wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:52 PM, SM <sunithanc at> wrote:
> >
> > OP is me? Not sure what it stands for, but I am a 'she' :)
> FYI (For you information) OP means Original Poster.  Although people
> do refer to names in replies here, the term OP is used quite often.
> As for the implication of he not she, I guess we are stuck with
> guessing in English usage. (They doesn't cut it with Language mavens!)
> Good to have "shes' to get more diverse user base.  Best thing about
> user groups is that different backgrounds make for better discussions
> and interesting ways of solving problems
> You know the old joke: on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog...
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From eryksun at  Fri Aug  9 08:14:06 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 02:14:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 5:37 PM, sudipta <sudipta.mml at> wrote:
> I am facing a problem for constrained linear least square fitting. In my
> case the matrix equation looks like [Y]nX1=[X]nXm[P]mX1, where Y and P are
> vectors and X is a matrix and n, m are dimension of the matrix. Further,
> there is a equality constraint on P which is Sum(P(i))=0.0. How do I proceed
> to solve that? Which function of python is suitable for this? I saw few of
> discussion on scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp() function but the implementation of
> this function is not very straightforward. Therefore, I need your help. I am
> new in SCIPY. Please help me out in this regard.

You can use scipy.optimize.minimize() with method='SLSQP' (it uses
fmin_slsqp). You'll need an objective function that returns the sum of
the squared residuals; the algorithm minimizes this. You'll also need
an 'eq' constraint function; the algorithm tries to make this zero.

Here's a contrived example. Hopefully if there's a problem with this
example, someone else on the list (Oscar?) can set it straight. I
don't use scipy.optimize very much. I know a bit more about

This example uses a 100x3 matrix X that's set up to compute a
polynomial fit. Normally I'd use the pseudoinverse of the matrix, but
in this case there's an added constraint. Also, strictly speaking the
matrix isn't required when using minimize(); you could just evaluate
the polynomial to compute the residuals at each step, but this way
matches your problem description.

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import optimize
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


    def peval(p, X):
        return, p)

    def objective(p, y, X):
        return np.sum((y - peval(p, X)) ** 2)

    # y = -2*x**2 + 2.5*x - 0.5
    t = np.reshape(np.arange(100) * 0.1, (100, 1))
    X = np.hstack([t**2, t**1, t**0])
    ptrue = np.array([-2.0, 2.5, -0.5])
    ytrue = peval(ptrue, X)
    # add measurement noise
    ymeas = ytrue + 5 * np.random.randn(len(ytrue))

    p0 = np.zeros(3)
    cons = {
        'type': 'eq',
        'fun': np.sum,

    res = optimize.minimize(
        objective, p0, args=(ymeas, X),
        method='SLSQP', constraints=cons)

    pcons = res.x
    yfit = peval(pcons, X)

    ss_res = np.sum((ymeas - yfit) ** 2)
    ss_tot = np.var(ymeas) * len(ymeas)
    rsq = 1 - ss_res / ss_tot

    plt.plot(t, ymeas, 'o', t, ytrue, t, yfit)
    plt.title('Least Squares Fit')
    plt.legend(['Noisy Data', 'True', 'Fit'])


Estimated parameters and R**2 value:

    >>> pcons
    array([-1.94471575,  1.95757699, -0.01286124])
    >>> np.sum(pcons)
    >>> rsq

Pseudoinverse result for comparison:

    >>> plsq =, ymeas)
    >>> plsq
    array([-1.96260467,  2.19944918, -0.75938176])
    >>> np.sum(plsq)

    >>> ss_res = np.sum((ymeas -, plsq)) ** 2)
    >>> 1 - ss_res / ss_tot

From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  9 10:01:04 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 09:01:04 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku27jq$er4$>

On 09/08/13 02:52, SM wrote:

> OP is me? Not sure what it stands for, but I am a 'she' :)

Oops. my bad. Stereotyping is a bad habit.

> I don't want multiple instances of the widget. I have a Gui with 3 tabs,
> each for a different purpose, with a unique functionality within the
> main window.  Each tab has only one instance of this widget

So you do want multiple instances of the widget. You want a separate 
instance in each of the 3 tabs. But you only want one main UI.

So you should probably create a separate class for the widgets that are 
duplicated and then insert the instances of that class into your main UI 
object. The new widget class should have the methods you want to access 
from your threads.

> an added feature, I am now asked to have a "progress bar" widget which
> appears when an operation is going on, to tell the user that he/she has
> to wait.

Is this progress bar duplicated in each tab or is that another thing 
entirely? If it is yet another widget set you may want to make that a 
separate class too.

> So I am running two threads - first one is the progressbar
> widget which has a rectangular slab spinning sideways to indicate that
> the operation is going on. The second thread is the one which is
> actually doing the operation . I have a flag that the second thread sets
> after the job is done, which the widget thread keeps checking in a loop
> and stops spinning and gets out of the loop when the flag is set.  I
> have that working as well.

I wouldn't normal use a thread for the progress bar I'd just use a timer 
event in my main GUI to check the flag periodically. Threads will work 
but they are more effort to setup and manage.

> I also have a textEdit window on the Gui where I redirect all the
> standard output using StringIO.

Just one text window in the main GUI? not one per tab or per thread?

> The above method is defined on Ui_MainWindow class. The widget gets
> created in the method setupUI which is defined under Ui_MainWindow class:
> self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)
> Alan indicated that it should be called by __init__.

Only really needed if you want to create a new widget per thread,
it sounds like you only want this in the main UI so main() is OK 
(although putting it in init shouldn't be a problem!)

> I tried doing it and the gui crashed!

I can only think that maybe you are overwriting some global values that 
were set in the call in the first widget. The first objective should be 
to clearly work out how many windows you are creating and where. It 
sounds like you have a main window class, 3 tab classes and maybe 
progress indicator and text window classes too.

Then build up the GUI structure by adding instances of the tabs
to the main window instance and adding the progress indicator 
instance(s) when you start the processing threads. Try to map the 
visible objects in your GUI to objects(classes) in your code.

Having said that I've never used Qt so there may be ready made
classes in the toolkit (tabs etc) that you can use out of the box.
In fact progress indicator dialogs are quite a common toolkit
feature so that may well exist already too.,

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug  9 10:11:07 2013
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 09:11:07 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the absolute beginner 3e,
	Ch3 Challenge 4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

# Write the psudocode for a program where the player and the computer
># trade places in the number guessing game. ?That is, the player picks a?
># random number between 1 and 100 that the computer has to guess.
># Before you start, think about how you guess. ?If all goes well, try
># coding the game.
>It builds on the previous challenge, where the user guesses the number - I coded that OK, as below.OK, So which bits of this challenge puzzle you?

Can you write down the process you used when guessing the numbers?
Can you turn that description into pseudo-Python code?

You need to get the computer ?to generate numbers in an ever narrowing range,?
Maybe the midpoint number? (You could also google "binary chop" to get?
more ideas)

Then you need to tell the computer which direction it should go next.

Have a stab at it, get back to us with what you've come up with.


Alan G.
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From __peter__ at  Fri Aug  9 11:26:51 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 11:26:51 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Question in regards to loops and matplotlib
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku2cka$3r1$>

Zachary Rizer wrote:

> def make_mass_cuts(table):
>     """
>     make mass cuts using logMass row and creates four-tuple
>     each index is divided into its own dual tuple, x and y UVJ colors
>     array returned = [(m1_x, m1_y), (m2_x, m2_y), (m3_x, m3_y), (m4_x,
> m4_y)]
>     """
>     m1_x = []
>     m1_y = []
>     m2_x = []
>     m2_y = []
>     m3_x = []
>     m3_y = []
>     m4_x = []
>     m4_y = []
>     for row in table:
>         if row['ms_lmass'] >= 9.7 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10:
>             m1_x.append(row['rf_VminJ'])
>             m1_y.append(row['rf_UminV'])
>         elif row['ms_lmass'] >= 10 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10.5:
>             m2_x.append(row['rf_VminJ'])
>             m2_y.append(row['rf_UminV'])
>         elif row['ms_lmass'] >= 10.5 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10.8:
>             m3_x.append(row['rf_VminJ'])
>             m3_y.append(row['rf_UminV'])
>         elif row['ms_lmass'] >= 10.8:
>             m4_x.append(row['rf_VminJ'])
>             m4_y.append(row['rf_UminV'])
>     return [(m1_x, m1_y), (m2_x, m2_y), (m3_x, m3_y), (m4_x, m4_y)]

You have redundant tests there:

>         if row['ms_lmass'] >= 9.7 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10:
>         elif row['ms_lmass'] >= 10 and row['ms_lmass'] < 10.5:

At this point you already know that the mass is >= 10, no need to repeat the 
check. Which gives:

def _make_mass_cuts(table):
    bins = [([], []) for i in range(4)]
    for row in table:
        mass = row["ms_lmass"]
        if mass < 9.7:
        elif mass < 10:
            bin_index =  0
        elif mass < 10.5:
            bin_index = 1
        elif mass < 10.8:
            bin_index = 2
            bin_index = 3
        binx, biny = bins[bin_index]

    return bins

For so few cuts it's probably not worthwhile, but the bisect module allows 
to generalise this:

import bisect
def make_mass_cuts(table):
    cuts = [9.7, 10.0, 10.5, 10.8]
    bins = [([], []) for cut in cuts]
    for row in table:
        index = bisect.bisect_right(cuts, row['ms_lmass'])
        if index:
            x, y = bins[index-1]
    return bins

If you want to play with the values or the number of bins now all you have 
to change is the cuts list.

From sunithanc at  Fri Aug  9 17:50:19 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 11:50:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <ku27jq$er4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 4:01 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>wrote:

> On 09/08/13 02:52, SM wrote:
>  OP is me? Not sure what it stands for, but I am a 'she' :)
> Oops. my bad. Stereotyping is a bad habit.

[SM]: Not your fault. My bad too. Dog's face tells little about the

>  I don't want multiple instances of the widget. I have a Gui with 3 tabs,
>> each for a different purpose, with a unique functionality within the
>> main window.  Each tab has only one instance of this widget
> So you do want multiple instances of the widget. You want a separate
> instance in each of the 3 tabs. But you only want one main UI.

No, no! Each tab is totally distinct from the other. I shouldn't have
mentioned the tab. Each tab has its own  widget
(ex: self.tab_fw = QtGui.QWidget(), self.tab_ann = QtGui.QWidget(), etc),
its own textEdit window and its own progress bar widget.
All the tabs are defined within this single class - they are not instances
of the class, as the tabs are distinct from each other. All of that is
working really well.

> So you should probably create a separate class for the widgets that are
> duplicated and then insert the instances of that class into your main UI
> object. The new widget class should have the methods you want to access
> from your threads.
>  an added feature, I am now asked to have a "progress bar" widget which
>> appears when an operation is going on, to tell the user that he/she has
>> to wait.
> Is this progress bar duplicated in each tab or is that another thing
> entirely? If it is yet another widget set you may want to make that a
> separate class too.

[SM]: Yes. I shouldn't say duplicated, but each tab has a different
progress bar of its own. In the example, I was quoting the code for just on
tab. The others will be implemented similarly.

>  So I am running two threads - first one is the progressbar
>> widget which has a rectangular slab spinning sideways to indicate that
>> the operation is going on. The second thread is the one which is
>> actually doing the operation . I have a flag that the second thread sets
>> after the job is done, which the widget thread keeps checking in a loop
>> and stops spinning and gets out of the loop when the flag is set.  I
>> have that working as well.
> I wouldn't normal use a thread for the progress bar I'd just use a timer
> event in my main GUI to check the flag periodically. Threads will work but
> they are more effort to setup and manage.

[SM]: I did start out with a timer. But due to my lack of experience with
usage of timer in Python, the code I wrote was running sequentially - that
is, the two jobs I am trying to synchronize - the progress bar and the job
to be done - were running one after the other, beating the whole purpose.
So I had to go for the thread-based implementation.
If you or anyone else reading this have a sample code for  a timer-based
implementation, I could try that. I did use an example I found online, but
that didn't help.

>  I also have a textEdit window on the Gui where I redirect all the
>> standard output using StringIO.
> Just one text window in the main GUI? not one per tab or per thread?

[SM]. One text window oer tab - not per thread. I am using threads only for
running the progress bar.

>  The above method is defined on Ui_MainWindow class. The widget gets
>> created in the method setupUI which is defined under Ui_MainWindow class:
>> self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)
>> Alan indicated that it should be called by __init__.
> Only really needed if you want to create a new widget per thread,
> it sounds like you only want this in the main UI so main() is OK (although
> putting it in init shouldn't be a problem!)
>  I tried doing it and the gui crashed!
> I can only think that maybe you are overwriting some global values that
> were set in the call in the first widget. The first objective should be to
> clearly work out how many windows you are creating and where. It sounds
> like you have a main window class, 3 tab classes and maybe progress
> indicator and text window classes too.
> Then build up the GUI structure by adding instances of the tabs
> to the main window instance and adding the progress indicator instance(s)
> when you start the processing threads. Try to map the visible objects in
> your GUI to objects(classes) in your code.
> Having said that I've never used Qt so there may be ready made
> classes in the toolkit (tabs etc) that you can use out of the box.
> In fact progress indicator dialogs are quite a common toolkit
> feature so that may well exist already too.,

[SM] I think my answers on the top will clarify these.

Thanks for all your time! Really appreciate it.


> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> ______________________________**_________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From oscar.j.benjamin at  Fri Aug  9 20:05:01 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 19:05:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000501ce945b$ed947f70$c8bd7e50$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

Can you respond inline and trim the part you're not quoting instead of
top-posting please?

On 8 August 2013 18:22, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks !
> What is the best numerical ODE that you have coded then?

What do you mean by best? There are different ODE solvers for
different problems.

> Can you solve for
> the following equation and tell me the error it gives:
> N(ODE) = (4 * (exp(1) ** (0.8 * t))) - (0.5 * x)      for     f(t , x)
> The true value should be : TF =  (4/1.3)*EXP(0.8*t)-(1.4/1.3)*EXP(-0.5*t)

You haven't given the initial condition but I guess it should be that
x=2 at t=0 from the solution.

> The error after your numerical ODE should be Er = ABS((TF-N(ODE))/TF)*100

Why are you multiplying by 100? That doesn't make any sense.

I don't see what's so special about this ODE that you wouldn't just
use scipy's odeint:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from math import exp
from scipy.integrate import odeint

# System derivative
def f(x, t):
    return 4 * exp(0.8 * t) - 0.5 * x

# Analytic solution
def analytic(t):
    return (40/13.)*exp(0.8*t) - (14/13.)*exp(-0.5*t)

# Initial condition
x0 = [2]

# Time through which to integrate (from t=0 to t=T)
T = 4

xtrue = analytic(T)
for tol in 1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11, 1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14, 1e-15:
    xest = odeint(f, x0, [0, T], rtol=tol, atol=tol)[-1]
    relerror = abs((xest - xtrue)/xtrue)
    print('Tolerance: %s Error: %.3e' %  (tol, relerror))


$ ./
Tolerance: 1e-08 Error: 2.066e-09
Tolerance: 1e-09 Error: 1.623e-10
Tolerance: 1e-10 Error: 2.707e-11
Tolerance: 1e-11 Error: 1.818e-12
Tolerance: 1e-12 Error: 7.281e-13
Tolerance: 1e-13 Error: 7.620e-14
 lsoda--  at start of problem, too much accuracy
       requested for precision of machine..  see tolsf (=r1)
      In above message,  R1 =  0.2960594732334E+01
Illegal input detected (internal error).
Run with full_output = 1 to get quantitative information.
Tolerance: 1e-14 Error: 9.735e-01
 lsoda--  at start of problem, too much accuracy
       requested for precision of machine..  see tolsf (=r1)
      In above message,  R1 =  0.2960594732334E+02
Illegal input detected (internal error).
Run with full_output = 1 to get quantitative information.
Tolerance: 1e-15 Error: 9.735e-01

So you can get a relative error of 1e-14 with this. Is that good enough?


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Fri Aug  9 20:40:52 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 19:40:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7 August 2013 22:37, sudipta <sudipta.mml at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am facing a problem for constrained linear least square fitting. In my
> case the matrix equation looks like [Y]nX1=[X]nXm[P]mX1, where Y and P are
> vectors and X is a matrix and n, m are dimension of the matrix.

It took me a moment to understand that equation. I would have written it as

    y = X p

where I use capitals to distinguish matrices and vectors.

Okay so to change the terminology slightly if

    E[y] = X p

is the estimate of y given X and p. We want to choose p_lsq to minimise

    res = sum((E[y] - y)^2) = sum((X p - y)^2)

The optimal solution is given by the exact solution of the linear system

    X' X p_lsq = X' y

where X' means the transpose of X.

> Further,
> there is a equality constraint on P which is Sum(P(i))=0.0. How do I proceed
> to solve that?

The least-squares choice p_lsqcon that satisfies the linear constraint

    A p = a

is given by

    p_lsqcon = p_lsq - Z A' [A Z A']^(-1) (A p - a)

where Z is the inverse of X' X. In general A is a matrix but in your
case it is a 1xm vector of all 1s and a is just 0. The expressions
above may look complicated but when you actually work it out they're
not so bad.

> Which function of python is suitable for this? I saw few of
> discussion on scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp() function but the implementation of
> this function is not very straightforward. Therefore, I need your help. I am
> new in SCIPY. Please help me out in this regard.

You should look at how to do matrix multiplication and how to solve a
linear system. Here's a quick ipython session that illustrates how to
do this:

In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: M = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

In [3]: M
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4]])

In [4]: x = np.array([[1], [2]])

In [5]: x

In [6]:, x)  # matrix multiplication
array([[ 5],

In [7]: b =, x)

In [8]: b
array([[ 5],

In [9]: np.linalg.solve(M, b)
array([[ 1.],
       [ 2.]])

I don't know whether using this analytic result will be more/less
accurate/efficient than the methods that Eryksun suggested but this
would be my first attempt.


From eryksun at  Sat Aug 10 01:00:23 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 19:00:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Oscar Benjamin
<oscar.j.benjamin at> wrote:
>     E[y] = X p
> is the estimate of y given X and p. We want to choose p_lsq to minimise
>     res = sum((E[y] - y)^2) = sum((X p - y)^2)
> The optimal solution is given by the exact solution of the linear system
>     X' X p_lsq = X' y
> where X' means the transpose of X.

The pseudoinverse I mentioned is (X' X)^-1 X'. Oscar's way using
linalg.solve on the above equation will behave better numerically.

> The least-squares choice p_lsqcon that satisfies the linear constraint
>     A p = a
> is given by
>     p_lsqcon = p_lsq - Z A' [A Z A']^(-1) (A p - a)
> where Z is the inverse of X' X. In general A is a matrix but in your
> case it is a 1xm vector of all 1s and a is just 0. The expressions
> above may look complicated but when you actually work it out they're
> not so bad.

The result from the analytic solution is very close to what minimize()
got in my example:

    >>> Q =, X)
    >>> plsq = np.linalg.solve(Q,, ymeas))
    >>> plsq
    array([-1.96260467,  2.19944918, -0.75938176])

    >>> Z = np.linalg.inv(Q)
    >>> A = np.ones((1, 3))

I'm tempted to switch to np.matrix here, which supports infix matrix
products and exponents. But I'll just break this mess up into temp

    >>> t1 =, A.T)
    >>> t2 = np.linalg.inv(, Z), A.T))
    >>> t3 =, plsq)
    >>> plsqcon = plsq -, t2), t3)

    >>> plsqcon
    array([-1.9447156 ,  1.95757573, -0.01286013])

My solution from minimize():

    >>> pcons
    array([-1.94471575,  1.95757699, -0.01286124])

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sat Aug 10 03:03:25 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 02:03:25 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000301ce9542$2c955f50$85c01df0$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 9 August 2013 21:51, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> Oscar wrote:
>> Can you respond inline and trim the part you're not quoting instead of
>> top-posting please?
> Ok. But may I ask why please?

You may. It makes for better communication. Isn't it easier to read
this as a conversation with the context I'm replying to above my
reply? Also you please don't trim the who wrote what header line (so
that I don't have to add in the "Oscar wrote" part above.

>> What do you mean by best? There are different ODE solvers for different
>> problems.
> I meant best accuracy in digits.

But for what problem? Different ODE solvers are better at solving
different types of ODEs, or even at finding different solutions of the
same ODEs. Do you mean the best solver for non-smooth problems, for
stiff problems, for getting hyper-accurate solutions to super-smooth
problems, etc.?

> I just didn't realize that scipy had an ODE solver!

Always check this kind of thing before reinventing the wheel. Scipy's
odeint is a very good general purpose solver.

> Ok, but what is the best
> one you have? Of course in terms of digits accuracy?

Even the simplest solvers can usually be made as accurate as desired
by reducing the step-size and increasing the precision. When people
talk about one solver as being more accurate than another they usually
mean that it is better accuracy for a given precision (and a
particular ODE, initial condition etc.) or that it achieves a better
accuracy given the same amount of computation time. The question
you've asked is ill-posed as we can easily construct a solver to any
arbitrary degree of accuracy (for well-behaved ODEs).


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sat Aug 10 03:12:33 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 02:12:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10 August 2013 00:00, eryksun <eryksun at> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Oscar Benjamin
> The result from the analytic solution is very close to what minimize()
> got in my example:

That's reassuring.

Which of the two solutions is more accurate in terms of satisfying the
constraint and minimising the objective function? Do they take similar
times to run?

> I'm tempted to switch to np.matrix here, which supports infix matrix
> products and exponents. But I'll just break this mess up into temp
> variables:

This probably is a good use for np.matrix (I guess you generally
dislike it for the same reasons I do: explicit is better than implicit


From eryksun at  Sat Aug 10 09:18:54 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:18:54 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 9:12 PM, Oscar Benjamin
<oscar.j.benjamin at> wrote:
> Which of the two solutions is more accurate in terms of satisfying the
> constraint and minimising the objective function? Do they take similar
> times to run?

In my example, minimize() required 28 function evaluations, so your
solution is more efficient.

As far as minimizing the objective and satisfying the constraint, the
results are very close:

    >>> objective(pcons, ymeas, X)   # minimize
    >>> np.sum(pcons)

    >>> objective(plsqcon, ymeas, X) # analytic
    >>> np.sum(plsqcon)

I think SLSQP is using something like gradient descent on successive
quadratic approximations of the objective. But it's not something I
know a lot about. Here's the paper and links to the FORTRAN source

Dieter Kraft, "Algorithm 733: TOMP?Fortran modules for optimal control
calculations," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 20, no.
3, pp. 262-281 (1994)

> This probably is a good use for np.matrix (I guess you generally
> dislike it for the same reasons I do: explicit is better than implicit
> etc.).

I'm not against np.matrix in principle. I just didn't want to muddy the water.

From phil_lor at  Sat Aug 10 08:45:09 2013
From: phil_lor at (Phil)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 16:45:09 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Map function
Message-ID: <>

The Arduino has a map function named "map" which looks like this:

map(value, 0, 1023, 0, 100)

The function, in this case, takes an integer value between 0 and 1023 
and returns a number between 0 and 100. Is there a Python equivalent?


From chris at  Sat Aug 10 11:39:18 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 11:39:18 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Map function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130810093917.GA2310@gopher>

Hi Phil,

On 2013-08-10 16:45, Phil wrote:
> The Arduino has a map function named "map" which looks like this:
> map(value, 0, 1023, 0, 100)
> The function, in this case, takes an integer value between 0 and
> 1023 and returns a number between 0 and 100. Is there a Python
> equivalent?

The Arduino documentation[0] says that `map' is equivalent to:

    long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max) {
        return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;

With that in mind, you can almost copy and paste the exact same code in Python
(albeit with floor division, as in Python 3, integer division can yield
floats). Note that `//' is not strictly equivalent to C's integer division,

    >>> def arduino_map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    ...     return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) // (in_max - in_min) + out_min
    >>> arduino_map(50, 0, 1023, 0, 100)

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From phil_lor at  Sat Aug 10 12:18:30 2013
From: phil_lor at (Phil)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 20:18:30 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Map function
In-Reply-To: <20130810093917.GA2310@gopher>
References: <> <20130810093917.GA2310@gopher>
Message-ID: <>

On 10/08/13 19:39, Chris Down wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> On 2013-08-10 16:45, Phil wrote:
>> The Arduino has a map function named "map" which looks like this:
>> map(value, 0, 1023, 0, 100)
>> The function, in this case, takes an integer value between 0 and
>> 1023 and returns a number between 0 and 100. Is there a Python
>> equivalent?
> The Arduino documentation[0] says that `map' is equivalent to:
>      long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max) {
>          return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
>      }
> With that in mind, you can almost copy and paste the exact same code in Python
> (albeit with floor division, as in Python 3, integer division can yield
> floats). Note that `//' is not strictly equivalent to C's integer division,
> though.[1]
>      >>> def arduino_map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
>      ...     return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) // (in_max - in_min) + out_min
>      ...
>      >>> arduino_map(50, 0, 1023, 0, 100)
>      4
> 0:
> 1:

Thanks Chris,

I had come up with something similar, but it was more complex without 
the // operator, which led me to thinking that perhaps Python had a 
similar map function built in.

Anyway, thanks again my curiosity has been satisfied.


From alan.gauld at  Sat Aug 10 13:04:57 2013
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 12:04:57 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the absolute beginner 3e,
	Ch3 Challenge 4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Also don't know how to do a binary chop, but the book hasn't covered anything?
>like that - it has just taught if, else and while,?
>A binary chop is an algorithm. All you need is if/else and while.
The algorithm looks a bit like this:

while not found
? ? ? ?determine the middle value between min ?and max
? ? ? ?if value > target set max to value
? ? ? ?if value < target set min to value
? ? ? ?else found = True

the_number = int(input("Type in a number - I swear down I no look!^^ "))You don't need to store the number since the human user can just remember it

print("But I asked the computer, and it reckons your number is...")
>guess = (random.randint(1, 100))You don't want to use random guesses - that could take a very long time!

while guess != the_number:
>? ? hilo = input("\nWas I too high or too low? ?Write 'h' or 'l'.\n")
>? ? if hilo == "h":
>? ? ? ? print("\nToo high, well, in that case what about...\n")
>? ? ? ? lower_guess = (random.randint(lowest, temp))This is almost right except you will be faster using the mid value rather than a random one.

And what happened in the shell:
>Hello & Welcome to 'Modified Guess My Number'!
>Think of a number between 1 and 100 & the computer has to guess it.
>Type in a number - I swear down I no look!^^ 30
>OK you wrote 30 but I no show the computer.
>But I asked the computer, and it reckons your number is...
>Was I too high or too low? ?Write 'h' or 'l'.
>Too high, well, in that case what about...
>Was I too high or too low? ?Write 'h' or 'l'.
>Too low, well, in that case what about...
>Was I too high or too low? ?Write 'h' or 'l'.
>Too high, well, in that case what about...
>Was I too high or too low? ?Write 'h' or 'l'.
>hAs you can see its working, but just taking a lot of guesses.?
You will speed it up dramatically if you calculate the mid?
point rather than use random.


Alan G.
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From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sat Aug 10 17:10:09 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 16:10:09 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000001ce9590$e1b667a0$a52336e0$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 10 August 2013 07:14, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
>> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
>> But for what problem? Different ODE solvers are better at solving
> different
>> types of ODEs, or even at finding different solutions of the same ODEs. Do
>> you mean the best solver for non-smooth problems, for stiff problems, for
>> getting hyper-accurate solutions to super-smooth problems, etc.?
>> Even the simplest solvers can usually be made as accurate as desired by
>> reducing the step-size and increasing the precision. When people talk
> about
>> one solver as being more accurate than another they usually mean that it
> is
>> better accuracy for a given precision (and a particular ODE, initial
> condition
>> etc.) or that it achieves a better accuracy given the same amount of
>> computation time. The question you've asked is ill-posed as we can easily
>> construct a solver to any arbitrary degree of accuracy (for well-behaved
>> ODEs).
> Yes I understand, but as you hinted above, any solver can reach any
> desired accuracy just by increasing their step-size. However by doing so, a
> low-order solver will surely tax your computer memory and it will only reach
> a solution after a long time. However a high-order solver will find a
> solution with more accuracy in less time and by utilizing less memory.

Why would it use more memory? You don't need to store every
intermediate step in your computation (see the sample code below).

How long a time it takes depends on many different things: the
language, the precision, how good a programmer you are. Much of the
"this integrator is better than that one" arguments are implicitly
tied to certain presumptions about how your code gets implemented.

> I am
> particularly referring to solver for 1st order ODEs for general ODEs,

This is the type that I normally work with.

> quadratic problems

What do you mean by that?

> and linear constant coefficient differential
> equations.

Can you not just solve these analytically?

> (obviously non-stiff equations).

Higher-order doesn't always mean higher accuracy. The order really
refers to the order of the local truncation error. Whether the
integrator achieves the stated global truncation error depends on
certain assumptions about how the local error propagates through to
the global. This is why even very high-order methods often fail for
stiff equations if the error propagation is unstable so that small
errors increase exponentially. Similarly in chaotic systems where you
try to follow a trajectory with positive Lyapunov exponent small
errors will increase exponentially no matter what integrator you use
so that before long your solution is no better than a guess.

If you're not bothered about stiff problems and are only interested in
ultra-high accuracy for well-behaved systems then consider using a
very high-order Adams-Moulton or Adams-Bashforth integrator with a
high-precision numeric type. You can compute the coefficients for AM
or AB integrators of arbitrary order using the fractions module (see
Wikipedia for the formulas). These are more complicated to implement
as you need a secondary algorithm to bootstrap the process.

> I'm guessing you have solvers for stiff problems as well?

I've toyed with these but a proper application hasn't yet come up for
me so I haven't needed more than what scipy has. (scipy has
integrators specifically for stiff problems).

> Do you have a symplectic integrator?


Here is an example that shows we can achieve the precision of scipy's
integrator (for the system you posted) easily using a standard 4th
order Runge-Kutta:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from math import exp
from pylab import loglog, plot, show, legend, xlabel, ylabel

# System specification

def f(x, t):
    return 4 * exp(0.8 * t) - 0.5 * x

def analytic(t):
    return (40/13.)*exp(0.8*t) - (14/13.)*exp(-0.5*t)

# This is for the analytic solution to be true
x0 = 2

def euler(f, x, t, dt, carry=0):
    return x + dt * f(x, t), carry

def euler_comp(f, x, t, dt, carry=0):
    dx = dt * f(x, t)
    newx = x + (dx + carry)
    carry = newx - (x + dx)
    return newx, carry

def rk4(f, x, t, dt, carry=0):
    k1 = dt * f(x, t)
    k2 = dt * f(x + k1/2, t + dt/2)
    k3 = dt * f(x + k2/2, t + dt/2)
    k4 = dt * f(x + k3, t + dt)
    dx = (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4) / 6
    return x + dx, carry

def solveto(stepper, f, x1, t1, t2, dtmax, carry=0):
    t = t1
    x = x1
    while t < t2:
        newt = min(t + dtmax, t2)
        dt = newt - t
        x, carry = stepper(f, x, t, dt, carry)
        t = newt
    return x, carry

def solve(stepper, f, x0, ts, dtmax, carry=0):
    xs = [x0]
    xi = x0
    for t1, t2 in zip(ts[:-1], ts[1:]):
        xi, carry = solveto(stepper, f, xi, t1, t2, dtmax, carry)
    return xs

def solve_and_plot():
    # Use powers of 2 for accurate binary computation
    T = 4
    dtout = 2 ** -5
    dtmax = 2 ** -8
    ts = [n * dtout for n in range(int(T // dtout) + 1)]

    xeuler = solve(euler, f, x0, ts, dtmax)
    xtrue = [analytic(t) for t in ts]

    plot(ts, xeuler, label=r'$x_{est}$')
    plot(ts, xtrue, label=r'$x_{true}$')

def check_errors():

    methods = [
        (euler   , 'euler'   , 'r-+'),
        (rk4     , 'rk4'     , 'b-+'),

    T = 4
    xtrue = analytic(T)

    dts = [2**-n for n in range(2, 18)]
    for stepper, name, fmt in methods:
        errors = []
        for dtmax in dts:
            xest, carry = solveto(stepper, f, x0, 0, T, dtmax)
            error = abs((xest - xtrue) / xtrue)
        loglog(dts, errors, fmt, label=name)
    xlabel(r'$\Delta t$')
    ylabel(r'$E_{rel}$', rotation=0)


You'll see that the error gets smaller as we reduce the step-size
until about dt=1e-3 at which point the error is about 1e-14 (as was
the case for scipy's odeint). We can't go smaller with the error
because the truncation error is already smaller than the rounding
error. Using compensated summation in rk4 wouldn't help because the
real problem is the rounding error in f which comes from the fact that
0.8 cannot be exactly represented in binary floating point and the
exp() function needs to round its output. If we can't compute the
derivative exactly then we can't do anything about the rounding error.

We can do better by using the higher precision Decimal type from
Python's decimal module. The output from the script below is:

$ py -3.3 ./
dt: 1.000000e-02 error: 1.338e-11
dt: 1.000000e-03 error: 1.337e-15
dt: 1.000000e-04 error: 1.337e-19
dt: 1.000000e-05 error: 1.339e-23

We can probably get the error down to say 1e-27 by using a step-size
of 1e-6. However it would take an hour or two to run that on my
computer (there's probably not much scope for optimisation since
profiling identifies the exp() function as the culprit).

#!/usr/bin/env python

from decimal import Decimal as D

# We don't have transcendental functions for Decimals.
_E = +D('2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995')
def exp(y):
    return _E ** y

# System specification

def f(x, t):
    return 4 * exp(D('0.8') * t) - D('0.5') * x

def analytic(t):
    return (D('40')/D('13'))*exp(D('0.8')*t) -

# This is for the analytic solution to be true
x0 = 2

def rk4(f, x, t, dt, carry=0):
    k1 = dt * f(x, t)
    k2 = dt * f(x + k1/2, t + dt/2)
    k3 = dt * f(x + k2/2, t + dt/2)
    k4 = dt * f(x + k3, t + dt)
    dx = (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4) / 6
    return x + dx, carry

def solveto(stepper, f, x1, t1, t2, dtmax, carry=0):
    t = t1
    x = x1
    while t < t2:
        newt = min(t + dtmax, t2)
        dt = newt - t
        x, carry = stepper(f, x, t, dt, carry)
        t = newt
    return x, carry

T = 4
xtrue = analytic(T)

# It's good to use powers of 10 when working in decimal
dts = [D('10')**-n for n in range(2, 6)]

for dt in dts:
    xest, carry = solveto(rk4, f, x0, 0, T, dt)
    error = abs((xest - xtrue) / xtrue)
    print('dt: %e error: %.3e' % (dt, error))


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sat Aug 10 17:19:07 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 16:19:07 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] constrained least square fitting using python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10 August 2013 08:18, eryksun <eryksun at> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 9:12 PM, Oscar Benjamin
> <oscar.j.benjamin at> wrote:
>> Which of the two solutions is more accurate in terms of satisfying the
>> constraint and minimising the objective function? Do they take similar
>> times to run?
> In my example, minimize() required 28 function evaluations, so your
> solution is more efficient.

Really what I meant is: do they both run in the blink of an eye. I'm
guessing they do since you haven't given a time in seconds.

> As far as minimizing the objective and satisfying the constraint, the
> results are very close:
>     >>> objective(pcons, ymeas, X)   # minimize
>     2036.6364327061785
>     >>> np.sum(pcons)
>     -2.0816681711721685e-17
>     >>> objective(plsqcon, ymeas, X) # analytic
>     2036.6364327060171
>     >>> np.sum(plsqcon)
>     0.0

That seems plenty good enough. It's impressive that the more general
SLSQP method can be so accurate.

> I think SLSQP is using something like gradient descent on successive
> quadratic approximations of the objective. But it's not something I
> know a lot about. Here's the paper and links to the FORTRAN source
> code:
> Dieter Kraft, "Algorithm 733: TOMP?Fortran modules for optimal control
> calculations," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 20, no.
> 3, pp. 262-281 (1994)

I just had a quick look at that code; I've decided I won't even try to
understand it!


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sat Aug 10 18:33:36 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 17:33:36 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 10 August 2013 16:10, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin at> wrote:
> We can probably get the error down to say 1e-27 by using a step-size
> of 1e-6. However it would take an hour or two to run that on my
> computer (there's probably not much scope for optimisation since
> profiling identifies the exp() function as the culprit).

Actually I was wrong about that. There is a Decimal.exp method that is
about 10x faster:

>>> from decimal import Decimal as D
>>> D(1).exp()


From alan.gauld at  Sun Aug 11 18:05:30 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 17:05:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku8co2$hrh$>

On 09/08/13 16:50, SM wrote:

Sorry I only just picked this up.

> (ex: self.tab_fw = QtGui.QWidget(), self.tab_ann = QtGui.QWidget(),
> etc), its own textEdit window and its own progress bar widget.
> All the tabs are defined within this single class - they are not
> instances of the class, as the tabs are distinct from each other. All of
> that is working really well.

OK, I'll assume the structure looks like

- Tab1
   - TextEdit1
   - ProgressBar1
   - any other widgets on tab1
- Tab2
   - TextEdit2
   - ProgressBar2
   - any other widgets on tab2		
- Tab3
   - TextEdit3
   - ProgressBar3
   - any other widgets on tab3		

And that both the TextEdit and progress bar widgets are part of
the Qt framework/library? So there are 3 distinct progress bar 
instances, one per tab?

>         an added feature, I am now asked to have a "progress bar" widget
>         which appears when an operation is going on, to tell the user that
>         he/she has to wait.

Is this an extra (4th?) progress bar or is this the ones already 
described as being in the tabs?

Also, when you say "appears" do you mean its invisible until the 
operation starts? Or is it visible but inactive (maybe greyed out?)

> [SM]: Yes. I shouldn't say duplicated, but each tab has a different
> progress bar of its own. In the example, I was quoting the code for just
> on tab. The others will be implemented similarly.

OK So I'm again going to assume:

A total of 1 progress bar per tab. The "added feature" is what these 
bars are addressing?

>         So I am running two threads - first one is the progressbar
>         widget which has a rectangular slab spinning sideways to
>         indicate that the operation is going on.

I usually expect a progress bar to indicate the percentage complete but 
this sounds like its just a spinning eggshell activity indicator. Is 
that correct? You have no progress value indication?

> The second thread is the one which is actually doing the operation.
 > I have a flag that the second thread sets after the job is done

OK, again I'll assume we are dealing with just an activity indicator not 
a value display.

>         and stops spinning and gets out of the loop when the flag is set.  I
>         have that working as well.

OK, Good the picture is building.

> [SM]: I did start out with a timer. But due to my lack of experience
> with usage of timer in Python, the code I wrote was running sequentially

That sounds like you tried to use a Python native timer. Normally in a 
GUI the toolkit (Qt in this case) provides a timer event that triggers
via the normal event mechanism. You set the timer, the event arrives and 
you do something then reset the timer for the next time round.

I found this page that describes the Qt approach (which includes
multi-shot timers) and links to more detailed examples etc.

The code is in C++ but should translate easily to python and PyQt.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Sun Aug 11 23:13:19 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 22:13:19 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <ku8co2$hrh$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku8up8$sk8$>

On 11/08/13 17:05, Alan Gauld wrote:

> this sounds like its just a spinning eggshell

erm, make that egg-timer... auto spell correction strikes again!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From engg at  Fri Aug  9 10:33:02 2013
From: engg at (Engineering)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 14:03:02 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Python Arduino Web Page
Message-ID: <000601ce94db$147b32d0$3d719870$@in>

I have written the following code in Python for my Arduino



import cgi, cgitb;

import sys, serial


ser = serial.Serial('COM27', 9600)

myvar = ser.readline()

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"

print """




Real Time Temperature


  <script type="text/javascript">

    window.onload = startInterval;

    function startInterval()





    function startTime(myvar)


        document.getElementById('mine').innerHTML ="Temperature"






<h1>Real Time Temperature:</h1>

<div id="mine"></div>



I have Apache Web Server 

But on running this  my localhost , I am getting the following output
"TemperatureNaN" . Why is NaN being showed. Why cant I get the number as
read by se.readline()?

Is there a way to separate the Python code and the Javascript on different
files. If so can you please give a example.?

I am not really interested to do with bottle or other web framework as I
will be controlling my arduino with python from the web and also do video
image processing with openCV. Open CV have a support for Python and not for



Subhendu Sinha Chaudhuri







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From engg at  Fri Aug  9 14:16:27 2013
From: engg at (Engineering)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 17:46:27 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Python and Web
Message-ID: <001601ce94fa$4a175120$de45f360$@in>

Dear All


After a lot of struggling for weeks , I can read the serial port readings in
my web page. Below is the code



import cgi, cgitb;

import sys, serial ,time


ser = serial.Serial('COM27', 9600)

numOfLines = 0

print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"

print """




            Real Time Temperature


            <body><h1>Real Time Temperature:</h1></body>


while True:

    response = ser.readline()

    print """

            <script type="text/javascript">

            var int=self.setInterval(function(){refer()},1000);

            function refer()


            document.getElementById('mine').innerHTML ="""+response+""";





            <div id="mine"></div>







BUT is this good programming ? I personally do not feel so. 

SECONDLY , during the whole execution process , the cursor is showing busy
and I am prevented to click anything else. Why is this so? How to avoid it.







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From eschneider92 at  Sat Aug 10 05:30:37 2013
From: eschneider92 at (eschneider92 at
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:30:37 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've been learning python from the website '', and I'm on a chapter that covers the following code: 

import random 
import time 
def displayIntro(): 
print('You are in a land full of dragons. In front of you,') 
print('you see two caves. In one cave, the dragon is friendly') 
print('and will share his treasure with you. The other dragon') 
print('is greedy and hungry, and will eat you on sight.') 
def chooseCave(): 
cave = '' 
while cave != '1' and cave != '2': 
print('Which cave will you go into? (1 or 2)') 
cave = input() 
return cave 
def checkCave(chosenCave): 
print('You approach the cave...') 
print('It is dark and spooky...') 
print('A large dragon jumps out in front of you! He opens his jaws and...') 
friendlyCave = random.randint(1, 2) 
if chosenCave == str(friendlyCave): 
print('Gives you his treasure!') 
print('Gobbles you down in one bite!') 
playAgain = 'yes' 
while playAgain == 'yes' or playAgain == 'y': 
caveNumber = chooseCave() 
print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)') 
playAgain = input() 

I'm confused about what the line 'checkCave(caveNumber)' does and how it works. I would appreciate any help with this 

Thank you, 

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From john.feleppa at  Fri Aug  9 09:51:20 2013
From: john.feleppa at (John Feleppa)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 08:51:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the absolute beginner 3e,
	Ch3 Challenge 4
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for getting back to me...

I am using Python 3.3.2.

The challenge is as follows:

# Chapter 3 Challenge 4
# Write the psudocode for a program where the player and the computer
# trade places in the number guessing game.  That is, the player picks a
# random number between 1 and 100 that the computer has to guess.
# Before you start, think about how you guess.  If all goes well, try
# coding the game.

It builds on the previous challenge, where the user guesses the number - I
coded that OK, as below.

import random

print("\tWelcome to 'Guess My Number'!")
print("\nI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100.")
print("Try to guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n")

# set the initial values
the_number = random.randint(1, 100)
guess = int(input("Take a guess: "))
tries = 1

# guessing loop

while guess != the_number and tries < 10:
    if guess > the_number:

    guess = int(input("Take a guess: "))
    tries += 1

if guess == the_number:
    print("You guessed it!  The number was", the_number)
    print("And it only took you", tries, "tries!\n")
    print("Huh - you took ", tries, "tries and still never got it.")
    print("It was ", the_number, " - but why tell you, you'll forget it,
won't you.")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
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From piet at  Fri Aug  9 22:21:21 2013
From: piet at (Piet van Oostrum)
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 16:21:21 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [Soap-Python] Convert SOAP response (ArrayOfInt) to
	Python list
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Robert Winkler wrote:

 > Thanks to the OSA library, which works for SOAP requests with Python 3.x, I can now use SOAP
 > services at
 > The result is a list of accession numbers (which correspond to chemical compounds) and I get them
 > in the following format:
 > (ArrayOfInt){
 >     int[] = [
 >              5744,
 >              69182,
 >              292,
 >              68027,
 >              3404131,
 >              82616,
 >              18280,
 >              11200,
 >              704646,
 >              543430
 >              ...
 >              ]
 > }
 > How could I transform this to a simple python list?
 > [5744, 69182, 292,68027, 3404131, 82616, 18280, 11200, 704646, 543430 ...]
 > Conversion to a numpy array (and subsequent list(), or similar) does not solve the problem, since
 > the structure is maintained; the numpy.shape returns ().
 > Suggestions?

If result is the return value then will give you the list.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

From vick1975 at  Sun Aug 11 07:09:43 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 09:09:43 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <000001ce9650$fe15e180$fa41a480$>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
> Sent: Saturday, 10 August, 2013 19:10
> To: Vick
> Cc: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] hi
> How long a time it takes depends on many different things: the language,
> precision, how good a programmer you are. Much of the "this integrator is
> better than that one" arguments are implicitly tied to certain
> about how your code gets implemented.

[Vick] Well, if you coded the methods in the same format, structure and
language, surely the higher order method will produce better accuracy for
the same ODE problem and for the same amount of time than the lower order.

> Here is an example that shows we can achieve the precision of scipy's
> integrator (for the system you posted) easily using a standard 4th order
> Runge-Kutta:

[Vick] Your code shows just that. I ran it and it went on for like about 40
minutes. In that amount of time, the memory was taxed a lot. For the same
ODE problem, RK4 should produce an error of 1e-4 in a reasonable amount of
time (about 2 secs) and utilizing normal computer memory for its
calculations. As I mentioned before I used this problem as a test for
accuracy to compare different methods. I use percentage change (x 100) to
derive the error for each method. RK4 in this instance scores about 1e-4
accuracy. With this problem I've tested RKF5, DPRK45, some 6 and 7 order RK
methods and the last one is the DOPRI8(7)13.

The Leapfrog method is a symplectic integrator and I am currently trying to
code it. I have it in Excel format already.

The following is my code for the ODE problem test for RK4 and DOPRI8(7)13:
(Note that they are using the same language, structure and format) (you will
also need mpmath to run: I use mpmath for large number calculations)

The code should run using less than 2 secs and the output is pre-defined for
time, y , true value and error. The error for the two methods will show the
difference between the different orders. You should change the call to each
method for comparison as I coded it to run one method at any one time.

from mpmath import *


def drange(start, stop, step):
    r = start
    while r < stop:
        yield r
        r += step

def f(t, y):
    return  (mpf('4') * (exp(1) ** (mpf('0.8') * t))) - (mpf('0.5') * y)

def rungk4(t, y, dt):
    k1 = dt * f(t, y)
    k2 = dt * f(t + dt / mpf('2'), y + k1 / mpf('2'))
    k3 = dt * f(t + dt / mpf('2'), y + k2 / mpf('2'))
    k4 = dt * f(t + dt, y + k3)

    return  y + (k1 + mpf('2') * (k2 + k3) + k4) / mpf('6')

def rungkdp8(t, y, dt):
    k1 = dt * f(t, y)
    k2 = dt * f(t + dt / mpf('18'), y + k1 / mpf('18'))
    k3 = dt * f(t + dt / mpf('12'), y + k1 / mpf('48') + k2 / mpf('16'))
    k4 = dt * f(t + dt / mpf('8'), y + k1 / mpf('32') + k3 * mpf('3') /
    k5 = dt * f(t + dt * mpf('5') / mpf('16'), y + k1 * mpf('5') / mpf('16')
- k3 * mpf('75') / mpf('64') + k4 * mpf('75') / mpf('64'))
    k6 = dt * f(t + dt * mpf('3') / mpf('8'), y + k1 * mpf('3') / mpf('80')
+ k4 * mpf('3') / mpf('16') + k5 * mpf('3') / mpf('20'))
    k7 = dt * f(t + dt * mpf('59') / mpf('400'), y + k1 * mpf('29443841') /
mpf('614563906') + k4 * mpf('77736538') / mpf('692538347') - k5 *
mpf('28693883') / mpf('1125000000') + k6 * mpf('23124283') /
    k8 = dt * f(t + dt * mpf('93') / mpf('200'), y + k1 * mpf('16016141') /
mpf('946692911') + k4 * mpf('61564180') / mpf('158732637') + k5 *
mpf('22789713') / mpf('633445777') + k6 * mpf('545815736') /
mpf('2771057229') - k7 * mpf('180193667') / mpf('1043307555'))
    k9 = dt * f(t + dt * mpf('5490023248') / mpf('9719169821'), y + k1 *
mpf('39632708') / mpf('573591083') - k4 * mpf('433636366') /
mpf('683701615') - k5 * mpf('421739975') / mpf('2616292301') + k6 *
mpf('100302831') / mpf('723423059') + k7 * mpf('790204164') /
mpf('839813087') + k8 * mpf('800635310') / mpf('3783071287'))
    k10 = dt * f(t + dt * mpf('13') / mpf('20'), y + k1 * mpf('246121993') /
mpf('1340847787') - k4 * mpf('37695042795') / mpf('15268766246') - k5 *
mpf('309121744') / mpf('1061227803') - k6 * mpf('12992083') /
mpf('490766935') + k7 * mpf('6005943493') / mpf('2108947869') + k8 *
mpf('393006217') / mpf('1396673457') + k9 * mpf('123872331') /
    k11 = dt * f(t + dt * mpf('1201146811') / mpf('1299019798'), y - k1 *
mpf('1028468189') / mpf('846180014') + k4 * mpf('8478235783') /
mpf('508512852') + k5 * mpf('1311729495') / mpf('1432422823') - k6 *
mpf('10304129995') / mpf('1701304382') - k7 * mpf('48777925059') /
mpf('3047939560') + k8 * mpf('15336726248') / mpf('1032824649') - k9 *
mpf('45442868181') / mpf('3398467696') + k10 * mpf('3065993473') /
    k12 = dt * f(t + dt, y + k1 * mpf('185892177') / mpf('718116043') - k4 *
mpf('3185094517') / mpf('667107341') - k5 * mpf('477755414') /
mpf('1098053517') - k6 * mpf('703635378') / mpf('230739211') + k7 *
mpf('5731566787') / mpf('1027545527') + k8 * mpf('5232866602') /
mpf('850066563') - k9 * mpf('4093664535') / mpf('808688257') + k10 *
mpf('3962137247') / mpf('1805957418') + k11 * mpf('65686358') /
    k13 = dt * f(t + dt, y + k1 * mpf('403863854') / mpf('491063109') - k4 *
mpf('5068492393') / mpf('434740067') - k5 * mpf('411421997') /
mpf('543043805') + k6 * mpf('652783627') / mpf('914296604') + k7 *
mpf('11173962825') / mpf('925320556') - k8 * mpf('13158990841') /
mpf('6184727034') + k9 * mpf('3936647629') / mpf('1978049680') - k10 *
mpf('160528059') / mpf('685178525') + k11 * mpf('248638103') /

    return  y + (k1 * mpf('14005451') / mpf('335480064') - k6 *
mpf('59238493') / mpf('1068277825') + k7 * mpf('181606767') /
mpf('758867731') + k8 * mpf('561292985') / mpf('797845732') - k9 *
mpf('1041891430') / mpf('1371343529') + k10 * mpf('760417239') /
mpf('1151165299') + k11 * mpf('118820643') / mpf('751138087') - k12 *
mpf('528747749') / mpf('2220607170') + k13 / mpf('4'))
    #return y + (k1 * mpf('13451932') / mpf('455176623') - k6 *
mpf('808719846') / mpf('976000145') + k7 * mpf('1757004468') /
mpf('5645159321') + k8 * mpf('656045339') / mpf('265891186') - k9 *
mpf('3867574721') / mpf('1518517206') + k10 * mpf('465885868') /
mpf('322736535') + k11 * mpf('53011238') / mpf('667516719') + k12 * mpf('2')
/ mpf('45'))

h = mpf('0.25')
t = mpf('0')
y = mpf('2')
tn = mpf('4.25')
ti = t+h
mi = rungkdp8(t,y,h) #change method here (either rungkdp8 or rungk4)
er1 =abs((tv1-mi)/tv1)*mpf('100')
print "x                      Y                         True Value
print t,"                 ",y,"                     ",tv
print ti,"       ", mi,"         ",tv1,"           ",er1
for i in drange (ti, tn,h):
    mi = rungkdp8(i,mi,h) #change method here (either rungkdp8 or rungk4)
    er2 = abs((tvn-mi)/tvn)*mpf('100')
    print i+h,"       ", mi,"        ",tvn,"            ",er2


From at  Mon Aug 12 00:53:19 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 08:53:19 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

The other day, I had to convert a dbus.Array [1] object to a string. I
found a way to do it, but I am not sure if that is the best way.

Here is a dbus.Array object:

dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103),
dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100),
dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68),
dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'),

And this is how I converted it to it's string representation:

>>> import dbus

>>> ssid = "dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103), dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100), dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68), dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)

>>> ssid = ''.join([chr(character) for character in ssid])

>>> ssid

Basically I use the idea that iterating over the array will give me
only the dbus.Byte 's and hence use chr() to convert it back to the
character representation.

Is this is the best way to do it?




From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 12 02:28:13 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 01:28:13 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ku9a6l$1iu$>

On 10/08/13 04:30, eschneider92 at wrote:
> I've been learning python from the website '', and
> I'm on a chapter that covers the following code:
> import random
> import time

> def displayIntro():
>   print('You are in a land full of dragons. In front of you,')
>   print('you see two caves. In one cave, the dragon is friendly')
>   print('and will share his treasure with you. The other dragon')
>   print('is greedy and hungry, and will eat you on sight.')
>   print()

> def chooseCave():
>      cave = ''
>      while cave != '1' and cave != '2':
>          print('Which cave will you go into? (1 or 2)')
>          cave = input()
>       return cave

> def checkCave(chosenCave):
>      print('You approach the cave...')
>      time.sleep(2)
>      print('It is dark and spooky...')
>      time.sleep(2)
>      print('A large dragon jumps out in front of you! He opens his jaws
> and...')
>      print()
>      time.sleep(2)
>      friendlyCave = random.randint(1, 2)
>      if chosenCave == str(friendlyCave):
>          print('Gives you his treasure!')
>      else:
>          print('Gobbles you down in one bite!')

> playAgain = 'yes'
> while playAgain == 'yes' or playAgain == 'y':
>      displayIntro()
>      caveNumber = chooseCave()
>      checkCave(caveNumber)
>      print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')
>      playAgain = input()

> I'm confused about what the line 'checkCave(caveNumber)' does and how it
> works. I would appreciate any help with this

It calls the checkCave function defined above. It passes in the cave 
'number' as an argument. The function basically decides whether the 
monster inside is friendly or not and prints an appropriate message.
It then returns control to the main while loop.

Does that help?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From steve at  Mon Aug 12 03:04:48 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 11:04:48 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/08/13 08:53, Amit Saha wrote:
> Hello all,
> The other day, I had to convert a dbus.Array [1] object to a string. I
> found a way to do it, but I am not sure if that is the best way.

Does the Array object not have a "toString" method? Or similar?

What do you get when you call str() or repr() on the Array object?

> Here is a dbus.Array object:
> dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103),
> dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100),
> dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68),
> dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'),
> variant_level=1)

Basically it is an array of bytes, with a couple of extra arguments. Do you care about the signature and variant_level arguments?

> And this is how I converted it to it's string representation:

Careful. In usual Python terminology, the string representation of an object, or just repr, is the string that represents how the object is created, more or less. So the string representation would be something like:

"Array([Byte(66), Byte(105), ..., Byte(53)], signature=Signature('y'), variant_level=1)"

which is nothing like what you want.

>>>> import dbus
>>>> ssid = "dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103), dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100), dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68), dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
> "

Here you create a string, which looks like "dbus.Array(...)".

>>>> ssid = ''.join([chr(character) for character in ssid])

Since ssid is already a string, iterating over it gives you characters; calling chr() on a character raises an exception.

>>>> ssid
> 'BigPond679D85'

Not with the code you provide.

If you drop the quotation marks around the dbus.Array, so you get an Array object instead of a string, then your code may work. But look at your list comprehension:

[chr(character) for character in ssid]

That's confusing. If iterating over ssid gives characters, as the code claims, then there is no need to call chr(), and in fact you wouldn't need the list comp at all, you could just say:


But it isn't an array of characters, it is an array of bytes. So:

''.join([chr(byte) for byte in ssid])

is less misleading and confusing.

Another alternative:

''.join(map(chr, ssid))

is more terse, but may not be as readable to those who aren't familiar with map. Both forms should be more or less equally as efficient.


From at  Mon Aug 12 03:14:00 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 11:14:00 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On 12/08/13 08:53, Amit Saha wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> The other day, I had to convert a dbus.Array [1] object to a string. I
>> found a way to do it, but I am not sure if that is the best way.
> Does the Array object not have a "toString" method? Or similar?

No, not from what I see.
> What do you get when you call str() or repr() on the Array object?

>> str(ssid)
"dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103),
dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100),
dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68),
dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'),

>> Here is a dbus.Array object:
>> dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103),
>> dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100),
>> dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68),
>> dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'),
>> variant_level=1)
> Basically it is an array of bytes, with a couple of extra arguments. Do you
> care about the signature and variant_level arguments?

No, I don't care about the the signature and variant_level arguments.

>> And this is how I converted it to it's string representation:
> Careful. In usual Python terminology, the string representation of an
> object, or just repr, is the string that represents how the object is
> created, more or less. So the string representation would be something like:
> "Array([Byte(66), Byte(105), ..., Byte(53)], signature=Signature('y'),
> variant_level=1)"
> which is nothing like what you want.
>>>>> import dbus
>>>>> ssid = "dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103),
>>>>> dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100),
>>>>> dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68), dbus.Byte(56),
>>>>> dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)
>> "
> Here you create a string, which looks like "dbus.Array(...)".
>>>>> ssid = ''.join([chr(character) for character in ssid])
> Since ssid is already a string, iterating over it gives you characters;
> calling chr() on a character raises an exception.

Sorry, ssid wasn't supposed to be a string, of course.
>>>>> ssid
>> 'BigPond679D85'
> Not with the code you provide.
> If you drop the quotation marks around the dbus.Array, so you get an Array
> object instead of a string, then your code may work. But look at your list
> comprehension:
> [chr(character) for character in ssid]
> That's confusing. If iterating over ssid gives characters, as the code
> claims, then there is no need to call chr(), and in fact you wouldn't need
> the list comp at all, you could just say:
> ''.join(ssid)
> But it isn't an array of characters, it is an array of bytes. So:
> ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in ssid])
> is less misleading and confusing.


> Another alternative:
> ''.join(map(chr, ssid))
> is more terse, but may not be as readable to those who aren't familiar with
> map. Both forms should be more or less equally as efficient.


Just for the sake of correctness:

>>> import dbus
>>> ssid=dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103), dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100), dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68), dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'), variant_level=1)

>>> temp_ssid = ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in ssid])
>>> temp_ssid



From eryksun at  Mon Aug 12 03:40:02 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:40:02 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:
> >>> import dbus
> >>> ssid=dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103),
> dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100),
> dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68),
> dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'),
> variant_level=1)
> >>> temp_ssid = ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in ssid])
> >>> temp_ssid
> 'BigPond679D85'

Typically strings should be unicode. If the byte sequence is Latin-1
(including ASCII), you can map unichr() and join the characters with
u''.join(); that's equivalent to chr() and ''.join() in 3.x. More
generally, decode() the byte string. A simply way that works in 2.6+
is to create a bytearray:

    >>> bytearray(ssid).decode('latin-1')

From steve at  Mon Aug 12 04:34:37 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 12:34:37 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12/08/13 11:40, eryksun wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:
>>>>> import dbus
>>>>> ssid=dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(66), dbus.Byte(105), dbus.Byte(103),
>> dbus.Byte(80), dbus.Byte(111), dbus.Byte(110), dbus.Byte(100),
>> dbus.Byte(54), dbus.Byte(55), dbus.Byte(57), dbus.Byte(68),
>> dbus.Byte(56), dbus.Byte(53)], signature=dbus.Signature('y'),
>> variant_level=1)
>>>>> temp_ssid = ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in ssid])
>>>>> temp_ssid
>> 'BigPond679D85'
> Typically strings should be unicode. If the byte sequence is Latin-1
> (including ASCII), you can map unichr() and join the characters with
> u''.join(); that's equivalent to chr() and ''.join() in 3.x. More
> generally, decode() the byte string. A simply way that works in 2.6+
> is to create a bytearray:
>      >>> bytearray(ssid).decode('latin-1')
>      u'BigPond679D85'


But, what makes you think that the encoding will be latin-1? If I had to guess an encoding, I'd guess UTF-8.


From eryksun at  Mon Aug 12 05:13:07 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 23:13:07 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On 12/08/13 11:40, eryksun wrote:
>> Typically strings should be unicode. If the byte sequence is Latin-1
>> (including ASCII), you can map unichr() and join the characters with
>> u''.join(); that's equivalent to chr() and ''.join() in 3.x. More
>> generally, decode() the byte string. A simply way that works in 2.6+
>> is to create a bytearray:
>>      >>> bytearray(ssid).decode('latin-1')
>>      u'BigPond679D85'
> But, what makes you think that the encoding will be latin-1? If I had to
> guess an encoding, I'd guess UTF-8.

Unicode ordinals in the 8-bit range are Latin-1 (aka ISO-8859-1, i.e.
Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement, including C0 and C1 control
codes). You can always decode as Latin-1 without getting a decoding
error. UTF-8 is multibyte and defaults to raising a decoding error if
the sequence isn't valid.

It's up to Amit to figure out what the encoding is. It's D-Bus, so
probably Linux. In that case, UTF-8 is a good guess.

From kliateni at  Mon Aug 12 11:14:49 2013
From: kliateni at (Karim Liateni)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 11:14:49 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question
Message-ID: <>


eschneider92 at a ?crit?:

>I've been learning python from the website '', and I'm on a chapter that covers the following code: 
>import random 
>import time 
>def displayIntro(): 
>print('You are in a land full of dragons. In front of you,') 
>print('you see two caves. In one cave, the dragon is friendly') 
>print('and will share his treasure with you. The other dragon') 
>print('is greedy and hungry, and will eat you on sight.') 
>def chooseCave(): 
>cave = '' 
>while cave != '1' and cave != '2': 
>print('Which cave will you go into? (1 or 2)') 
>cave = input() 
>return cave 
>def checkCave(chosenCave): 
>print('You approach the cave...') 
>print('It is dark and spooky...') 
>print('A large dragon jumps out in front of you! He opens his jaws and...') 
>friendlyCave = random.randint(1, 2) 
>if chosenCave == str(friendlyCave): 
>print('Gives you his treasure!') 
>print('Gobbles you down in one bite!') 
>playAgain = 'yes' 
>while playAgain == 'yes' or playAgain == 'y': 
>caveNumber = chooseCave() 
>print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)') 
>playAgain = input() 
>I'm confused about what the line 'checkCave(caveNumber)' does and how it works. I would appreciate any help with this 
>Thank you, 
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From dancingbush at  Mon Aug 12 11:49:35 2013
From: dancingbush at (Ciaran Mooney)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 10:49:35 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 10 Aug 2013, at 04:30, eschneider92 at wrote:

> I've been learning python from the website '', and I'm on a chapter that covers the following code:
> import random
> import time
> def displayIntro():
> print('You are in a land full of dragons. In front of you,')
> print('you see two caves. In one cave, the dragon is friendly')
> print('and will share his treasure with you. The other dragon')
> print('is greedy and hungry, and will eat you on sight.')
> print()
> def chooseCave():
>     cave = ''
>     while cave != '1' and cave != '2':
>         print('Which cave will you go into? (1 or 2)')
>         cave = input()
>      return cave
> def checkCave(chosenCave):
>     print('You approach the cave...')
>     time.sleep(2)
>     print('It is dark and spooky...')
>     time.sleep(2)
>     print('A large dragon jumps out in front of you! He opens his jaws and...')
>     print()
>     time.sleep(2)
>     friendlyCave = random.randint(1, 2)
>     if chosenCave == str(friendlyCave):
>         print('Gives you his treasure!')
>     else:
>         print('Gobbles you down in one bite!')
> playAgain = 'yes'
> while playAgain == 'yes' or playAgain == 'y':
>     displayIntro()
>     caveNumber = chooseCave()
>     checkCave(caveNumber)
>     print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')
>     playAgain = input()
> I'm confused about what the line 'checkCave(caveNumber)' does and how it works. I would appreciate any help with this
> Thank you,
> Eric

Hi Eric,

This line calls the method 'checkCave()'. This method takes the argument caveNumber (checkCave(caveNumber) , which is a string returned from user input generated in the method chooseCave().

In checkCave method, the value (caveNumber) is then used in a if/else statement to compare with a random integer (parsed to a string str(frindlyCave))  to determine whether you will be eaten or given treasure ;)

Hope that was of some help. 

> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Aug 12 14:08:06 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 13:08:06 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000001ce9650$fe15e180$fa41a480$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 11 August 2013 06:09, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
>> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
>> How long a time it takes depends on many different things: the language,
> the
>> precision, how good a programmer you are. Much of the "this integrator is
>> better than that one" arguments are implicitly tied to certain
> presumptions
>> about how your code gets implemented.
> [Vick] Well, if you coded the methods in the same format, structure and
> language, surely the higher order method will produce better accuracy for
> the same ODE problem and for the same amount of time than the lower order.

Maybe. It still depends. If you use a higher-order method where it's
just not needed you can end up wasting a lot of CPU-cycles. The same
goes for using multi-precision arithmetic when you could happily work
in double precision.

>> Here is an example that shows we can achieve the precision of scipy's
>> integrator (for the system you posted) easily using a standard 4th order
>> Runge-Kutta:
> [Vick] Your code shows just that. I ran it and it went on for like about 40
> minutes.

Which script are you referring to? The first deliberately uses
unnecessarily small step-sizes to illustrate the limits of the rk4
algorithm in double precision. The second is slow but achieves
absurdly high levels of accuracy. It gives better accuracy than I got
with your rungkdp8 (see below) and note that it runs a lot faster in
Python 3.3 since the decimal module was made a lot faster 3.3.

> In that amount of time, the memory was taxed a lot.

I don't think you really know what you're talking about on this
subject. The algorithm works with a constant, very small, amount of
memory regardless of stepsize. In fact the rungkdp8 method uses more
memory, however, the difference is entirely insignificant for such a
low-dimensional system. I think you're confusing the fact that the way
*you* have implemented the algorithm you store every intermediate step
in the computation. My code only stores the desired output and the
current value of the intermediate results.

> For the same
> ODE problem, RK4 should produce an error of 1e-4 in a reasonable amount of
> time (about 2 secs) and utilizing normal computer memory for its
> calculations.

If you modify the check_errors() function in the first script I posted
so that it looks like this:

def check_errors():
    T = 4
    xtrue = analytic(T)
    dt = 2 ** -3
    xest, carry = solveto(rk4, f, x0, 0, T, dt)
    error = abs((xest - xtrue) / xtrue)
    print('dt : %.5e  error : %.2e' % (xest, error))

Then you can run it and get the following:

$ time ./
dt : 7.53390e+01  error : 3.28e-07

real    0m0.094s
user    0m0.030s
sys     0m0.046s

In other words it takes 90 milliseconds to run the script and get an
error less than 1e-6 (or 1e-4% if you prefer). Actually it really just
takes 90 milliseconds to *initialise* the script. We can use timeit to
check how long the actual computation takes (with the print line
commented out):

$ python -m timeit -s 'from ode import check_errors' 'check_errors()'
10000 loops, best of 3: 168 usec per loop

It takes 168 microseconds to achieve the accuracy you requested, for
your test problem, using my rk4 integrator. Scipy's odeint is
probably faster (I'll let you do the timing if you want to know but
bear in mind that it takes a significant amount of time to *import*
scipy so you should use timeit for benchmarking).

> As I mentioned before I used this problem as a test for
> accuracy to compare different methods. I use percentage change (x 100) to
> derive the error for each method.

I don't understand why you insist on defying convention by using
percentages. Really your errors should be so small that percent is a
meaningless unit of measure. Fractional errors are useful because you
can easily relate them to absolute errors without the pointless
cognitive burden of a factor of 100 getting in the way.

> RK4 in this instance scores about 1e-4
> accuracy. With this problem I've tested RKF5, DPRK45, some 6 and 7 order RK
> methods and the last one is the DOPRI8(7)13.

Are you testing all the methods with the same step-sizes? If so that's
not a fair comparison since they do different amounts of work within
each step.

> The Leapfrog method is a symplectic integrator and I am currently trying to
> code it. I have it in Excel format already.
> The following is my code for the ODE problem test for RK4 and DOPRI8(7)13:
> (Note that they are using the same language, structure and format) (you will
> also need mpmath to run: I use mpmath for large number calculations)

You don't need mpmath or DOPRI8 for the error-level you said you
wanted. Scipy's odeint will do just fine. When you're old, grey and
wise like me you'll value the time that it takes to *write* the code
much more than the time it takes to run (okay so I'm not that old and
my wisdom is questionable but I do have some grey hairs). It took me
2-3 minutes to write the script that solves your problem with scipy's

> The code should run using less than 2 secs and the output is pre-defined for
> time, y , true value and error. The error for the two methods will show the
> difference between the different orders. You should change the call to each
> method for comparison as I coded it to run one method at any one time.

[snip lots of code]

I would report a comparison of timings between this code and my
decimal rk4 but I think it would be unfair as I think there may be
something wrong with the way your's is implemented. Unless I've
misunderstood something it's not achieving the proper benefits of the
mpmath library since for some reason the error bottoms out at 1e-18. I
replaced the bottom of your script with this:

x0 = mpf('2')
T = mpf('4')

def analytic(t):
    return (mpf('4')/mpf('1.3'))*exp(mpf('0.8')*(t))-(mpf('1.4')/mpf('1.3'))*exp(mpf('-0.5')*(t))

def solveto(stepper, x1, t1, t2, dt):
    t = t1
    x = x1
    while t < t2:
        newt = min(t + dt, t2)
        dt = newt - t
        x = stepper(t, x, dt)
        t = newt
    return x

xtrue = analytic(T)
dts = [mpf('10') ** -n for n in range(0, 3)]
errors = []
for dt in dts:
    xest = solveto(rungkdp8, x0, 0, T, dt)
    error = abs((xest - xtrue) / xtrue)
    print('dt : %.1e  error : %.2g' % (dt, error))

from pylab import *
loglog(dts, errors)
ylabel(r'$E_{rel}$', rotation=0)
xlabel(r'$\Delta t$')

When I run that I get:

$ ./
dt : 1.0e+00  error : 1.1e-09
dt : 1.0e-01  error : 9.4e-18
dt : 1.0e-02  error : 2.3e-18
dt : 1.0e-03  error : 2.3e-18

Do you get the same (it could be a difference in the underlying library etc.)?


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Aug 12 16:18:16 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 15:18:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 August 2013 13:08, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin at> wrote:
> I would report a comparison of timings between this code and my
> decimal rk4 but I think it would be unfair as I think there may be
> something wrong with the way your's is implemented. Unless I've
> misunderstood something it's not achieving the proper benefits of the
> mpmath library since for some reason the error bottoms out at 1e-18. I
> replaced the bottom of your script with this:

I'm interested to have this DOPRIS8 integrator in my own collection of
integrators so I checked the source of the error. It turns out that
the coefficients you are using are only rational approximations to the
true coefficients as published in [1]. The rational approximations are
intended to be good enough for use with double precision but are
insufficient for the 30 dps setting that you are using. The reason
given by the authors for publishing approximate coefficients is that
(in 1981) it was deemed computationally intractable to compute the
exact rational coefficients. However that may not still be the case
with modern computing power. I doubt that I'll attempt this any time
soon but if you're able (and bothered) to do that I'd love to know
what the coefficients would be.


[1] P.J. Prince, J.R. Dormand, High order embedded Runge-Kutta
formulae, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 7,
Issue 1, March 1981, Pages 67-75, ISSN 0377-0427,

From kwpolska at  Mon Aug 12 16:26:50 2013
From: kwpolska at (=?UTF-8?B?Q2hyaXMg4oCcS3dwb2xza2HigJ0gV2Fycmljaw==?=)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:26:50 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python and Web
In-Reply-To: <001601ce94fa$4a175120$de45f360$@in>
References: <001601ce94fa$4a175120$de45f360$@in>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Engineering <engg at> wrote:
> Dear All
> After a lot of struggling for weeks , I can read the serial port readings in
> my web page. Below is the code
> [snip double-spaced code, courtesy of Outlook 2007]
> BUT is this good programming ? I personally do not feel so.
> SECONDLY , during the whole execution process , the cursor is showing busy
> and I am prevented to click anything else. Why is this so? How to avoid it.
> [snip 14 lines of signature and emptiness]
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

You already posted this 4 hours ago.  Additionally, gmail thinks both
messages are spam.  You also posted in ugly HTML.  Please do not do
all three of those.

About your code, you do something really ugly in your JS.  You are
sending JS code forever.  This is evil.  You should serve the value
somewhere and use AJAX to pull it.
Chris ?Kwpolska? Warrick <>
stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense

From ramit.prasad at  Mon Aug 12 17:20:34 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 15:20:34 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the absolute beginner 3e,
 Ch3 Challenge 4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

(some Attributions lost due to HTML->TXT conversion)

> > Also don't know how to do a binary chop, but the book hasn't covered anything
> > like that - it has just taught if, else and while,
> A binary chop is an algorithm. All you need is if/else and while.
> The algorithm looks a bit like this:
> while not found
> ? ? ? ?determine the middle value between min ?and max
> ? ? ? ?if value > target set max to value
> ? ? ? ?if value < target set min to value
> ? ? ? ?else found = True

Also known as Binary search; binary chop was not a name I had
heard before either.


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Aug 12 18:42:05 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 17:42:05 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000701ce9771$187e6bc0$497b4340$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 August 2013 16:32, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
>> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
>> The rational approximations are intended to
>> be good enough for use with double precision but are insufficient for the
> 30
>> dps setting that you are using. The reason given by the authors for
> publishing
>> approximate coefficients is that (in 1981) it was deemed computationally
>> intractable to compute the exact rational coefficients. However that may
> not
>> still be the case with modern computing power. I doubt that I'll attempt
> this
>> any time soon but if you're able (and bothered) to do that I'd love to
> know
>> what the coefficients would be.
> [Vick] Yeah they are rational coefficients and I got them from the google
> book satellites orbits which I believe I posted the links for it previously.
> The problem is how are the coefficients derived? I've never seen an
> algorithm to compute the coefficients of an integrator method. Anyway it
> would surely involve complicated coding to start an algorithm to compute
> them. If I can get it somewhere, I wouldn't mind doing the DOPRI8
> computations.

Are you able to access this paper (link at the bottom)?

P.J. Prince, J.R. Dormand, High order embedded Runge-Kutta
formulae, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 7,
Issue 1, March 1981, Pages 67-75, ISSN 0377-0427,

I believe this is the original source for the coefficients you are
using. They describe constructing a system of linear rational
equations for the coefficients of the method. I think that the
equations must be satisfied for any 13-stage explicit RK method that
has an 8th-order with embedded 7th-order method. Solving the equations
leads to a solution space with 10 degrees of freedom. You could use
e.g. sympy for this step of the calculation.

They then use these 10 degrees of freedom to try and satisfy some
additional conditions that they describe in the paper such as
minimising the coefficient of the leading error term. It is this last
step that they claim was too computationally expensive, so they did it
in 24 d.p numerical precision and then simplified the results to
fractions that are accurate to 18 d.p. suitable for use in double
precision computation. I haven't studied the equations in detail to
see why they might be expensive to solve. If it is possible you would
probably want to use the fractions module for the arithmetic at this

As a simpler example, imagine constructing the 4th order RK method
which has Butcher table:

0   |
1/2 | 1/2
1/2 | 0   1/2
1   | 0   0   1
    | 1/6 1/3 1/3 1/6

Essentially there are a number of constraints that must be satisfied
for the method to be sensible and to have the appropriate order:

1) The top-left entry is always zero.
2) The sum of any row in the upper-right part is equal to number at
the left of the row (3 equations)
3) The coefficients in the Taylor expansion for the first four terms
in the error must be zero (4 equations)
4) Possibly more ...

This gives us 8 equations for the 15 coefficients:

a1 |
a2 | b21
a3 | b31 b32
a4 | b41 b42 b43
   | c1  c2  c3  c4

If the equations have full rank then their solution has 7 degrees of
freedom. More equations can easily be constructed by imposing
additional conditions on how you want the resulting table to look.
Standard rk4 is one way to satisfy these conditions. Another way is
the 3/8 rule:

0   |
1/3 | 1/3
2/3 | -1/3  1
1   | 1     -1  1
    | 1/8  3/8  3/8 1/8

Which you prefer is partly arbitrary. The second will usually have
smaller error terms but the first is very efficient to implement and
code because it has a few zeros in it. Essentially the authors in the
Dormand and Prince paper have chosen some complex additional
conditions for their 7/8 table and somehow tried to find the
coefficients that satisfy them.

Much as I would love to see those coefficients, for your own sake it
would be a lot easier to just use an Adams-Bashforth integrator.
Here's a stripped down script that can compute the exact coefficients
for any arbitrary order:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Compute coefficients for Adams-Moulton integrator.

from math import factorial
from operator import neg
from itertools import dropwhile
from fractions import Fraction

class Polynomial(tuple):

    def __new__(typ, coefficients):
        coeffs = map(Fraction, coefficients)
        coeffs = dropwhile(lambda c: c==0, coeffs)
        return tuple.__new__(typ, coeffs)

    def order(self):
        return len(self) - 1

    def evaluate(self, x, denomlimit=None):
        total, = self[:1] or [0]
        for c in self[1:]:
            total = total * x + c
            if denomlimit is not None:
                total = total.limit_denominator(denomlimit)
        return total

    def integrate(self, a, b):
        coeffs = [c / (self.order - n + 1) for n, c in enumerate(self)]
        anti = Polynomial(coeffs + [0])
        return anti.evaluate(b) - anti.evaluate(a)

    def __mul__(p1, p2):
            >>> from eventphys.poly import Polynomial
            >>> Polynomial(['2', '-1/2']) * Polynomial([3, 2, '1/2'])
            Polynomial(['6', '5/2', '0', '-1/4'])
        p3 = [0] * (len(p1) + len(p2) - 1)
        for n1, c1 in enumerate(p1):
            for n2, c2 in enumerate(p2):
                p3[n1 + n2] += c1 * c2
        return Polynomial(p3)

def ab_coeffs(nsteps):
    b = []
    N = nsteps
    for j in range(N):
        p = Polynomial([1])
        for i in range(N):
            if i != j:
                p *= Polynomial([1, i])
        a = Fraction((-1)**j, factorial(j) * factorial(N-j-1))
        b.insert(0, a * p.integrate(0, 1))
    return b

def main(nsteps):
    coeffs = ab_coeffs(int(nsteps))
    print('Coefficients for Adams-Moulton with %s steps' % nsteps)
    for c in coeffs:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys

Example output:
$ ./ 5
Coefficients for Adams-Moulton with 5 steps

Compare with


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Aug 12 18:52:48 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 17:52:48 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000601ce976e$33f0f830$9bd2e890$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 August 2013 16:11, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> [Vick] That's the whole point! I had to wait for about 40 minutes to get
> very high accuracy which the method was not designed to obtain.
> Whereas the DOPRI8 got the result with 1e-13 error in less than a second.
> (Before when I said 2 or less seconds, it is obvious I didn't time them
> really; but it just printed the result as soon as I pressed F5)

With a smaller stepsize my rk4 integrator can get an error of 1e-15
(1e-13%) in 20 milliseconds:

$ ./
dt : 9.76562e-04  error : 2.83e-15
$ vim  # This is to comment out the print line
$ python -m timeit -s 'from ode import check_errors' 'check_errors()'
10 loops, best of 3: 20.5 msec per loop


From cybervigilante at  Mon Aug 12 18:55:32 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 09:55:32 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 August 2013 02:14, Karim Liateni <kliateni at> wrote:

> 5?t5?6hhhyyyfrrtr
> eschneider92 at a ?crit :
> >I've been learning python from the website '', and
> I'm on a chapter that covers the following code:

Just a quick note - not on the algorithm itself. If you run that in some
IDEs, such as Wing101, all the time.sleep()s will concatenate, and all the
prints will then print at once with no delay ;')  If that happens, run it
from the command line or try a different IDE.


"If you don't know it's impossible, it's easier to do." --Neil Gaiman
"The Process is not the Picture...Reality can only be proved to be
weakly-objective. Strong objectivity is a myth." --Bernardo Kastrup
"You cannot use logic to justify logic, so logic itself has no basis other
than faith." --Agrippa
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From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Aug 12 22:11:21 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 21:11:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000001ce9794$cc7a6390$656f2ab0$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 August 2013 20:47, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
>> Sent: Monday, 12 August, 2013 20:53
>> With a smaller stepsize my rk4 integrator can get an error of 1e-15
>> (1e-13%) in 20 milliseconds:
>> $ ./
>> dt : 9.76562e-04  error : 2.83e-15
> [Vick] I have compared your rk4 code with mine and they are virtually the
> same. It is the standard rk4 method. Using only the rk4 method the error is
> 1e-4. However you seem to be getting different result due to the fact that
> you have good programming skills as evidenced by the other defs in your code
> and I really don't understand what the other defs are really doing. The
> solveto and solve defs are certainly doing much to get your result.
> Just strip your code of all the superpowers it has got and leave just the
> rk4 method to compute. How much error do you get then? ;)

It's because I'm using double precision and you're using mpmath. The
mpmath library slows your code down by several orders of magnitude for
little gain in accuracy (since the dopri coefficients are not
sufficiently accurate). There are several reasons that rk4 is so
popular and one is that it pretty much has as high an order as is
needed for working in double precision (in most cases).

As I said before mpmath is massive overkill for the requested level of
accuracy. On the other hand if you used a 10th (or higher) order
Adams-Bashforth with mpmath you might start to see the gains from high
order outweigh the costs from mpmath at *really* small error levels.
Of course you have to ask yourself how much time you're prepared to
spend coding up integrators to make the error smaller when you could
really just use scipy's odeint and get on with plotting your results!


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Aug 12 23:00:42 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 22:00:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000101ce979b$1d17ff00$5747fd00$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 August 2013 21:32, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
>> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
>> Sent: Monday, 12 August, 2013 20:42
>> Are you able to access this paper (link at the bottom)?
> [Vick] yes. But the formula seems unfamiliar to me. And I really can't
> understand what with the compact writing and small letters.

Yeah, I'm not old enough to have seen the days when people wrote
equations with typewriters so it looks strange to me as well.

>> I believe this is the original source for the coefficients you are using.
> They
>> describe constructing a system of linear rational equations for the
>> coefficients of the method. I think that the equations must be satisfied
> for
>> any 13-stage explicit RK method that has an 8th-order with embedded 7th-
>> order method. Solving the equations leads to a solution space with 10
>> degrees of freedom.
> [Vick] You are telling only half the looks like we have to write
> up over 230 equations or so.

Well you don't actually have to write them out by hand. You would use
loops in a script to compute the coefficients for the equations. But
yes it seems like too much work for me right now and I don't think it
would really help you that much so I wouldn't bother.

>> Much as I would love to see those coefficients, for your own sake it would
> be
>> a lot easier to just use an Adams-Bashforth integrator.
>> Here's a stripped down script that can compute the exact coefficients for
> any
>> arbitrary order:
>  [Vick] It looks as though your code is using some form of polynomial and if
> I'm not mistaken is it the legendre polynomial?

Yes, that's my own code for doing algebra with polynomials. You can
see the explanation for using polynomials to get the coefficients

> I'm not sure what your code is really doing as I'm not an expert programmer.
> What I need is to get an explanation with example of what some things are
> supposed to be doing and then if I have understood correctly I will try to
> code it on my own using my own coding capabilities. I think it's better if I
> start work with the standard rk4 method as it has the same properties as the
> dopri8. You make heavy use of scipy and numpy and the other modules in
> python, so I guess you are a seasoned programmer in python so we are really
> not on the same page with regard to understanding coding. My code shows that
> I have done the rk4 and dopri8 from scratch without using the modules in
> python except of course for mpmath. It would do me no good if I have to use
> a function in coding which I really don't understand.

It depends what you mean by "don't understand". Truthfully I don't
know how scipy's odeint works. I have a general understanding of how
integration methods work and I know that it does a good job. The
important thing is not so much that you understand all of the code in
question but that you know how to check the accuracy of the results

> It seems that I got you interested in DOPRI8 after all. You said you have a
> collection of integrators. What are they, just to compare notes! Actually
> the best or most efficient and most accurate I know about for ODEs is the
> Gauss Jackson 8th order method (GJ8), but I don't have it. The second most
> powerful is the RKN12 this is the runge kutta Nystrom 12th order but it is
> useful only for 2nd order ODEs and as I haven't any use for it I haven't
> completed its coding, but I do have its rational coefficients. Then the
> third most efficient is the DOPRI8(7)13, the one you just got interested in.
> With regard to integration (area under a curve) the best I know is the
> tanh-sinh quadrature and I have it coded. Anyway it is also built in mpmath.
> The second best is Gauss-Konrod but I don't have it and the third one is the
> Gauss-legendre which I have also. And then there are the lesser orders like
> Boole rule, Simpson's rule etc, even in their adaptive forms.

As I've said before, comparisons between different integrators are
actually quite subjective. The most significant difference between the
methods you have just described is between the stable implicit methods
for stiff problems and unstable explicit methods for non-stiff
problems. That difference is fundamental.

Otherwise the arguments about which is better are, as I said before,
implicitly tied to certain assumptions about how you write your code.
The fact that (as shown by decimal rk4 script) the simplest methods
can achieve arbitrarily small errors (if you're prepared to wait for
the output) means that there is no clear definition of the "best
integrator". In fact one strong assumption that is often made
implicitly is that you're using something like C or Fortran and that
you're definitely not using Python! Since you've already broken that
assumption you can't rely on the common wisdom about which integrator
better than which other.

> Well just send me some tutorial on how to build and obtain the coefficients
> for the butcher tableau for the RK4 as an example, and after I've mastered
> it, I'd give the dopri8 a shot.

I am up for it so I'll see if I can find time to write a script that
shows how to do it.


From oscar.j.benjamin at  Mon Aug 12 23:07:31 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 22:07:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000201ce979c$59ecda30$0dc68e90$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 12 August 2013 21:41, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
>> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
>> It's because I'm using double precision and you're using mpmath.
> [Vick] Where is the call for double precision in your code?
> Is it built in with scipy or maybe odeint?

When you write
    from math import exp
    a = 1.0
    b = exp(a)
you're working with Python float objects which are implemented in 64
bit double precision. These are very efficient since the computations
are accelerated in the FPU.

When you write
    from mpmath import mpf, exp
    a = mpf('1')
    b = exp(a)
your working with Multi-Precision Floats from the mpmath library. This
is implemented in pure Python and runs a lot slower (it'll be faster
if you have gmpy installed but still much slower than the FPU).

Try writing a simple script that computes something using floats or
using mpmath and you will notice the speed difference very quickly.
The same thing happens when using the decimal module (although it is
*much* faster in Python 3.3).


From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 12 23:11:49 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 22:11:49 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the absolute beginner 3e,
 Ch3 Challenge 4
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kubj2d$t8b$>

On 12/08/13 16:20, Prasad, Ramit wrote:

>> A binary chop is an algorithm.

> Also known as Binary search; binary chop was not a name I had
> heard before either.

Maybe a UK thing.
It means chop as in Karate not as in Lamb...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From engg at  Mon Aug 12 12:04:58 2013
From: engg at (Engineering)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 15:34:58 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Python & Arduino
Message-ID: <000501ce9743$6ddac560$49905020$@in>

Dear All


I have designed a small program to control an arduino through python socket
server. The front end is the Javaquery. My HTML code is given below


$(function() {

    $( "#slider" ).slider({

      min: 0,

      max: 180,

      step: 10,

      slide: function( event, ui ) {

        $( "#amount" ).val( "$" + ui.value );



    $( "#amount" ).val( "$" + $( "#slider" ).slider( "value" ) );



My python websocket code is given below

from twisted.internet import reactor

print "Using Twisted reactor", reactor.__class__



from twisted.python import usage, log

from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver

from twisted.internet.serialport import SerialPort

from twisted.web.server import Site

from twisted.web.static import File


from autobahn.websocket import listenWS

from autobahn.wamp import WampServerFactory, WampServerProtocol, exportRpc



class Serial2WsOptions(usage.Options):

   optParameters = [

      ['baudrate', 'b', 9600, 'Serial baudrate'],

      ['port', 'p', 26, 'Serial port to use'],

      ['webport', 'w', 8080, 'Web port to use for embedded Web server'],

      ['wsurl', 's', "ws://localhost:9000", 'WebSocket port to use for
embedded WebSocket server']



Can you please help me with the python code . I want the server to write
string which will be sent to the arduino digital pin to control the servo. 

The arduino can have the following in its code




    // convert String to int. 

    int recievedVal = stringToInt();



    recievedVal = map(recievedVal,0,179,0,179);



    pwmComplete = false;



Python side coding help is required







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From at  Mon Aug 12 19:31:38 2013
From: at (Krishnan Shankar)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:01:38 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>def checkCave(chosenCave):
 >   print('You approach the cave...')
>    time.sleep(2)
 >   print('It is dark and spooky...')
 >   time.sleep(2)
>    print('A large dragon jumps out in front of you! He opens his jaws
>    print()
>   time.sleep(2)
>    friendlyCave = random.randint(1, 2)
 >   if chosenCave == str(friendlyCave):
 >      print('Gives you his treasure!')
 >   else:
 >       print('Gobbles you down in one bite!')
>playAgain = 'yes'
>while playAgain == 'yes' or playAgain == 'y':
>    displayIntro()
>    caveNumber = chooseCave()
>    checkCave(caveNumber)
>    print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')
>    playAgain = input()


- Here we are passing the chosen integer (1 or 2) got from chooseCave()
method to checkCave as arguement
- When called in while loop inside checkCave the following happens;
    - The statements of approaching the cave and seeing the dragon are
printed with a time interval of 2 secs between each
    - Randomly either 1 or 2 is generated by the randint() method of random
module in python.
    - That randomly generated integer (1 0r 2) is compared with our integer
input (1 or 2)
    - If they match dragon gives us gold. Or else
    - We will be eaten by dragon :)

But in the code there is a flaw. input() will evaluate your user input.
i.e. If you give an integer expression it will tell the answer. And when
you provide a number it will take it as int type. See below.

>>> var = input()
>>> var
>>> var = input()
>>> type(var)
<type 'int'>
>>> var = input()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 's' is not defined
>>> var = input()

So since the integer number is checked with string in Line 13, it will run
into infinite loop. If you use raw_input() instead of input() you will be
able to run the example.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:

> On 12 August 2013 02:14, Karim Liateni <kliateni at> wrote:
>> 5?t5?6hhhyyyfrrtr
>> eschneider92 at a ?crit :
>> >I've been learning python from the website '', and
>> I'm on a chapter that covers the following code:
> Just a quick note - not on the algorithm itself. If you run that in some
> IDEs, such as Wing101, all the time.sleep()s will concatenate, and all the
> prints will then print at once with no delay ;')  If that happens, run it
> from the command line or try a different IDE.
> Jim
> --
> "If you don't know it's impossible, it's easier to do." --Neil Gaiman
> "The Process is not the Picture...Reality can only be proved to be
> weakly-objective. Strong objectivity is a myth." --Bernardo Kastrup
> "You cannot use logic to justify logic, so logic itself has no basis other
> than faith." --Agrippa
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From at  Mon Aug 12 19:53:44 2013
From: at (Krishnan Shankar)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:23:44 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>But in the code there is a flaw. input() will evaluate your user input.
i.e. If you give an integer >expression it will tell the answer. And when
you provide a number it will take it as int type. See >below.


Ignore my above statements if using Python 3. Sorry my bad. Had a doubt and
went to the site to see the version of python used. My statement above is
correct only if run in Python 2 and not in 3.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Krishnan Shankar
< at>wrote:

> >def checkCave(chosenCave):
>  >   print('You approach the cave...')
> >    time.sleep(2)
>  >   print('It is dark and spooky...')
>  >   time.sleep(2)
> >    print('A large dragon jumps out in front of you! He opens his jaws
> and...')
> >    print()
> >   time.sleep(2)
> >    friendlyCave = random.randint(1, 2)
>  >   if chosenCave == str(friendlyCave):
>  >      print('Gives you his treasure!')
>  >   else:
>  >       print('Gobbles you down in one bite!')
> >playAgain = 'yes'
> >while playAgain == 'yes' or playAgain == 'y':
> >    displayIntro()
> >    caveNumber = chooseCave()
> >    checkCave(caveNumber)
> >    print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')
> >    playAgain = input()
> Hi,
> - Here we are passing the chosen integer (1 or 2) got from chooseCave()
> method to checkCave as arguement
> - When called in while loop inside checkCave the following happens;
>     - The statements of approaching the cave and seeing the dragon are
> printed with a time interval of 2 secs between each
>     - Randomly either 1 or 2 is generated by the randint() method of
> random module in python.
>     - That randomly generated integer (1 0r 2) is compared with our
> integer input (1 or 2)
>     - If they match dragon gives us gold. Or else
>     - We will be eaten by dragon :)
> But in the code there is a flaw. input() will evaluate your user input.
> i.e. If you give an integer expression it will tell the answer. And when
> you provide a number it will take it as int type. See below.
> >>> var = input()
> 1+2+3
> >>> var
> 6
> >>> var = input()
> 2
> >>> type(var)
> <type 'int'>
> >>> var = input()
> s
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
> NameError: name 's' is not defined
> >>> var = input()
> So since the integer number is checked with string in Line 13, it will run
> into infinite loop. If you use raw_input() instead of input() you will be
> able to run the example.
> Regards,
> Krishnan
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:
>> On 12 August 2013 02:14, Karim Liateni <kliateni at> wrote:
>>> 5?t5?6hhhyyyfrrtr
>>> eschneider92 at a ?crit :
>>> >I've been learning python from the website '', and
>>> I'm on a chapter that covers the following code:
>> Just a quick note - not on the algorithm itself. If you run that in some
>> IDEs, such as Wing101, all the time.sleep()s will concatenate, and all the
>> prints will then print at once with no delay ;')  If that happens, run it
>> from the command line or try a different IDE.
>> Jim
>> --
>> "If you don't know it's impossible, it's easier to do." --Neil Gaiman
>> "The Process is not the Picture...Reality can only be proved to be
>> weakly-objective. Strong objectivity is a myth." --Bernardo Kastrup
>> "You cannot use logic to justify logic, so logic itself has no basis
>> other than faith." --Agrippa
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From chris at  Mon Aug 12 23:19:09 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:19:09 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [Python-Help] Instancing class issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130812211908.GC2927@gopher>

Hi Dino,

On 2013-08-12 20:32, Dino Bekte?evi? wrote:
>     def __init__(self, **keys):
>         from . import util
>         self.keys=keys
>         self.load()
> where I don't understand what **keys mean, I've only seen that as **kwargs
> meaning other key words and arguments in examples.

The name of the variable doesn't matter, that's still what it does; you can
think of it as encapsulating any other keyword arguments.

    >>> def foo(bar, **kwargs):
    ...     print("bar: %s" % (bar,))
    ...     print("kwargs: %r" % (kwargs,))
    >>> foo("bar", baz="qux", wibble="wobble")
    bar: bar
    kwargs: {'baz': 'qux', 'wibble': 'wobble'}

> When I try to instance
> Astrom class by:
> new=Astrom()
> I receive a following error:

Sorry, no idea about this bit, I've never used sdsspy. est of luck sorting this

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From ljetibo at  Mon Aug 12 20:32:37 2013
From: ljetibo at (=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Dino_Bekte=B9evi=E6?=)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 20:32:37 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Instancing class issue
Message-ID: <>


I have an unusual problem when I try to instance a class Astrom from a set
of tools for astronomy SDSSPY. Here's the link to the project page:
and this is the class I'm having problems instancing:
I'm running LucidLynx ("You are using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released in April
2010 and supported until April 2013.") on a Oracle VirtualBox v4.2.12 and
I'm using Python 2.6.5. (reason being that I'm also importing various other
modules like esutil, scipy, numpy of which some don't work properly on
never version, or so I have been informed). "Home" OS is win7 64bit.
I'm not new to programming but don't consider me an expert, or even amateur
in python, most about python I learned from diveintopython and other random
sources I used as I got further into it solving problems.

Ok now onto the problem itself:
There's a method pix2eq in the class Astrom I wish to use. However because
it's inside a class obviously I need to instance it because you can only
use methods on class instances. When I read the Astrom class definition
there clearly states:

    def __init__(self, **keys):
        from . import util


where I don't understand what **keys mean, I've only seen that as **kwargs
meaning other key words and arguments in examples. When I try to instance
Astrom class by:
I receive a following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#7>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sdsspy/", line 44,
in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sdsspy/", line 266,
in load
    raise ValueError("send run= and camcol=")
ValueError: send run= and camcol=

which seems pretty straight forward except that I don't see it requiring me
to do so anywhere and that when I try to follow instructions:

new = Astrom(run=2888, camcol=1)

(both run 002888 and camcol 1 exist I have the images I need downloaded on
my drive already) I recieve error about my enviroment:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
    novi = Astrom (run=2888, camcol=1)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sdsspy/", line 44,
in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sdsspy/", line 270,
in load
    fname=files.filename('photoField', **keys)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sdsspy/", line 274,
in filename
    return fs.filename(ftype, run, camcol, field, **keys)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sdsspy/", line 479,
in filename
    f = expand_sdssvars(f, run=run, camcol=camcol, field=field, **keys)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/sdsspy/", line 870,
in expand_sdssvars
    raise ValueError(err)
ValueError: There were unexpanded variables: '$PHOTO_REDUX/runList.par',
there may be no such run but you might try sending the rerun

except search doesn't pop-out any runList.par files anywhere.
Is it something I'm doing wrong or is it something I should contact the
author Mr. Sheldon personally? Any comment about the class is appreciated,
including the Astrom(object) type inheritance.

Help is greatly appreciated,
Dino Bekte?evi?
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From vick1975 at  Mon Aug 12 17:11:21 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 19:11:21 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <000601ce976e$33f0f830$9bd2e890$>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
> Sent: Monday, 12 August, 2013 16:08
> To: Vick
> Maybe. It still depends. If you use a higher-order method where it's just
> needed you can end up wasting a lot of CPU-cycles. The same goes for using
> multi-precision arithmetic when you could happily work in double

[Vick] Well I'm using the higher order method for n-body problem. The
problem has four 1st order ODEs to solve for one body; two trivial and two
very significant ones. So for n-body problem you would need (n x 4) 1st
order ODEs to solve.

The equation is set for 2-D coordinates x and y as follows for a 2-body
problem example:

dxdt(3) = vx1
dxdt(4) = vy1
dxdt(1) =  ((G*m2)/(((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)^(3/2)))*(x2-x1)
dxdt(2) = ((G*m2)/(((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)^(3/2)))*(y2-y1)

dxdt(5) = vx2
dxdt(6) = vy2
dxdt(7) = ((G * m1) / (((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 -y2) ^ 2) ^ (3 / 2))) * (x1 -
dxdt(8) = ((G * m1) / (((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2) ^ (3 / 2))) * (y1 -

>The second is slow but achieves absurdly high levels of accuracy. It
> gives better accuracy than I got with your rungkdp8 (see below) 

[Vick] That's the whole point! I had to wait for about 40 minutes to get
very high accuracy which the method was not designed to obtain.
Whereas the DOPRI8 got the result with 1e-13 error in less than a second.
(Before when I said 2 or less seconds, it is obvious I didn't time them
really; but it just printed the result as soon as I pressed F5)	

> > In that amount of time, the memory was taxed a lot.
> I don't think you really know what you're talking about on this subject.
> algorithm works with a constant, very small, amount of memory regardless
> stepsize. In fact the rungkdp8 method uses more memory, however, the
> difference is entirely insignificant for such a low-dimensional system. I
> you're confusing the fact that the way
> *you* have implemented the algorithm you store every intermediate step in
> the computation. My code only stores the desired output and the current
> value of the intermediate results.

[Vick] Well yeah, maybe there is a confusion on my use of computer memory.
It is obvious that the Runge Kutta 4th order method has only 4 steps and
that it is using very small numbers to compute and whereas the DOPRI8 has 13
steps in which it has to use large numbers to compute. Yes the DOPRI8 uses
more memory than the RK4 in that regard. However the computing speed and the
computer memory the code needs to operate on the algorithm is excessive with
your code as it has to run for 10^(2-6).

> > For the same
> > ODE problem, RK4 should produce an error of 1e-4 in a reasonable
> > amount of time (about 2 secs) and utilizing normal computer memory for
> > its calculations.
> If you modify the check_errors() function in the first script I posted so
that it
> looks like this:
> Then you can run it and get the following:
> $ time ./
> dt : 7.53390e+01  error : 3.28e-07
> real    0m0.094s
> user    0m0.030s
> sys     0m0.046s
> In other words it takes 90 milliseconds to run the script and get an error
> than 1e-6 (or 1e-4% if you prefer). Actually it really just takes 90
> to *initialise* the script. We can use timeit to check how long the actual
> computation takes (with the print line commented out):

[Vick] That's just it. The error margin of RK4 in that instance is just 1e-4
in as you say 90 msec but for about the same amount of time DOPRI8 gets

> It takes 168 microseconds to achieve the accuracy you requested, for your
> test problem, using my rk4 integrator. Scipy's odeint is probably faster
(I'll let
> you do the timing if you want to know but bear in mind that it takes a
> significant amount of time to *import* scipy so you should use timeit for
> benchmarking).

[Vick] What I meant was that I don't need to wait for 40,30...10,5 or even 1
minute to get the result. I am not actually measuring the real speed of each
computation by each method. With human perception in view, all I'm saying is
that for less than a second which is a reasonable "waiting" time for a human
computing a running animation of the n-body problem, the error gotten by
each method just demonstrates the superiority of the one over the other. It
has been tested anyway. The DOPRI8 is an 8th order method whereas the RK4 is
a 4th order. For the same amount of time, the latter can offer only 1e-4 of
error for that test problem whereas DOPRI8 offers 1e-13.

> > As I mentioned before I used this problem as a test for accuracy to
> > compare different methods. I use percentage change (x 100) to derive
> > the error for each method.
> I don't understand why you insist on defying convention by using
> percentages. Really your errors should be so small that percent is a
> meaningless unit of measure. Fractional errors are useful because you can
> easily relate them to absolute errors without the pointless cognitive
> of a factor of 100 getting in the way.

[Vick] I don't understand! Normally if a got 12 and b got 12.5, I want to
know by how much a is different from b. So the normal arithmetic if I wanted
the percentage would be: 12*100/12.5 = 96% so the error is 100%-96% =
4%.......doing so with my error calculation we take abs(12.5-12)/12.5 * 100
= 4 whereas with your error calculation it gives (12.5-12)/12.5 = 0.04 . The
percentage is 4% and the fraction of that error is 4/100 = 0.04

Both are valid, and anyway, it is really no big deal as both calculations
are distant by 2 digits only.

> > RK4 in this instance scores about 1e-4 accuracy. With this problem
> > I've tested RKF5, DPRK45, some 6 and 7 order RK methods and the last
> > one is the DOPRI8(7)13.
> Are you testing all the methods with the same step-sizes? If so that's not
> fair comparison since they do different amounts of work within each step.

[Vick] That's the whole point for one method to be better than the other in
that for the same amount of time and for the same test problem, in one
single step of their algorithms they are achieving different accuracies.

> I would report a comparison of timings between this code and my decimal
> rk4 but I think it would be unfair as I think there may be something wrong
> with the way your's is implemented. Unless I've misunderstood something
> it's not achieving the proper benefits of the mpmath library since for
> reason the error bottoms out at 1e-18. I replaced the bottom of your
> with this:
> When I run that I get:
> $ ./
> dt : 1.0e+00  error : 1.1e-09
> dt : 1.0e-01  error : 9.4e-18
> dt : 1.0e-02  error : 2.3e-18
> dt : 1.0e-03  error : 2.3e-18
> Do you get the same (it could be a difference in the underlying library

[Vick] yeah I get the same results.  The mpf is here to give me more digits
to compute. I think Python would normally give up to 6 digits. When I first
started out with Python I had trouble getting very long decimals. But when I
started to use mpmath, all my problems were solved. So I think it's a habit
to get mpmath involve in any code I make in python which involves scientific
or advanced math calculations. If you increase the dps level the number of
decimals the code will print will become greater.


From vick1975 at  Mon Aug 12 17:32:03 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 19:32:03 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <000701ce9771$187e6bc0$497b4340$>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
> Sent: Monday, 12 August, 2013 18:18
> On 12 August 2013 13:08, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin at>
> wrote:

> The rational approximations are intended to
> be good enough for use with double precision but are insufficient for the
> dps setting that you are using. The reason given by the authors for
> approximate coefficients is that (in 1981) it was deemed computationally
> intractable to compute the exact rational coefficients. However that may
> still be the case with modern computing power. I doubt that I'll attempt
> any time soon but if you're able (and bothered) to do that I'd love to
> what the coefficients would be.
[Vick] Yeah they are rational coefficients and I got them from the google
book satellites orbits which I believe I posted the links for it previously.

The problem is how are the coefficients derived? I've never seen an
algorithm to compute the coefficients of an integrator method. Anyway it
would surely involve complicated coding to start an algorithm to compute
them. If I can get it somewhere, I wouldn't mind doing the DOPRI8


From vick1975 at  Mon Aug 12 21:47:37 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:47:37 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
	<CAHVvXxRqD=uQGeJervoWi_EiTMCs5Jvm7kBeT6xT_43v5dbPxA> <000601ce976e$33f0f830$9bd2e890$>
Message-ID: <000001ce9794$cc7a6390$656f2ab0$>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
> Sent: Monday, 12 August, 2013 20:53
> With a smaller stepsize my rk4 integrator can get an error of 1e-15
> (1e-13%) in 20 milliseconds:
> $ ./
> dt : 9.76562e-04  error : 2.83e-15

[Vick] I have compared your rk4 code with mine and they are virtually the
same. It is the standard rk4 method. Using only the rk4 method the error is
1e-4. However you seem to be getting different result due to the fact that
you have good programming skills as evidenced by the other defs in your code
and I really don't understand what the other defs are really doing. The
solveto and solve defs are certainly doing much to get your result.

Just strip your code of all the superpowers it has got and leave just the
rk4 method to compute. How much error do you get then? ;)

From vick1975 at  Mon Aug 12 22:32:50 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:32:50 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
	<CAHVvXxRkTFqY0r8X6tnwK2nNNzv876pkV97v1QLV-v4QbmQTKw> <000701ce9771$187e6bc0$497b4340$>
Message-ID: <000101ce979b$1d17ff00$5747fd00$>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
> Sent: Monday, 12 August, 2013 20:42

> Are you able to access this paper (link at the bottom)?

[Vick] yes. But the formula seems unfamiliar to me. And I really can't
understand what with the compact writing and small letters.

> I believe this is the original source for the coefficients you are using.
> describe constructing a system of linear rational equations for the
> coefficients of the method. I think that the equations must be satisfied
> any 13-stage explicit RK method that has an 8th-order with embedded 7th-
> order method. Solving the equations leads to a solution space with 10
> degrees of freedom. 

[Vick] You are telling only half the looks like we have to write
up over 230 equations or so.

> As a simpler example, imagine constructing the 4th order RK method which
> has Butcher table:
> 0   |
> 1/2 | 1/2
> 1/2 | 0   1/2
> 1   | 0   0   1
> ----|----------------
>     | 1/6 1/3 1/3 1/6

[Vick] Yeah I know about the butcher table, I've actually coded my copy of
DOPRI8 from its butcher tableau. However I still don't understand how the
coefficients are derived.
> This gives us 8 equations for the 15 coefficients:
> a1 |
> a2 | b21
> a3 | b31 b32
> a4 | b41 b42 b43
> ---|-----------------
>    | c1  c2  c3  c4
> Much as I would love to see those coefficients, for your own sake it would
> a lot easier to just use an Adams-Bashforth integrator.
> Here's a stripped down script that can compute the exact coefficients for
> arbitrary order:
 [Vick] It looks as though your code is using some form of polynomial and if
I'm not mistaken is it the legendre polynomial?

I'm not sure what your code is really doing as I'm not an expert programmer.
What I need is to get an explanation with example of what some things are
supposed to be doing and then if I have understood correctly I will try to
code it on my own using my own coding capabilities. I think it's better if I
start work with the standard rk4 method as it has the same properties as the
dopri8. You make heavy use of scipy and numpy and the other modules in
python, so I guess you are a seasoned programmer in python so we are really
not on the same page with regard to understanding coding. My code shows that
I have done the rk4 and dopri8 from scratch without using the modules in
python except of course for mpmath. It would do me no good if I have to use
a function in coding which I really don't understand. 

It seems that I got you interested in DOPRI8 after all. You said you have a
collection of integrators. What are they, just to compare notes! Actually
the best or most efficient and most accurate I know about for ODEs is the
Gauss Jackson 8th order method (GJ8), but I don't have it. The second most
powerful is the RKN12 this is the runge kutta Nystrom 12th order but it is
useful only for 2nd order ODEs and as I haven't any use for it I haven't
completed its coding, but I do have its rational coefficients. Then the
third most efficient is the DOPRI8(7)13, the one you just got interested in.
With regard to integration (area under a curve) the best I know is the
tanh-sinh quadrature and I have it coded. Anyway it is also built in mpmath.
The second best is Gauss-Konrod but I don't have it and the third one is the
Gauss-legendre which I have also. And then there are the lesser orders like
Boole rule, Simpson's rule etc, even in their adaptive forms.

Well just send me some tutorial on how to build and obtain the coefficients
for the butcher tableau for the RK4 as an example, and after I've mastered
it, I'd give the dopri8 a shot.


From vick1975 at  Mon Aug 12 22:41:41 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:41:41 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
	<000601ce976e$33f0f830$9bd2e890$> <CAHVvXx>
Message-ID: <000201ce979c$59ecda30$0dc68e90$>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 August, 2013 00:11
> To: Vick
> It's because I'm using double precision and you're using mpmath. 

[Vick] Where is the call for double precision in your code?
Is it built in with scipy or maybe odeint?

> Of course you have to ask yourself how much time you're prepared to spend
> coding up integrators to make the error smaller when you could really just
> use scipy's odeint and get on with plotting your results!

[Vick] I've always wanted to code things up on my own without having
recourse to some modules except when I really cannot do without it. Anyway I
also use excel VBA to code in excel, so having the codes in a way I
understand them means that I can translate it either to python or to excel

What type of calculations do you do with your integrators?

From zack.hasanov at  Mon Aug 12 02:52:34 2013
From: zack.hasanov at (Zack Hasanov)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:52:34 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner - Chap 7 Q: 2
Message-ID: <00ff01ce96f6$3ccd93f0$b668bbd0$>



I am a python newbie.  I am reading this book (Python Programming for the
Absolute Beginner).  I am on Chapter 7, Question 2.  


"Improve the Trivia Challenge game so that it maintains a high-scores list
in a file. The program should record the player's name and score. Store the
high scores using a pickled object."

I have the following code so far:


def high_score():

    """Records a player's score"""


    high_scores = []


    #add a score // Do current stuff for adding a new score...

    name = input("What is your name? ")

    player_score = int(input("What is your score? "))

    entry = (name, player_score)



    high_scores = high_scores[:5]       # keep only top five


    # dump scores

    f = open("pickles1.dat", "wb")

    pickle.dump(high_scores, f)



    f = open("pickles1.dat", "rb")

    high_scores = pickle.load(f)




When I execute this program in the main() program I get only the existing
single name, player_score list combination stored in the pickles1.dat file.


Can someone walk me through how it can store all the values each time the
program is ran?



Zack H.



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From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 13 01:20:58 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:20:58 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner - Chap 7
	Q: 2
In-Reply-To: <00ff01ce96f6$3ccd93f0$b668bbd0$>
References: <00ff01ce96f6$3ccd93f0$b668bbd0$>
Message-ID: <kubqkj$e8f$>

On 12/08/13 01:52, Zack Hasanov wrote:

> I have the following code so far:
> def high_score():
>      high_scores = []
>      name = input("What is your name? ")
>      player_score = int(input("What is your score? "))
>      entry = (name, player_score)
>      high_scores.append(entry)
>      high_scores.sort(reverse=True)
>      high_scores = high_scores[:5]       # keep only top five

Note that you never read the stored values from your pickle file you 
just add a single value.

>      # dump scores
>      f = open("pickles1.dat", "wb")
>      pickle.dump(high_scores, f)
>      f.close()

This then dumps that single value to the file overwriting
anything that might have already been there.

>      f = open("pickles1.dat", "rb")
>      high_scores = pickle.load(f)
>      print(high_scores)

You then load the new value and print it.

> When I execute this program in the main() program I get only the
> existing single name, player_score list combination stored in the
> pickles1.dat file.

I have no idea how you call this. Presumably from within a loop?
But because you never read in the stored values before writing the new 
you only ever get the last value stored.

You need to insert code like your last block above at the top of the 
function to pre-populate high_scores before adding the new entry.

Once you get that working we can look at tidying up some
of the unnecessary code that will be left over, but lets
get it working first!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From sunithanc at  Tue Aug 13 05:33:48 2013
From: sunithanc at (SM)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:33:48 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from
 another class (which is a thread) in Python3?
In-Reply-To: <ku8co2$hrh$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Alan,
Thanks, very much, for your time answering my question. I ended up using
global variables for all the attributes I had to share between the
MainWindow class and the thread, and it worked. I am sure there are better
alternatives, but since it was just a couple of attributes, the code looks
Some responses  in line at [SM]

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>wrote:

> On 09/08/13 16:50, SM wrote:
> Sorry I only just picked this up.
>  (ex: self.tab_fw = QtGui.QWidget(), self.tab_ann = QtGui.QWidget(),
>> etc), its own textEdit window and its own progress bar widget.
>> All the tabs are defined within this single class - they are not
>> instances of the class, as the tabs are distinct from each other. All of
>> that is working really well.
> OK, I'll assume the structure looks like
> MainGUIWindow
> - Tab1
>   - TextEdit1
>   - ProgressBar1
>   - any other widgets on tab1
> - Tab2
>   - TextEdit2
>   - ProgressBar2
>   - any other widgets on tab2
> - Tab3
>   - TextEdit3
>   - ProgressBar3
>   - any other widgets on tab3
[SM] Yes

> And that both the TextEdit and progress bar widgets are part of
> the Qt framework/library? So there are 3 distinct progress bar instances,
> one per tab?

[SM]: Yes, that is right.

>          an added feature, I am now asked to have a "progress bar" widget
>>         which appears when an operation is going on, to tell the user that
>>         he/she has to wait.
> Is this an extra (4th?) progress bar or is this the ones already described
> as being in the tabs?

[SM] The latter. There are just 3 tabs and 3 progress bars

> Also, when you say "appears" do you mean its invisible until the operation
> starts? Or is it visible but inactive (maybe greyed out?)

[SM] Wrong choice of word on my part.  I should have said, " widget which
swings horizontally"

>  [SM]: Yes. I shouldn't say duplicated, but each tab has a different
>> progress bar of its own. In the example, I was quoting the code for just
>> on tab. The others will be implemented similarly.
> OK So I'm again going to assume:
> A total of 1 progress bar per tab. The "added feature" is what these bars
> are addressing?

[SM]: yes

>          So I am running two threads - first one is the progressbar
>>         widget which has a rectangular slab spinning sideways to
>>         indicate that the operation is going on.
> I usually expect a progress bar to indicate the percentage complete but
> this sounds like its just a spinning eggshell activity indicator. Is that
> correct? You have no progress value indication?

[SM] Yes, it is more of a egg-whatever.... It just spins horizontally as
opposed to showing the percentage of work done. That is part of the

>  The second thread is the one which is actually doing the operation.
> > I have a flag that the second thread sets after the job is done
> OK, again I'll assume we are dealing with just an activity indicator not a
> value display.

[SM] yes

>          and stops spinning and gets out of the loop when the flag is set.
>>  I
>>         have that working as well.
> OK, Good the picture is building.
>  [SM]: I did start out with a timer. But due to my lack of experience
>> with usage of timer in Python, the code I wrote was running sequentially
> That sounds like you tried to use a Python native timer. Normally in a GUI
> the toolkit (Qt in this case) provides a timer event that triggers
> via the normal event mechanism. You set the timer, the event arrives and
> you do something then reset the timer for the next time round.
> I found this page that describes the Qt approach (which includes
> multi-shot timers) and links to more detailed examples etc.
> 376e-4636-a7d2-8ae899de1e11<>

[SM] Thanks, very much, for the link. I will go over it. In my opinion, if
the timer works, using it is less complicated than using threads.


> The code is in C++ but should translate easily to python and PyQt.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> ______________________________**_________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From at  Tue Aug 13 17:59:29 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 01:59:29 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 1:13 PM, eryksun <eryksun at> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>> On 12/08/13 11:40, eryksun wrote:
>>> Typically strings should be unicode. If the byte sequence is Latin-1
>>> (including ASCII), you can map unichr() and join the characters with
>>> u''.join(); that's equivalent to chr() and ''.join() in 3.x. More
>>> generally, decode() the byte string. A simply way that works in 2.6+
>>> is to create a bytearray:
>>>      >>> bytearray(ssid).decode('latin-1')
>>>      u'BigPond679D85'
>> But, what makes you think that the encoding will be latin-1? If I had to
>> guess an encoding, I'd guess UTF-8.
> Unicode ordinals in the 8-bit range are Latin-1 (aka ISO-8859-1, i.e.
> Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement, including C0 and C1 control
> codes). You can always decode as Latin-1 without getting a decoding
> error. UTF-8 is multibyte and defaults to raising a decoding error if
> the sequence isn't valid.
> It's up to Amit to figure out what the encoding is. It's D-Bus, so
> probably Linux. In that case, UTF-8 is a good guess.

Nice, thanks. What does it mean (and will it always work?) when I
don't specify any encoding:

>>> bytearray(ssid).decode()

The default encoding (on Python 2) is ascii:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.getdefaultencoding()



From JATINSHR001 at  Tue Aug 13 18:45:55 2013
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:45:55 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from 1-20
Message-ID: <>

Hello All,

Sorry for the earlier mail without subject. I was in a hurry so I missed that

I am solving problem number 5 in project euler. I think my solution seems logically correct but it is not giving an answer as it is taking too long to execute. So can someone suggest an alternative solution? Here is my source code:

import sys
def check(num):
  lis=[20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11]  #because a no. divisible by 20 is divisible by 2,4,5 and so on for the values omitted
  for i in lis:
    if num%i==0:
      return False

  return True

def main():
  num=2520  # Because we can start from the no. divisible by 1-10
  while not check(num):
    num+=2    # Because num has to be even

if __name__ == '__main__':
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From marc.tompkins at  Tue Aug 13 18:49:49 2013
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 09:49:49 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:

> What does it mean (and will it always work?) when I don't specify any
> encoding:
> >>> bytearray(ssid).decode()
> u'BigPond679D85'

If you don't specify an encoding, then the default encoding is used; as you
point out a bit later, your local default is ascii.

Will it always work?  NO.  If there are any characters in the input stream
(the SSID in this case), .decode will fail (probably with
UnicodeDecodeError, but I can't test it at the moment.)

I don't know the WiFi spec well enough to know whether you're ever going to
run into non-ASCII characters in an SSID; I'm guessing that people in e.g.
Russia name their networks in Cyrillic, but (despite living in a Russian
neighborhood of Los Angeles) I've never seen any SSIDs that weren't pure
ASCII.  Does anybody out there know the rules for this?  Just now I tried
to change the SSID of my cell phone's mobile hotspot to Cyrillic, but the
configuration utility wouldn't even let me change keyboards; I don't know,
though, whether this is a limitation of the spec or just the local
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From JATINSHR001 at  Tue Aug 13 18:43:12 2013
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:43:12 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

Hello All,

I am solving problem number 5 in project euler. I think my solution seems logically correct but it is not giving an answer as it is taking too long to execute. So can someone suggest an alternative solution? Here is my source code:

import sys
def check(num):
  lis=[20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11]  #because a no. divisible by 20 is divisible by 2,4,5 and so on for the values omitted
  for i in lis:
    if num%i==0:
      return False

  return True

def main():
  num=2520  # Because we can start from the no. divisible by 1-10
  while not check(num):
    num+=2    # Because num has to be even

if __name__ == '__main__':

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From marc.tompkins at  Tue Aug 13 19:14:51 2013
From: marc.tompkins at (Marc Tompkins)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 10:14:51 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

JATINSHR001 at> wrote:

>  Hello All,
> Sorry for the earlier mail without subject. I was in a hurry so I missed
> that
>  I am solving problem number 5 in project euler. I think my solution
> seems logically correct but it is not giving an answer as it is taking too
> long to execute. So can someone suggest an alternative solution?

My approach: factor each number from 1 to 20 (for example, 20 factors to 1,
2, 2, 5) and build a list of factors; for each number, check to see that
the list contains enough copies of all of the current number's factors
(e.g. four 2s and two 3s) and add them to the list if not; at the end,
multiply the list of factors.

It took me about a minute in Excel; about 45 minutes to work out my
algorithm in Python - but it executed in less than a second.
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From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 13 19:19:50 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:19:50 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kudpre$j5g$>


> def check(num):
>    lis=[20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11]  #because a no. divisible by 20 is
>    for i in lis:
>      if num%i==0:
>        continue
>      else:
>        return False
>        break
>    return True

This is a bit convoluted. All you need is

     for i in lis:
       if num%i != 0:
         return False
       return True

> def main():
>    num=2520  # Because we can start from the no. divisible by 1-10
>    while not check(num):
>      print(num)
>      num+=2    # Because num has to be even

Surely you can increment by 20 since that's the next number that is 
divisible by 20.

eg if we start at 20 the next number divisible by 20 will be 40, not 
22... That should speed up the search considerably!

But my brain is nagging me that there should be a
cleverer mathematical trick too, but I can't remember
what it is... I'm sure one of our math gurus will tell us! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From __peter__ at  Tue Aug 13 20:09:30 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:09:30 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from
References: <>
Message-ID: <kudsnn$k37$>


> Hello All,
> Sorry for the earlier mail without subject. I was in a hurry so I missed
> that
> I am solving problem number 5 in project euler. I think my solution seems
> logically correct but it is not giving an answer as it is taking too long
> to execute. So can someone suggest an alternative solution? Here is my
> source code:
> import sys
> def check(num):
>   lis=[20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11]  #because a no. divisible by 20 is
>   divisible by 2,4,5 and so on for the values omitted for i in lis:
>     if num%i==0:
>       continue
>     else:
>       return False
>       break
>   return True
> def main():
>   num=2520  # Because we can start from the no. divisible by 1-10
>   while not check(num):
>     print(num)
>     num+=2    # Because num has to be even
>   print(num)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>   main()

A simple algorithm that I think should work:

Start with the list of 19 numbers (no need to include the 1). 

Pick two numbers a and b, calculate the (greatest common divisor) gcd, and 
replace them with the single number c calculated as

d = gcd(a, b)
c = a*b//d

until there is only one number left in the list. This should be your result.
I'll post a naive implementation of that idea in a follow-up.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 13 20:10:28 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 19:10:28 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from
In-Reply-To: <kudpre$j5g$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kudsqd$ke9$>

On 13/08/13 18:19, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> def check(num):
>>    lis=[20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11]  #because a no. divisible by 20 is
>>    for i in lis:
>>      if num%i==0:
>>        continue
>>      else:
>>        return False
>>        break
>>    return True
> This is a bit convoluted. All you need is
>      for i in lis:
>        if num%i != 0:
>          return False
>        return True

Oops, that last return should be outside the loop, sorry...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From __peter__ at  Tue Aug 13 20:20:04 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:20:04 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [Spoiler alert] Re: To find the least number divisible by
	all numbers from 1-20
References: <>
Message-ID: <kudtbf$rof$>

Peter Otten wrote:

> I'll post a naive implementation of that idea in a follow-up.

So there:

def gcd(a, b):
    if a == b:
        return a
    elif a > b:
        return gcd(a-b, b)
        return gcd(a, b-a)

N = 20
numbers = range(2, N+1)
while len(numbers) > 1:
    a, b = numbers[:2]
    d = gcd(a, b)
    numbers[:2] = [a*b//d]
result = numbers[0]
assert all(result % i == 0 for i in range(1, N+1))
print result

It turns out I can only avoid the recursion limit by sorting the numbers and 
picking the smallest. For greater N you need to come up with a smarter 
approach (the actual limit was N<=48) or at least a non-recursive 
implementation of gcd().

From tim.peters at  Tue Aug 13 20:35:28 2013
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 13:35:28 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> ///
> I am solving problem number 5 in project euler. I think my solution seems
> logically correct but it is not giving an answer as it is taking too long to
> execute.

It does take a long time, but it does return the correct answer - eventually ;-)

> So can someone suggest an alternative solution? Here is my source
> code:
> import sys
> def check(num):
>   lis=[20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11]  #because a no. divisible by 20 is divisible
> by 2,4,5 and so on for the values omitted
>   for i in lis:
>     if num%i==0:
>       continue
>     else:
>       return False
>       break
>   return True


    def check(num):
      return all(num % i == 0 for i in [20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11])

> def main():
>   num=2520  # Because we can start from the no. divisible by 1-10
>   while not check(num):
>     print(num)
>     num+=2    # Because num has to be even

You can speed this up by a factor of about 1000 via incrementing by
2520 instead of by 2.  Because the correct answer has to be divisible
by all of 1 thru 10, it has to be divisible by 2520 too, right?
Therefore the correct answer must be a multiple of 2520.

>   print(num)

Peter is on "the best" track via exploiting this fact:

    lcm(a, b) = a * b // gcd(a, b)

The problems he hit with recursion can be avoided by using an
iterative gcd function instead.  Like so:

def gcd(a, b):
    while b:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

def lcm_list(ns):
    sofar = 1
    for n in ns:
        sofar = sofar * n // gcd(sofar, n)
    return sofar


>>> print lcm_list(range(1, 21))  # your case

That takes a small fraction of a second.  So does this:

>>> print lcm_list(range(1, 101))

Even this takes a fraction of a second!:

>>> print lcm_list(range(1, 1001))

Amazing, eh?  :-)

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Tue Aug 13 20:42:46 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 19:42:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] [Spoiler alert] Re: To find the least number divisible
 by all numbers from 1-20
In-Reply-To: <kudtbf$rof$>
References: <>
	<kudsnn$k37$> <kudtbf$rof$>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 13, 2013 7:21 PM, "Peter Otten" <__peter__ at> wrote:
> Peter Otten wrote:
> > I'll post a naive implementation of that idea in a follow-up.
> So there:
> def gcd(a, b):
>     if a == b:
>         return a
>     elif a > b:
>         return gcd(a-b, b)
>     else:
>         return gcd(a, b-a)
> N = 20
> numbers = range(2, N+1)
> while len(numbers) > 1:
>     numbers.sort()
>     a, b = numbers[:2]
>     d = gcd(a, b)
>     numbers[:2] = [a*b//d]
> result = numbers[0]
> assert all(result % i == 0 for i in range(1, N+1))
> print result
> It turns out I can only avoid the recursion limit by sorting the numbers
> picking the smallest. For greater N you need to come up with a smarter
> approach (the actual limit was N<=48) or at least a non-recursive
> implementation of gcd().

I think it's better to compute the lcm by finding its prime factorisation.
E.g. There are 4 twos in it since that's the maximum number of twos in the
prime factorisation of any of the integers up to 20.

I would post a snippet but isn't it generally a bit of a faux-pas to give
solutions to these problems (I mean this as a real question)?


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From __peter__ at  Tue Aug 13 21:08:52 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 21:08:52 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Posting solutions to "homeworky" problems
References: <>
	<kudsnn$k37$> <kudtbf$rof$>
Message-ID: <kue06u$qtn$>

Oscar Benjamin wrote:

> I would post a snippet but isn't it generally a bit of a faux-pas to give
> solutions to these problems (I mean this as a real question)?

In principle I agree, but sometimes I lack the discipline to hold back.

I think the code I gave is peculiar enough to make it easy to find for a 
suspicious teacher hunting for cut-and-paste artists ;)

From ramit.prasad at  Tue Aug 13 21:27:18 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 19:27:18 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Posting solutions to "homeworky" problems
In-Reply-To: <kue06u$qtn$>
References: <>
	<kudsnn$k37$> <kudtbf$rof$>
Message-ID: <>

Peter Otten wrote:
> Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> > I would post a snippet but isn't it generally a bit of a faux-pas to give
> > solutions to these problems (I mean this as a real question)?
> In principle I agree, but sometimes I lack the discipline to hold back.
> I think the code I gave is peculiar enough to make it easy to find for a
> suspicious teacher hunting for cut-and-paste artists ;)

Not to mention that since this is a Euler question (stated in the original 
post), optimized answers are easily found on the Internet. The tricky bit 
is in figuring the appropriate algorithm and not actually in the coding.

I like the Euler project, but I found it more a test of my math/analysis
skills and much less of my programming skills.


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From steve at  Wed Aug 14 04:14:19 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 12:14:19 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/08/13 02:49, Marc Tompkins wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:
>> What does it mean (and will it always work?) when I don't specify any
>> encoding:
>>>>> bytearray(ssid).decode()
>> u'BigPond679D85'
> If you don't specify an encoding, then the default encoding is used; as you
> point out a bit later, your local default is ascii.
> Will it always work?  NO.  If there are any characters in the input stream
> (the SSID in this case), .decode will fail (probably with
> UnicodeDecodeError, but I can't test it at the moment.)

Careful -- you are confusing two distinct concepts here. ssid does not contain characters. It contains bytes. There are exactly 256 possible bytes, which are numbers 0, 1, ... 255. They may *represent* characters, or sounds, or images, or motion video, or any other form of data you like, in which case you have to ask (e.g.) "how is the sound encoded into bytes? is it a WAV file, or MP3, or OGG, or something else?"

In this case, the ssid represents characters, but it contains bytes, and the same question applies -- how are the characters A, B, C, ... encoded into bytes? Unless you know which encoding is used, you have to guess. If you guess wrong, you'll get errors. If you're lucky you will get an exception, and know that you guessed wrong, but if you're unlucky you'll just get garbage characters.

Fortunately, there are a couple of decent guesses you can make which will often be correct, at least in Western European countries, Australia, the USA, and similar:


Latin-1 should be considered the "last resort" encoding, since it will never fail. But it can return garbage. UTF-8 should be considered your first guess, since it is the standard encoding that everyone should use. (Any application that doesn't use UTF-8 by default in the 21st century is, in my opinion, buggy.)

> I don't know the WiFi spec well enough to know whether you're ever going to
> run into non-ASCII characters in an SSID;

A little bit of googling shows that it definitely happens, and that UTF-8 is the standard encoding to use.


From eryksun at  Wed Aug 14 04:11:36 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 22:11:36 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] dbus.Array to string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Marc Tompkins <marc.tompkins at> wrote:
> Will it always work?  NO.  If there are any characters in the input stream
> (the SSID in this case), .decode will fail (probably with
> UnicodeDecodeError, but I can't test it at the moment.)
> I don't know the WiFi spec well enough to know whether you're ever going to
> run into non-ASCII characters in an SSID

It's defined as 32 octets (bytes), but the allowed values aren't
specified. Stick with alphanumeric ASCII for interoperability.

Using UTF-8 is spec'd in the 802.11-2012 revision. There's an
SSIDEncoding field in the MLME-START.request that initiates a BSS. If
it's UTF-8, then subsequent beacon/probe response frames will have the
UTF-8 SSID field (bit 48) set in the Extended Capabilities element,
indicating that the SSID is UTF-8 encoded.

From JATINSHR001 at  Wed Aug 14 04:49:47 2013
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 02:49:47 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>,
Message-ID: <>

From: Tim Peters [tim.peters at]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 02:35 AM
Cc: tutor at; N_Gopalakrishnan at; pathangi_janardhanan at
Subject: Re: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from 1-20

> ///
> I am solving problem number 5 in project euler. I think my solution seems
> logically correct but it is not giving an answer as it is taking too long to
> execute.

It does take a long time, but it does return the correct answer - eventually ;-)

> So can someone suggest an alternative solution? Here is my source
> code:
> import sys
> def check(num):
>   lis=[20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11]  #because a no. divisible by 20 is divisible
> by 2,4,5 and so on for the values omitted
>   for i in lis:
>     if num%i==0:
>       continue
>     else:
>       return False
>       break
>   return True


    def check(num):
      return all(num % i == 0 for i in [20,19,18,17,16,14,13,11])

> def main():
>   num=2520  # Because we can start from the no. divisible by 1-10
>   while not check(num):
>     print(num)
>     num+=2    # Because num has to be even

You can speed this up by a factor of about 1000 via incrementing by
2520 instead of by 2.  Because the correct answer has to be divisible
by all of 1 thru 10, it has to be divisible by 2520 too, right?
Therefore the correct answer must be a multiple of 2520.

 Incrementing  by 2520 drastically speeds up the execution time. Thanks, I didn't think of that. And I'm still trying to comprehend the LCM and GCD methods. I'm pretty new to programming and python. 

>   print(num)

Peter is on "the best" track via exploiting this fact:

    lcm(a, b) = a * b // gcd(a, b)

The problems he hit with recursion can be avoided by using an
iterative gcd function instead.  Like so:

def gcd(a, b):
    while b:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

def lcm_list(ns):
    sofar = 1
    for n in ns:
        sofar = sofar * n // gcd(sofar, n)
    return sofar


>>> print lcm_list(range(1, 21))  # your case

That takes a small fraction of a second.  So does this:

>>> print lcm_list(range(1, 101))

Even this takes a fraction of a second!:

>>> print lcm_list(range(1, 1001))

Amazing, eh?  :-)

From tim.peters at  Wed Aug 14 05:20:40 2013
From: tim.peters at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 22:20:40 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] To find the least number divisible by all numbers from
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> ...
> And I'm still trying to comprehend the LCM and GCD methods. I'm pretty new to
> programming and python.

The first rule is to have fun ;-)

The key to a blazing fast solution to this problem really isn't in the
programming, it's in understanding the mathematics of it.  Then the
code pretty much writes itself - LOL.

Here's a good discussion of "the math":

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Wed Aug 14 14:40:11 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:40:11 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Posting solutions to "homeworky" problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<kudsnn$k37$> <kudtbf$rof$>
Message-ID: <>

On 13 August 2013 20:27, Prasad, Ramit
<ramit.prasad at> wrote:
> Peter Otten wrote:
>> Oscar Benjamin wrote:
>> > I would post a snippet but isn't it generally a bit of a faux-pas to give
>> > solutions to these problems (I mean this as a real question)?
>> In principle I agree, but sometimes I lack the discipline to hold back.

I agree that it's difficult (see below).

>> I think the code I gave is peculiar enough to make it easy to find for a
>> suspicious teacher hunting for cut-and-paste artists ;)

A teacher should know not to set this as a weighted assignment except
perhaps under exam conditions. I think I'd get into a lot of trouble
if I made my students do this in an exam: the current consensus is
that I'm not allowed to actually *require* original lateral thinking
from them unless it's coursework (so that they can cheat).

> Not to mention that since this is a Euler question (stated in the original
> post), optimized answers are easily found on the Internet. The tricky bit
> is in figuring the appropriate algorithm and not actually in the coding.

Well if the solutions are already on the internet I guess it doesn't
matter. More importantly if Peter gets to do it and Tim gets to do it
then it's just *so* unfair if I can't do it too!

So here's my own deliberately cryptic solution :)

def lcm_1_to_N(N):
    sup = 1
    logpn = 0
    while sup < N:
        sup *= 2
        logpn += 1
    lcm = 1
    p1 = 1
    nums = []
    while p1 < N:
        p1 += 1
        flag = True
        for p2 in nums:
            if not p1 % p2:
                flag = False
            elif p2 ** 2 > p1:
        if flag:
            inf = p1 ** logpn
            while inf > N:
                inf /= p1
                logpn -= 1
            lcm *= inf
    return lcm


From emile at  Thu Aug 15 19:52:48 2013
From: emile at (Emile van Sebille)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 10:52:48 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Python Arduino Web Page
In-Reply-To: <000601ce94db$147b32d0$3d719870$@in>
References: <000601ce94db$147b32d0$3d719870$@in>
Message-ID: <>

The value of myvar is not passed in your
print"""... +parseInt(myvar);..."""
which results in the string characters myvar being interpreted by 
parseInt and resulting in NaN

Try print"""... +parseInt(%s);...""" % myvar

this causes python to swap in the value of myvar which then will be 
parseable with parseInt.



On 8/9/2013 1:33 AM, Engineering wrote:
> I have written the following code in Python for my Arduino
> #!c:\Python27\Python.exe
> import cgi, cgitb;
> import sys, serial
> cgitb.enable()
> ser = serial.Serial('COM27', 9600)
> myvar = ser.readline()
> print "Content-type:text/html\n\n"
> print """
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>
> Real Time Temperature
> </title>
>    <script type="text/javascript">
>      window.onload = startInterval;
>      function startInterval()
>      {
>          setInterval("startTime();",1000);
>      }
>      function startTime(myvar)
>      {
>          document.getElementById('mine').innerHTML ="Temperature"
> +parseInt(myvar);
>      }
>    </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <h1>Real Time Temperature:</h1>
> <div id="mine"></div>
> </body></html>
> """
> I have Apache Web Server
> But on running this  my localhost , I am getting the following output
> ?TemperatureNaN? . Why is NaN being showed. Why cant I get the number as
> read by se.readline()?
> Is there a way to separate the Python code and the Javascript on
> different files. If so can you please give a example.?
> I am not really interested to do with bottle or other web framework as I
> will be controlling my arduino with python from the web and also do
> video image processing with openCV. Open CV have a support for Python
> and not for Javascript.
> Thanks
> Subhendu Sinha Chaudhuri
> **
> **
> **
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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From davea at  Thu Aug 15 23:45:09 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 21:45:09 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Python Arduino Web Page
References: <000601ce94db$147b32d0$3d719870$@in>
Message-ID: <kuji53$qu3$>

Engineering wrote:


> <o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1" />
> </o:shapelayout></xml><![endif]--></head><body lang=EN-IN link=blue vlink=purple><div class=WordSection1><p class=MsoNormal>I have written the following code in Python for my Arduino<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>#!c:\Python27\Python.exe<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>import cgi, cgitb;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>import sys, serial<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>cgitb.enable()<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>ser = serial.Serial('COM27', 9600)<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>myvar = ser.readline()<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>print &quot;Content-type:text/html\n\n&quot;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>print &quot;&quot;&quot;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>&lt;html&gt;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>&lt;head&gt;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>&lt;title&gt;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>Real Time Temperature<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>&lt;/title&gt;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>&nbsp; &lt;script type=&quot;text/j

It's pretty hard to interpret that html message.  Please post using text
messages, as it's both more compact and less likely to be misinterpreted
by  the (text) mailing list mechanisms.

You fetch a value from the serial port in Python called myvar.  However,
 the javascript code cannot see that value unless you stuff it into the
generated script.  The easiest place to stuff it would be on the line:

<div id="mine"></div>

by doing something like

<div id="mine">Temperature=%d</div>

and at the end of the code, changing the final triple quote to:

""" % myvar

That way the generated html has the string already substituted.

If this is just a (somewhat) simplified version of something that
*needs* javascript, then consider stuffing an assignment statement in
the startinterval() function. However, I can't see as you actually
pass it to startTime() anyway, so the javascript ought to be blowing up
with a missing argument.

Clearly I don't know enough javascript to get out of the mud, so if your
real code is more complex, somebody else will have to help you figure
where to change it.

As for seeing the javascript code separately, one approach is to use
your browser to view the source html.  Another is to use wget to just
fetch the page.


From chao_888 at  Tue Aug 13 18:18:48 2013
From: chao_888 at (cindy chao)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 09:18:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] please help with read_until, write script
Message-ID: <>

Hi, all Python Experts,
I am a Python beginner.
I am trying to script the following steps.
I have problem to match the step after 'signature check?'
'[999.daisyse.07260019]:' the value of 0726009 is dynamic, every time it will 
be different, so I don't know how to do it. 
For sure I have problem to match 'directory and config file? (Yes/No) [Yes]:' 
and 'current configuration? (Yes/No) [Yes]:'
I use IDLE in pc to write and run the script.

Please help, thank you very much.

All the steps I want to script.

vyatta at Daisy-BGP1:~$ add sys image
Trying to fetch ISO file from
? % Total??? % Received % Xferd? Average Speed?? Time??? Time???? Time? Current
???????????????????????????????? Dload? Upload?? Total?? Spent??? Left? Speed
100? 223M? 100? 223M??? 0???? 0? 45.6M????? 0? 0:00:04? 0:00:04 --:--:-- 45.2M
ISO download succeeded.
Checking for digital signature file...
? % Total??? % Received % Xferd? Average Speed?? Time??? Time???? Time? Current
???????????????????????????????? Dload? Upload?? Total?? Spent??? Left? Speed
? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0????? 0????? 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--???? 0
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
Unable to fetch digital signature file.
Do you want to continue without signature check? (yes/no) [yes] yes
Checking MD5 checksums of files on the ISO image...OK.
What would you like to name this image? [999.daisyse.07260019]:
OK.? This image will be named: 999.daisyse.07260019
Installing "999.daisyse.07260019" image.
Copying new release files...
Would you like to save the current configuration
directory and config file? (Yes/No) [Yes]: yes
Copying current configuration...
Would you like to save the SSH host keys from your
current configuration? (Yes/No) [Yes]: yes
Copying SSH keys...
Setting up grub configuration...

Here is my code.

session = telnetlib.Telnet("", timeout=5)
...skip some write and read_until...
print h1
#h20=session.read_until('(Yes/No) [Yes]:')- never match
#h20=session.read_until('[Yes]:') - never match
#h20=session.expect('(Yes/No)', '[Yes]:')- script just terminate
#h20=session.read_lazy('[Yes]:')-script just terminate
#h20=session.read_expect('.*\(Yes\/No\)')- script just terminate
h20=session.read_expect('.*\s\(Yes\/No\)')- script just terminate

print h20

#h20=session.read_until('(Yes/No) [Yes]:')- never match, just wait there, never finish.

OUtput from IDLE:

[Kvyatta at Daisy-BGP1:~$
?add sys image 

Trying to fetch ISO file from

? % Total??? % Received % Xferd? Average Speed?? Time??? Time???? Time? Current

???????????????????????????????? Dload? Upload?? Total?? Spent??? Left? Speed

? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0????? 0????? 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--???? 0
?34? 223M?? 34 77.1M??? 0???? 0? 87.1M????? 0? 0:00:02 --:--:--? 0:00:02 87.4M
?60? 223M?? 60? 135M??? 0???? 0? 71.6M????? 0? 0:00:03? 0:00:01? 0:00:02 71.8M
?69? 223M?? 69? 154M??? 0???? 0? 53.4M????? 0? 0:00:04? 0:00:02? 0:00:02 53.5M
?70? 223M?? 70? 156M??? 0???? 0? 19.2M????? 0? 0:00:11? 0:00:08? 0:00:03 19.2M
100? 223M? 100? 223M??? 0???? 0? 25.2M????? 0? 0:00:08? 0:00:08 --:--:-- 25.2M

ISO download succeeded.

Checking for digital signature file...

? % Total??? % Received % Xferd? Average Speed?? Time??? Time???? Time? Current

???????????????????????????????? Dload? Upload?? Total?? Spent??? Left? Speed

? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0????? 0????? 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--???? 0
? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0??? 0???? 0????? 0????? 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--???? 0

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Unable to fetch digital signature file.

Do you want to continue without signature check? (yes/no) [yes]

Checking MD5 checksums of files on the ISO image...OK.


What would you like to name this image? [999.daisyse.07260019]:


#h20=session.expect('(Yes/No)', '[Yes]')- script just terminate

Do you want to continue without signature check? (yes/no) [yes]

Checking MD5 checksums of files on the ISO image...OK.


What would you like to name this image? [999.daisyse.07260019]:

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From jake.wohldmann at  Wed Aug 14 00:38:34 2013
From: jake.wohldmann at (Jake Wohldmann)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:38:34 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python
Message-ID: <>

Hello I am a beginner to using any type of script.  How long does it take
to become fluent at a script?  I will only be able to practice python on
weekends since school is starting.  I was also wondering if I could use
python on my android phone.
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From leamhall at  Tue Aug 13 17:46:30 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 11:46:30 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Input into lists?
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to take input from a file (CSV spreadsheet) and use the first
line inputs (header) as the names of lists. So far I'm not successful.   :)

How do I take line_list[0], the result of "line.split(',')" and use it as
the name of a list? Does that make sense?



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From leamhall at  Tue Aug 13 21:29:37 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 15:29:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Posting solutions to "homeworky" problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<kudsnn$k37$> <kudtbf$rof$>
Message-ID: <>

I've just started some of the Euler stuff. Most of the time I ask for
pointers to the logic needed. I enjoy that much more as hopefully I learn


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From leamhall at  Wed Aug 14 21:21:19 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:21:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Simple Python SNMP ping?
Message-ID: <>

Is there a way to do a simple check in Python to see if a remote host is
listening on SNMP port 161/UDP?



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From ljetibo at  Tue Aug 13 00:57:09 2013
From: ljetibo at (=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Dino_Bekte=B9evi=E6?=)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:57:09 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [Python-Help] Instancing class issue
In-Reply-To: <20130812211908.GC2927@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


The name of the variable doesn't matter, that's still what it does; you can
> think of it as encapsulating any other keyword arguments.
>     >>> def foo(bar, **kwargs):
>     ...     print("bar: %s" % (bar,))
>     ...     print("kwargs: %r" % (kwargs,))
>     ...
>     >>> foo("bar", baz="qux", wibble="wobble")
>     bar: bar
>     kwargs: {'baz': 'qux', 'wibble': 'wobble'}

Yeah so much I figured, same way self could be me, but what kind of
__init__ function is that that doesn't even know how many arguments it
takes, at least it should have the mandatory arguments to satisfy the
Parent __init__ function which is object but I don't even see
**kwargs) in sdsspy's __init__ (or **keys whatever you prefer) what are
even the keyword arguments needed for instancing object. Isn't object like
THE most abstract class that becomes anything? How do I even go about
trying to instance this? (and since it calls on some printed error
obviously written somewhere in the SDSSPY how do I reach it so I'd know
what to do?)

many thanks to responders,
Dino Bekte?evi?

2013/8/12 Chris Down <chris at>

> Hi Dino,
> On 2013-08-12 20:32, Dino Bekte?evi? wrote:
> >     def __init__(self, **keys):
> >         from . import util
> >
> >         self.keys=keys
> >         self.load()
> >
> > where I don't understand what **keys mean, I've only seen that as
> **kwargs
> > meaning other key words and arguments in examples.
> The name of the variable doesn't matter, that's still what it does; you can
> think of it as encapsulating any other keyword arguments.
>     >>> def foo(bar, **kwargs):
>     ...     print("bar: %s" % (bar,))
>     ...     print("kwargs: %r" % (kwargs,))
>     ...
>     >>> foo("bar", baz="qux", wibble="wobble")
>     bar: bar
>     kwargs: {'baz': 'qux', 'wibble': 'wobble'}
> > When I try to instance
> > Astrom class by:
> > new=Astrom()
> > I receive a following error:
> Sorry, no idea about this bit, I've never used sdsspy. est of luck sorting
> this
> out.
> Chris
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From zoyatvkl at  Wed Aug 14 20:10:57 2013
From: zoyatvkl at (Zoya Tavakkoli)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:10:57 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Color segmentation -Open cv
Message-ID: <>

Hi every one , could you please give me suggestion and code for color
segmentation via opencv on python?
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From zoyatvkl at  Thu Aug 15 15:54:32 2013
From: zoyatvkl at (Zoya Tavakkoli)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 06:54:32 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Reading a video
Message-ID: <>

How can read a video frame by frame in python?

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From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug 16 02:27:31 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 01:27:31 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Input into lists?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kujrlb$mra$>

On 13/08/13 16:46, leam hall wrote:
> I'm trying to take input from a file (CSV spreadsheet) and use the first
> line inputs (header) as the names of lists. So far I'm not successful.   :)

Have you tried the csv module?

Usually you use a dictionary keyed by the first line values though.
But i#'m sure you could tweak it to generate separate lists if thats 
really what you need.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From davea at  Fri Aug 16 02:28:47 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 00:28:47 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Input into lists?
References: <>
Message-ID: <kujrnt$o7b$>

leam hall wrote:

> I'm trying to take input from a file (CSV spreadsheet) and use the first
> line inputs (header) as the names of lists. So far I'm not successful.   :)
> How do I take line_list[0], the result of "line.split(',')" and use it as
> the name of a list? Does that make sense?

No, it doesn't make sense.  You're trying to define a variable that has
a name determined not by your source, but by a name in line 0 of the csv
file.  How then are you going to use that variable?

There are two possibilities:  Either you actually know those names and
are using them in your code, or the names won't be known till runtime.

If the latter, then make a dictionary of lists,

mydict = {}
for item in line_list:
    mydict[item] = []

and then populate those lists from each line of the file.

Now, if you're sure you know what the names are to be, then:

names = mydict["name"]
addresses = mydict["address"]

or whatever.


From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug 16 02:30:34 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 01:30:34 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kujrr3$p4a$>

On 13/08/13 23:38, Jake Wohldmann wrote:
> Hello I am a beginner to using any type of script.  How long does it
> take to become fluent at a script?

It depends on what you mean by Fluent.

I've spent 40+ years programming and am still learning.
OTOH I can usually learn enough about a new language to
start using it in a day.

Its like learning a musical instrument. You can bang
out a few chords and play a recognizable melody pretty
quickly. To be a maestro takes a lifetime.

Learn the basics then pick a project and go for it.
The more hands on you can get the better.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From leamhall at  Fri Aug 16 02:37:12 2013
From: leamhall at (Leam Hall)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 20:37:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python
In-Reply-To: <kujrr3$p4a$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Python is one of the easier languages to read. Look at Alan's signature 
for a website that will help you learn it.


On 08/15/2013 08:30 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 13/08/13 23:38, Jake Wohldmann wrote:
>> Hello I am a beginner to using any type of script.  How long does it
>> take to become fluent at a script?
> It depends on what you mean by Fluent.
> I've spent 40+ years programming and am still learning.
> OTOH I can usually learn enough about a new language to
> start using it in a day.
> Its like learning a musical instrument. You can bang
> out a few chords and play a recognizable melody pretty
> quickly. To be a maestro takes a lifetime.
> Learn the basics then pick a project and go for it.
> The more hands on you can get the better.


From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug 16 02:35:01 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 01:35:01 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Reading a video
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kujs3e$r56$>

On 15/08/13 14:54, Zoya Tavakkoli wrote:

> How can read a video frame by frame in python?

I'm not aware of anything that does it out of the
box in the standard library(*) so you will likely need
to use Google (or another equivalent) to find a
third party module.

But you will need to be much more specific.
There are a lot of video formats out there.
Which ones do you want to process?

But I'm always being surprised by what is in there!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From davea at  Fri Aug 16 02:53:07 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 00:53:07 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <kujt5h$6pr$>

Jake Wohldmann wrote:

> Hello I am a beginner to using any type of script.  How long does it take
> to become fluent at a script?  I will only be able to practice python on
> weekends since school is starting.  I was also wondering if I could use
> python on my android phone.
> <p dir="ltr">Hello I am a beginner to using any type of script.? How long does it take to become fluent at a script?? I will only be able to practice python on weekends since school is starting.? I was also wondering if I could use python on my android phone. </p>

Please leave off the html part of your messages.  Tell your email
program to post text messages, not html.

We cannot tell how long a particular person might take to really learn
Python, when he has no previous experience in programming. It could be
weeks of full time work, or it could be years.

When I first studied a programming language it was at least 6 months,
and probably 8 before I first got access to a computer.  And that
language wasn't available, so I had to learn a second.  Neither of those
was as easy as Python, which didn't come till decades later.

Python was approximately the 35th language I've used at various jobs.

There are apparently ways to get Python on Android, but I have no
experience with it.


From steve at  Fri Aug 16 04:23:52 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 12:23:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14/08/13 08:38, Jake Wohldmann wrote:
> Hello I am a beginner to using any type of script.  How long does it take
> to become fluent at a script?

How long is a piece of string?

The answer could be anything from "a couple of hours" to "forever". It depends on:

- what scripting language are you using? (presumably Python)

- how smart and focused are you?

- how much effort and work are you willing and able to put it?

- can you practice regularly, before you forget your last practice session?

- do you have a natural inclination to programming?

- have you ever programmed before?

- what other programming languages do you know?

- what level of knowledge do you consider "fluent"?

If you're an intelligent, expert programmer with lots of experience in other languages, you could learn the basics of Python in a few minutes, and become fluent in hours. (Fluent, however, is not "expert".) If you can barely spell "PC" and spend all your time messing about on Youtube and Facebook, you'll never become fluent.

Given that we don't know the answer to any of those questions except the first, the only honest answer is, it will take as long as it takes. But as an extremely rough rule of thumb, for the average person who has never programmed before but has an inclination towards programming, it probably takes about 1-200 hours of focused practice in a programming language to:

- learn the syntax and functionality of the base language and built-in types;

- become comfortable reading average code;

- learn the more common standard library functions;

- become comfortable searching the standard library for existing solutions instead of re-inventing the wheel;

- become able to write your own code following the standards and idioms common in the language;

which is what I consider moderately fluent.

>I will only be able to practice python on
> weekends since school is starting.  I was also wondering if I could use
> python on my android phone.

Yes, but not trivially. First you have to be able to install software on your phone. Have you tried googling for "python android phone"?


From francois.dion at  Fri Aug 16 05:19:13 2013
From: francois.dion at (Francois Dion)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 23:19:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 15, 2013 8:04 PM, "Jake Wohldmann" <jake.wohldmann at> wrote:
>  I was also wondering if I could use python on my android phone.


And then, there is the browser based approach. For example, see
That's using Brython and the interactive mode. Works on iPhone, iPad,
android (tested it on my nexus 7 HD)

--   -  -  @f_dion
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From steve at  Fri Aug 16 05:53:07 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 13:53:07 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Reading a video
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15/08/13 23:54, Zoya Tavakkoli wrote:
> Hi
> How can read a video frame by frame in python?

Of course! Videos are just binary files, and Python can read binary files. The hard part is writing code that understands the internal structure of a video. There are many video formats (ogv, mp4, mov, avi, flv, mpg, asf, wmv, ram, to name just a few), and the internal structure of them will be different and not always documented anywhere, which may mean you have to reverse-engineer the format.

Doing this in pure Python code will likely be slow, unless you use an optimizing compiler like PyPy.

Your best best is to look for a library that already understands video formats. If there is no pre-existing Python library, there may be a C library with a Python interface. Of you can create your own Python interface, maybe using ctypes to talk to the library.

But honestly, it's probably a huge amount of work for something that will likely be rather slow, unless you use PyPy, in which case it will just be a huge amount of work. It will be less work if you only care about one video format.

What are you hoping to do with the frames once you get them? You may be better off using an external application like mplayer or ffmpeg to extract the frames to (say) png files, and then manipulate the images from Python, perhaps using PIL or similar.


From chris at  Fri Aug 16 06:06:33 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 06:06:33 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Simple Python SNMP ping?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130816040633.GA871@gopher>

Hi Leam,

On 2013-08-14 15:21, leam hall wrote:
> Is there a way to do a simple check in Python to see if a remote host is
> listening on SNMP port 161/UDP?

"Simple" in this case could either mean technically simple (in which case, use
a socket with SOCK_DGRAM and wait for data) or implementationally simple (in
which case, use an SNMP library). I'd only recommend doing the latter.

Since UDP is stateless, you'll need to make sure that your destination replies
with something, which means you probably need to send a real SNMP request.
Since that's the case, you should really just use a real SNMP library (although
I fear that your meaning of "simple" was "not using an SNMP library", which is
really not simple at all.

net-snmp[0] can do this fairly trivially, anyway. The following works for me:

    >>> import netsnmp
    >>> var = netsnmp.Varbind('sysDescr.0')
    >>> netsnmp.snmpget(
    ...     var,
    ...     Version=2,
    ...     DestHost="localhost",
    ...     Community="pub",
    ... )



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From cybervigilante at  Fri Aug 16 10:01:38 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 01:01:38 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Reading a video
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

PyFFmpeg has stayed in minimal status where it could be used to
extract individual frames from video files and create PIL image
objects from them.

While there were several Python libraries that offer to play video
files most of them did not provide any API to extract individual
frames, and this is the reason PyFFmpeg was created.


On 15 August 2013 20:53, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On 15/08/13 23:54, Zoya Tavakkoli wrote:
>> Hi
>> How can read a video frame by frame in python?
> Of course! Videos are just binary files, and Python can read binary files.
> The hard part is writing code that understands the internal structure of a
> video. There are many video formats (ogv, mp4, mov, avi, flv, mpg, asf, wmv,
> ram, to name just a few), and the internal structure of them will be
> different and not always documented anywhere, which may mean you have to
> reverse-engineer the format.
> Doing this in pure Python code will likely be slow, unless you use an
> optimizing compiler like PyPy.
> Your best best is to look for a library that already understands video
> formats. If there is no pre-existing Python library, there may be a C
> library with a Python interface. Of you can create your own Python
> interface, maybe using ctypes to talk to the library.
> But honestly, it's probably a huge amount of work for something that will
> likely be rather slow, unless you use PyPy, in which case it will just be a
> huge amount of work. It will be less work if you only care about one video
> format.
> What are you hoping to do with the frames once you get them? You may be
> better off using an external application like mplayer or ffmpeg to extract
> the frames to (say) png files, and then manipulate the images from Python,
> perhaps using PIL or similar.
> --
> Steven
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


"If you don't know it's impossible, it's easier to do." --Neil Gaiman
"The Process is not the Picture...Reality can only be proved to be
weakly-objective. Strong objectivity is a myth." --Bernardo Kastrup
"You cannot use logic to justify logic, so logic itself has no basis
other than faith." --Agrippa

From leamhall at  Fri Aug 16 16:38:09 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 10:38:09 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Simple Python SNMP ping?
In-Reply-To: <20130816040633.GA871@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

One of the things I forgot to mention is that my host is using Python 2.4
and net-snmp 5.3; both packaged by a major North American Linux vendor.  :)

So there doesn't seem to be a native net-snmp tool set for these versions.
I'll poke around and see what else can be done.


On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 12:06 AM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:

> Hi Leam,
> On 2013-08-14 15:21, leam hall wrote:
> > Is there a way to do a simple check in Python to see if a remote host is
> > listening on SNMP port 161/UDP?
> "Simple" in this case could either mean technically simple (in which case,
> use
> a socket with SOCK_DGRAM and wait for data) or implementationally simple
> (in
> which case, use an SNMP library). I'd only recommend doing the latter.
> Since UDP is stateless, you'll need to make sure that your destination
> replies
> with something, which means you probably need to send a real SNMP request.
> Since that's the case, you should really just use a real SNMP library
> (although
> I fear that your meaning of "simple" was "not using an SNMP library",
> which is
> really not simple at all.
> net-snmp[0] can do this fairly trivially, anyway. The following works for
> me:
>     >>> import netsnmp
>     >>> var = netsnmp.Varbind('sysDescr.0')
>     >>> netsnmp.snmpget(
>     ...     var,
>     ...     Version=2,
>     ...     DestHost="localhost",
>     ...     Community="pub",
>     ... )
>     ('OpenBSD',)
> Best,
> Chris
> 0:

Mind on a Mission <>
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From leamhall at  Fri Aug 16 16:42:10 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 10:42:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Input into lists?
In-Reply-To: <kujrnt$o7b$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hey Dave, you're right. I worked through this with a for loop and set the
contents of a dict's key as the input.



On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:

> leam hall wrote:
> > I'm trying to take input from a file (CSV spreadsheet) and use the first
> > line inputs (header) as the names of lists. So far I'm not successful.
> :)
> >
> > How do I take line_list[0], the result of "line.split(',')" and use it as
> > the name of a list? Does that make sense?
> >
> No, it doesn't make sense.  You're trying to define a variable that has
> a name determined not by your source, but by a name in line 0 of the csv
> file.  How then are you going to use that variable?
> There are two possibilities:  Either you actually know those names and
> are using them in your code, or the names won't be known till runtime.
> If the latter, then make a dictionary of lists,
> mydict = {}
> for item in line_list:
>     mydict[item] = []
> and then populate those lists from each line of the file.
> Now, if you're sure you know what the names are to be, then:
> names = mydict["name"]
> addresses = mydict["address"]
> or whatever.
> --
> DaveA
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Mind on a Mission <>
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From arunkumar413 at  Sat Aug 17 17:59:53 2013
From: arunkumar413 at (Arun Kumar)
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 21:29:53 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] I need a good resource for python Django
Message-ID: <>


Can anyone suggest me a good resource for python Django. I've gone through
the official website of Django but it is of limited use to me. Any help on
this would be highly appreciated.

Arun Kumar
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From joel.goldstick at  Sat Aug 17 18:17:06 2013
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 12:17:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] I need a good resource for python Django
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Arun Kumar <arunkumar413 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone suggest me a good resource for python Django. I've gone through
> the official website of Django but it is of limited use to me. Any help on
> this would be highly appreciated.
My view is that the is a fantastic site.  So, what
is it that you need to learn about django that you haven't found?

> Regards,
> Arun Kumar
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Joel Goldstick

From hrs6 at  Sun Aug 18 07:18:53 2013
From: hrs6 at (Savla, Haem)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 00:18:53 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] I need a good resource for python Django
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am a fucking douchebag! I like beating up my girlfriend.

On Saturday, August 17, 2013, Joel Goldstick wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Arun Kumar <arunkumar413 at<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Can anyone suggest me a good resource for python Django. I've gone
> through
> > the official website of Django but it is of limited use to me. Any help
> on
> > this would be highly appreciated.
> >
> My view is that the is a fantastic site.  So, what
> is it that you need to learn about django that you haven't found?
> > Regards,
> > Arun Kumar
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at <javascript:;>
> > To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> >
> >
> --
> Joel Goldstick
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at <javascript:;>
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From meher.tanmay3 at  Sat Aug 17 19:02:32 2013
From: meher.tanmay3 at (Tanmaya Meher)
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 22:32:32 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] I need a good resource for python Django
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

hey Arun !
U can check the below sites:

1. (u will get lots of tuts
and examples to do)

2. (Teaches by examples, A very good tut)

3. (complete video tuts from
django developer)

4. (good site, teaches u a bit slowly
but through different kind of examples)

5. (This one is also a good

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 9:47 PM, Joel Goldstick <joel.goldstick at>wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Arun Kumar <arunkumar413 at>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Can anyone suggest me a good resource for python Django. I've gone
> through
> > the official website of Django but it is of limited use to me. Any help
> on
> > this would be highly appreciated.
> >
> My view is that the is a fantastic site.  So, what
> is it that you need to learn about django that you haven't found?
> > Regards,
> > Arun Kumar
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> > To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> >
> >
> --
> Joel Goldstick
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Tanmaya Meher
School of Computaional and Integrative Sciences,
New Delhi -110067*
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From jake.wohldmann at  Fri Aug 16 03:34:27 2013
From: jake.wohldmann at (Jake Wohldmann)
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 20:34:27 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] Python
Message-ID: <>

Hello I am a beginner to using any type of programming lanhuage  How long
does it take to become fluent at a script? Do you know and good sites to
learn python?  I will only be able to practice python on weekends since
school is starting.  I was also wondering if I could use python on my
android phone.
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From wayne at  Sun Aug 18 19:10:34 2013
From: wayne at (Wayne Werner)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 12:10:34 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Tutor] Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.02.1308181205460.2301@gilgamesh>

On Thu, 15 Aug 2013, Jake Wohldmann wrote:

> Hello I am a beginner to using any type of programming lanhuage? How long
> does it take to become fluent at a script? Do you know and good sites to
> learn python?? I will only be able to practice python on weekends since
> school is starting.? I was also wondering if I could use python on my
> android phone.

The official python tutorial is pretty handy -

Also if you can install 3rd party APKs, search for the SL4a (Scripting 
Layer for Android). You can install Python3 (recommended - the future of 
Python), or Python2.7 (current version).

Not all 3rd party modules are available for Python3, but most 3rd party modules
aren't available on Android anyway so you wouldn't be missing out too much.


From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 19 00:36:33 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 23:36:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kuri99$b3j$>

On 16/08/13 02:34, Jake Wohldmann wrote:
> Hello I am a beginner to using any type of programming lanhuage  How
> long does it take to become fluent at a script? Do you know and good
> sites to learn python?  I will only be able to practice python on
> weekends since school is starting.  I was also wondering if I could use
> python on my android phone.

You asked an almost identical question 3 days ago.
Did you read the answers you received then? They should cover all that 
you have asked. If you have more specific questions then feel free to 
ask them.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From shanmukhateja at  Sun Aug 18 12:40:14 2013
From: shanmukhateja at (shanmukhateja at
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 10:40:14 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] =?utf-8?q?http=2Eserver_--_stuck_at_binding_=5Bwindows8?=
Message-ID: <>

           I am developing a simple http media streamer with the help of simple http server of http.server and I have a problem in binding the server. I get the ?the address is not valid in it?s content error? and I KNOW that it can be solved by socket.INADDR_ANY but the problem is my router has assigned me 192.168.1.*** and my ISP has given me a ip like 119.*.*.* which is causing the problem.. I find this 119.*.*.* IP nowhere in ipconfig [neither with the /all flag]

How can I solve this puzzle???

Kindly help me out
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From zoyatvkl at  Sun Aug 18 19:18:06 2013
From: zoyatvkl at (Zoya Tavakkoli)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 10:18:06 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Error :SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop
Message-ID: <>

Hi everyone

I write this code for color segmentation ,but after Run I recived this

SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop

I could not resolve that ,could you please help me?


import cv2
import numpy as np

cap = cv2.VideoCapture("C:\Users\Zohreh\Desktop\Abdomen.MST")

while (1):
 _, frame =
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

lower_blue = np.array([110,50,50])
upper_blue = np.array([130,255,255])

mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue)
res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame,frame, mask= mask)


k = cv2.waitkey(5) & 0xFF
if k == 27:


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From chris at  Mon Aug 19 10:55:31 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 10:55:31 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Error :SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130819085530.GA717@gopher>

On 2013-08-18 10:18, Zoya Tavakkoli wrote:
> if k == 27:
>  break

Well, you're not in a function here, so break doesn't make any sense. What is
it that you want to do?
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From chris at  Mon Aug 19 10:55:55 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 10:55:55 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Error :SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop
In-Reply-To: <20130819085530.GA717@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130819085555.GB717@gopher>

On 2013-08-19 10:55, Chris Down wrote:
> On 2013-08-18 10:18, Zoya Tavakkoli wrote:
> > if k == 27:
> >
> >  break
> Well, you're not in a function here, so break doesn't make any sense. What is
> it that you want to do?

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From chris at  Mon Aug 19 12:05:57 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 12:05:57 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] http.server -- stuck at binding [windows8]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130819100556.GC717@gopher>


On 2013-08-18 10:40, shanmukhateja at wrote:
> I am developing a simple http media streamer with the help of simple http
> server of http.server and I have a problem in binding the server. I get the
> ?the address is not valid in it?s content error? and I KNOW that it can be
> solved by socket.INADDR_ANY but the problem is my router has assigned me
> 192.168.1.*** and my ISP has given me a ip like 119.*.*.* which is causing
> the problem.. I find this 119.*.*.* IP nowhere in ipconfig [neither with the
> /all flag]

Your problem is that your computer is behind a NAT provided by your router.
Essentially, to provide access to multiple devices on your network while still
only using a single external IP address, your router uses network(s) that are
private to your LAN and then attempts to map calls from the outside to IPs on
the inside.

The usual way to handle it would be to bind to your local WAN-facing interface
and then port forward on your router, however this is off-topic for this list.
This is fairly facile though, if you google for "port forward" and your router
model, you should find instructions on how to do so.


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From steve at  Mon Aug 19 12:48:54 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 20:48:54 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Error :SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130819104854.GA9487@ando>

Hello Zoya, and welcome!

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 10:18:06AM -0700, Zoya Tavakkoli wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I write this code for color segmentation ,but after Run I recived this
> error:
> SyntaxError: 'break' outside loop
> I could not resolve that ,could you please help me?

Is the error message not clear enough? You have a 'break' command 
outside of a loop. If the error message is not clear enough, please 
suggest something that would be more clear. Also, you should read the 
entire traceback, which will show you not just the error, but the exact 
line causing the problem.

For example, these two are legal:

# Legal
while x > 100:
    if y == 0:

# Also legal
for i in range(1000):
    if x > 20:

But not this:

# Not legal
if x > 20:

You can't break out of a loop, if you aren't inside a loop to begin 

> while (1):
>  _, frame =

You have a while loop with only one line. It loops forever, and never 
exits. Are you sure that's what you want?

By the way, it is much, much, much easier to see indentation when you 
make it four spaces or eight. Good programmer's editors let you set 
indentation to four or eight spaces. Even Notepad, which is *not* a 
programmer's editor, lets you hit the Tab key and indent. 

> hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

Because this line is not indented, it is not inside the loop.

> if k == 27:
>  break

Again, because the "if" line is not indented, it is outside the loop, 
and so the break is illegal.


From kwpolska at  Mon Aug 19 12:58:06 2013
From: kwpolska at (=?UTF-8?B?Q2hyaXMg4oCcS3dwb2xza2HigJ0gV2Fycmljaw==?=)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 12:58:06 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd:  http.server -- stuck at binding [windows8]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

gaah, forgot to reply-all.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris ?Kwpolska? Warrick <kwpolska at>
Date: Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] http.server -- stuck at binding [windows8]
To: shanmukhateja at

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 12:40 PM,  <shanmukhateja at> wrote:
> Hello,
>            I am developing a simple http media streamer with the help of
> simple http server of http.server and I have a problem in binding the
> server. I get the ?the address is not valid in it?s content error? and I
> KNOW that it can be solved by socket.INADDR_ANY but the problem is my router
> has assigned me 192.168.1.*** and my ISP has given me a ip like 119.*.*.*
> which is causing the problem.. I find this 119.*.*.* IP nowhere in ipconfig
> [neither with the /all flag]
> How can I solve this puzzle???
> Kindly help me out
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

192.168.1.* belongs to one of the three private IP ranges, it is not
accessible outside of your network.  If you want to stream outside of
your home network, you must set up port forwarding.

1. Configure a static IP address for your computer (in the properties
of your NIC, Google ?Windows 8 static IP address? for more info). You
can use any of the 17.8 million available private addresses, but you
are better off by using whatever your router gave you + 10 (a safe
margin to ensure DHCP won?t give the address to someone else; e.g. turns into
2. Log into your router and configure port forwarding.  Where you can
conifigure this depends on your router.  Once again, Google should be
of help in this case.

Chris ?Kwpolska? Warrick <>
stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense

From russel at  Mon Aug 19 20:41:33 2013
From: russel at (Russel Winder)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:41:33 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] I need a good resource for python Django
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 2013-08-17 at 21:29 +0530, Arun Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone suggest me a good resource for python Django. I've gone through
> the official website of Django but it is of limited use to me. Any help on
> this would be highly appreciated.

You have given no indication as to why you consider the website not to
have given you what you need so we have no information to try and direct
you to useful material.

Others have provided so URL of other material, but, for me, the best
"Let's Learn Django" website has to be Harry Percival's Test-Driven
Django Tutorial, it emphasizes TDD and tests where the Django site
rarely mentions them in the introductory material (a gross oversight).

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.winder at
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: russel at
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder
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From engg at  Mon Aug 19 15:16:07 2013
From: engg at (Engineering)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 18:46:07 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] . http.server -- stuck at binding [windows8]
Message-ID: <000201ce9cde$492d2050$db8760f0$@in>

Since you are behind a router , ipconfig will only show the address of your
machine which has been given by the router. Ipconfig cannot see beyond the

If you work within your own LAN , the IP address of your machine is
sufficient for the socket. 

If you want to access from outside , there should be port forwarding enabled
on your router.


One of my personal interest . I have done an HTTP server on Python using
twisted and autobahn to control my arduino micro controller. But , I want to
stream media using it for my OpenCV to access it. 


How are you streaming  videos?









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From leamhall at  Tue Aug 20 02:02:25 2013
From: leamhall at (Leam Hall)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 20:02:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
Message-ID: <>

Hey all,

In case I'm not the absolute last person to know, the newest edition of 
the Coursera "Learn to Program" course started today. It is Python 
based, free, lasts 7 weeks, and pretty fun. I didn't get a certificate 
last time as life got in the way. Hope to succeed this time.



From leamhall at  Tue Aug 20 02:18:06 2013
From: leamhall at (Leam Hall)
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 20:18:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
Message-ID: <>


Am I more confused than normal or if I click "Reply" should it go just 
to the sender instead of the list?



From steve at  Tue Aug 20 03:43:26 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 11:43:26 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 20/08/13 10:18, Leam Hall wrote:
> All,
> Am I more confused than normal or if I click "Reply" should it go just to the sender instead of the list?

Ah, the perennial argument about From address munging! Google for "From address munging considered helpful" and "From address munging considered harmful" for more information.

In a nutshell, when you send an email to a mailing list, some mailing lists leave the From address to your email address, while others edit the From address to be the mailing list itself. This mailing list performs no munging, so on this list:

Reply -> sender only
Reply All -> sender, and the list CCed
Reply To List (if your email program supports this command) -> list only


From barliant at  Tue Aug 20 08:13:07 2013
From: barliant at (Anung Ariwibowo)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 13:13:07 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This should go to the list

Let's discuss our progress then, if it is allowed by list rules. I was
just retake the course as well.


On 8/20/13, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:
> Hey all,
> In case I'm not the absolute last person to know, the newest edition of
> the Coursera "Learn to Program" course started today. It is Python
> based, free, lasts 7 weeks, and pretty fun. I didn't get a certificate
> last time as life got in the way. Hope to succeed this time.
> Leam
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From barliant at  Tue Aug 20 08:14:24 2013
From: barliant at (Anung Ariwibowo)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 13:14:24 +0700
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Just started today before catching bus to work. I will start this evening.


On 8/20/13, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:
> A little cooperation is motivating. I have finished up Week 1 but I was
> a few minutes late for work this morning!  :)
> You?
> Leam
> On 08/19/2013 08:12 PM, barliant at wrote:
>> Let's discuss our progress then, if it is allowed by list rules. I was
>> just retake the course as well.
>> Regards,
>> Anung
>> Sent from my BlackBerry? smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
>> Teruuusss...!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Leam Hall <leamhall at>
>> Sender: "Tutor" < at>Date: Mon, 19
>> Aug 2013 20:02:25
>> To: <tutor at>
>> Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
>> Hey all,
>> In case I'm not the absolute last person to know, the newest edition of
>> the Coursera "Learn to Program" course started today. It is Python
>> based, free, lasts 7 weeks, and pretty fun. I didn't get a certificate
>> last time as life got in the way. Hope to succeed this time.
>> Leam
> --

From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 20 10:13:12 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 09:13:12 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kuv8eh$915$>

On 20/08/13 01:18, Leam Hall wrote:

> Am I more confused than normal or if I click "Reply" should it go just
> to the sender instead of the list?

Reply replies to the sender.

Reply All replies to the whole list

Some mail tools also have a Reply List feature which
also replies to the list.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From petluke at  Tue Aug 20 10:31:37 2013
From: petluke at (Luke Pettit)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:31:37 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Is a G+ community for that very course feel free to join

On 20 August 2013 16:14, Anung Ariwibowo <barliant at> wrote:

> Just started today before catching bus to work. I will start this evening.
> Regards,
> Anung
> On 8/20/13, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:
> > A little cooperation is motivating. I have finished up Week 1 but I was
> > a few minutes late for work this morning!  :)
> >
> > You?
> >
> > Leam
> >
> > On 08/19/2013 08:12 PM, barliant at wrote:
> >> Let's discuss our progress then, if it is allowed by list rules. I was
> >> just retake the course as well.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Anung
> >>
> >> Sent from my BlackBerry? smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
> >> Teruuusss...!
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Leam Hall <leamhall at>
> >> Sender: "Tutor" < at>Date:
> Mon, 19
> >> Aug 2013 20:02:25
> >> To: <tutor at>
> >> Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
> >>
> >> Hey all,
> >>
> >> In case I'm not the absolute last person to know, the newest edition of
> >> the Coursera "Learn to Program" course started today. It is Python
> >> based, free, lasts 7 weeks, and pretty fun. I didn't get a certificate
> >> last time as life got in the way. Hope to succeed this time.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Leam
> >>
> > --
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Luke Pettit ,,, ^..^,,,
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From shanmukhateja at  Tue Aug 20 07:00:56 2013
From: shanmukhateja at (Shanmukha Surya Teja)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 10:30:56 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] . http.server -- stuck at binding [windows8]
In-Reply-To: <000201ce9cde$492d2050$db8760f0$@in>
References: <000201ce9cde$492d2050$db8760f0$@in>
Message-ID: <>

Actually I am using the Simple HTTP Server class to implement it but
instead of redirecting to a html file, I am redirecting it to a media file

use google my friend...if ur still unable to do it, I'll post the code as a
reply to that message

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Engineering <engg at>wrote:

> Since you are behind a router , ipconfig will only show the address of
> your machine which has been given by the router. Ipconfig cannot see beyond
> the  router. ****
> If you work within your own LAN , the IP address of your machine is
> sufficient for the socket. ****
> If you want to access from outside , there should be port forwarding
> enabled on your router.****
> ** **
> One of my personal interest . I have done an HTTP server on Python using
> twisted and autobahn to control my arduino micro controller. But , I want
> to stream media using it for my OpenCV to access it. ****
> ** **
> How are you streaming  videos?****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> **
> * *
> * *
> ** **

Surya Teja
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From zubair.alam.jmi at  Tue Aug 20 08:15:50 2013
From: zubair.alam.jmi at (zubair alam)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 11:45:50 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

i signed up for the course...lets see how much i gain from this.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Anung Ariwibowo <barliant at>wrote:

> This should go to the list
> Let's discuss our progress then, if it is allowed by list rules. I was
> just retake the course as well.
> Regards,
> Anung
> On 8/20/13, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > In case I'm not the absolute last person to know, the newest edition of
> > the Coursera "Learn to Program" course started today. It is Python
> > based, free, lasts 7 weeks, and pretty fun. I didn't get a certificate
> > last time as life got in the way. Hope to succeed this time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Leam
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> > To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From zubair.alam.jmi at  Tue Aug 20 08:17:53 2013
From: zubair.alam.jmi at (zubair alam)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 11:47:53 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

@anung..have you started this course?

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Anung Ariwibowo <barliant at>wrote:

> Just started today before catching bus to work. I will start this evening.
> Regards,
> Anung
> On 8/20/13, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:
> > A little cooperation is motivating. I have finished up Week 1 but I was
> > a few minutes late for work this morning!  :)
> >
> > You?
> >
> > Leam
> >
> > On 08/19/2013 08:12 PM, barliant at wrote:
> >> Let's discuss our progress then, if it is allowed by list rules. I was
> >> just retake the course as well.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Anung
> >>
> >> Sent from my BlackBerry? smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
> >> Teruuusss...!
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Leam Hall <leamhall at>
> >> Sender: "Tutor" < at>Date:
> Mon, 19
> >> Aug 2013 20:02:25
> >> To: <tutor at>
> >> Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
> >>
> >> Hey all,
> >>
> >> In case I'm not the absolute last person to know, the newest edition of
> >> the Coursera "Learn to Program" course started today. It is Python
> >> based, free, lasts 7 weeks, and pretty fun. I didn't get a certificate
> >> last time as life got in the way. Hope to succeed this time.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Leam
> >>
> > --
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From amckenzie4 at  Tue Aug 20 14:15:39 2013
From: amckenzie4 at (Andy McKenzie)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:15:39 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:

> All,
> Am I more confused than normal or if I click "Reply" should it go just to
> the sender instead of the list?

Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the list
that sent the message and should be receiving the reply.  I've never
understood it, even after reading the arguments in favor.

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From FowlerTM at  Tue Aug 20 15:22:57 2013
From: FowlerTM at (Fowler, Trent)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:22:57 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] python tutoring
Message-ID: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>


Not long ago I came across the website of a professional programmer offering python tutoring services:

I have attempted to contact him because I am interested but I've been unable to get in touch.  I was wondering if anyone knew of people offering similar services.  I am a self-starter and highly motivated, but I live in a small town in South Korea and I don't have any friends who program.  Since I also don't have a computer science background and python is my first language, I really need someone who can help me with the beginning stages.  Often times when I run into a problem not only do I not know how to solve it, I don't even know how to ask the questions that will help someone else solve it.  

I don't want to be spoon-fed, just gently nudged and guided.  I'm on a budget but I'd be willing to pay for a good teacher.  Preliminary googling has turned up precious little, so I thought someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.  



From nielsen.jared at  Tue Aug 20 16:34:37 2013
From: nielsen.jared at (Jared Nielsen)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 07:34:37 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] I need a good resource for python Django
Message-ID: <>

> Hi,
> Can anyone suggest me a good resource for python Django. I've gone through
> the official website of Django but it is of limited use to me. Any help on
> this would be highly appreciated.

I recommend Mike Hibbert's YouTube series on Django.

It's the most comprehensive and easy to follow tutorial I've found.

Otherwise go to the Google django-users group and search. Someone asks this
question everyday.

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From ramit.prasad at  Tue Aug 20 16:52:21 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 14:52:21 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] python tutoring
In-Reply-To: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
References: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
Message-ID: <>

Fowler, Trent wrote:
> Hello,
> Not long ago I came across the website of a professional programmer offering python tutoring services:
> I have attempted to contact him because I am interested but I've been unable to get in touch.  I was
> wondering if anyone knew of people offering similar services.  I am a self-starter and highly
> motivated, but I live in a small town in South Korea and I don't have any friends who program.  Since
> I also don't have a computer science background and python is my first language, I really need someone
> who can help me with the beginning stages.  Often times when I run into a problem not only do I not
> know how to solve it, I don't even know how to ask the questions that will help someone else solve it.
> I don't want to be spoon-fed, just gently nudged and guided.  I'm on a budget but I'd be willing to
> pay for a good teacher.  Preliminary googling has turned up precious little, so I thought someone here
> might be able to point me in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> -Trent.

Why not just post your questions on here? I mean, that *is* the purpose
of this list. There are some very excellent tutors on here which has 
the advantage of not being limited to only one tutor's level of experience. 
Not to mention it is free. :)

I would recommend reading, 
posting in plain text and bottom or in-line posting. 

In general, try and reduce the amount of code to the smallest example you can.
Provide Python version, operating system, code, input, expected output, 
actual output, and any exceptions with full trace (copy and paste the full 
message, not paraphrasing or retyping).


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Tue Aug 20 17:56:51 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 16:56:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 20 August 2013 13:15, Andy McKenzie <amckenzie4 at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:
>> Am I more confused than normal or if I click "Reply" should it go just to
>> the sender instead of the list?
> Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the list
> that sent the message and should be receiving the reply.  I've never
> understood it, even after reading the arguments in favor.

I've never understood it either. The reasoning seems to be that a
special List-Post email field was added for this purpose and so all
the email clients should get fixed to have a reply-list button that
sends your reply to that address. It's been almost 10 years since RFC
4021 described this idea (or is it even older?) during which time the
number of email clients in use has exploded and AFAIK very few of them
have the reply-list feature.

Some time ago I suggested reply-to munging for this very list but
there wasn't a great deal of enthusiasm for the idea.


From wprins at  Tue Aug 20 18:25:03 2013
From: wprins at (Walter Prins)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 17:25:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] python tutoring
In-Reply-To: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
References: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
Message-ID: <>


On 20 August 2013 14:22, Fowler, Trent <FowlerTM at> wrote:

> I am a self-starter and highly motivated, but I live in a small town in
> South Korea and I don't have any friends who program.  Since I also don't
> have a computer science background and python is my first language, I
> really need someone who can help me with the beginning stages.  Often times
> when I run into a problem not only do I not know how to solve it, I don't
> even know how to ask the questions that will help someone else solve it.

Want to echo Ramit's sentiments.  While the people here are volunteers and
do not take kindly to having their time wasted by obvious laziness or lack
of effort from the side of questioners, we do like helping and teaching
others Python, and also like seeing and learning from others' questions.
 Even basic questions can sometimes spark pretty interesting discussions
that is beneficial to the wider readership and not just the original poster.

As far as picking up Python: There's a lot of video tutorials on the web,
including a lot of decent stuff on  Some of it's not free and
requires membership (with the free set growing and being pretty substantial
in any case.)  Either way the $29 annual price is hopefully cheap enough to
not be an obstacle should you choose to want to see the non-free stuff:

Good luck,

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From leamhall at  Tue Aug 20 18:23:18 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 12:23:18 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] python tutoring
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
Message-ID: <>


You can do well with Alan's on-line pages ( and just ask questions here.
The biggest thing is to pick a big enough but not too big project. Using
Python as your first programming language will spoil you, though, it's a
great language and covers a lot of options.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Prasad, Ramit <
ramit.prasad at> wrote:

> Fowler, Trent wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Not long ago I came across the website of a professional programmer
> offering python tutoring services:
> >
> >
> >
> > I have attempted to contact him because I am interested but I've been
> unable to get in touch.  I was
> > wondering if anyone knew of people offering similar services.  I am a
> self-starter and highly
> > motivated, but I live in a small town in South Korea and I don't have
> any friends who program.  Since
> > I also don't have a computer science background and python is my first
> language, I really need someone
> > who can help me with the beginning stages.  Often times when I run into
> a problem not only do I not
> > know how to solve it, I don't even know how to ask the questions that
> will help someone else solve it.
> >
> > I don't want to be spoon-fed, just gently nudged and guided.  I'm on a
> budget but I'd be willing to
> > pay for a good teacher.  Preliminary googling has turned up precious
> little, so I thought someone here
> > might be able to point me in the right direction.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -Trent.
> Why not just post your questions on here? I mean, that *is* the purpose
> of this list. There are some very excellent tutors on here which has
> the advantage of not being limited to only one tutor's level of experience.
> Not to mention it is free. :)
> I would recommend reading
> posting in plain text and bottom or in-line posting.
> In general, try and reduce the amount of code to the smallest example you
> can.
> Provide Python version, operating system, code, input, expected output,
> actual output, and any exceptions with full trace (copy and paste the full
> message, not paraphrasing or retyping).
> Ramit
> This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
> conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities,
> accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal
> privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Mind on a Mission <>
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From bessenkphilip at  Tue Aug 20 19:20:40 2013
From: bessenkphilip at (bessenkphilip)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:50:40 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you. need to check out. Me too completed first 2 weeks but haven't 
completed the full course.

On 08/20/2013 05:32 AM, Leam Hall wrote:
> Hey all,
> In case I'm not the absolute last person to know, the newest edition 
> of the Coursera "Learn to Program" course started today. It is Python 
> based, free, lasts 7 weeks, and pretty fun. I didn't get a certificate 
> last time as life got in the way. Hope to succeed this time.
> Leam

From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 20 20:53:43 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 19:53:43 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv0dvf$mn8$>

On 20/08/13 13:15, Andy McKenzie wrote:

> Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the list
> that sent the message

Lists never send messages. People do.

So reply goes to the *person* who sent the message.
Which is what mail always does, to modify it for mail
forwarded by a list server makes no sense whatsoever.
And it breaks the ability to send to the originator.

IMHO of course :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From vick1975 at  Tue Aug 20 14:49:06 2013
From: vick1975 at (Vick)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 16:49:06 +0400
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
 <000701ce9771$187e6bc0$497b4340$> <CAHVvXx>
Message-ID: <000601ce9da3$a7e1b460$f7a51d20$>

-----Original Message-----
From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at] 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 August, 2013 01:01

> Well just send me some tutorial on how to build and obtain the 
> coefficients for the butcher tableau for the RK4 as an example, and 
> after I've mastered it, I'd give the dopri8 a shot.

I am up for it so I'll see if I can find time to write a script that shows
how to do it.

[Vick] Hope you've had the time to code it. I'm waiting for it.

By the way your code for the Adams-Moulton coefficients are actually the
Adams-Bashforth ones and so I copied it and modified the copy to have the
Adams-Moulton coefficients as well. This means that I have now an nth-order
predictor-corrector method to solve for ODEs.


From tanjyunda at  Tue Aug 20 11:20:23 2013
From: tanjyunda at (sikonai sikonai)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 17:20:23 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] is the the two style of writting the same?
Message-ID: <>

>>> list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
>>> list[9:0:-2]
[9, 7, 5, 3]
>>> list[10:0:-2]
[9, 7, 5, 3]

I want to know whether they have some difference.
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From tanjyunda at  Tue Aug 20 13:50:47 2013
From: tanjyunda at (tan Sikonai)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 19:50:47 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] I have download python 3.3,
 then I click the link of Module Docs, but nothing appears
Message-ID: <>

where is the docs
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From tanjyunda at  Tue Aug 20 13:51:34 2013
From: tanjyunda at (tan Sikonai)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 19:51:34 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] is the the two style of writting the same?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


2013/8/20 sikonai sikonai <tanjyunda at>

> >>> list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
> >>> list[9:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> >>> list[10:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> I want to know whether they have some difference.
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From kwpolska at  Tue Aug 20 21:00:01 2013
From: kwpolska at (=?UTF-8?B?Q2hyaXMg4oCcS3dwb2xza2HigJ0gV2Fycmljaw==?=)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:00:01 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <kv0dvf$mn8$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 20/08/13 13:15, Andy McKenzie wrote:
>> Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the list
>> that sent the message
> Lists never send messages. People do.
> So reply goes to the *person* who sent the message.
> Which is what mail always does, to modify it for mail
> forwarded by a list server makes no sense whatsoever.
> And it breaks the ability to send to the originator.

The From: field still contains an e-mail address of a human.  Just
copy-paste it into the To: field of your reply.

And replying to the human instead of the list is almost never what you want.

Chris ?Kwpolska? Warrick <>
stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense

From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 20 20:57:20 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 19:57:20 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] python tutoring
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
Message-ID: <kv0e68$mn8$>

On 20/08/13 17:23, leam hall wrote:

> You can do well with Alan's on-line pages
> (

but don't use that site, its prehistoric but locked
so that I can't redirect it. See my sig instead....

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From amckenzie4 at  Tue Aug 20 21:00:04 2013
From: amckenzie4 at (Andy McKenzie)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:00:04 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <kv0dvf$mn8$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>wrote:

> On 20/08/13 13:15, Andy McKenzie wrote:
>  Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the list
>> that sent the message
> Lists never send messages. People do.
> So reply goes to the *person* who sent the message.
> Which is what mail always does, to modify it for mail
> forwarded by a list server makes no sense whatsoever.
> And it breaks the ability to send to the originator.
> IMHO of course :-)

The problem is, as far as I'm concerned the message came from the list.
Needing to go to the dropdown and select "Reply to all" is just one extra
movement, and it's one I have to make every single time I reply.  In all
honesty, I can't think of a single time that I've wanted to reply to just
the original sender:  that's the point of a mailing list, to have
conversations on it.  I've occasionally been prompted to remember that I
wanted to ask an individual something specific off-list, but it's never
been a direct response to what was posted ON the list.

As to the ability to send to the originator:  I've been on a lot of lists
where the address was munged.  They all included the original sender's
email address in the body, so if I really wanted to send to them, I could.
And the rest of the time (basically always) I didn't have to think about it.

It's basically a practicality thing for me.  On a list where the vast
majority of replies went to the original sender, I'd agree with you.  For
something like this, it's just making me do extra work without providing me
with an extra benefit.

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From leamhall at  Tue Aug 20 21:09:31 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:09:31 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Replying to the human, vice the list, is about 99% never what I want. With
a 1% margin of error.  :)


On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Chris ?Kwpolska? Warrick <
kwpolska at> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> wrote:
> > On 20/08/13 13:15, Andy McKenzie wrote:
> >
> >> Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the list
> >> that sent the message
> >
> >
> > Lists never send messages. People do.
> >
> > So reply goes to the *person* who sent the message.
> > Which is what mail always does, to modify it for mail
> > forwarded by a list server makes no sense whatsoever.
> > And it breaks the ability to send to the originator.
> The From: field still contains an e-mail address of a human.  Just
> copy-paste it into the To: field of your reply.
> And replying to the human instead of the list is almost never what you
> want.
> --
> Chris ?Kwpolska? Warrick <>
> stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Mind on a Mission <>
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From malaclypse2 at  Tue Aug 20 21:09:36 2013
From: malaclypse2 at (Jerry Hill)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:09:36 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] I have download python 3.3,
 then I click the link of Module Docs, but nothing appears
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You don't give much context for your question, so I'm going to guess.
You installed Python 3.3 on windows, and it installed some links in
your start menu.  One of those links is titled "Module Docs", and
clicking on it doesn't do anything.  Is that right?

That seems to be the case for me too, though I'd never clicked on that
link until just now.  I'm not sure what that's supposed to be a
shortcut for.

If you're looking for the Python documentation though, you want the
shortcut titled "Python Manuals".  That will give you a windows help
file with all of the python documentation bundled up in there.  If you
don't care for that format, all of the same information is available
from as well.


From charlesleguen at  Tue Aug 20 21:16:19 2013
From: charlesleguen at (charles le guen)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:16:19 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] using python with photoshop
Message-ID: <>


I'm running Windows 7 64 bit and I want to manipulate psd photoshop files
using python.

Google searches led me to a few cool
I need to use
comtypes <> but that looks
like dated technology. for someone working in 64bit windows 7...

Can anyone tell me the best way to manipulate photoshop with python?  Is
the comtypes approach truly the best?

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From wprins at  Tue Aug 20 21:31:11 2013
From: wprins at (Walter Prins)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:31:11 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] is the the two style of writting the same?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On 20 August 2013 10:20, sikonai sikonai <tanjyunda at> wrote:

> >>> list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
> >>> list[9:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> >>> list[10:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> I want to know whether they have some difference.

For the specific list you show, the 2 expressions yield the same result.
 However this does not mean that this is true of any list.  The reason the
2 expressions return the same result is because the starting index for the
slice operation is effectively capped at 9, due to the list containing only
9 elements, so hence any value above 9 in the first slice parameter is
essentially reset/capped to 9.  For longer lists of course this is not true
so the results are different.  Play around with some longer/other examples
to see this:

Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]  #note the extra elements as compared to
your example
>>> l[9:0]
>>> l[9:0:-2]
[10, 8, 6, 4, 2]
>>> l[10:0:-2]
[11, 9, 7, 5, 3]
>>> l[12:0:-2]
[11, 9, 7, 5, 3]
>>> l[20:0:-2]
[11, 9, 7, 5, 3]

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From brian.van.den.broek at  Tue Aug 20 21:47:14 2013
From: brian.van.den.broek at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 15:47:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 20, 2013 3:04 PM, "Andy McKenzie" <amckenzie4 at> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
>> On 20/08/13 13:15, Andy McKenzie wrote:
>>> Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the list
>>> that sent the message
>> Lists never send messages. People do.
>> So reply goes to the *person* who sent the message.


> The problem is, as far as I'm concerned the message came from the list.
Needing to go to the dropdown and select "Reply to all" is just one extra
movement, and it's one I have to make every single time I reply.  In all
honesty, I can't think of a single time that I've wanted to reply to just
the original sender:  that's the point of a mailing list, to have
conversations on it.  I've occasionally been prompted to remember that I
wanted to ask an individual something specific off-list, but it's never
been a direct response to what was posted ON the list.


> It's basically a practicality thing for me.  On a list where the vast
majority of replies went to the original sender, I'd agree with you.  For
something like this, it's just making me do extra work without providing me
with an extra benefit.

Hi all,

Alan's argument seems compelling, but is principled, thus perhaps
vulnerable to a `practicality beats purity' response.

What tips me against reply to munging is the principle of least damage,
itself eminently practical.

Imagine the non-actual possible world where this list reply munges and in
which I wished to write Andy directly to cast aspersions on Alan's
character and ancestry out of a misguided belief that reply to munging is
right. I hit reply and shortly afterwards realize that I am missing toes.

In the actual world, I might have accidentally sent this solely to Andy out
of inattention. Irksome, but I still have all 7 of my toes.

Powerful software often can and ought allow one to shoot oneself in the
foot. It ought not however be designed so that in one context, doing what
is safe and normal in another context surprisingly points a firearm at your
feet without the accompaniment of klaxons and lights. (And even then ?)


Brian vdB
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From leamhall at  Tue Aug 20 22:00:36 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 16:00:36 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The only question I have is what is compelling about being different than
other lists? Far as I can tell, most reply to the list if you click reply.

It's not something to get religious over; if I reply and don't have time to
make sure it goes to those who might be interested, at least it will go to
the person I'm responding to. They can forward it on if it's important
enough.  :)


On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Brian van den Broek <
brian.van.den.broek at> wrote:

> On Aug 20, 2013 3:04 PM, "Andy McKenzie" <amckenzie4 at> wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 20/08/13 13:15, Andy McKenzie wrote:
> >>
> >>> Yep.  Someone decided it didn't make sense for "reply" to go to the
> list
> >>> that sent the message
> >>
> >>
> >> Lists never send messages. People do.
> >>
> >> So reply goes to the *person* who sent the message.
> <snip>
> > The problem is, as far as I'm concerned the message came from the list.
> Needing to go to the dropdown and select "Reply to all" is just one extra
> movement, and it's one I have to make every single time I reply.  In all
> honesty, I can't think of a single time that I've wanted to reply to just
> the original sender:  that's the point of a mailing list, to have
> conversations on it.  I've occasionally been prompted to remember that I
> wanted to ask an individual something specific off-list, but it's never
> been a direct response to what was posted ON the list.
> <snip>
> > It's basically a practicality thing for me.  On a list where the vast
> majority of replies went to the original sender, I'd agree with you.  For
> something like this, it's just making me do extra work without providing me
> with an extra benefit.
> Hi all,
> Alan's argument seems compelling, but is principled, thus perhaps
> vulnerable to a `practicality beats purity' response.
> What tips me against reply to munging is the principle of least damage,
> itself eminently practical.
> Imagine the non-actual possible world where this list reply munges and in
> which I wished to write Andy directly to cast aspersions on Alan's
> character and ancestry out of a misguided belief that reply to munging is
> right. I hit reply and shortly afterwards realize that I am missing toes.
> In the actual world, I might have accidentally sent this solely to Andy
> out of inattention. Irksome, but I still have all 7 of my toes.
> Powerful software often can and ought allow one to shoot oneself in the
> foot. It ought not however be designed so that in one context, doing what
> is safe and normal in another context surprisingly points a firearm at your
> feet without the accompaniment of klaxons and lights. (And even then ?)
> Best,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Mind on a Mission <>
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From fomcl at  Tue Aug 20 22:33:37 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 13:33:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] using python with photoshop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> From: charles le guen <charlesleguen at>
>To: tutor at 
>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 9:16 PM
>Subject: [Tutor] using python with photoshop
>I'm running Windows 7 64 bit and I want to manipulate psd photoshop files using python.
>Google searches led me to a few cool sites suggesting I need to use comtypes but that looks like dated technology. for someone working in 64bit windows 7...
>Can anyone tell me the best way to manipulate photoshop with python? ?Is the comtypes approach truly the best?

Photoshop: no idea. But GIMP might be an alternative: Or PIL + psd tools:

From ramit.prasad at  Tue Aug 20 21:37:30 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 19:37:30 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] is the the two style of writting the same?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

tan Sikonai wrote:
> ?

You should wait at least 24 hours as many people in this mailing list
are around the world and may not see this immediately.

> 2013/8/20 sikonai sikonai <tanjyunda at>
> >>> list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
> >>> list[9:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> >>> list[10:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> I want to know whether they have some difference.

You should try and avoid using built-in names like "list" as this shadows 
list function.

Yes, there is a difference. Python slices ignore out of range elements so 
this becomes the last element and elements with a -2 step (meaning traverse 
the list in reverse and select every other element) until you get to the
0th slot.

>>> list[100:0:-2]
[9, 7, 5, 3]


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From davea at  Wed Aug 21 00:19:55 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:19:55 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv0q29$t2$>

leam hall wrote:

> The only question I have is what is compelling about being different than
> other lists? Far as I can tell, most reply to the list if you click reply.
> It's not something to get religious over; if I reply and don't have time to
> make sure it goes to those who might be interested, at least it will go to
> the person I'm responding to. They can forward it on if it's important
> enough.  :)

Yeah, and top-posting with html mail is similarly taking the easy way
out.  After all, who cares if everyone else has to put up with your bad


From amckenzie4 at  Wed Aug 21 00:40:53 2013
From: amckenzie4 at (Andy McKenzie)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:40:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <kv0q29$t2$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

leam hall wrote:

> > The only question I have is what is compelling about being different than
> > other lists? Far as I can tell, most reply to the list if you click
> reply.
> >
> > It's not something to get religious over; if I reply and don't have time
> to
> > make sure it goes to those who might be interested, at least it will go
> to
> > the person I'm responding to. They can forward it on if it's important
> > enough.  :)
> >
> Yeah, and top-posting with html mail is similarly taking the easy way
> out.  After all, who cares if everyone else has to put up with your bad
> habits.

Well, since someone else brought it up... I really prefer top posting.  In
general, I don't WANT to reread every message:  I want to quickly get to
whatever is new.  Top posting, much like the return-address munging
question, is a personal preference.  For me, it runs opposite to what this
list requires.  Clearly whoever set up this list agreed with you.

What REALLY gets to me is the people who try to insist that their way is
objectively RIGHT, and everyone else is practicing bad habits, or polluting
the net, or some other nonsense like that.  The fact is, we just have
different work flow preferences.  You like one thing, I like another.  If
you want to present your view rationally and objectively, or talk about
your preferred layouts, that's fine.  But let's not start saying someone
has "bad habits" because they disagree with you.

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From chris at  Wed Aug 21 01:01:56 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 01:01:56 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130820230156.GD9251@gopher>

On 2013-08-20 18:40, Andy McKenzie wrote:
> Well, since someone else brought it up... I really prefer top posting.  In
> general, I don't WANT to reread every message:  I want to quickly get to
> whatever is new.

Right, which is why when top posting you should cut to the relevant context.

> What REALLY gets to me is the people who try to insist that their way is
> objectively RIGHT, and everyone else is practicing bad habits, or polluting
> the net, or some other nonsense like that.  The fact is, we just have
> different work flow preferences.  You like one thing, I like another.  If
> you want to present your view rationally and objectively, or talk about
> your preferred layouts, that's fine.  But let's not start saying someone
> has "bad habits" because they disagree with you.

In Gmail (which it appears that you are using) I don't think it really matters,
since it selectively collapses the context anyway. It certainly matters when
reading in a mail client that doesn't collapse quotes (which, in my opinion, is
not something a mail reader should be doing anyway).

I agree this is a personal opinion, but mixing the two in a single thread often
makes message flow completely incomprehensible. I am also in the bottomposting
camp, I'm not very dogmatic about it as long as people don't mix the two in a
single thread. Then it just becomes functionally irritating.
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From chris at  Wed Aug 21 01:09:07 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 01:09:07 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <20130820230156.GD9251@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130820230907.GE9251@gopher>

On 2013-08-21 01:01, Chris Down wrote:
> Right, which is why when top posting you should cut to the relevant context.

s/top posting/bottom posting/

I'm interested to know how you can reply and reference multiple parts of a
message clearly when top posting, though. I think that's impossible without
destroying clarity. Bottom posting is just objectively much more intuitive when
replying per-context and not per-message, which is what you want almost all of
the time.
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From alan.gauld at  Wed Aug 21 01:51:30 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 00:51:30 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] using python with photoshop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv0vdr$pdp$>

On 20/08/13 20:16, charles le guen wrote:

> I'm running Windows 7 64 bit and I want to manipulate psd photoshop
> files using python.

Because PSD is a proprietary (but published) format designed for 
Photoshop (although in practice many other tools can open them too)
it is always going to be a slightly clunky process.

However, if you can convert the files into more standard and open 
formats you will have more luck.

That being said I did find this with a simple Google search:

Since you don't say what you want to do I don't know if it will help...

> <>
> suggesting I need to use comtypes

Never heard of comtypes but I have heard of ctypes and COM.
Both are available from Python but imply you are managing the files 
through Photoshop itself. That's usually a bad technique and a last 
resort. The psd-tools approach appears to be based on direct 
manipulation of the files.

> <> but that looks like
> dated technology. for someone working in 64bit windows 7...

COM is still supported and ctypes simply calls whatever APIs Microsoft 
(or Adobe) make available so it is as up to date as the exposed APIs...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From eryksun at  Wed Aug 21 01:53:26 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 19:53:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] is the the two style of writting the same?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Walter Prins <wprins at> wrote:
> On 20 August 2013 10:20, sikonai sikonai <tanjyunda at> wrote:
>> >>> list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
>> >>> list[9:0:-2]
>> [9, 7, 5, 3]
>> >>> list[10:0:-2]
>> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> For the specific list you show, the 2 expressions yield the same result.
> However this does not mean that this is true of any list.  The reason the 2
> expressions return the same result is because the starting index for the
> slice operation is effectively capped at 9, due to the list containing only
> 9 elements, so hence any value above 9 in the first slice parameter is
> essentially reset/capped to 9.

The start index is capped at 8:

    >>> slice(9, 0, -2).indices(9)
    (8, 0, -2)

From steve at  Wed Aug 21 02:30:52 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:30:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <20130820230907.GE9251@gopher>
References: <>
 <20130820230156.GD9251@gopher> <20130820230907.GE9251@gopher>
Message-ID: <>

On 21/08/13 09:09, Chris Down wrote:
> On 2013-08-21 01:01, Chris Down wrote:
>> Right, which is why when top posting you should cut to the relevant context.
> s/top posting/bottom posting/
> I'm interested to know how you can reply and reference multiple parts of a
> message clearly when top posting, though. I think that's impossible without
> destroying clarity. Bottom posting is just objectively much more intuitive when
> replying per-context and not per-message, which is what you want almost all of
> the time.

Please don't call it "bottom posting". Bottom posting is when you scroll all the way past the original message, and append your reply at the bottom. Unless the quoted message is very short, as it is here, bottom-posting is worse than top-posting, since it has all the disadvantages of top-posting, AND loses the one advantage (namely that you can quickly see new content without scrolling).

What you're referring to is inline or interleaved posting, where the reply is interleaved between paragraphs of quoted text, thus establishing context, rather like a conversation. Since what we're doing here *is* a conversation, albeit written rather than spoken, interleaving responses is most natural.

But sometimes, if the communication isn't really a conversation as such, a short top-posted reply is best. The rule of thumb I use is this:

- If the poster raises various points that need to be answered individually, then I interleave my responses with their comments: Question, Answer, Question, Answer sort of thing.

- If there is nowhere I can reasonably trim their comments to establish context, and my response is just a general reply rather than specifically responding to specific comments (e.g. if my reply is "thanks for your email, I'll consider it for the future" sort of thing) then I might top post, leaving their comments below for context.

Whatever posting style is used *clarity of communication* should be the intent. Too many people make *ease of firing off an email with the least effort possible* their intent, and screw their readers.


From steve at  Wed Aug 21 03:34:18 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:34:18 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21/08/13 08:40, Andy McKenzie wrote:

> Well, since someone else brought it up... I really prefer top posting.  In
> general, I don't WANT to reread every message:  I want to quickly get to
> whatever is new.

You shouldn't have to reread every message. At most, you should have to skim a few paragraphs of quoted text to establish context, and then get to the new stuff. Like here. Notice I've trimmed all the extraneous conversation, and got right down to the bit that matters.

Of course, this is a simple case. Sometimes it's harder to trim, and you end up with multiple paragraphs of older text. But even then you don't have to read the whole thing, you should be able to skim it, looking for key words or key sentences that establish context.

Those with reading difficulties (e.g. the blind or partially sighted, those reading in a language they are not fluent in, or simply lousy readers) may have trouble skimming text. I'm sympathetic, but they're not actually worse off than with top-posting. They can just ignore the quoted text, and hope that the response makes sense without context. Just like reading a top-posted message.

> What REALLY gets to me is the people who try to insist that their way is
> objectively RIGHT, and everyone else is practicing bad habits, or polluting
> the net, or some other nonsense like that.  The fact is, we just have
> different work flow preferences.  You like one thing, I like another.  If
> you want to present your view rationally and objectively, or talk about
> your preferred layouts, that's fine.  But let's not start saying someone
> has "bad habits" because they disagree with you.

I've been getting and sending email long enough, in enough different contexts, that I think I can objectively say: most email users can't write for shit, and posting style doesn't enter into it, they're just poor writers, lazy writers, incompetent writers. On a technical forum like this, you're seeing a better-than-average set of writers.

I think I can also say that for a wide range of situations, top-posting is objectively worse for a number of reasons, but it's not too bad if you have a very small number of emails between just two parties, and it certainly does have an advantage that it clearly puts the response right up top where it is easy to see.

The worst part of top-posting is that the typical email will raise more than one question or point that needs answering, but without context, it's hard to clearly respond when top-posting. You need a chunk of added verbiage:

     You asked a question about map(), the answer is blah blah blah.

     You also asked about the exception that you got. The line of code that
     failed was blah blah blah, and the reason for the exception was blah...

     Also, you mentioned blah blah blah, to which I say, blah...

You simply don't need that extra verbiage when posting interleaved after the question, the question can stand for itself! But since most people are lazy writers, they don't do either. They arbitrarily pick one question (usually the first, or the simplest) and answer it alone.

(I've sent business emails to people where I clearly said "I need the answer to these three questions or we cannot proceed with your project", and enumerate the questions, and they responded to the *last* question and ignored the other two. Lazy *and* stupid, the story of mankind.)

What gets me is the ever-growing cancerous lump of quoted-quoted-quoted-quoted-quoted text that grows at the bottom of top-posted emails. Email volume grow exponentially in size, e.g.:

First email is 5 lines long.
Reply is 5 lines long + 5 quoted lines, = 10 lines.
Reply to that is 5 lines long, + 10 quoted lines = 15 lines.
Reply to that is 5 lines long, + 15 quoted lines = 20 lines.
Reply to that is 5 lines long, + 20 quoted lines = 25 lines.

After five emails, we have a total of 75 lines of text, of which only 25 lines is actual fresh content, a ratio of 33%. The signal-to-noise ratio rapidly diminishes. After ten emails, the ratio is 18%, and after 20, just 9%. That's worse than interleaved posting with trimming, where the ideal is a 1:1 ratio. Real email conversations don't get anywhere near that ideal, but my estimate is that a ratio of 50% or better is easily attainable so long as people trim.

In practice, business email is even worse than this: messages tend to be short, and those stupid and legally meaningless disclaimers at the bottom of emails long. I've seen a TWENTY line disclaimer, quoted FOURTEEN times, in a single email:

   >>>>>>>>>>>>>> This email may contain blah blah blah ...
   >>>>>>>>>>>>> This email may contain blah blah blah ...
   >>>>>>>>>>>> This email may contain blah blah blah ...
   >>>>>>>>>>> This email may contain blah blah blah ...
   >>>>>>>>>> This email may contain blah blah blah ...

Seriously, I kid you not.

A few years ago, the company I work for took a customer to court for non-payment. During discovery, we had to provide the customer with copies of all emails between us. I estimated the volume of email to be multiple thousands of pages, if printed out in full, and only a couple of dozen if we extracted out the fresh (unquoted) content, trimming legal disclaimers and signatures and quoting. To a first approximation, the signal to noise ratio of business email is approximately zero :-)


From davea at  Wed Aug 21 03:43:45 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 01:43:45 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv160f$ne8$>

Andy McKenzie wrote:

>     (DaveA wrote, but wasn't attributed)
>> Yeah, and top-posting with html mail is similarly taking the easy way
>> out.  After all, who cares if everyone else has to put up with your bad
>> habits.
> Well, since someone else brought it up... I really prefer top posting.  In
> general, I don't WANT to reread every message:

You shouldn't have any messages to reread.  If one quotes only what's
relevant, it gives context without extra noise.  The whole notion of
top--posting only makes sense when it's a one-to-one email session,
where you need to keep the entire history of the exchange.  It breaks
down as soon as there are multiple public replies in the same thread, or
when there are multiple points you want to respond to.

> What REALLY gets to me is the people who try to insist that their way is
> objectively RIGHT, and everyone else is practicing bad habits, or polluting
> the net, or some other nonsense like that.  The fact is, we just have
> different work flow preferences.  You like one thing, I like another.  If
> you want to present your view rationally and objectively, or talk about
> your preferred layouts, that's fine.  But let's not start saying someone
> has "bad habits" because they disagree with you.
> <div dir="ltr">leam hall wrote:<br><div class="gmail_extra"><div class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div><div class="im">
> <br>
> &gt; The only question I have is what is compelling about being different than<br>
> &gt; other lists? Far as I can tell, most reply to the list if you click reply.<br>
> &gt;<br>
> &gt; It&#39;s not something to get religious over; if I reply and don&#39;t have time to<br>
> &gt; make sure it goes to those who might be interested, at least it will go to<br>
> &gt; the person I&#39;m responding to. They can forward it on if it&#39;s important<br>
> &gt; enough. ?:)<br>
> &gt;<br>
> <br>
      <snip lots more of this>

I notice that you didn't pay any attention to the other bad habit.  Why
should we all pay to download an html message as well as the text


From charlesleguen at  Wed Aug 21 04:01:10 2013
From: charlesleguen at (charles le guen)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:01:10 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] using python with photoshop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gimp is indeed an option.  I might use nuke as well (it opens psd files).
But I think I figured out how to manipulate photoshop with python...

Seems installing
the trick.  It's important to install the proper version (I run 6 bit
windows 7 but I had 32 bit version of python installed so the version of
pywin32 needed to be the 32 bit version).

Once pywin32 is installed, this code (below) opens photoshop:

from win32com.client import Dispatch
psApp = Dispatch("Photoshop.Application")

>From here, I'll figure out how to manipulate layers etc as well.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:

> ________________________________
> > From: charles le guen <charlesleguen at>
> >To: tutor at
> >Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 9:16 PM
> >Subject: [Tutor] using python with photoshop
> >
> >Hi
> >
> >I'm running Windows 7 64 bit and I want to manipulate psd photoshop files
> using python.
> >
> >Google searches led me to a few cool sites suggesting I need to use
> comtypes but that looks like dated technology. for someone working in 64bit
> windows 7...
> >
> >Can anyone tell me the best way to manipulate photoshop with python?  Is
> the comtypes approach truly the best?
> Photoshop: no idea. But GIMP might be an alternative:
> Or PIL + psd tools:
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From cybervigilante at  Wed Aug 21 06:52:10 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 21:52:10 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Runestone Python Course
Message-ID: <>

Since there has been some mention of courses lately, I think this has
become the best online Python course: "How to Think Like a Computer
Scientist." It has an interactive Online Interpreter, where you can
run the examples, or change things and experiment with new code (and
even save it). This is rather like W3 Schools but much more
convenient, since there is a new interpreter for every small segment,
and you aren't flipping around like you are at W3 Schools. It also has
a cleaner and more vivid look. There are simple quizzes, videos, and
CodeLens, which is something like a debugger stepthrough, where you
can activate your code line by line, and watch data and results.

Minor drawback: Codelens just steps through code the instructors have
written, for illustrative purposes. You can't write your own for the
debugger simulation.

However, you Can write anything in the Online Interpreter. The only
drawback there is not All python standard modules have been
implemented. (You can import math, for instance, but not some of the
more obscure modules. But as they say, by the time you get good enough
to use obscure modules, you'll have your own environment ;')  However,
the Online Interpreter can handle anything presented in the course,
and it's a good course. The Interpreter is more like an editor than
the standard shell, since you run a program or snippet rather than
immediate interpretation, and you must print() to see a value. You
also don't have those anachronistic >>> symbols.

If anyone looked at this a few months ago, it was in development and
there were a few bugs I wrote them about, but everything works great
now. It starts with the basics, but there's no harm in going over them
again, or at least skimming the definitions, even if you know them.
I've found that when you re-read, you discover stuff you could swear
wasn't there the first time, as if the author snuck in your house and
added to the material ;')

There is also a more advanced course on Algorithms and Data Structures
on the page linked above, if you're already surefooted about the


More and more, science is showing that animals, even "simple" ones,
have awareness and feelings. There is no hard divide, as the
rape-the-earth crowd would have us believe..

From steve at  Wed Aug 21 07:54:11 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 15:54:11 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] is the the two style of writting the same?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130821055411.GA24672@ando>

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 05:20:23PM +0800, sikonai sikonai wrote:
> >>> list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
> >>> list[9:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> >>> list[10:0:-2]
> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> I want to know whether they have some difference.



All three give the same result, 4, and yet they are different. You can 
see that they are different, because if you change the numbers from 2 to 
something else, the results will no longer be the same:


No longer equal! This proves that + * and ** are not the same thing.

Go back to your example:

L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

It turns out that L[9:0:-2] happens to be the same as L[10:0:-2], but 
that is only because the list only has 9 items. But if you do this:

L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

for example, and then compare L[9:0:-2] and L[10:0:-2], you will see 
they are quite different:

py> L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
py> L[9:0:-2]
[10, 8, 6, 4, 2]
py> L[10:0:-2]
[11, 9, 7, 5, 3]


From tanjyunda at  Wed Aug 21 05:58:09 2013
From: tanjyunda at (tan Sikonai)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:58:09 +0800
Subject: [Tutor] is the the two style of writting the same?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oh,I have just thinked that the max index equals the length of the list,
but python supports more index.

2013/8/21 eryksun <eryksun at>

> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Walter Prins <wprins at> wrote:
> > On 20 August 2013 10:20, sikonai sikonai <tanjyunda at> wrote:
> >>
> >> >>> list=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
> >> >>> list[9:0:-2]
> >> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> >> >>> list[10:0:-2]
> >> [9, 7, 5, 3]
> >
> > For the specific list you show, the 2 expressions yield the same result.
> > However this does not mean that this is true of any list.  The reason
> the 2
> > expressions return the same result is because the starting index for the
> > slice operation is effectively capped at 9, due to the list containing
> only
> > 9 elements, so hence any value above 9 in the first slice parameter is
> > essentially reset/capped to 9.
> The start index is capped at 8:
>     >>> slice(9, 0, -2).indices(9)
>     (8, 0, -2)
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From wcrowder at  Wed Aug 21 05:00:24 2013
From: wcrowder at (William Crowder)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:00:24 -0500
Subject: [Tutor] library:
Message-ID: <>

	I am reading posts and watching videos. I am following along with the shell, i am retaining the info. But WHAT is a library?

Thanks, everyone.


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From steve at  Wed Aug 21 10:29:59 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 18:29:59 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] library:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130821082959.GC24672@ando>

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:00:24PM -0500, William Crowder wrote:

> 	I am reading posts and watching videos. I am following along 
> 	with the shell, i am retaining the info. But WHAT is a library?

In English, a library is a collection of books, or magazines. 

A "software library" is a collection of programs or functions, instead 
of books. Sometimes it will be one file, with many functions. Sometimes 
it will be many files.

In Python:

import math

will load the math library, so you can use functions like math.sin, 
math.sqrt, and others.

Does this answer your question? If you need more help, please ask.


From omar.aboumrad at  Wed Aug 21 11:05:52 2013
From: omar.aboumrad at (Omar Abou Mrad)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 12:05:52 +0300
Subject: [Tutor] Runestone Python Course
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:

> <snip>

Would be nice if it worked though, logged in through my google account, now
i get this error which I can do nothing about:

Sorry, Something went wrong

The error is: invalid request
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From chris at  Wed Aug 21 12:17:15 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 12:17:15 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] [OT] Replies go to individuals, not the list?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <20130820230156.GD9251@gopher> <20130820230907.GE9251@gopher>
Message-ID: <20130821101713.GB735@gopher>

On 2013-08-21 10:30, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> - If there is nowhere I can reasonably trim their comments to establish
> context, and my response is just a general reply rather than specifically
> responding to specific comments (e.g. if my reply is "thanks for your email,
> I'll consider it for the future" sort of thing) then I might top post,
> leaving their comments below for context.

In such a case, I cut to the conclusion point in their e-mail and reply below
it. I don't see why top-posting would be beneficial here, this method is
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From chris at  Wed Aug 21 12:20:58 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 12:20:58 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Runestone Python Course
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130821102057.GC735@gopher>

On 2013-08-20 21:52, Jim Mooney wrote:
> This is rather like W3 Schools

That doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about the quality of it
considering W3Schools is literally the cesspit of web standards
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From airscorp at  Wed Aug 21 14:40:32 2013
From: airscorp at (Nick Raptis)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 15:40:32 +0300
Subject: [Tutor] Coursera Python Course starts today
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 20/08/13 03:02, Leam Hall wrote:
> Leam

Leam, your link for some reason redirects on a default coursera page,
probably cause I'm not enlisted.

I think a better link for the course would be

so that others interested may find it.


From joel.goldstick at  Wed Aug 21 19:31:55 2013
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 13:31:55 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] library:
In-Reply-To: <20130821082959.GC24672@ando>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 4:29 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:00:24PM -0500, William Crowder wrote:
>>       I am reading posts and watching videos. I am following along
>>       with the shell, i am retaining the info. But WHAT is a library?

In python libraries are called modules I believe.  So you may see
either term, and unless someone here corrects me, they are the same.
> In English, a library is a collection of books, or magazines.
> A "software library" is a collection of programs or functions, instead
> of books. Sometimes it will be one file, with many functions. Sometimes
> it will be many files.
> In Python:
> import math
> will load the math library, so you can use functions like math.sin,
> math.sqrt, and others.
> Does this answer your question? If you need more help, please ask.
> --
> Steven
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Joel Goldstick

From chris at  Wed Aug 21 22:25:48 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 22:25:48 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] library:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130821202548.GA1445@gopher>

On 2013-08-21 13:31, Joel Goldstick wrote:
> In python libraries are called modules I believe.  So you may see
> either term, and unless someone here corrects me, they are the same.

They are often interchangeable, but they do not have to be the same (for
example, it is perfectly imaginable that a library contains multiple modules),
since "library" is an aesthetic constraint, but "module" isn't.
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From cybervigilante at  Wed Aug 21 23:38:53 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 14:38:53 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Runestone Python Course
In-Reply-To: <20130821102057.GC735@gopher>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about the quality of it
considering W3Schools is literally the cesspit of web standards

I meant that it was like it in that it had an interactive interpreter, but
it was much better. So far the info is detailed and valid. I've found no
errors - I just dropped one book I was reading when it had an egregious
error about python, showing the author was confused, so I'm not tolerant of
errors in training material.

One other good thing I forgot to mention is that after enlarging a video,
right clicking on it allows you to download it in webm format (playable by
VLC, MPC, and WMP (kind of - Windows Media Player doesn't see the extension
but will play it. Msoft is always a bit behind the times ;')

Darn, gmail made a change that makes it harder to quote the sender name.
Annoying  As a general observation about software, if you make an
"improvement," let those who want the old feature keep it. With OOP, that
shouldn't be hard.

I have no idea what happened with Omar. It could be you have to enroll
directly instead of through google. I've found indirect enrollment doesn't
always work for a number of things.


On 21 August 2013 03:20, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:

> On 2013-08-20 21:52, Jim Mooney wrote:
> > This is rather like W3 Schools
> That doesn't exactly fill me with confidence about the quality of it
> considering W3Schools is literally the cesspit of web standards
> misinformation...


More and more, science is showing that animals, even "simple" ones, have
awareness and feelings. There is no hard divide, as the rape-the-earth
crowd would have us believe..
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug 22 00:30:21 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 23:30:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] library:
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv3f1l$vgg$>

On 21/08/13 04:00, William Crowder wrote:
> I am reading posts and watching videos. I am following along with the
> shell, i am retaining the info. But WHAT is a library?

It varies but in general programming terms is a collection of functions 
or classes that can be reused by programmers. Most languages have a 
"standard library" and a collection of additional proprietary libraries.
Python's standard library  consists of a set of modules, each of which
exposes a set of functions or classes for performing related tasks.

The documentation for Python's standard library (V2) can be found here:

The documentation for GNU C++'s standard library is here:

And for Java it is here:

It's interesting to compare their breadth and nature.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From chris at  Thu Aug 22 00:39:14 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 00:39:14 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] library:
In-Reply-To: <kv3f1l$vgg$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130821223914.GC1445@gopher>

On 2013-08-21 23:30, Alan Gauld wrote:
> It varies but in general programming terms is a collection of functions or
> classes that can be reused by programmers. Most languages have a "standard
> library" and a collection of additional proprietary libraries.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, don't you mean "third-party", not "proprietary"
(or is this a use of "proprietary" that I am not familiar with)?
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug 22 02:11:59 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 01:11:59 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] library:
In-Reply-To: <20130821223914.GC1445@gopher>
References: <>
 <kv3f1l$vgg$> <20130821223914.GC1445@gopher>
Message-ID: <kv3l07$pu7$>

On 21/08/13 23:39, Chris Down wrote:
> On 2013-08-21 23:30, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> It varies but in general programming terms is a collection of functions or
>> classes that can be reused by programmers. Most languages have a "standard
>> library" and a collection of additional proprietary libraries.
> Unless I'm misunderstanding, don't you mean "third-party", not "proprietary"
> (or is this a use of "proprietary" that I am not familiar with)?

My dictionary says:

"proprietary: protected by trademark or patent or copyright; made or 
produced or distributed by one having exclusive rights"

So I mean a third party library, one whose copyright is separate
from the standard library. It could, of course, be copyright free
or public domain too, so third party may be a more accurate
term here.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Thu Aug 22 14:03:10 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 13:03:10 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] hi
In-Reply-To: <000601ce9da3$a7e1b460$f7a51d20$>
References: <000001ce7ee7$d2233170$76699450$>
Message-ID: <>

On 20 August 2013 13:49, Vick <vick1975 at> wrote:
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at]
>> Well just send me some tutorial on how to build and obtain the
>> coefficients for the butcher tableau for the RK4 as an example, and
>> after I've mastered it, I'd give the dopri8 a shot.
> I am up for it so I'll see if I can find time to write a script that shows
> how to do it.
> [Vick] Hope you've had the time to code it. I'm waiting for it.

Sorry, I haven't found the time yet. It is still on my todo list though!

> By the way your code for the Adams-Moulton coefficients are actually the
> Adams-Bashforth ones and so I copied it and modified the copy to have the
> Adams-Moulton coefficients as well. This means that I have now an nth-order
> predictor-corrector method to solve for ODEs.

Oh sorry. That'll be a cut and paste error. My code lives in a private
software library that I keep meaning to release on PyPI but it's not
ready for public consumption in quite a number of ways.

I'm glad that you worked it out though. You''ll probably understand
what I mean now when I say that the AM or AB integrators need a
secondary algorithm to bootstrap. The accuracy of the subsequent AM/AB
method depends on the accuracy of that step. In the worst case you can
just use rk4 with a very small time-step for this bit though.


From chigga101 at  Thu Aug 22 14:36:24 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 13:36:24 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
Message-ID: <>

I'm always told to avoid using them. I read discussions on the python
irc channel about them but honestly i feel there are some times where
i can't avoid using them. Like where i want to keep track of a state
variable in many different functions that may or may not alter its
value and also not wanting any of the functions to return it to the

My question is how many global variables did your last decent sized
program have? Also please share any insight you have about them. I do
try to avoid them, but is this always possible?

From chris at  Thu Aug 22 14:40:34 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:40:34 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-22 13:36, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> I'm always told to avoid using them. I read discussions on the python
> irc channel about them but honestly i feel there are some times where
> i can't avoid using them. Like where i want to keep track of a state
> variable in many different functions that may or may not alter its
> value and also not wanting any of the functions to return it to the
> caller.

It sounds like you want to use a class.

> My question is how many global variables did your last decent sized
> program have? Also please share any insight you have about them. I do
> try to avoid them, but is this always possible?

I don't have any global variables in any of my projects, and I've been
programming Python in some capacity for almost 8 years now. Why would you not
just use a class if you want to store state?
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From chigga101 at  Thu Aug 22 15:43:03 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 14:43:03 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:

> It sounds like you want to use a class.
> Why would you not just use a class if you want to store state?

I don't feel my program needs a class. Also i have been told to stop
using classes by some very experienced Python programmers on irc even
though i don't see why. It's confusing being told different things.

From chris at  Thu Aug 22 15:52:13 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:52:13 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-22 14:43, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> I don't feel my program needs a class. Also i have been told to stop
> using classes by some very experienced Python programmers on irc even
> though i don't see why. It's confusing being told different things.

Well, if you want to store state, you should really be using a class. What has
made you think that your program doesn't "need a class"? There's no "need",
there's just what's best suited to your problem case (which you have not made
clear, so nobody can comment on it).

No experienced Python programmers are going to universally tell you not to use
classes, likewise, no experienced Python programmers are going to universally
tell you to use them all the time. It's a matter of context and suitability,
which is entirely dependent on what it is that you are coding in the first
place. I would doubt that anyone has told you "don't ever use classes", because
that's nonsense; you've probably misread a dissuasion from that path in a
single instance as applying more broadly than was intended.
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug 22 16:04:42 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:04:42 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv55pi$691$>

On 22/08/13 13:36, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> I'm always told to avoid using them.

Global variables  in themselves are not the problem.
It's how they tend to get used that causes problems.
Read-only global values - aka constants (so not
really variables!) - are not an issue.

Globals that are only changed via a set of
dedicated functions are not topo much of a
problem - although they should probably be
bundled as a class (or module) if you have
such features available.

> i can't avoid using them. Like where i want to
 > keep track of a state variable in many
> different functions

Usually that should be in a class. A class represents
a set of operations using common data. Therefore shared
state would naturally fit in a class along with the
operations which depend on/modify that state.

You may then have a single global variable which
is the instance of that class.

> also not wanting any of the functions to return it to the
> caller.

Thats more problematic and usually a sign of a bad design.
Even if using global variables you should modify them
explicitly via return values of functions rather than
as hidden side-effects inside other functions.

mystate = changestate(mystate, some, other, args)

> My question is how many global variables did your last decent sized
> program have?

I usually have not more than a half dozen plus one per
thousand lines of code. So in a 10,000 line program I'd
expect to have less than 16 in total (actually I'd hope
less than 10!). And many of those would be instances
of classes. I would not expect to have more than one
or two fundamental typed globals (ints, strings, bools etc),
if any.

> Also please share any insight you have about them. I do
> try to avoid them, but is this always possible?

It is possible but only by playing silly games with
semantics such as:

class MyProgram
    global1 = 0
    global2 = True

    def __init__(self, lots, of, args,
       self.inst1 = .... # initialise program runtime vars
    def run(self)
       # my program code all goes here
       # and accesses the class level globals and instance
       # level runtime and state values

if __name__  = __main__":

[Or alternatively you can hide them inside a database.]

Now technically there are no globals but in fact we are
just moving them inside the meaningless class and have
all the same potential issues with global side effects

In my experience there are usually a few globals required
for any meaningful program. It's not avoiding globals
completely that's important, it's being careful to use
them sensibly and with good adherence to the principles
of coupling and cohesion in the design.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Thu Aug 22 16:10:55 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:10:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv5658$an8$>

On 22/08/13 14:43, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
>> It sounds like you want to use a class.
>> Why would you not just use a class if you want to store state?

Local coding conventions or programmer skill levels may preclude it.

> I don't feel my program needs a class.

But in this case it sounds like a class is the best solution.
Why would you "feel" that you don't need a class when you have a 
situation  where several functions share common state? That's
almost the definition of a class.

> Also i have been told to stop using classes by some very
 > experienced Python programmers on irc

Really? What reasons did they give.
Unless they are talking about very specific circumstances
that doesn't sound like good advice!

> It's confusing being told different things.

Software engineering, like any branch of engineering, is about learning 
to use many different tools and selecting the best set for a problem.
There are cases where classes are not in the best set, there are cases 
where many global variables are a good fit. But both of these are the 
exceptions to the rule and the engineer's job is to identify when a 
genuine exception exists and make the right choice. There is never a 
single right answer. Sorry, but that's life.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From chigga101 at  Thu Aug 22 16:12:47 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:12:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
>I would doubt that anyone has told you "don't ever use classes", because
> that's nonsense; you've probably misread a dissuasion from that path in a
> single instance as applying more broadly than was intended.

I am being totally honest here. I was very confused at the time and i
said i didn't agree because it's what i had put so much effort into
learning. They went on to say at some well known Python talks speakers
have stated why using OOP (especially inheritance, but not excluding
any others) is very bad design and the same thing can always be
achieved without it. To be clear they said every use case OOP is the
worst option. I asked what about GUIs which their design is strongly
based around OOP? and they sad GUIs are badly designed to begin with
so it proves the point about OOP.

From chigga101 at  Thu Aug 22 16:27:21 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:27:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <kv55pi$691$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 22/08/13 13:36, Matthew Ngaha wrote:

> Global variables  in themselves are not the problem.
> It's how they tend to get used that causes problems.

> Globals that are only changed via a set of
> dedicated functions are not topo much of a
> problem - although they should probably be
> bundled as a class (or module)
> Usually that should be in a class. A class represents
> a set of operations using common data. Therefore shared
> state would naturally fit in a class along with the
> operations which depend on/modify that state.
Oh this makes a lot of sense. Sorry about disagreeing with Chris i now
see that perhaps a class is definately the best choice for keeping a
state variable.

> Thats more problematic and usually a sign of a bad design.
> Even if using global variables you should modify them
> explicitly via return values of functions rather than
> as hidden side-effects inside other functions.
> mystate = changestate(mystate, some, other, args)

Yeah i have to agree about the bad design now i think about it. I
didn't see the issues before reading this

> It is possible but only by playing silly games with
> semantics such as:
> class MyProgram
>    global1 = 0
>    global2 = True

> [Or alternatively you can hide them inside a database.]
> Now technically there are no globals but in fact we are
> just moving them inside the meaningless class and have
> all the same potential issues with global side effects
> etc.

About the class variables, i have used them a lot without realising
they had all the same side effects as global variables. Something i
now have to try a different approach with.

> In my experience there are usually a few globals required
> for any meaningful program. It's not avoiding globals
> completely that's important, it's being careful to use
> them sensibly and with good adherence to the principles
> of coupling and cohesion in the design.

Thanks  alot! This is definately a lot of food for choice and will
help in my future decisions. I'm happy i asked this question as i can
honestly say i had been developing some bad habbits. The responses
have definately been helpful about program design and not just global

From chris at  Thu Aug 22 16:32:30 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 16:32:30 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-22 15:12, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> I am being totally honest here. I was very confused at the time and i said i
> didn't agree because it's what i had put so much effort into learning. They
> went on to say at some well known Python talks speakers have stated why using
> OOP (especially inheritance, but not excluding any others) is very bad design
> and the same thing can always be achieved without it. To be clear they said
> every use case OOP is the worst option. I asked what about GUIs which their
> design is strongly based around OOP? and they sad GUIs are badly designed to
> begin with so it proves the point about OOP.

Were these "expert Python programmers" smoking crack cocaine at the time?
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From joel.goldstick at  Thu Aug 22 16:35:56 2013
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:35:56 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Matthew Ngaha <chigga101 at> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
>>I would doubt that anyone has told you "don't ever use classes", because
>> that's nonsense; you've probably misread a dissuasion from that path in a
>> single instance as applying more broadly than was intended.
> I am being totally honest here. I was very confused at the time and i
> said i didn't agree because it's what i had put so much effort into
> learning. They went on to say at some well known Python talks speakers
> have stated why using OOP (especially inheritance, but not excluding
> any others) is very bad design and the same thing can always be
> achieved without it. To be clear they said every use case OOP is the
> worst option. I asked what about GUIs which their design is strongly
> based around OOP? and they sad GUIs are badly designed to begin with
> so it proves the point about OOP.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
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Discussions among developers concerning the suitability of global
variables have been going on at least since the 1970s.  In my view
they are the data equivalent of the 'goto' statement which has pretty
much disappeared from acceptable coding practice.

Think of them this way:  Take a group of housemates who all use the
same refrigerator.  They all work different hours, spend time with
different friends, and never talk to each other.  When Bob buys beer,
and later comes home to find there is no beer in the refrigerator it
frustrates him.  He doesn't even know who to complain to because
anyone in the house could have taken it -- even a visitor.

So, globals seem like a great idea to start with.  But over time they
cause trouble.  I think you should write your code with globals if you
think its best.  Probably your code isn't that important, and it won't
matter what you did in this program in a year or two.  Anyway you will
be learning.  If your code is important for work, or some other
purpose, over time it will be changed, and expanded, and problems will
arise.  Then you, or worse some one else, will have to figure out what
is going wrong.  That's where you will rue the day you sprinkled
globals here and there.

Joel Goldstick

From amckenzie4 at  Thu Aug 22 16:59:00 2013
From: amckenzie4 at (Andy McKenzie)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:59:00 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Matthew Ngaha <chigga101 at> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
> >I would doubt that anyone has told you "don't ever use classes", because
> > that's nonsense; you've probably misread a dissuasion from that path in a
> > single instance as applying more broadly than was intended.
> I am being totally honest here. I was very confused at the time and i
> said i didn't agree because it's what i had put so much effort into
> learning. They went on to say at some well known Python talks speakers
> have stated why using OOP (especially inheritance, but not excluding
> any others) is very bad design and the same thing can always be
> achieved without it. To be clear they said every use case OOP is the
> worst option. I asked what about GUIs which their design is strongly
> based around OOP? and they sad GUIs are badly designed to begin with
> so it proves the point about OOP.

OK, I'm not a fantastic programmer in any language, but this strikes me as
someone with an axe to grind giving bad advice to new programmers.  Here
are a few of the things that I see wrong with their statements:

1) For almost every option in programming, there's at least one case where
it's a good idea, design-wise.  Saying "in every use case OOP is the worst
option" is absurd.  Of course there are cases where it's not the worst
option.  There are also cases where it is.  That goes for just about

2) If they think OOP is always a bad idea, WHY are they using Python?
Isn't object orientation kind of the whole POINT of Python?  From
"Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language
with dynamic semantics."  If they honestly believe that object oriented
programming is always a bad idea, they really need to pick a different
language.  Perl, maybe, although even in Perl people are doing object
oriented work.  I have trouble believing that someone who believes OOP is
inherently bad is a current high-level programmer in Python, unless they're
trapped in a job they don't want to be doing.

3) Bad design in a product does not mean bad design in the tool used to
build it.  I've built some really terrible things out of wood with really
nice tools.  I've watched people use really nice drafting tools to design
houses that would have been unusable for living in.  Saying badly designed
GUIs prove that OOP is bad is, frankly, illogical at best and stupid at

I strongly suspect that either the speaker they were listening to wasn't
clear, or they weren't clear.  Either that, or the speaker or whoever you
were talking to mis-represented their ability level.

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From steve at  Thu Aug 22 17:37:44 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 01:37:44 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22/08/13 23:43, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
>> It sounds like you want to use a class.
>> Why would you not just use a class if you want to store state?
> I don't feel my program needs a class. Also i have been told to stop
> using classes by some very experienced Python programmers on irc even
> though i don't see why. It's confusing being told different things.

If you're talking about #python on Freenode, in my experience, they are rude and unpleasant people with an inflated sense of their own intelligence. But they possibly think the same about me ;-)


From steve at  Thu Aug 22 17:35:53 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 01:35:53 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22/08/13 22:36, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> I'm always told to avoid using them. I read discussions on the python
> irc channel about them but honestly i feel there are some times where
> i can't avoid using them. Like where i want to keep track of a state
> variable in many different functions that may or may not alter its
> value and also not wanting any of the functions to return it to the
> caller.
> My question is how many global variables did your last decent sized
> program have? Also please share any insight you have about them. I do
> try to avoid them, but is this always possible?

Good question! And one that needs a long answer.

Yes, it is possible to avoid global variables. The proof of this, if you need any, is programming languages like Haskell which are purely functional languages, which means they don't have variables at all! Everything is a fixed value, usually created on the fly as needed, and thrown away when no longer required, but never modified[1]. Need to change something? You create a new value rather than modify an existing one. Haskell programmers are capable of writing large programs, and they do it without global variables.

Functional programming is a very different paradigm, and one which takes a while to get used to. Haskell, which is pure functional, can be hard to wrap your head around, but Python is strongly influenced by Haskell and Lisp and could be considered a semi-functional language. If you've ever used list comprehensions or generator expressions, you've got a small taste of functional programming.

Truth be told, you *could* write a large, non-trivial Python program in entirely functional style, but without a clever Lisp or Haskell compiler behind it, it would probably be just as slow to run as it would be hard to write. In Python, you should consider global variables to be something to be minimized rather than entirely avoided.

In my experience, global variables are well-suited to dealing with user preferences and command-line options, and otherwise best avoided. But notice that user prefs and cmd line options aren't exactly *variables*, since they are typically set once, when the program starts up, and then never -- or at least hardly ever -- changed. Your functions may read their value, but they will not usually change their value.

That brings us to why global variables are unsafe. They're not unsafe because they are global. Global constants, or almost-constants, are perfectly fine. They're unsafe because they vary unpredictably. They introduce coupling between functions which otherwise should be independent.

For example, suppose we have a global variable and three functions, f, g, h, all of which read and write to the global under various situations. Now suppose you call f() -- the result you get depends on whether or not g() or h() have been called first, since they may change the global. And likewise, the result g() gives depends on whether or not f() or h() have been called, and similarly for h(). So instead of the result of f() depending in a nice clean way only on the arguments passed to it, instead it depends in a messy, convoluted, confusing way on the history of calls to separate functions that may have nothing to do with f(). You now have a tangle of couplings between functions:

f depends on g and h
g depends on f and h
h depends on f and g

Now imagine ten globals and twenty functions.

Globals introduce "action at a distance". A function in one part of your program can reach out over a great distance and effect another function's result, just by changing a global. That's a bad thing and should be minimized or eliminated.

So the real problem here is *state*. If your functions didn't depend on mutable state, but only on arguments passed to them, the problem of action at a distance would go away. This is where functional programming comes in: they eliminate mutable state altogether. Once a value is created, you can't change it, only throw it away and create a new one. In Python we don't necessarily go quite to that extreme, but it's still a good ideal to work towards.

One mistake people have is to create a class just to hold global variables, and then think that they are virtuous because "it's not a global". So then they end up with something like this:

class Everything_I_Need:
     def __init__(self):
         self.a = 1
         self.b = 2
         self.c = 3
         # etc.

everything = Everything_I_Need()


but of course this is just global variables in disguise, and still suffers from the same problem with strong coupling and action at a distance.

[1] Never say never. Haskell actually does have a way to create modifiable values, but to get an idea of how people consider it, it is often called the "unsafePerformIO hack".


From steve at  Thu Aug 22 17:58:29 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 01:58:29 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22/08/13 22:36, Matthew Ngaha wrote:

> My question is how many global variables did your last decent sized
> program have? Also please share any insight you have about them. I do
> try to avoid them, but is this always possible?

Eiffel is another language that aims to eliminate global variables entirely. Here is an excellent article by the creator of Eiffel explaining why and how:


From steve at  Thu Aug 22 18:00:20 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 02:00:20 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22/08/13 23:52, Chris Down wrote:
> On 2013-08-22 14:43, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
>> I don't feel my program needs a class. Also i have been told to stop
>> using classes by some very experienced Python programmers on irc even
>> though i don't see why. It's confusing being told different things.
> Well, if you want to store state, you should really be using a class.

Depends on how much state and what you do with it. But fundamentally, if you want to store state, you should try very, very hard to *avoid* storing state unless you really need to.

Or at least, make sure that there is a very strict demarcation between functions (or methods) which change that state, and those which do not. The ultimate aim is to avoid the bad parts of storing state, without necessarily going all the way to strict functional code:

- reduce or eliminate side-effects wherever possible;

- functions that have side-effects should do so only in well-understood and innocuous ways;

- eliminate coupling between unrelated parts of code;

- reduce coupling within related parts of code;

- avoid action at a distance whenever possible.

If you keep these aims in mind, the problem of global variables will solve itself.


From steve at  Thu Aug 22 18:10:50 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 02:10:50 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 23/08/13 00:12, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
>> I would doubt that anyone has told you "don't ever use classes", because
>> that's nonsense; you've probably misread a dissuasion from that path in a
>> single instance as applying more broadly than was intended.
> I am being totally honest here. I was very confused at the time and i
> said i didn't agree because it's what i had put so much effort into
> learning. They went on to say at some well known Python talks speakers
> have stated why using OOP (especially inheritance, but not excluding
> any others) is very bad design and the same thing can always be
> achieved without it. To be clear they said every use case OOP is the
> worst option. I asked what about GUIs which their design is strongly
> based around OOP? and they sad GUIs are badly designed to begin with
> so it proves the point about OOP.

Well I agree with that last point.

As far as "avoid OOP", I suspect they were thinking about this (in)famous video:

Here is a counter-viewpoint:

I think both have excellent advice. Many people do write unnecessary, complicated classes, and many people do unnecessarily lock up the inner workings of their code.


From steve at  Thu Aug 22 18:18:52 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 02:18:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 23/08/13 00:59, Andy McKenzie wrote:
> Isn't object orientation kind of the whole POINT of Python?  From
> "Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language
> with dynamic semantics."

Well, yes and no.

Python is an object-oriented language in the sense that all of Python is built using objects. Everything, including modules, functions, ints, strings, yes, even classes themselves, are objects.

But also no, in the sense that the code you write doesn't have to be written using OOP techniques. Python is a multi-paradigm language in the sense that you can write code using any of these styles:

- object-oriented

- functional

- procedural

- imperative

- or a mix of all of the above.


From chigga101 at  Thu Aug 22 18:49:00 2013
From: chigga101 at (Matthew Ngaha)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 17:49:00 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> Good question! And one that needs a long answer.

Hey i just checked mail again... A big thank you for your responses, i
will read all of them now.. im pretty my programs/designs will be much
cleaner by the time i done. And yes i was talking about freenode:)

From leamhall at  Thu Aug 22 22:14:41 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 16:14:41 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
Message-ID: <>

If I have a series of tasks that depend on X happening, should I put them
all in the same "try" block or just put X in there and exit out if it fails?



Mind on a Mission <>
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From at  Thu Aug 22 22:20:45 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 06:20:45 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 6:14 AM, leam hall <leamhall at> wrote:
> If I have a series of tasks that depend on X happening, should I put them
> all in the same "try" block or just put X in there and exit out if it fails?

You are right about the latter. You should put only the statement
which you expect to raise the exception.


From chris at  Thu Aug 22 22:27:28 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 22:27:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-23 06:20, Amit Saha wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 6:14 AM, leam hall <leamhall at> wrote:
> > If I have a series of tasks that depend on X happening, should I put them
> > all in the same "try" block or just put X in there and exit out if it fails?
> You are right about the latter. You should put only the statement
> which you expect to raise the exception.

You can also use the "else" clause if there is stuff you want to run if the try
block doesn't raise the caught exception, which avoids putting it in "try" if
you don't intend to exit from the exception.
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From wolfrage8765 at  Fri Aug 23 00:06:53 2013
From: wolfrage8765 at (wolfrage8765 at
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:06:53 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] global variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Thanks for all of this information.  It seems the OP has sparked the
kind of discussion that I had hopped for when I posted

Luckily though I did get an excellent response from Alan.

Still what you have posted here has been a good read, so, thank you.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On 23/08/13 00:59, Andy McKenzie wrote:
>> Isn't object orientation kind of the whole POINT of Python?  From
>> "Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming
>> language
>> with dynamic semantics."
> Well, yes and no.
> Python is an object-oriented language in the sense that all of Python is
> built using objects. Everything, including modules, functions, ints,
> strings, yes, even classes themselves, are objects.
> But also no, in the sense that the code you write doesn't have to be written
> using OOP techniques. Python is a multi-paradigm language in the sense that
> you can write code using any of these styles:
> - object-oriented
> - functional
> - procedural
> - imperative
> - or a mix of all of the above.
> --
> Steven
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug 23 02:30:21 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 01:30:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv6aem$9l3$>

On 22/08/13 21:27, Chris Down wrote:

> You can also use the "else" clause if there is stuff you want to run if the try
> block doesn't raise the caught exception, which avoids putting it in "try" if
> you don't intend to exit from the exception.

I admit that I've never really found a use for else in a try block.
I don;t see much advantage in

try: f(x)
except MyError:


try: f(x)
except MyError:

Unless you really only want g(x) executed if there
is no MyError exception but want h(x) executed regardless.

I   guess where h() is not using x it might be helpful but in most(all?) 
of my code I've usually bailed when x has gone
wrong or I've fixed things such that hg() and h() are required.

I'm curious, how often do others use the try/else combination?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From at  Fri Aug 23 02:40:52 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 10:40:52 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <kv6aem$9l3$>
References: <>
 <> <kv6aem$9l3$>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> On 22/08/13 21:27, Chris Down wrote:
>> You can also use the "else" clause if there is stuff you want to run if
>> the try
>> block doesn't raise the caught exception, which avoids putting it in "try"
>> if
>> you don't intend to exit from the exception.
> I admit that I've never really found a use for else in a try block.
> I don;t see much advantage in
> try: f(x)
> except MyError:
>     pass
> else:
>     g(x)
> h(x)
> over
> try: f(x)
> except MyError:
>     pass
> g(x)
> h(x)
> Unless you really only want g(x) executed if there
> is no MyError exception but want h(x) executed regardless.
> I   guess where h() is not using x it might be helpful but in most(all?) of
> my code I've usually bailed when x has gone
> wrong or I've fixed things such that hg() and h() are required.
> I'm curious, how often do others use the try/else combination?

I think one use of writing something in an "else" would be to write
those statements which are part of a "block" (loosely used) of
statements which would depend on the statement in the try block. That
doesn't change the way it works if they were not written in an "else",
but perhaps makes it clear that those statements are to be executed
only when there is no exception. Explicit is better than implicit, may


From dipo.elegbede at  Fri Aug 23 03:02:16 2013
From: dipo.elegbede at (Oladipupo Elegbede)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 02:02:16 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Depending on what x is and also whether or not you've decided to go the
'try'route, if, else may be useful from the way you sound. My thought.
On 22 Aug 2013 21:16, "leam hall" <leamhall at> wrote:

> If I have a series of tasks that depend on X happening, should I put them
> all in the same "try" block or just put X in there and exit out if it fails?
> Thanks!
> Leam
> --
> Mind on a Mission <>
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From steve at  Fri Aug 23 03:26:24 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 11:26:24 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <kv6aem$9l3$>
References: <>
 <> <kv6aem$9l3$>
Message-ID: <>

On 23/08/13 10:30, Alan Gauld wrote:

> I admit that I've never really found a use for else in a try block.
> I don;t see much advantage in
> try: f(x)
> except MyError:
>      pass
> else:
>      g(x)
> h(x)
> over
> try: f(x)
> except MyError:
>      pass
> g(x)
> h(x)
> Unless you really only want g(x) executed if there
> is no MyError exception but want h(x) executed regardless.

That's exactly the use-case for try...else. Admittedly, it's a relatively uncommon use-case, but when you need it, you need it.

Instead of writing something like this:

failed = False
except SomeException:
     failed = True
if not failed:

a cleaner design is to use try...else:

except SomeException:

The advantage of try...else is even more obvious when you combine it with a finally clause:

except SomeException:

The cleanup function runs no matter how you exit the try block, whether it is via the except clause, the else clause, or even an unhandled exception. In this case, do_something_else is supposed to run before cleanup. I might be tempted to write this instead:

failed = False
except SomeException:
     failed = True
if not failed:

but that's wrong, because now do_something_else runs after cleanup. So I would have to use two try blocks to match the behaviour of try...else...finally.

     failed = False
     except SomeException:
         failed = True
     if not failed:

> I'm curious, how often do others use the try/else combination?

Rarely :-)

In my statistics module[1], out of nearly 2300 lines of code including doc strings, I use "else" just ten times in total and none of them are from try...else.

On the other hand, in my startup file that runs when I launch the Python interactive interpreter, a mere 157 lines, I have *four* try...else blocks. So it really depends on the nature of the code. Here is a typical example:

# === Command line completion and history ===
     import history
except ImportError:
     print('*** warning: command line history not available ***')
     history = history.History()



From jai633 at  Fri Aug 23 04:45:38 2013
From: jai633 at (Jing Ai)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 22:45:38 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to potential
Message-ID: <>

Hi everyone,
This is Jing and I am a recent college graduate with Biology and Public
Health background.  I'm currently learning python on my own when i have
time off from my PH internship.  There's a job posting that looks really
idea for me in the near future (a PH Research position) that requires
"Python experience" and I wonder if any of you have any suggestions how I
can demonstrate my python skills if I'm learning it on my own as opposed to
taking courses?

Some people had previously suggested GitHub, but it seems to only show my
abilities to read python code and detect bugs, but not abilities to write
python code.  Some others suggested doing a project of my own, but I don't
currently have any data or problem to solve in my field.

Thanks so much!

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From jai633 at  Fri Aug 23 04:50:33 2013
From: jai633 at (Jing Ai)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 22:50:33 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] python tutoring
In-Reply-To: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
References: <EAB44A47A99DC441810C88554F212EB70639DD885287@HNXEXCH.hendrix.local>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Trent,
I was once wondering about the similar question, but I discovered that
Python has a huge user group (stationed across the world) and here's a site
that includes the local links to all the user groups around the world,
South Korea is included!  You can probably find help locally from there.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Fowler, Trent <FowlerTM at> wrote:

> Hello,
> Not long ago I came across the website of a professional programmer
> offering python tutoring services:
> I have attempted to contact him because I am interested but I've been
> unable to get in touch.  I was wondering if anyone knew of people offering
> similar services.  I am a self-starter and highly motivated, but I live in
> a small town in South Korea and I don't have any friends who program.
>  Since I also don't have a computer science background and python is my
> first language, I really need someone who can help me with the beginning
> stages.  Often times when I run into a problem not only do I not know how
> to solve it, I don't even know how to ask the questions that will help
> someone else solve it.
> I don't want to be spoon-fed, just gently nudged and guided.  I'm on a
> budget but I'd be willing to pay for a good teacher.  Preliminary googling
> has turned up precious little, so I thought someone here might be able to
> point me in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> -Trent.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From at  Fri Aug 23 05:12:03 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:12:03 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to
 potential employer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jing Ai,

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Jing Ai <jai633 at> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> This is Jing and I am a recent college graduate with Biology and Public
> Health background.  I'm currently learning python on my own when i have time
> off from my PH internship.  There's a job posting that looks really idea for
> me in the near future (a PH Research position) that requires "Python
> experience" and I wonder if any of you have any suggestions how I can
> demonstrate my python skills if I'm learning it on my own as opposed to
> taking courses?
> Some people had previously suggested GitHub, but it seems to only show my
> abilities to read python code and detect bugs, but not abilities to write
> python code.  Some others suggested doing a project of my own, but I don't
> currently have any data or problem to solve in my field.

I am not from your background. In your field of work do you need to do
lot of data analysis (read statistical analysis)?. Do you think you
could find something like that and something of your interest? You
could then use Python (the language and related tools) to perform data
analysis, presenting data graphically, etc to work the data and infer
some relevant conclusions. For example, has
data sets related to various fields of study.

Does that sound like something you may find interesting and is relevant?


From at  Fri Aug 23 05:56:49 2013
From: at (Amit Saha)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:56:49 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to
 potential employer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Jing Ai <jai633 at> wrote:
> @Amit
> Thank you for your suggestions!  I'll look into the data there and see if
> there's something relevant that I can use to do a project.  Yes I believe it
> would involve some data analysis (and I may need to learn R as well or use
> RPy).  Do you think one project is sufficient to demonstrate my skills if
> it's in-depth? Or does it take several projects?

Hmm I am not sure. But, depends on how much time you have. If you can
do one "big" project that demonstrates a number of your skills - use
of Python and one or more of the scientific libraries, that perhaps
speaks fair bit about what you know. Also, consider  using version
control for your projects and of course, unit testing. I also suggest
looking into Sphinx for documentation of your project. They also
demonstrate that you know some of the things that you need to beyond
just writing programs.

Best of luck.

From jai633 at  Fri Aug 23 05:52:45 2013
From: jai633 at (Jing Ai)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 23:52:45 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to
 potential employer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you for your suggestions!  I'll look into the data there and see if
there's something relevant that I can use to do a project.  Yes I believe
it would involve some data analysis (and I may need to learn R as well or
use RPy).  Do you think one project is sufficient to demonstrate my skills
if it's in-depth? Or does it take several projects?

Thanks for your response.  I don't really mean that I can't think of any
problems in my fields of study, but rather that I'm inexperienced in
selecting a specific problem that's appropriate (not too simple or complex)
to work with based on my current Python experience.  I agree that python
skills are demonstrated through writing though.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 11:12 PM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:

> Hi Jing Ai,
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Jing Ai <jai633 at> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > This is Jing and I am a recent college graduate with Biology and Public
> > Health background.  I'm currently learning python on my own when i have
> time
> > off from my PH internship.  There's a job posting that looks really idea
> for
> > me in the near future (a PH Research position) that requires "Python
> > experience" and I wonder if any of you have any suggestions how I can
> > demonstrate my python skills if I'm learning it on my own as opposed to
> > taking courses?
> >
> > Some people had previously suggested GitHub, but it seems to only show my
> > abilities to read python code and detect bugs, but not abilities to write
> > python code.  Some others suggested doing a project of my own, but I
> don't
> > currently have any data or problem to solve in my field.
> I am not from your background. In your field of work do you need to do
> lot of data analysis (read statistical analysis)?. Do you think you
> could find something like that and something of your interest? You
> could then use Python (the language and related tools) to perform data
> analysis, presenting data graphically, etc to work the data and infer
> some relevant conclusions. For example, has
> data sets related to various fields of study.
> Does that sound like something you may find interesting and is relevant?
> Best,
> Amit.
> --
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From alan.gauld at  Fri Aug 23 09:48:47 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 08:48:47 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to
	potential employer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kv744o$2ha$>

On 23/08/13 03:45, Jing Ai wrote:

> time off from my PH internship.  There's a job posting that looks really
> idea for me in the near future (a PH Research position) that requires
> "Python experience" and I wonder if any of you have any suggestions how
> I can demonstrate my python skills if I'm learning it on my own as
> opposed to taking courses?

I only took a course for 3 of the 20-30 programming languages I 
know/use. A course should not be necessary. Working code should

> Some people had previously suggested GitHub, but it seems to only show
> my abilities to read python code and detect bugs, but not abilities to
> write python code.

Any Python based open source project should offer opportunities to 
document/test/debug/fix and *enhance* the software. Get involved with 
your favourite project and make a difference. You can also get involved 
with the Python community here on tutor and the main Python list. Your 
comments and responses can demonstrate your level of understanding.

Since its a research position you are interested in they are probably 
more interested in your coding ability than in your general software 
engineering skills, but its worth developing good engineering skills 
too. (TDD, Version control, Documentation, etc)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From japhy at  Fri Aug 23 05:34:13 2013
From: japhy at (Japhy Bartlett)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 23:34:13 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to
 potential employer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jing -

You demonstrate skill at writing python by writing python.  If you don't
have data, write something to scrape data.

If you seriously can't think of any problems or interesting side projects
to solve in either of your fields, bluntly, you're almost certainly
worthless as a researcher.

Go build anything!

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Jing Ai <jai633 at> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> This is Jing and I am a recent college graduate with Biology and Public
> Health background.  I'm currently learning python on my own when i have
> time off from my PH internship.  There's a job posting that looks really
> idea for me in the near future (a PH Research position) that requires
> "Python experience" and I wonder if any of you have any suggestions how I
> can demonstrate my python skills if I'm learning it on my own as opposed to
> taking courses?
> Some people had previously suggested GitHub, but it seems to only show my
> abilities to read python code and detect bugs, but not abilities to write
> python code.  Some others suggested doing a project of my own, but I don't
> currently have any data or problem to solve in my field.
> Thanks so much!
> Jing
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From japhy at  Fri Aug 23 07:01:26 2013
From: japhy at (Japhy Bartlett)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 01:01:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How to present python experience (self-taught) to
 potential employer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

One project is fine, unless your competition has finished two.  Start at
least with one script in each language that you want on your resume that
does some sort of analysis on a set of data.

With all due respect to Amit, if you are going for academic work don't
bother with tests or documentation, proceed directly towards a demo that
makes charts.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Amit Saha < at> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Jing Ai <jai633 at> wrote:
> > @Amit
> > Thank you for your suggestions!  I'll look into the data there and see if
> > there's something relevant that I can use to do a project.  Yes I
> believe it
> > would involve some data analysis (and I may need to learn R as well or
> use
> > RPy).  Do you think one project is sufficient to demonstrate my skills if
> > it's in-depth? Or does it take several projects?
> Hmm I am not sure. But, depends on how much time you have. If you can
> do one "big" project that demonstrates a number of your skills - use
> of Python and one or more of the scientific libraries, that perhaps
> speaks fair bit about what you know. Also, consider  using version
> control for your projects and of course, unit testing. I also suggest
> looking into Sphinx for documentation of your project. They also
> demonstrate that you know some of the things that you need to beyond
> just writing programs.
> Best of luck.
> -Amit.
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From fal at  Fri Aug 23 10:18:27 2013
From: fal at (Francesco Loffredo)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 10:18:27 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Runestone Python Course
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Omar Abou Mrad wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at <mailto:cybervigilante at>> wrote:
>     <snip>
> Would be nice if it worked though, logged in through my google account, now i get this error which I can do nothing about:
>   Sorry, Something went wrong
> The error is: |invalid request|
|It was the same for me|. It gives this error message as soon as I try to run one of their "ActiveCode" examples.
But I discovered that if you delete the single leading blank in front of each line, then it works.
Maybe their parser doesn't like unindented lines starting with a space...

It's a nuisance, though.


From chris at  Fri Aug 23 12:55:45 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:55:45 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <kv6aem$9l3$>
References: <>
 <> <kv6aem$9l3$>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-23 01:30, Alan Gauld wrote:
> Unless you really only want g(x) executed if there is no MyError exception
> but want h(x) executed regardless.

I've had that situation a few times before when using the logic "try this, or
fall back to this if it doesn't work".

> I'm curious, how often do others use the try/else combination?

Rarely. I think I've only used it twice in recent memory.
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From leamhall at  Fri Aug 23 13:37:12 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 07:37:12 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <kv6aem$9l3$>
Message-ID: <>

Well, maybe I'm looking at the wrong construct. The script needs to open up
one file that will be on the machine. It will open up other files given as
command line arguments and open files to write to. It should fail
gracefully if it cannot open the files to be read or written. The community
that will use the script has varying levels of scripting but not hordes of
Python. I'd prefer to fail with an explanation so they could fix the issue
and not just blame the script.


On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:

> On 2013-08-23 01:30, Alan Gauld wrote:
> > Unless you really only want g(x) executed if there is no MyError
> exception
> > but want h(x) executed regardless.
> I've had that situation a few times before when using the logic "try this,
> or
> fall back to this if it doesn't work".
> > I'm curious, how often do others use the try/else combination?
> Rarely. I think I've only used it twice in recent memory.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Mind on a Mission <>
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From __peter__ at  Fri Aug 23 14:14:35 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 14:14:35 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] How much in a "try" block?
References: <>
 <> <kv6aem$9l3$>
Message-ID: <kv7jmn$up4$>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> On 22/08/13 21:27, Chris Down wrote:
>> You can also use the "else" clause if there is stuff you want to run if
>> the try block doesn't raise the caught exception, which avoids putting it
>> in "try" if you don't intend to exit from the exception.
> I admit that I've never really found a use for else in a try block.
> I don;t see much advantage in
> try: f(x)
> except MyError:
>      pass
> else:
>      g(x)
> h(x)
> over
> try: f(x)
> except MyError:
>      pass
> g(x)
> h(x)
> Unless you really only want g(x) executed if there
> is no MyError exception but want h(x) executed regardless.
> I   guess where h() is not using x it might be helpful but in most(all?)
> of my code I've usually bailed when x has gone
> wrong or I've fixed things such that hg() and h() are required.
> I'm curious, how often do others use the try/else combination?

I use it for clarity even when it is not necessary. I think

    text =
except AttributeError:
    with open(file) as f:
        text =

looks odd (an AttributeError when reading a file?) compared to

    read =
except AttributeError:
    with open(file) as f:
        text =
    text = read()

Ah -- we're not sure whether it's a file or a filename.

Looking through my bunch of casual scripts I find that 22% of try...except 
have an else clause compared to only 11.4% in /usr/lib/python2.7.

From cybervigilante at  Fri Aug 23 21:02:33 2013
From: cybervigilante at (Jim Mooney)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 12:02:33 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Runestone Python Course
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

But I discovered that if you delete the single leading blank in front of
each line, then it works.
Maybe their parser doesn't like unindented lines starting with a space...
That's odd. I haven't had any  of those problems. I wonder if it's your
browser. I'm using FF. Are you doing the first course or the more advanced
one? I'm only looking at the first one. If you write them I 've found them
to be very cooperative, which is the norm for open source stuff if you're
polite. imagine trying to get through the Microsoft phalanx to the
programmer, if you could even find them, and then they'd say they had no
authority to make a change until it was reviewed by the Committee of 400, a
year from now ;')


On 23 August 2013 01:18, Francesco Loffredo <fal at> wrote:

> Omar Abou Mrad wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at<mailto:
>> cybervigilante at gmail.**com <cybervigilante at>>> wrote:
>>     <snip>
>> Would be nice if it worked though, logged in through my google account,
>> now i get this error which I can do nothing about:
>>   Sorry, Something went wrong
>> The error is: |invalid request|
>>  |It was the same for me|. It gives this error message as soon as I try
> to run one of their "ActiveCode" examples.
> But I discovered that if you delete the single leading blank in front of
> each line, then it works.
> Maybe their parser doesn't like unindented lines starting with a space...
> It's a nuisance, though.
> Francesco
> ______________________________**_________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:


More and more, science is showing that animals, even "simple" ones, have
awareness and feelings. There is no hard divide, as the rape-the-earth
crowd would have us believe..
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From chris at  Sat Aug 24 10:03:28 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 10:03:28 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python 3.x VIM
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Neelesh,

On 2013-08-24 12:55, Neelesh Chandola wrote:
> On your recommendation , I downloaded VIM but when checking for python 3.x
> support , using :py3 print ("Hello") , it gives error E370 and E263. I also
> checked :version and it shows that both py2.x and py3.x are in use .
> So my question is how do I use it just for py3.x .I use win8 .
> Please help - I am completely new so you would have to explain things while
> answering .

I do not provide any support by 1-to-1 email. If you want support, please
e-mail the list (Cc'd to this mail). It sounds like your version of Vim was
compiled without Python support, but I haven't used Windows in years, and have
no experience in that.

As for your question in your followup e-mail, you can find my .vimrc (with all
of my other configs) here:

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From dedur at  Fri Aug 23 11:34:08 2013
From: dedur at (Duri Denoth)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 11:34:08 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] verb conjugations
Message-ID: <>

Hello Tutor

I have written a program that generates verb conjugations.

There is a loop that generates the regular forms:

for i in range(6):
    present[i] = stem + worded_present_ar[i]

For irregular verbs the correct form is set individually:

present[2] = stem + worded_present_rule_7[2]

This dosen't seem to me the best readable Python code. Is there any python language feature more suitable for this problem?



From __peter__ at  Sun Aug 25 10:48:51 2013
From: __peter__ at (Peter Otten)
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 10:48:51 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] verb conjugations
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvcgcl$qsv$>

Duri Denoth wrote:

> Hello Tutor
> I have written a program that generates verb conjugations.
> There is a loop that generates the regular forms:
> for i in range(6):
>     present[i] = stem + worded_present_ar[i]

An alternative way to write this is

present = [stem + suffix for suffix in worded_present_ar]

> For irregular verbs the correct form is set individually:
> present[2] = stem + worded_present_rule_7[2]

Does this mean that all forms but the 3rd person singular are regular? You 
could set up a dictionary

irregular_forms = {
    "go": {2: "{}es"},
    "be": {0: "am", 1: "are", 2: "is", ..., 5: "are"},
present = ... # preload with regular forms
if stem in irregular_forms:
    for numerus_person, template in irregular_forms[stem].items():
        present[numerus_person] = template.format(stem)

Use of format() instead of concatenation with '+' allows you to build forms 
that don't start with the stem.

> This dosen't seem to me the best readable Python code. Is there any python
> language feature more suitable for this problem?

I don't think readability is the issue with your code; rather the problem is 
to cover all the irregularities of a natural language. 

From chris at  Mon Aug 26 00:34:40 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 00:34:40 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection
Message-ID: <>

I am experiencing intermittent issues where an exception will be raised when
calling getresponse(), which makes the entire connection stuck in Request-sent
state. Is it possible to reset to idle state somehow without reinstantiating
the HTTPSConnection? I ideally want to keep the connection to the server, and
just reset the state to idle so that I can make another request (like you would
usually do by calling getresponse()).

    >>> a.conn
    <http.client.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f8d7cb58bd0>
    >>> a.conn.getresponse()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/http/", line 1143, in getresponse
      File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/http/", line 354, in begin
        version, status, reason = self._read_status()
      File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/http/", line 324, in _read_status
        raise BadStatusLine(line)
    http.client.BadStatusLine: ''
    >>> a.conn.request("GET", "foo")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/http/", line 1061, in request
        self._send_request(method, url, body, headers)
      File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/http/", line 1089, in _send_request
        self.putrequest(method, url, **skips)
      File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/http/", line 944, in putrequest
        raise CannotSendRequest(self.__state)
    http.client.CannotSendRequest: Request-sent
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 26 02:23:52 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 01:23:52 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kve76g$bhd$>

On 25/08/13 23:34, Chris Down wrote:
> I am experiencing intermittent issues where an exception will be raised when
> calling getresponse(), which makes the entire connection stuck in Request-sent
> state.

While this is technically within the remit of this list, since its
about a standard library module, I suspect you might be better
off asking on the main tutor list. It's at a deeper level of
skill/experience than most of the tutor queries.

But you may well get an answer here, it's just that the
main list would certainly consider this to be a valid query too.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From chris at  Mon Aug 26 11:28:47 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:28:47 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection
In-Reply-To: <kve76g$bhd$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-26 01:23, Alan Gauld wrote:
> While this is technically within the remit of this list, since its
> about a standard library module, I suspect you might be better
> off asking on the main tutor list. It's at a deeper level of
> skill/experience than most of the tutor queries.

Hm, I guess I don't understand the remit of the two lists then. Tutor has
always seemed very... non-tutory. I'll post it there, anyway. Thanks!
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From steve at  Mon Aug 26 12:45:43 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:45:43 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <kve76g$bhd$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26/08/13 19:28, Chris Down wrote:
> On 2013-08-26 01:23, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> While this is technically within the remit of this list, since its
>> about a standard library module, I suspect you might be better
>> off asking on the main tutor list. It's at a deeper level of
>> skill/experience than most of the tutor queries.
> Hm, I guess I don't understand the remit of the two lists then. Tutor has
> always seemed very... non-tutory. I'll post it there, anyway. Thanks!

It's not so much that your question is off-topic for this list -- it sort of is, but who cares, we often discuss things which are only tangentially related to "learning Python the language" -- but that the number of people on this list is smaller than the main python-list at list. So for more advanced questions like this, you're more likely to get an answer from someone there, just by weight of numbers.


From chris at  Mon Aug 26 15:53:00 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 15:53:00 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <kve76g$bhd$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-26 09:50, William Ray Wing wrote:
> I'd be willing to bet that Alan simply foobar'd his answer - he _meant_ to
> say the main python list, not the main tutor list.

I guessed that was what he meant. I posted on python-list, anyway.
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 26 16:30:24 2013
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 15:30:24 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <kve76g$bhd$> <>
Message-ID: <>

Oops, yes. That's absolutely correct.

Sorry about any confusion caused!
Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn To Program website

> From: William Ray Wing <wrw at>
>To: Chris Down <chris at> 
>Cc: William Ray Wing <wrw at>; Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>; tutor at 
>Sent: Monday, 26 August 2013, 14:50
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection objects
>On Aug 26, 2013, at 5:28 AM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:
>> On 2013-08-26 01:23, Alan Gauld wrote:
>>> While this is technically within the remit of this list, since its
>>> about a standard library module, I suspect you might be better
>>> off asking on the main tutor list. It's at a deeper level of
>>> skill/experience than most of the tutor queries.
>> Hm, I guess I don't understand the remit of the two lists then. Tutor has
>> always seemed very... non-tutory. I'll post it there, anyway. Thanks!
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist? -? Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
>I'd be willing to bet that Alan simply foobar'd his answer - he _meant_ to say the main python list, not the main tutor list.
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From isaaceric at  Mon Aug 26 10:29:40 2013
From: isaaceric at (isaac Eric)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 01:29:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
Message-ID: <>

describe different ways of displaying output using python!
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From dfjennings at  Mon Aug 26 16:37:06 2013
From: dfjennings at (Don Jennings)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 10:37:06 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 26, 2013, at 4:29 AM, isaac Eric wrote:

> describe different ways of displaying output using python!

Well, that's not really a question now, is it? I would be happy to help, but which part of the task is confusing for you?

Take care,

From wrw at  Mon Aug 26 15:50:26 2013
From: wrw at (William Ray Wing)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 09:50:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Resetting state of http.client/httplib HTTPSConnection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <kve76g$bhd$> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 26, 2013, at 5:28 AM, Chris Down <chris at> wrote:

> On 2013-08-26 01:23, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> While this is technically within the remit of this list, since its
>> about a standard library module, I suspect you might be better
>> off asking on the main tutor list. It's at a deeper level of
>> skill/experience than most of the tutor queries.
> Hm, I guess I don't understand the remit of the two lists then. Tutor has
> always seemed very... non-tutory. I'll post it there, anyway. Thanks!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

I'd be willing to bet that Alan simply foobar'd his answer - he _meant_ to say the main python list, not the main tutor list.


From chris at  Mon Aug 26 16:59:11 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 16:59:11 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-26 01:29, isaac Eric wrote:
> describe different ways of displaying output using python!

Please, read this:
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From bgailer at  Mon Aug 26 17:32:20 2013
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:32:20 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8/26/2013 4:29 AM, isaac Eric wrote:
> describe different ways of displaying output using python!
I am glad you are asking for help. We encourage that.

I agree with the other responses.

Your question is clear to you, but not to us. We could play the guessing 
game and eventually discover what you want - but that is not efficient.

Better is for you to read the article on how to ask questions, then 
re-send your question.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 26 18:32:14 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:32:14 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvfvu7$o3s$>

On 26/08/13 09:29, isaac Eric wrote:
> describe different ways of displaying output using python!

This smells like homework.
We don;t do your homework for you although we will try to point
you in the right direction. But you need to show that you are
at least trying to figure it out for yourself.

Also, in general, it helps if you tell us what version of Python
you use on which OS and what tutorial, if any, you are following.

Then be as specific as possible in your question so that we can
give you a specific answer.

As it stands I'd say the answer to your question is:

Python can output on stdout, to named files, to a GUI or to a network.
The output can be in the form of text strings or bytes.
Which of those, if any, counts as 'display' is up to you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 26 19:55:02 2013
From: alan.gauld at (ALAN GAULD)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 18:55:02 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <DUB123-W46B797A8658E3327B7450098490@phx.gbl>
References: <>,
Message-ID: <>

You need to include the tutor list (use ReplyAll)?
if you want to send to the list.

I'm not sure I understand what you are after, can?
you give a bit more background. What do you mean by?
"knowledge base", "object code", "a.i. style of program",?
OFC, GUI linking, "xyz matrix code" etc? I could guess,?
but I might get it wrong.

I assume Houdini is some kind of package or app but?
I've never heard of it and don't know what it does.

Python is a general purpose programming language and?
so can likely do whatever you want it to do. But you?
will need to figure out how. It's unlikely to be a?
trivial exercise.
Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn To Program website

> From: JAMIE shelley <sirshelley at>
>To: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at> 
>Sent: Monday, 26 August 2013, 18:47
>Subject: RE: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
>hello, not sure id this is correct method to publish a question to th emailing list but hear goes :)
>(for a start let me just add that i'm moving onto electronic electrical extended lvl 3 diploma mainly due to very poor computing teaching quality -among other things- budget cuts :c )?
>- So my interest in python is no longer academic, until uni?
>but still... :)
>wondering if you could tell me if it's possible to make a program that is effectively just a knowledge base but one that can change the area of it's specialization.
>To clear it up a bit , coupled with the possibility of a GUI or object code as to allow your avg joe to input said questions in any format and the program can interpret it, not so much using a.i style of program (don't think efficiency of the code will be a problem here) but rather reference imported libraries/lists. 
>I've been ?thinking about it for a while and the best I can come up with is just constant iteration , while and import, then OFC for GUI linking some xyz matrix code. - or even run that kinda stuff on programs like Houdini ?
>If I haven't waffled enough; what I would like to achieve
>simple general purpose code for matching keyword in said locations to serial lists, be able to outomaticly append the list to allow retrieval of most common searches faster
>linking a program like Houdini to xyz (courtesan) code ?
>any info on this is great greatly appreciated, or even just ideas to get me going?
>> To: tutor at
>> From: alan.gauld at
>> Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:32:14 +0100
>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
>> On 26/08/13 09:29, isaac Eric wrote:
>> > describe different ways of displaying output using python!
>> This smells like homework.
>> We don;t do your homework for you although we will try to point
>> you in the right direction. But you need to show that you are
>> at least trying to figure it out for yourself.
>> Also, in general, it helps if you tell us what version of Python
>> you use on which OS and what tutorial, if any, you are following.
>> Then be as specific as possible in your question so that we can
>> give you a specific answer.
>> As it stands I'd say the answer to your question is:
>> Python can output on stdout, to named files, to a GUI or to a network.
>> The output can be in the form of text strings or bytes.
>> Which of those, if any, counts as 'display' is up to you.
>> -- 
>> Alan G
>> Author of the Learn to Program web site
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From joel.goldstick at  Mon Aug 26 20:31:04 2013
From: joel.goldstick at (Joel Goldstick)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 14:31:04 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

First of all, ONLY use text mode for sending messages to the mailing list.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 1:55 PM, ALAN GAULD <alan.gauld at> wrote:
> You need to include the tutor list (use ReplyAll)
> if you want to send to the list.
> I'm not sure I understand what you are after, can
> you give a bit more background. What do you mean by
> "knowledge base", "object code", "a.i. style of program",
> OFC, GUI linking, "xyz matrix code" etc? I could guess,
> but I might get it wrong.
> I assume Houdini is some kind of package or app but
> I've never heard of it and don't know what it does.
> Python is a general purpose programming language and
> so can likely do whatever you want it to do. But you
> will need to figure out how. It's unlikely to be a
> trivial exercise.
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn To Program website
> ________________________________
> From: JAMIE shelley <sirshelley at>
> To: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
> Sent: Monday, 26 August 2013, 18:47
> Subject: RE: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
> hello, not sure id this is correct method to publish a question to th
> emailing list but hear goes :)

Not sure what that last sentence means.

> (for a start let me just add that i'm moving onto electronic electrical
> extended lvl 3 diploma mainly due to very poor computing teaching quality
> -among other things- budget cuts :c )

For starters, this is a list with many Americans and people from all
over the world.  I have no idea what extended lvl 3 diploma is, and
you lose points by complaining about your teachers.  Maybe you don't
ask questions very well (a thought!)

> - So my interest in python is no longer academic, until uni
> but still... :)

> wondering if you could tell me if it's possible to make a program that is
> effectively just a knowledge base but one that can change the area of it's
> specialization.

So, the original question about ways to output from python has nothing
to do with your questions now?

Maybe you are talking about a general purpose data base.

At this point, let me back up and ask if you could describe your
general level of programming experience.  What language(s)? Do you
understand what an algorithm is? A database?

> To clear it up a bit , coupled with the possibility of a GUI or object code
> as to allow your avg joe to input said questions in any format and the
> program can interpret it, not so much using a.i style of program (don't
> think efficiency of the code will be a problem here) but rather reference
> imported libraries/lists.

Sorry, this last paragraph looks like something made up by a bot to
sound intelligent.  It reminds me of the Dilbert Corporate philosophy

On what basis are we to compare GUI to object code .  How does this
relate to a.i

I want to be positive and helpful, but the more I look at this thread,
the less of a question I see.

Earlier a responder posted a link describing how to ask a good
question on a mailing list.  You should read that.
> I've been  thinking about it for a while and the best I can come up with is
> just constant iteration , while and import, then OFC for GUI linking some
> xyz matrix code. - or even run that kinda stuff on programs like Houdini

Where will you put the flux capacitor?

> If I haven't waffled enough; what I would like to achieve
> simple general purpose code for matching keyword in said locations to serial
> lists, be able to outomaticly append the list to allow retrieval of most
> common searches faster
> linking a program like Houdini to xyz (courtesan) code
> any info on this is great greatly appreciated, or even just ideas to get me
> going
> regards
> -j.shelley
>> To: tutor at
>> From: alan.gauld at
>> Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:32:14 +0100
>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
>> On 26/08/13 09:29, isaac Eric wrote:
>> > describe different ways of displaying output using python!
>> This smells like homework.
>> We don;t do your homework for you although we will try to point
>> you in the right direction. But you need to show that you are
>> at least trying to figure it out for yourself.
>> Also, in general, it helps if you tell us what version of Python
>> you use on which OS and what tutorial, if any, you are following.
>> Then be as specific as possible in your question so that we can
>> give you a specific answer.
>> As it stands I'd say the answer to your question is:
>> Python can output on stdout, to named files, to a GUI or to a network.
>> The output can be in the form of text strings or bytes.
>> Which of those, if any, counts as 'display' is up to you.
>> --
>> Alan G
>> Author of the Learn to Program web site
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist - Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Joel Goldstick

From bgailer at  Mon Aug 26 21:41:25 2013
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 15:41:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
Message-ID: <>

Hi fellow tutors and helpers. I have a reaction to and I'd like your 
feedback. Perhaps I will then send revised comments to the authors of 
the site.

Before reading my comments pretend you are a newbie asking your first 
question and getting directed to this site.  Go to the site and try it 
get the answer to "how do I ask a good question?"

---- proposed comments ----

I participate in several Python Help lists. We frequently refer newbies 
to the above site. I decided to take another look at it today.

I found myself a bit disappointed. Here' s why:

All I see at first is email links and Revision History. If I did not 
know to scroll down I might have just figured I was at the wrong page.

Reading translations and disclaimer is not why I'd come here. I also 
would not have come here to be potentially labeled an "idiot".

There's a lot of words to wade thru to get to the heart of the matter - 
how to ask good questions.

What I'd prefer is a page that starts out with a brief summary of a what 
a good question. I think many newbies will read that and get the idea.

Followed by more detail about "how to ask good questions"

Then all the other stuff.

With contact names and email at the bottom preceded by a neutrally 
worded disclaimer. Only those who seek the contact info would need to 
read that.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

From alan.gauld at  Mon Aug 26 23:09:21 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 22:09:21 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <kvfvu7$o3s$> <DUB123-W46B797A8658E3327B7450098490@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <kvgg5q$nej$>

On 26/08/13 19:31, Joel Goldstick wrote:
>> From: JAMIE shelley <sirshelley at>
>> To: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at>
>> effectively just a knowledge base but one that can change the area of it's
>> specialization.
> So, the original question about ways to output from python has nothing
> to do with your questions now?

The problem is that Jamie Shelley has used a post from Eric Isaac to 
post his question so we have two questions on the same thread.

>> just constant iteration , while and import, then OFC for GUI linking some
>> xyz matrix code. - or even run that kinda stuff on programs like Houdini
> Where will you put the flux capacitor?

LOL :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From taserian at  Mon Aug 26 23:26:37 2013
From: taserian at (taserian)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:26:37 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Comparison Textboxes
Message-ID: <>

I'm attempting to gather the pieces I need for a simple project I'd like to
do for my job, but I'm having a difficult time finding something, and I'm
appealing to the hive mind at Tutor for wisdom.

My project needs to compare two or more large textboxes (each one
containing a file or a large amount of text) and point out their
differences, establishing one textbox as the canonical one to which the
other textboxes are compared. This functionality is done in many text
editors (Notepad++ can install a plug-in that allows comparison between two
files), so I would think that the code behind this is pretty common, yet I
can't seem to find any reference to it. My searches for "python text
comparison code" points to Python IDEs that include that functionality, but
no indication as to how to include it into my own code. I think I'm missing
something else to search by, but I can't determine what it is.

Does anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about, and can you point me in
the right direction?

Antonio Rodriguez
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From emile at  Mon Aug 26 23:39:22 2013
From: emile at (Emile van Sebille)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 14:39:22 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvghpc$b3q$>

I suspect that of the referrals made to this site only one-in-ten 
actually bother to _read_ the damn thing.  And those are the ones that 
quickly move on to the main python list going forward. (I hope!)

And while you are right that it doesn't serve the needs of the 
ten-second-toms out there that only want an answer to their question, 
ill stated as it may be, and without effort, which is mostly when I'd 
refer someone there, perhaps an introductory page hosted on the python 
site (beginners page perhaps) that we could refer to instead may be 
called for.

In any case, I wouldn't write esr and Rick Moen to request changes -- I 
expect you'd be pointed to if you got 
a reply at all.


On 8/26/2013 12:41 PM, bob gailer wrote:
> Hi fellow tutors and helpers. I have a reaction to
> and I'd like your
> feedback. Perhaps I will then send revised comments to the authors of
> the site.
> Before reading my comments pretend you are a newbie asking your first
> question and getting directed to this site.  Go to the site and try it
> get the answer to "how do I ask a good question?"
> ---- proposed comments ----
> I participate in several Python Help lists. We frequently refer newbies
> to the above site. I decided to take another look at it today.
> I found myself a bit disappointed. Here' s why:
> All I see at first is email links and Revision History. If I did not
> know to scroll down I might have just figured I was at the wrong page.
> Reading translations and disclaimer is not why I'd come here. I also
> would not have come here to be potentially labeled an "idiot".
> There's a lot of words to wade thru to get to the heart of the matter -
> how to ask good questions.
> What I'd prefer is a page that starts out with a brief summary of a what
> a good question. I think many newbies will read that and get the idea.
> Followed by more detail about "how to ask good questions"
> Then all the other stuff.
> With contact names and email at the bottom preceded by a neutrally
> worded disclaimer. Only those who seek the contact info would need to
> read that.

From emile at  Mon Aug 26 23:42:43 2013
From: emile at (Emile van Sebille)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 14:42:43 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvghvl$dka$>

perhaps pointing to is a better answer?


From bgailer at  Mon Aug 26 23:40:42 2013
From: bgailer at (bob gailer)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:40:42 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Comparison Textboxes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8/26/2013 5:26 PM, taserian wrote:
> I'm attempting to gather the pieces I need for a simple project I'd 
> like to do for my job, but I'm having a difficult time finding 
> something, and I'm appealing to the hive mind at Tutor for wisdom.
> My project needs to compare two or more large textboxes (each one 
> containing a file or a large amount of text) and point out their 
> differences, establishing one textbox as the canonical one to which 
> the other textboxes are compared. This functionality is done in many 
> text editors (Notepad++ can install a plug-in that allows comparison 
> between two files), so I would think that the code behind this is 
> pretty common, yet I can't seem to find any reference to it. My 
> searches for "python text comparison code" points to Python IDEs that 
> include that functionality, but no indication as to how to include it 
> into my own code. I think I'm missing something else to search by, but 
> I can't determine what it is.
> Does anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about, and can you point 
> me in the right direction?
If you have diff available (e.g. on *nix) write a subprocess to pass the 
texts to diff and retrieve the results. There is NO need to re-invent 
the wheel.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

From ljetibo at  Mon Aug 26 20:20:30 2013
From: ljetibo at (=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Dino_Bekte=B9evi=E6?=)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:20:30 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
Message-ID: <>


I'm interested in learning more about testing a program proficiency and how
to measure execution times in seconds. I have a very repetitive functions
and methods that work on images with large amount of measuring points each
one working with numpy.ndarrays which is really taxing and has to be really
repetitive because I either use .fill() or either have to go pix by pix.
I don't dare to run my program on a batch of ~9.5million images because I
can't assert how long could it last and because of obvious space issues my
program edits the information on the images and then overwrites the
original data. Should something go awry I'd have to spend a long time
cleaning it up. My plan is to test average profficiency on ~100 000 images
to see how it fairs and what to do next.

So far it takes about 1.5-2sec per image using the "guess_by_eye" method
(which isn't long, the first version took 25sec xD, but I will still add
couple of functions) but I still get the following warning:

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/", line
    warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
RuntimeWarning: The iteration is not making good progress, as measured by
  improvement from the last ten iterations.

It doesn't seem to produce any error in my data, but how dangerous is this?

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From davea at  Tue Aug 27 01:37:35 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:37:35 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Comparison Textboxes
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvgors$2u8$>

On 26/8/2013 17:26, taserian wrote:

> <div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>I&#39;m attempting to gather the pieces I need for a simple project I&#39;d like to do for my job, but I&#39;m having a difficult time finding something, and I&#39;m appealing to the hive mind at Tutor for wisdom.<br>
> <br></div>My project needs to compare two or more large textboxes

Please post using text email, not html.  it's messy, more than doubles
most messages, and frequently has bugs in how it gets displayed.

First question is what environment this is.  What version of Python, and
what operating system?

Next question is what's the reason for the requirement.  Is it an
assignment, and must be done by hand, is it something for your own use? 
Is it an app that will be used by programmers or by people unfamiliar
with programming tools.

Next question is what will your user be needing the differences for? 
Will they be cutting and pasting from the difference file into the same
or other dialog boxes?  Are they interested in the "minimum" set of
differences, or is there a bias towards showing largish blocks, even if
not every line in the block is different?

Next is how it will be presented.  Some diff programs colorize the "new"
and "deleted" lines, and more or less ignore changes in order.  Others
produce something that could be applied to the one file to produce the
other (eg. a version control system).

Finally, is this a requirement for the intellectual stimulation of
coding it from scratch?  Are you curious about the possible algorithms
or do you want something that can be done with minimum effort?

For one set of answers, I'd say to shell out to one of the tools that
any programmer already has available.

For another such set of answers, i'd write code that analyzed the two
files and found all lines that appeared exactly once in each file.
Each of those pairs of lines are called "islands". Now, for each
island, examine the lines immediately preceding and following the
present pair, and if they're identical, add them to the island. If in
so doing, you encounter another island, join the two. When none of the
islands can grow any more, you have one possible mapping of identical
lines between files, and the lines not included are differences.
You're in a good position to process those blocks of differences using
the islands for context.


From davea at  Tue Aug 27 02:04:19 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 00:04:19 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvgqe1$hfm$>

On 26/8/2013 14:20, Dino Bekte?evi? wrote:

Please post using text email, not html.  All the extra junk is a waste
of space, and really slows down reading.  There are other problems
caused sometimes, but you haven't hit those yet.

> <div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Hello,<br><br></div>I&#39;m interested in learning more about testing a program proficiency and how to measure execution times in seconds.

I think you mean efficiency, not proficiency.

> I have a very repetitive functions and methods that work on images
> with large amount of measuring points each one working with numpy.ndarrays which is really taxing and has to be really repetitive because I either use .fill() or either have to go pix by pix.<br>

I think you're saying it's slow, but you're not sure how slow.

> </div>I don&#39;t dare to run my program on a batch of ~9.5million images because I can&#39;t assert how long could it last and because of obvious space issues my program edits the information on
>  the images and then overwrites the original data. Should something go
> awry I&#39;d have to spend a long time cleaning it up.

Doesn't matter how slow or fast a program is.  If it's not reliable,
you'd better not run it with in-place updating of valuable data.  And if
it is reliable, so you trust it, but too slow to run in one pass, then
you'd better arrange that each file is recognizably done or not done. 
For example, you might drop a marker into a directory, make a copy of
that directory, work on the copy, then only when the whole directory is
finished do you move the files back where they belong and remove the
marker.  Pick your method such that it would only take a few seconds for
the program to figure out where it had left off.

> My plan is to test average profficiency on ~100 000 images to see how
> it fairs and what to do next.<br>
> <br></div>So far it takes about 1.5-2sec per image using the &quot;guess_by_eye&quot; method (which isn&#39;t long, 

If we assume 1 second per file, you're talking 3 years of execution
time for 10 million files.  Assuming you can wait that long, you'll also
have to figure that the program/os/computer will crash a few times in
that span.  So restartability is mandatory.  is anything else going to
be using these files, or this computer, in the meantime?

How big are these files, in total?  It may be much more practical to
have a separate drive(s) to hold the results.

> the first version took 25sec xD, but I will still add couple of
> functions) but I still get the following warning:<br>
> <br><div style="margin-left:40px"><span style="color:rgb(204,0,0)">Warning (from warnings module):<br>? File &quot;/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/;, line 152<br>??? warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)<br>
> RuntimeWarning: The iteration is not making good progress, as measured by the <br>? improvement from the last ten iterations.</span><br><br></div>It doesn&#39;t seem to produce any error in my data, but how dangerous is this?<br>
> <br><br></div>thanks!<br>Dino<br></div>

That sounds like a question specific to scipy.  If I had to guess what
it means, I'd say that the processing time per file varies too much to
show a meaningful progress bar.

Perhaps that last question should be made on a scipy forum, or at least
on the main python-list. This tutor list is intended for questions on
the language itself. No harm in asking here, but you reduce the odds
that somebody has actually used scipy enough to know that message.

You can do your own timings, if you like, using time.time() or other
mechanisms.  Which one is more accurate depends on which OS you're
running.  But if you make measurements of say 100 files, then any
methods is accurate enough.


From malaclypse2 at  Tue Aug 27 03:37:26 2013
From: malaclypse2 at (Jerry Hill)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 21:37:26 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Comparison Textboxes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 5:26 PM, taserian <taserian at> wrote:
> Does anyone have an idea of what I'm talking about, and can you point me in
> the right direction?

Historically, the unix tool for comparing the differences between two
files is called 'diff'.  Python has similar functionality in a library
called 'difflib'.  See

The Wikipedia article may provide some useful search terms too:

Does that help any?


From steve at  Tue Aug 27 04:41:45 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 12:41:45 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/08/13 05:41, bob gailer wrote:
> Hi fellow tutors and helpers. I have a reaction to and I'd like your feedback. Perhaps I will then send revised comments to the authors of the site.

I think you are right. Eric S Raymond is a very smart, very opinionated computer geek, and even when he is trying to be "non-geek friendly" he still writes like a geek for a geek audience. That's one of the reasons I now very rarely link to Smart-Questions, instead I prefer "Short, self contained, correct example".

But really, I want to re-write them both for a Python audience. One day, when I get a round tuit.

Feel free to pass your feedback on to ESR, but I expect he has probably heard it all before and doesn't care. But I might be wrong.

In my feedback below, I'm going to attempt to channel ESR, based on what I know of the man from his reputation and writings. I emphasis that although I am using quotation marks, I'm not actually quoting ESR, I'm putting words into his mouth.

> ---- proposed comments ----
> I participate in several Python Help lists. We frequently refer newbies to the above site. I decided to take another look at it today.
> I found myself a bit disappointed. Here' s why:
> All I see at first is email links and Revision History. If I did not know to scroll down I might have just figured I was at the wrong page.

"If you don't know how to scroll down, I can't help you. There are all sorts of people and places that will teach you the basics of using a web browser, I am not one of them."

"If you are too lazy to read the entire page, you're too lazy to follow whatever instructions we give you, so stop wasting our time."

> Reading translations and disclaimer is not why I'd come here. I also would not have come here to be potentially labeled an "idiot".

"Then you are exactly the sort of person we don't want wasting our time asking dumb questions. Sorry, but harsh truths are still truths. If you cannot follow my simple recipe for asking smart questions, then we don't want you wasting our time and filing our communication channels with your dumb questions. Our mailing lists and forums are for the use of people wanting to get things done, not for the purpose of hand-holding the ignorant, the stupid and the lazy."

> There's a lot of words to wade thru

Writing SMS-speak is not a good way to get ESR to respect your views. (Or mine, for that matter.)

>to get to the heart of the matter - how to ask good questions.
> What I'd prefer is a page that starts out with a brief summary of a what a good question. I think many newbies will read that and get the idea.

"It's a free internet, and here in the Glorious USA our forefathers spilled their blood, and that of tyrants, so that you have the inalienable right to Freedom of Speech. And guns. Especially guns. Go ahead and write your own How To Ask Smart Questions the Bob Gailer Way page, and so long as we protect our rights with guns the free market of ideas will choose between your version and mine."


From chris at  Tue Aug 27 04:48:53 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 04:48:53 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-27 12:41, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

"Keep the width of the lines in your example to under 62 characters wide."

I don't really see any reason to use less than 79 in 2013. In my opinion(!),
this document is too opinionated to be useful as a generic guide (but it mostly
lines up with my own prejudices).

> "If you don't know how to scroll down, I can't help you. There are all sorts
> of people and places that will teach you the basics of using a web browser, I
> am not one of them."

I have mixed feelings about this. I think this is a poor excuse for poor UX,

> "If you are too lazy to read the entire page, you're too lazy to follow
> whatever instructions we give you, so stop wasting our time."

I agree with this one.

> >There's a lot of words to wade thru
> Writing SMS-speak is not a good way to get ESR to respect your views. (Or
> mine, for that matter.)

Why on earth do people give a crap about "thru"? It's dictionary approved and
peaked in 1930(?) or something, an era when I'm sure if you said they were
using "SMS speak", they would have laughed in your face. I only give a shit
about how someone represents English when it obscures meaning (which I have a
hard time believing "thru" would do).
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From steve at  Tue Aug 27 07:33:12 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:33:12 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Comparison Textboxes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130827053312.GB4387@ando>

Hi Taserian,

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 05:26:37PM -0400, taserian wrote:
> I'm attempting to gather the pieces I need for a simple project I'd like to
> do for my job, but I'm having a difficult time finding something, and I'm
> appealing to the hive mind at Tutor for wisdom.

Just for the record, "hive mind" is not a compliment, it is an insult. 
Rather than suggest "the wisdom of the crowd", it suggests a group of 
people indoctrinated into all believing exactly the same thing.

> My project needs to compare two or more large textboxes (each one
> containing a file or a large amount of text) and point out their
> differences, establishing one textbox as the canonical one to which the
> other textboxes are compared.

You want the difflib module:


From steve at  Tue Aug 27 08:18:11 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:18:11 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20130827061811.GC4387@ando>

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 08:20:30PM +0200, Dino Bekte?evi? wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm interested in learning more about testing a program proficiency and how
> to measure execution times in seconds. I have a very repetitive functions

For the record, "proficiency" means skill, and is used when talking 
about people. You and I can have proficiency with Python. A Python 
program doesn't have proficiency. It has efficiency, how fast it 
operates, how much memory it requires.

For timing very small, *fast* code snippets, the best tool is the timeit 

For timing long-running pieces of code, I use this simple recipe:

To find out where a function is spending most of its time, 
you want a profiler, such as profile and hotshot:

> Warning (from warnings module):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/", line
> 152
>     warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
> RuntimeWarning: The iteration is not making good progress, as measured by
> the improvement from the last ten iterations.
> It doesn't seem to produce any error in my data, but how dangerous is this?

That's just telling you that your code is slow.

I say "your code", but it might be scipy, numpy, or code you wrote 
yourself. Or it might simply be that the task you are trying to do is 
hard, and no matter what you do it will always be slow. I'm afraid that 
it will probably take a numpy/scipy expert to tell you which is the 


From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 27 10:49:46 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:49:46 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <kvhp72$tci$>

On 27/08/13 03:48, Chris Down wrote:

> "Keep the width of the lines in your example to under 62 characters wide."
> I don't really see any reason to use less than 79 in 2013.

The reason for preferring shorter lines is to leave room for
the chevrons when the message gets quoted multiple times.


 >>>>>> I don't really see any reason to use less than 79 in 2013.
 >>>>> The reason for preferring shorter lines is to leave room for
 >>>>> the chevrons when the message gets quoted multiple times.
 >>>> That's just crazy
 >>> Maybe but its the reason given
 >> I prefer using different colours the way Outlook does it
 > But that needs rich text and I hate rich text

And that's a whole new discussion ;-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From chris at  Tue Aug 27 11:51:04 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:51:04 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <kvhp72$tci$>
References: <> <>
 <> <kvhp72$tci$>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-27 09:49, Alan Gauld wrote:
> The reason for preferring shorter lines is to leave room for
> the chevrons when the message gets quoted multiple times.

I always reformat quotes with `gq' in vim when I am quoting, I suggest others
do the same.
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From steve at  Tue Aug 27 12:11:03 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 20:11:03 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <kvhp72$tci$>
References: <> <>
 <> <kvhp72$tci$>
Message-ID: <20130827101103.GD4387@ando>

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 09:49:46AM +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:

> >>>>>> I don't really see any reason to use less than 79 in 2013.
> >>>>> The reason for preferring shorter lines is to leave room for
> >>>>> the chevrons when the message gets quoted multiple times.
> >>>> That's just crazy
> >>> Maybe but its the reason given
> >> I prefer using different colours the way Outlook does it
> > But that needs rich text and I hate rich text

And it also makes it hard to impossible for the colour blind to tell 
what is quoted how many times.

I wish mail clients would support rich text rather than HTML. There 
actually is a standard for rich text which does not have the 
disadvantages of HTML mail (bloat, security implications, vulnerable to 

but of course any form of rich text is vulerable to people with rubbish 


Since this is a Python list, I should also mention ReST (ReStructured 
Text), which is the Python standard for generating rich text from plain 
text markup (not to be confused with Markdown, which is another 
competing, but not quite as powerful, standard). ReST has the advantage 
that it is human readable. For example:

This is a header

This paragraph contains *italic* and **bold** text.

- These are bullet points.
- No kidding.
- Told you it was readable.

I wish mail clients would support rich text using ReST or Markdown. The 
mail client could still include a GUI so you choose formatting commands 
rather than have to type markup.


From chris at  Tue Aug 27 12:16:27 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 12:16:27 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <20130827101103.GD4387@ando>
References: <> <>
 <> <kvhp72$tci$>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-27 20:11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I wish mail clients would support rich text using ReST or Markdown. The 
> mail client could still include a GUI so you choose formatting commands 
> rather than have to type markup.

Why can't you do this through your mailcap instead of relying on the client to
implement that functionality? Works well enough for me.
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From eryksun at  Tue Aug 27 12:03:43 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:03:43 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
In-Reply-To: <20130827061811.GC4387@ando>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 08:20:30PM +0200, Dino Bekte?evi? wrote:
>> Warning (from warnings module):
>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/", line
>> 152
>>     warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
>> RuntimeWarning: The iteration is not making good progress, as measured by
>> the improvement from the last ten iterations.
>> It doesn't seem to produce any error in my data, but how dangerous is this?
> That's just telling you that your code is slow.
> I say "your code", but it might be scipy, numpy, or code you wrote
> yourself. Or it might simply be that the task you are trying to do is
> hard, and no matter what you do it will always be slow. I'm afraid that
> it will probably take a numpy/scipy expert to tell you which is the
> case.

The MINPACK routine called by fsolve() failed to converge; it quit
after making little or no progress over 10 consecutive iterations.
Maybe you need a better initial estimate; maybe there's no solution.

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Tue Aug 27 12:37:37 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:37:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27 August 2013 11:03, eryksun <eryksun at> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 08:20:30PM +0200, Dino Bekte?evi? wrote:
>>> Warning (from warnings module):
>>>   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/", line
>>> 152
>>>     warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
>>> RuntimeWarning: The iteration is not making good progress, as measured by
>>> the improvement from the last ten iterations.
>>> It doesn't seem to produce any error in my data, but how dangerous is this?
>> That's just telling you that your code is slow.
>> I say "your code", but it might be scipy, numpy, or code you wrote
>> yourself. Or it might simply be that the task you are trying to do is
>> hard, and no matter what you do it will always be slow. I'm afraid that
>> it will probably take a numpy/scipy expert to tell you which is the
>> case.
> The MINPACK routine called by fsolve() failed to converge; it quit
> after making little or no progress over 10 consecutive iterations.
> Maybe you need a better initial estimate; maybe there's no solution.

Exactly. Dino, whatever scipy routine you're using is warning you that
it has failed. You should heed this warning since it likely means that
your code is not doing what you want it to do. Without knowing what
you're trying to do and what function you're calling I can't say more
than that.


From dfjennings at  Tue Aug 27 13:20:24 2013
From: dfjennings at (Don Jennings)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:20:24 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] i need help with the following question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 27, 2013, at 3:40 AM, isaac Eric wrote:


> print "For a circle of radius %s the area is %s" % (radius,area)
> Question: What is the purpose of %s ?

Okay, so you're just getting started with python. We're happy to do some hand-holding, but we encourage you to think first.

You've followed the rest of the instructions and run the program? Don't worry about being precise with your answer to this question. Just try to express what you think is happening (we'll build on what you give us to make it clearer).

Take care,

From fomcl at  Tue Aug 27 15:14:33 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:14:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] spss.BasePivotTable
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to create a BasePivot table with three columns: one for the labels, one for a a category "Before" and one for "After". The following attempt fails, but what am I doing wrong?
begin program.
import spss
??? spss.StartSPSS()
??? #spss.Submit("get file='demo.sav'.")
??? spss.StartProcedure("proc")
??? table = spss.BasePivotTable("table","mytable")
??? table.Append(spss.Dimension.Place.row,"rowdim")
??? table.Append(spss.Dimension.Place.column,"coldim1")
??? table.Append(spss.Dimension.Place.column,"coldim2")
??? value1 = spss.CellText.Number(23,spss.FormatSpec.Count)
??? value2 = spss.CellText.Number(24,spss.FormatSpec.Count)
??? table[(spss.CellText.String("M"),)] = (value1, value2)
??? spss.EndProcedure()
??? spss.StopSPSS()
except spss.SpssError:
??? print "Error."
print spss.GetLastErrorMessage()
end program.
Thank you in advance!


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

From fomcl at  Tue Aug 27 15:31:58 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 06:31:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] spss.BasePivotTable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ooops, sorry.... wrong mailing list! ;-)


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

----- Original Message -----
> From: Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at>
> To: Python Mailing List <tutor at>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 3:14 PM
> Subject: [Tutor] spss.BasePivotTable
> Hello,
> ?
> I am trying to create a BasePivot table with three columns: one for the labels, 
> one for a a category "Before" and one for "After". The 
> following attempt fails, but what am I doing wrong?
> ?
> begin program.
> import spss
> try:
> ??? spss.StartSPSS()
> ??? #spss.Submit("get file='demo.sav'.")
> ??? spss.StartProcedure("proc")
> ??? table = spss.BasePivotTable("table","mytable")
> ??? table.Append(spss.Dimension.Place.row,"rowdim")
> ??? table.Append(spss.Dimension.Place.column,"coldim1")
> ??? table.Append(spss.Dimension.Place.column,"coldim2")
> ??? value1 = spss.CellText.Number(23,spss.FormatSpec.Count)
> ??? value2 = spss.CellText.Number(24,spss.FormatSpec.Count)
> ??? table[(spss.CellText.String("M"),)] = (value1, value2)
> ??? spss.EndProcedure()
> ??? spss.StopSPSS()
> except spss.SpssError:
> ??? print "Error."
> print spss.GetLastErrorMessage()
> end program.
> ?
> Thank you in advance!
> Regards,
> Albert-Jan
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public 
> order, irrigation, roads, a 
> fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist? -? Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

From leamhall at  Tue Aug 27 19:58:14 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 13:58:14 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Global var not defined?
Message-ID: <>

Could use some help with this. Python 2.4.3 on RHEL 5.x.

In the functions file that gets imported:

def append_customer(line_list):
        global customers
        cust = line_list[0]     // list with Customer info in [0]
        cust = clean_word(cust)  // Trims white space

        if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
                host_list[cust] = {}

In the calling file:

import functions
import sys

customers = []

for line in input_file:
    line = line.strip()
    if not len(line):
    line_list = line.split(',')

Error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 55, in ?
  File "/home/lhall/lang/", line 27, in append_customer
    if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
NameError: global name 'customers' is not defined

Mind on a Mission <>
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From alan.gauld at  Tue Aug 27 20:34:23 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:34:23 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Global var not defined?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvirf7$tcs$>

On 27/08/13 18:58, leam hall wrote:

> def append_customer(line_list):
>          global customers
>          cust = line_list[0]     // list with Customer info in [0]
>          cust = clean_word(cust)  // Trims white space
>          if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
>                  host_list[cust] = {}
>                  customers.append(cust)

In Python global only applies to the local file.
Thus customers needs to be at the global level in

But since its a bad use of globals it would be better to just get the 
function to return the value and do the append in the top level file...

BTW the line

 >                  host_list[cust] = {}

Makes no sense since you are  adding an empty dictionary  to a variable 
that doesn't exist so you should get an error. I assume you have 
simplified the code somewhat?

> In the calling file:
> import functions
> import sys
> customers = []
> .
> .
> for line in input_file:
>      line = line.strip()
>      if not len(line):
>          continue
>      line_list = line.split(',')
>      functions.append_customer(line_list)

        customers.append(functions.get_customer(line_list, customers))

Avoids any need for globals.

Personally I'd move the line split into the function so your loop looks 

for line in input_file:
      line = line.strip()
      if line:
         customers.append(functions.get_customer(line_list, customers))

Alternatively I'd put the customers list into a module called customer
and move the customer functions into that module. And then it looks
like I might have a Customer class emerging... And maybe the code above 
would become a class method:
    Customer.readFromFile(aFile) -> [cust1, cust2, ...]

Just a thought...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From ramit.prasad at  Tue Aug 27 20:34:54 2013
From: ramit.prasad at (Prasad, Ramit)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 18:34:54 +0000
Subject: [Tutor] Global var not defined?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

leam hall wrote:
> Could use some help with this. Python 2.4.3 on RHEL 5.x.
> In the functions file that gets imported:
> def append_customer(line_list):
> ??????? global customers
> ??????? cust = line_list[0]???? // list with Customer info in [0]
> ??????? cust = clean_word(cust)? // Trims white space
> ??????? if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
> ??????????????? host_list[cust] = {}
> ??????????????? customers.append(cust)
> In the calling file:
> import functions
> import sys
> customers = []
> .
> .
> .
> for line in input_file:
> ??? line = line.strip()
> ??? if not len(line):
> ??????? continue
> ??? line_list = line.split(',')
> ??? functions.append_customer(line_list)
> Error message:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ? File "./", line 55, in ?
> ??? functions.append_customer(line_list)
> ? File "/home/lhall/lang/", line 27, in append_customer
> ??? if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
> NameError: global name 'customers' is not defined

The problem is because "customers" needs to be defined
in the module with the append_customers. Global as
written refers to module level variables.

Some (possible and untested) methods to get around this are: 
1. pass in customers as an argument 
2. use globals()? 
3. add it to functions module `functions.customers = customers`.


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at  

From leamhall at  Tue Aug 27 20:50:52 2013
From: leamhall at (leam hall)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:50:52 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] Global var not defined?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well, I'm happy to change things but my python is only so good. And much of
that is based off of shell programming.

What the data looks like is fairly simple. I have a spreadsheet of host
information. Customer 'Alan' may have a dozen or so servers and customer
Ramit has another dozen or two. When I print these out they will be sorted
by customer but rolled into a single file.

The line "host_list[cust] = {}" creates the customer dictionary if that
customer doesn't exist. Then there's a host key with multiple layers:

   host_list['alan']['webserver']['ip'] = ''
   host_list['alan']['webserver']['environ'] = 'Dev'

Make sense? As I do not know a lot about classes I'm not sure they are
better in this case than a multi-level dictionary. The data does not get
altered, just organized.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Prasad, Ramit <ramit.prasad at>wrote:

> leam hall wrote:
> > Could use some help with this. Python 2.4.3 on RHEL 5.x.
> >
> > In the functions file that gets imported:
> >
> > def append_customer(line_list):
> >         global customers
> >         cust = line_list[0]     // list with Customer info in [0]
> >         cust = clean_word(cust)  // Trims white space
> >
> >         if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
> >                 host_list[cust] = {}
> >                 customers.append(cust)
> >
> > In the calling file:
> >
> >
> > import functions
> > import sys
> >
> > customers = []
> >
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > for line in input_file:
> >     line = line.strip()
> >     if not len(line):
> >         continue
> >     line_list = line.split(',')
> >     functions.append_customer(line_list)
> >
> > Error message:
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "./", line 55, in ?
> >     functions.append_customer(line_list)
> >   File "/home/lhall/lang/", line 27, in append_customer
> >     if len(cust) and cust not in customers:
> > NameError: global name 'customers' is not defined
> >
> >
> The problem is because "customers" needs to be defined
> in the module with the append_customers. Global as
> written refers to module level variables.
> Some (possible and untested) methods to get around this are:
> 1. pass in customers as an argument
> 2. use globals()?
> 3. add it to functions module `functions.customers = customers`.
> ~Ramit
> This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
> conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of securities,
> accuracy and completeness of information, viruses, confidentiality, legal
> privilege, and legal entity disclaimers, available at

Mind on a Mission <>
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From alan.gauld at  Wed Aug 28 00:03:37 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 23:03:37 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Global var not defined?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvj7nh$a33$>

On 27/08/13 19:50, leam hall wrote:
> Well, I'm happy to change things but my python is only so good. And much
> of that is based off of shell programming.

You will need to change something because what you have won;t work.

The question is what to change?

> What the data looks like is fairly simple. I have a spreadsheet of host
> information. Customer 'Alan' may have a dozen or so servers and customer
> Ramit has another dozen or two.

So abstracting that you have several customer objects each containing
a list(or dict?) of servers. Servers in turn have numerous attributes:
name, role, ip, environ etc...

> When I print these out they will be
> sorted by customer but rolled into a single file.

So the customer objects have a method that prints to a file.

That's the OOP approach, but you can do it without classes
if you want, its just a bit more effort on the readability
and coding front.

> The line "host_list[cust] = {}" creates the customer dictionary if that
> customer doesn't exist.

It may be better to look at the get() method of dictionaries for that.
But the problem I highlighted was that the top level host_list 
dictionary  didn't exist in your code. You need to initialize
it before you can access the cust key.

host_list = {}
host_list.get(cust, {})

> Then there's a host key with multiple layers:
>     host_list['alan']['webserver']['ip'] = ''
>     host_list['alan']['webserver']['environ'] = 'Dev'
> Make sense? As I do not know a lot about classes I'm not sure they are
> better in this case than a multi-level dictionary.

A class is effectively a dictionary inside so its very similar.
Using my OOP suggestion above this would translate to something like:

alan.servers['webserver'].ip = '

Which you find more readable is a matter of taste!
There are some other advantages to the OOP approach but
they are not critical here.

> The data does not get altered, just organized.

That doesn't make much difference in this case.

The simplest solution to get it working is probably just
to move the customers list into the functions module.
In the longer term the other options might prove more beneficial.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From ljetibo at  Tue Aug 27 16:05:19 2013
From: ljetibo at (=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Dino_Bekte=B9evi=E6?=)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:05:19 +0200
Subject: [Tutor]
Message-ID: <>


First off thank you for the good responses. That's most likely why I
couldn't find it with google, English is not my native language so the
little difference between proficiency and efficiency escaped me.
I apologize for HTML text first time I sent something from gmail there
seemed to be no issues.

2013/8/27  <tutor-request at>:
> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 00:04:19 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Dave Angel <davea at>
> To: tutor at
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
> Message-ID: <kvgqe1$hfm$1 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
>> </div>I don&#39;t dare to run my program on a batch of ~9.5million images because I can&#39;t assert how long could it last and because of obvious space issues my program edits the information on
>>  the images and then overwrites the original data. Should something go
>> awry I&#39;d have to spend a long time cleaning it up.
> Doesn't matter how slow or fast a program is.  If it's not reliable,
> you'd better not run it with in-place updating of valuable data.  And if
> it is reliable, so you trust it, but too slow to run in one pass, then
> you'd better arrange that each file is recognizably done or not done.
> For example, you might drop a marker into a directory, make a copy of
> that directory, work on the copy, then only when the whole directory is
> finished do you move the files back where they belong and remove the
> marker.  Pick your method such that it would only take a few seconds for
> the program to figure out where it had left off.
>> My plan is to test average profficiency on ~100 000 images to see how
>> it fairs and what to do next.<br>
>> <br></div>So far it takes about 1.5-2sec per image using the &quot;guess_by_eye&quot; method (which isn&#39;t long,
> If we assume 1 second per file, you're talking 3 years of execution
> time for 10 million files.  Assuming you can wait that long, you'll also
> have to figure that the program/os/computer will crash a few times in
> that span.  So restartability is mandatory.  is anything else going to
> be using these files, or this computer, in the meantime?
> How big are these files, in total?  It may be much more practical to
> have a separate drive(s) to hold the results.

The entire database is ~60TB large so you don't have to worry that I
will try to run the entire thing at once on one computer. They will be
split up in smaller sections called 'runs' couple of runs will be
processed on a single comp and multiple comps will be used. Number of
files per run varies and I will most likely not try to change that.
The computers will not be used for anything else in the meantime. I'm
still waiting to hear from my mentor if the server will be available.
They are 'FITS' files and also vary from 12-16MB taken from Sloan
Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) db. Because of the organisation of FITS
files I need the information in 'headers' to further process the image
itself, by overwriting the original data I save space and time it
takes me to copy paste the files. However you are right I will mostly
likely add a 'FLAG' entry into the header so I can restart should
something happen.

> Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 00:04:19 +0000 (UTC)
> From: eryksun <eryksun at>
> To: tutor at, Dino Bekte?evi? <ljetibo at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
>The MINPACK routine called by fsolve() failed to converge; it quit
>after making little or no progress over 10 consecutive iterations.
>Maybe you need a better initial estimate; maybe there's no solution.

> From: Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin at>
> To: tutor at, Dino Bekte?evi? <ljetibo at>, eryksun <eryksun at>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python execution timer/proficiency testing
>Exactly. Dino, whatever scipy routine you're using is warning you that
>it has failed. You should heed this warning since it likely means that
>your code is not doing what you want it to do. Without knowing what
>you're trying to do and what function you're calling I can't say more
>than that.

Thank you both I did not know it quits(!) but since my further code
never reported an error I assume it returned something similar to
initial guess?
I will add a test of the returned variable ier and try to find another
initial guess or handle it somehow else.
Under 'Narrow-field astrometry' are the equations I'm solving and
here's the code snippet:

row_guess = ( mudiff*fd['f'] - fd['c']*nudiff )/det
col_guess = ( fd['b']*nudiff - mudiff*fd['e'] )/det

for i in xrange(mu.size):


    rowcol_guess=array([row_guess[i], col_guess[i]])

    rowcol = scipy.optimize.fsolve(self._pix2munu_for_fit, rowcol_guess)
    row[i] = rowcol[0]
    col[i] = rowcol[1]


From ndk1991 at  Tue Aug 27 12:33:24 2013
From: ndk1991 at (Nitish Kunder)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 16:03:24 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] os.system() not working
Message-ID: <>

I have a python program which i am calling from a php script.
The arguments to the program is a path to the file
The program when directly run from console executes normally.
But when I try to execute the program from browser ie call the python
script from php,
os.system command is not working what might be the problem.
-------------- next part --------------
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From rick at  Tue Aug 27 20:19:14 2013
From: rick at (Rick Moen)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:19:14 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
Message-ID: <>

/me waves to esteemed tutors and helpers.

Quoting Bob Gailer (bgailer at

> I have a reaction to 
> and I'd like your 
> feedback. Perhaps I will then send revised comments to the authors of 
> the [essay].

As one of the essays' co-authors, I'm always interested in thoughts,
especially ones about how to improve the fool thing.  (As you'll see
below , I have more than a few, myself.)

> I found myself a bit disappointed. 

Me too.  (No irony intended.)  Eric and I never quite achieved what we
hoped with it.

> All I see at first is email links and Revision History. If I did not 
> know to scroll down I might have just figured I was at the wrong page.
> Reading translations and disclaimer is not why I'd come here.

Personally, I'd have tried to put the links to translations and the
revision history at the end, if possible.  Eric maintains the master
version, and IIRC uses a Docbook XML toolkit with a precooked
stylesheet.  I've never personally tried to significantly hack such
tools to customise presentation.  As maintainer of one Linuxdoc
SGML-format FAQ and one Docbook SGML-format HOWTO for the Linux
Documentation Project, I've long been a bit dissatisfied with the
somewhat inflexible document structure the related toolkits push authors
towards.  Perhaps Eric found likewise; I'd have to ask him.

Anyway, my point is that as an author, I'd generally rather spend time
writing than hacking madly on document-production tools to rearrange the
elements and alter the presentation.  Time permitting, I do hope to get
around to working with Eric to see if the order of elements can be
rearranged with reasonable ease.  However, there are much larger
problems, which I'll get to in a minute.

> With contact names and email at the bottom

Objecting to e-mail links' living at the top doesn't seem
reasonable, sorry.  Those are merely the names of us co-authors.
If it really bothers you to see authors' names at the top of what they
write, Bob, you might want to quit the habit of reading before you
become truly vexed, as you'll see it more often than not.  Books in
particular are going to be a huge disappointment to you.

As to the 'disclaimer', can you guess _why_ it is there?  

Let me tell you, sir:  For over a decade, every single day of every
single year, I get at least a half dozen misdirected helpdesk requests
in my personal e-mail.  Most are for technical projects (mostly
software, but not always) I've never even heard of.  Often, they are
demanding and downright rude in their insistance that I help the querent
with $FOO for some bizarre value of FOO _right now_.  I'm always nice to
them and try to send them in the right direction, but _man_....

The 'disclaimer', the bit that says that Rick and Eric are not a
helpdesk for several thousand projects they (mostly) haven't even heard
of, and please for gosh sakes avoid pegging the irony metre and
send your help requests to the right place, has cut the daily inflow.
I used to get several dozen per day.

I'm sorry you're annoyed by seeing it, but not moved to think it's a bad
idea.  Rather the contrary.  If anything, I'm pondering the virtues of
<blink> tags and red text, man.[1]

> There's a lot of words to wade thru 

Exactly.  That is the biggest problem, and it's fundamental such that it
can be addressed properly only through a do-over.

Let me recount what happened.  Around 2000, Eric and I became aware that
we were more-or-less writing the same sort of essay (except Eric's
wording is pitched as advice to those seeking technical help from
'hackers', while I just was generically talking about online technical
help).  We joined forces, with Eric keeping the master copy and using
his document-production toolchain.

We put out a nice -little-, tightly focussed essay.  To our
astonishment, it proved very popular.  Thousands (at minimum) of
technical projects linked to it from their help pages.

Correspondents kept asking us to add things:  'You should also cover
$FOO.' We're obliging people and tried to accomodate most such requests.
And they kept coming.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Over ten years later, we
now realise to our dismay:  no more nice -little-, tightly focussed

What can I say?  We tried, we wrote, people asked us to add more, we
obliged, and the results have gradually become bloated.  (Tolkien said
'It grew in the telling.'   Ours did, too, albeit there the comparison

Moreover, it's an unsatisfyingly linear piece, which is not really what
is needed.  _That_ along with sheer bloat makes it, IMO, fail at its
original goal of helping frustrated and impatient people deal better
with techincal projects' online help forums.

So, I've been wanting to sit down and start over from scratch, and this
time write a nice -little-, tightly focussed essay using a radically
different format of some drill-down-for-more variety.  Some toolkit
hacking may be required -- or maybe just roll my own, in Python,
starting from something like ReST rather than overengineered XML stuff.
But I've not yet had time.

Meanwhile, we're absolutely delighted when other people think they can
do better, and enthusiastically encourage them to do so.  I'm personally
a big fan of Java Ranch's nice -little-, tightly focussed essay for
people asking questions.

> I also would not have come here to be potentially labeled an "idiot".

Being a naive and cheerful optimist, I hope and expect you eventually
noticed that Eric's and my essay neither stated nore implied that anyone
is an idiot, Bob.  We didn't even imply that idiots are idiots.

Anyway, thank you for your thoughts.

Quoting Emile van Sebille (emile at

> In any case, I wouldn't write esr and Rick Moen to request changes --
> I expect you'd be pointed to 
> if you got 
> a reply at all.

We try to give thoughtful responses to anyone who writes us about the
essay.  After all, we share their desire for it to be useful to people
(which is why we goodnaturedly kept adding more and more coverage to it
upon request, although in retrospect we probably should have politely
said no).

Quoting Steven D'Aprano (steve at

> But really, I want to re-write them both [How to Ask Questiosn the
> Smart Way and Short, Self-Contained, Correct Example] for a Python
> audience. One day, when I get a round tuit.

Please do.  (Those circular tuits are scarce, I notice.) 

> In my feedback below, I'm going to attempt to channel ESR,

As the saying goes, Eric's co-author is not chopped liver, by the way
(but he is not taking offence).

SPACES BETWEEN WORDS.  (Yes, I'm kidding.)

From steve at  Wed Aug 28 01:32:01 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:32:01 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Global var not defined?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28/08/13 03:58, leam hall wrote:
> Could use some help with this. Python 2.4.3 on RHEL 5.x.
> In the functions file that gets imported:
> def append_customer(line_list):
>          global customers

Globals are not "globally global", they are global to the module. Otherwise variables defined in module X would stomp all over variables defined in module Y, unpredictably depending on the order than modules were imported.

> In the calling file:
> import functions
> import sys
> customers = []

This cannot work, because it belongs to a different namespace (module). Just pass customers as an explicit parameter to append_customer, and then google for "Global variables considered harmful".

If you absolutely must emulate COBOL programmers of the 1970s and insist on using globals, write:

functions.customers = []



From alan.gauld at  Wed Aug 28 01:34:51 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 00:34:51 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] os.system() not working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvjd2j$291$>

On 27/08/13 11:33, Nitish Kunder wrote:
> I have a python program which i am calling from a php script.

How are you executing the PHP script?
Which OS? Which web server? Which browser?
Have you tried others?

> The arguments to the program is a path to the file
> The program when directly run from console executes normally.

So the script itself is fine.

> But when I try to execute the program from browser ie call the python
> script from php,
> os.system command is not working what might be the problem.

It may be that the browser is not allowed to execute system commands (I 
hope not since that would be a huge security issue!) But I suspect you 
are actually running this from a webserver not a browser - that's the 
usual PHP environment. The webserver runs PHP which renders up HTML out 
to the browser. In that case the os.system call will try to run on the 
web server. But it will be running under the webserver account which, 
again for good reason, may not be permitted to execute system commands.

Other than that its hard to say anything since you don't tell us what 
os.system() is trying to execute nor what "not working" means.

Finally remember that os.system() does not give you any access to data 
output by the command, you only get the exit code returned. You will 
need to use the subprocess module if you want to use the output of the 
system command (eg to send it to the browser to display).

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Wed Aug 28 02:38:15 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 01:38:15 +0100
Subject: [Tutor]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27 August 2013 15:05, Dino Bekte?evi? <ljetibo at> wrote:
> Thank you both I did not know it quits(!) but since my further code
> never reported an error I assume it returned something similar to
> initial guess?
> I will add a test of the returned variable ier and try to find another
> initial guess or handle it somehow else.
> Under 'Narrow-field astrometry' are the equations I'm solving and
> here's the code snippet:
> row_guess = ( mudiff*fd['f'] - fd['c']*nudiff )/det
> col_guess = ( fd['b']*nudiff - mudiff*fd['e'] )/det
> row=zeros(mu.size,dtype='f8')
> col=zeros(mu.size,dtype='f8')
> for i in xrange(mu.size):
>     self._tmp_color=color[i]
>     self._tmp_munu=array([mu[i],nu[i]])
>     rowcol_guess=array([row_guess[i], col_guess[i]])
>     rowcol = scipy.optimize.fsolve(self._pix2munu_for_fit, rowcol_guess)

Eryksun guessed that fsolve was the source of the message. If the line
above emits the warning you mentioned then the output most likely is
not a solution to the equations. As Eryksun said it could be that your
initial guess isn't good or it could be that there is no solution.
Another possibility is that you're just not working with a very
well-behaved function: there are solutions but the solver wouldn't
find them no matter how good your initial guess. In any case while it
continues to emit that warning message you cannot trust the results it

Try passing full_output=True to get more information e.g.:

x, infodict, ier, msg = scipy.optimize.fsolve(..., full_output=True)

Then have a look at the infodict, ier and msg variables to see if they
tell you more about what happened:


From steve at  Wed Aug 28 04:19:11 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:19:11 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] spss.BasePivotTable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 27/08/13 23:14, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to create a BasePivot table with three columns: one for the labels, one for a a category "Before" and one for "After". The following attempt fails, but what am I doing wrong?

At least two things. Here is the first:

> try:
     [much code]
> except spss.SpssError:
>      print "Error."

You should replace that line with:

print """Python gives you a nice traceback showing you exactly
what went wrong and where it went wrong, but I'm not going to
show it to you. Instead, you have to guess, because Screw You.

It's a little more wordy, but more accurate.

And the second:

> print spss.GetLastErrorMessage()

You're apparently not reading what the last error message is, or if you have read it, you're keeping it a secret from us.

What you actually ought to do is preferably get rid of the try...except altogether, at least while debugging. Your aim as a programmer is not to hide errors, but to eliminate them. Hiding them only makes it harder to identify the errors, which is the first step in eliminating them.

If you truly cannot get rid of the try...except, then do this instead:

     [much code]
except spss.SpssError:
     print spss.GetLastErrorMessage()

which will give you both the spss last error message, and the Python traceback.


From rammy.sagar at  Wed Aug 28 07:05:31 2013
From: rammy.sagar at (ram sagar)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:35:31 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] Runestone Python Course
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am a beginner in python i found the Runestone python learning environment
the best one i came across. CodeLens is the best feature , as it shows the
actual working of the program in graphical way that one will never forget
those details.

Thanks to all the people who involved in this project.

Ram Sagar Mourya

On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 12:32 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at>wrote:

> But I discovered that if you delete the single leading blank in front of
> each line, then it works.
> Maybe their parser doesn't like unindented lines starting with a space...
> =========
> That's odd. I haven't had any  of those problems. I wonder if it's your
> browser. I'm using FF. Are you doing the first course or the more advanced
> one? I'm only looking at the first one. If you write them I 've found them
> to be very cooperative, which is the norm for open source stuff if you're
> polite. imagine trying to get through the Microsoft phalanx to the
> programmer, if you could even find them, and then they'd say they had no
> authority to make a change until it was reviewed by the Committee of 400, a
> year from now ;')
> Jim
> On 23 August 2013 01:18, Francesco Loffredo <fal at> wrote:
>> Omar Abou Mrad wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at<mailto:
>>> cybervigilante at gmail.**com <cybervigilante at>>> wrote:
>>>     <snip>
>>> Would be nice if it worked though, logged in through my google account,
>>> now i get this error which I can do nothing about:
>>>   Sorry, Something went wrong
>>> The error is: |invalid request|
>>>  |It was the same for me|. It gives this error message as soon as I try
>> to run one of their "ActiveCode" examples.
>> But I discovered that if you delete the single leading blank in front of
>> each line, then it works.
>> Maybe their parser doesn't like unindented lines starting with a space...
>> It's a nuisance, though.
>> Francesco
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> --
> Jim
> More and more, science is showing that animals, even "simple" ones, have
> awareness and feelings. There is no hard divide, as the rape-the-earth
> crowd would have us believe..
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
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From chris at  Wed Aug 28 08:03:43 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 08:03:43 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] os.system() not working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On 2013-08-27 16:03, Nitish Kunder wrote:
> I have a python program which i am calling from a php script.
> The arguments to the program is a path to the file
> The program when directly run from console executes normally.
> But when I try to execute the program from browser ie call the python
> script from php,
> os.system command is not working what might be the problem.

Your question is lacking some context, like Alan already mentioned, but my
first suspicions would be:

- Relying on a PATH that doesn't exist/is not as you expect in that environment
- Relying on a working directory that turns out to not be what you expected
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From nik at  Wed Aug 28 08:49:43 2013
From: nik at (Dominik George)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 08:49:43 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] os.system() not working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


in any case and apart from what was already said, your setup sounds very awkward, if not insane.

Are you sure your implementation is a good idea?


Nitish Kunder <ndk1991 at> schrieb:
>I have a python program which i am calling from a php script.
>The arguments to the program is a path to the file
>The program when directly run from console executes normally.
>But when I try to execute the program from browser ie call the python
>script from php,
>os.system command is not working what might be the problem.
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at
>To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
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From wolfrage8765 at  Wed Aug 28 14:16:56 2013
From: wolfrage8765 at (wolfrage8765 at
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 08:16:56 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] os.system() not working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:33 AM, Nitish Kunder <ndk1991 at> wrote:
> Hii
> I have a python program which i am calling from a php script.
> The arguments to the program is a path to the file
> The program when directly run from console executes normally.
> But when I try to execute the program from browser ie call the python script
> from php,
> os.system command is not working what might be the problem.
> Thanks

Due to the lack of context I am forced to think you must be slightly confused.
PHP is not Python.
Thus your PHP script can not execute the os.system() function, because
it does not exist in PHP, only in Python.
PHP equivalent would be exec() at least as far as I know, but use it
carefully and with caution.

From chris at  Wed Aug 28 15:23:34 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 15:23:34 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] os.system() not working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-28 08:16, wolfrage8765 at wrote:
> PHP is not Python.

You misread.

> > I have a python program which i am calling from a php script.
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From fomcl at  Wed Aug 28 18:10:58 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:10:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] spss.BasePivotTable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

From: Steven D'Aprano <steve at>
>To: tutor at 
>Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 4:19 AM
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] spss.BasePivotTable
>On 27/08/13 23:14, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to create a BasePivot table with three columns: one for the labels, one for a a category "Before" and one for "After". The following attempt fails, but what am I doing wrong?
>At least two things. Here is the first:
>> try:
>? ? [much code]
>> except spss.SpssError:
>>? ? ? print "Error."
>You should replace that line with:
>print """Python gives you a nice traceback showing you exactly
>what went wrong and where it went wrong, but I'm not going to
>show it to you. Instead, you have to guess, because Screw You.
>It's a little more wordy, but more accurate.

;-) Thank you, I entirely agree. I hate nondescriptive errors myself, too.

>And the second:
>> print spss.GetLastErrorMessage()
>You're apparently not reading what the last error message is, or if you have read it, you're keeping it a secret from us.
>What you actually ought to do is preferably get rid of the try...except altogether, at least while debugging. Your aim as a programmer is not to hide errors, but to eliminate them. Hiding them only makes it harder to identify the errors, which is the first step in eliminating them.

I was also thinking that there was a bit MUCH code in the try-except. But sometimes I keep it all in a try-clause because these lines of code are one coherent block.

From nybor.robyn at  Wed Aug 28 04:41:49 2013
From: nybor.robyn at (Robyn Perry)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:41:49 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Need help returning a null/blank value when using
	string indexes
Message-ID: <>


This is my first time asking for help on this list, so I welcome
constructive criticism about how to make my question clearer. AND I'm
thankful that I found this list!

Here's my issue:

Below the line, I've copied and pasted an assignment. This isn't homework
-- it's practice on a Udacity (free online course) as I'm learning Python.
I've written it out and gotten it almost correct except for Test Case 3.
All the other problem sets give you the answers, but this one was suggested
from a student in the class and there was no given solution that I could
use to see where I'm going wrong.

Which brings me to you all.

The task asks me to assign something to variables part1, part2, and part3
using the given variables fragA, fragB, and fragC. Everything works except
that I can't seem to give part2 the right assignment to produce "Ucity".
I've gotten this far as an assignment for part2:

part2 = (fragA[-7:-5] + '')

But it asks me to use a string, not a blank space. part2 needs begin with
'da' so I can produce 'Udacity' in Test Case 2, but needs to somehow end
with a null kind of value so I can produce 'Ucity' in Test Case 3. See
below for the complete assignment, in comments, for more clarity in what's
going on:

(By the way, the commented out bit at the end is just my notes to help
steer me in the right direction).


# Write one line of Python code that uses
# only the variables fragA, fragB, and fragC
# to satisfy the given test cases.
# If you are not sure how multiple assignments and
# string slicing works, check out the links to
# additional tutorials in Instructor Comments
# under this exercise!

fragA, fragB, fragC = 'supercalifragilisticexpialudacious', \
                      'SUPERMAN', 'ytiroirepus'

part1, part2, part3 = fragB[1], (fragA[-7:-5] + ''), (fragA[5] + fragC[2] +
fragC[1] + fragC[0])

deadline = part1 + part2[0:2] + part3[-1]
print "Test case 1 (Uday): ", deadline == 'Uday'
fixed = part1 + part2 + part3
print "Test case 2 (Udacity): ", fixed == 'Udacity'
destination = part1 + part2[-1] + part3
print "Test case 3 (Ucity): ", destination == 'Ucity'

#part1, part2, part3 = fragB[1], fragA[-7:-5], fragC[0]
#part3 = ....y
#part2 = da
#part1 = U

#part1, part2, part3 = fragB[1], fragA[-7:-5], ('c' + fragC[2] + fragC[1] +
#part3 = city
#part2 = da
#part1 = U

#part1, part2, part3 = fragB[1], fragA[-7:-5], fragC[0]
#part3 = city
#part2 = da' '
#part1 = U


Thank you kindly!

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From davea at  Thu Aug 29 02:18:50 2013
From: davea at (Dave Angel)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 00:18:50 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Need help returning a null/blank value when
	using	string indexes
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvm418$jms$>

On 27/8/2013 22:41, Robyn Perry wrote:

> part2 = (fragA[-7:-5] + '')
> But it asks me to use a string, not a blank space. part2 needs begin with
> 'da' so I can produce 'Udacity' in Test Case 2, but needs to somehow end
> with a null kind of value so I can produce 'Ucity' in Test Case 3. See
> below for the complete assignment, in comments, for more clarity in what's
> going on:

It's been so long since I've seen such a nonsensical assignment. 
However, I can point out a few things that might clarify it for you, as
you've presumably seen the entire assignment.

If you're trying to produce destination from part1, part2, and part3, I
don't know why you don't just use
   part1 + part3

If you're required somehow to use all three variables, then you can just
   part1 + part2[0:0] + part3

There's no need to have a "null value" within part2.


From i.sheeha at  Thu Aug 29 09:37:10 2013
From: i.sheeha at (Ismar Sehic)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 09:37:10 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] XMLRPC question
Message-ID: <>

I should write a python script(s) that listens to an existing XMLRPC
service on my company's dev server.My utility should take some data from
that XMLRPC, send it to an online xml service provider(it's something about
hotel accomodation, where they have xml patterns for different requests),
then they return their response to me, also in xml data interchange
format.then i should parse that and return to the existing XML-RPC, or
write the parsed data to the Posgresql database.The thing is, i know
something about XML parsing, i know also something about XMLRPC, but i'm
not permitted to edit the existing XMLRPC service.Can anyone just tell me
what is the shortest and the best solution for this problem, and give me
some guidelines for my project?
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From dfjennings at  Thu Aug 29 12:52:23 2013
From: dfjennings at (Don Jennings)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 06:52:23 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] XMLRPC question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 29, 2013, at 3:37 AM, Ismar Sehic wrote:

> Hello, 
> I should write a python script(s) that listens to an existing XMLRPC service on my company's dev server.

Yes, you should do that. Then, if you have problems, you should show some of your code to the fine tutors here, and they'll be happy to help you out :>)

> My utility should take some data from that XMLRPC, send it to an online xml service provider(it's something about hotel accomodation, where they have xml patterns for different requests), then they return their response to me, also in xml data interchange format.then i should parse that and return to the existing XML-RPC, or write the parsed data to the Posgresql database.The thing is, i know something about XML parsing, i know also something about XMLRPC,

That's good, but we have no idea what you know, unless you tell us.

> but i'm not permitted to edit the existing XMLRPC service.Can anyone just tell me what is the shortest and the best solution for this problem, and give me some guidelines for my project?

In answer to the question you asked, yes (but they'll probably want your paycheck ;>)

A quick search [1] yields a couple of promising articles [2] [3]. Including Doug Hellman's work in our search [4] provides another resource [5].

Take care,


From steve at  Fri Aug 30 10:33:07 2013
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 18:33:07 +1000
Subject: [Tutor] Comment on
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28/08/13 04:19, Rick Moen wrote:
> /me waves to esteemed tutors and helpers.

/me waves back

Did you subscribe to the list just to discuss this? I'm impressed by your dedication! Thank you!

[snip explanation for why Smart Questions is the way it is]

Thank you for taking the time to explain. It certainly puts things in a different perspective.

> Quoting Steven D'Aprano (steve at
>> In my feedback below, I'm going to attempt to channel ESR,
> As the saying goes, Eric's co-author is not chopped liver, by the way
> (but he is not taking offence).

I'm glad, because no offence was intended. Somehow I always associated Smart Questions with ESR.


From fomcl at  Fri Aug 30 17:04:14 2013
From: fomcl at (Albert-Jan Roskam)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:04:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] myown.getfilesystemencoding()
Message-ID: <>

In Windows, sys.getfilesystemencoding() returns 'mbcs' (multibyte code system), which doesn't say very much imho.
So I wrote the function below, which returns the codepage as reported by the windows chcp command. I noticed that 
the function returns 850 (codepage 850) when I run it via the command prompt, but 1252 (cp1252) when I run it in my IDE (Spyder).
Any idea why? Is?it a good idea anyway to make this function (no, probably, because Python devs are smart people ;-)
#Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
import subprocess, re, sys
def getfilesystemencoding():
??? if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
??????? proc = subprocess.Popen("chcp", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
??????? m =": (?P<codepage>\d+)", proc.communicate()[0])
??????? if m:
??????????? return"codepage")
??????? return sys.getfilesystemencoding()
??? return sys.getfilesystemencoding()

print getfilesystemencoding()


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a 
fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

From chris at  Fri Aug 30 17:21:25 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 17:21:25 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] myown.getfilesystemencoding()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-30 08:04, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
> In Windows, sys.getfilesystemencoding() returns 'mbcs' (multibyte code
> system), which doesn't say very much imho.

Well, what's the problem you have with mbcs being the output here? On NT, mbcs
is the encoding that should be used to convert Unicode to a bytestring that is
equivalent when used as a path name, after all.
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From eryksun at  Fri Aug 30 18:39:25 2013
From: eryksun at (eryksun)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:39:25 -0400
Subject: [Tutor] myown.getfilesystemencoding()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:
> In Windows, sys.getfilesystemencoding() returns 'mbcs' (multibyte code
> system), which doesn't say very much imho.

Why aren't you using Unicode for the filename? The native encoding for
NTFS is UTF-16, and CPython 2.x uses _wfopen() if you pass it a
Unicode filename:

Anyway, the "mbcs" codec uses mbcs_encode() and mbcs_decode() from the
codecs module. In CPython 2.x, these call PyUnicode_EncodeMBCS() and
PyUnicode_DecodeMBCS(), which in turn call the Windows API functions
WideCharToMultiByte() and MultiByteToWideChar() for the CP_ACP (ANSI)
codepage. This is a system defined encoding, such as Windows 1252.

> So I wrote the function below, which returns the codepage as reported by
> the windows chcp command. is a console application. It's calling GetConsoleCP(), which
simply returns the current code page of the attached console (running
the command creates a new console if there isn't one to inherit from
the parent). This isn't the function you want. There's already a
Python function that returns the default ANSI codepage:

    >>> import locale
    >>> locale.getpreferredencoding()

You can also use ctypes to call the Windows API directly, and then
convert the integer to a string:

    >>> from ctypes import windll
    >>> str(windll.kernel32.GetACP())

> the function returns 850 (codepage 850) when I run it via the command prompt,
> but 1252 (cp1252) when I run it in my IDE (Spyder).

Maybe Spyder communicates with python.exe as a subprocess in a hidden
console, with the console's codepage set to 1252. You can use ctypes
to check windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCP(). If a console is attached,
this will return a nonzero value.

From niubao56 at  Fri Aug 30 20:10:26 2013
From: niubao56 at (Bao Niu)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:10:26 -0700
Subject: [Tutor] Best practice for generalizing and documenting each
	method's behaviour
Message-ID: <>

I'm starting a small project coding in Python as I learn the ropes. As the
project grows bigger, there are more and more overlapping and even
redundant methods. For example, several classes have a
checkAndClean_obj_state() method. If just one or two such classes, it is
easy to analyze the behaviour of them and design the optimal interaction
for all objects. However, when there are many of such classes, exactly at
what point to invoke check and clean behaviour becomes a little blurred.
There is a desperate need for generalizing and documenting the behaviour of
each such class, preferably in a flowchart. I'm currently doing the
flowchart manually but the job becomes a bit overwhelming.

I wonder what Python pros are using for analyzing and documenting
classes/functions behaviours and interactions? Is UML the only way?
Personally I found UML is a bit overkill for a one person project, but I'm
not sure if it is the right direction. I'd appreciate any insight. Many
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From alan.gauld at  Sat Aug 31 00:59:55 2013
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 23:59:55 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] Best practice for generalizing and documenting each
 method's behaviour
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvr853$kr$>

On 30/08/13 19:10, Bao Niu wrote:

> ... However, when there are many of such classes, exactly
> at what point to invoke check and clean behaviour becomes a little
> blurred.

I'm not too sure what you mean by that. Can you give an example?

> There is a desperate need for generalizing and documenting the
> behaviour of each such class, preferably in a flowchart. I'm currently
> doing the flowchart manually but the job becomes a bit overwhelming.

Apart from documenting high level processes or very low level code I'd 
not recommend a flowchart for anything much. UML Activity diagrams are a 
similar but much more powerful option. But even then I'm not sure I'd 
use them in the way you seem to be suggesting?

> I wonder what Python pros are using for analyzing and documenting
> classes/functions behaviours and interactions? Is UML the only way?

No there are many options. The simplest is probably CRC cards. And they 
can be turned into UML later if need be. Other OO methodologies exist 
too, but they are generally variations on the UML notation more than 

> Personally I found UML is a bit overkill for a one person project

You are not supposed to use all of UML on every project. For example in 
my work as an "Enterprise Architect" I use UML extensively but very 
rarely draw a class diagram and never draw object diagrams. But I use 
Use Case diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Charts and Deployment 
Diagrams in almost every project... But as a programmer I mainly use 
Class Diagrams, Object Diagrams, State Charts and Activity Diagrams.
On a small project just a Class diagram and a few Object interaction 
diagrams (or sequence charts if you prefer) would do.

The main thing to remember is that design documentation is primarily for 
the people who come after. You are trying to tell these future workers 
(who may be yourself) what you did to make it work. Too many people fall 
into the trap of trying to write design documents that
tell the current developers how to do their job - that's not usually 
necessary, they are probably the folks writing the documents!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

From oscar.j.benjamin at  Sat Aug 31 15:16:39 2013
From: oscar.j.benjamin at (Oscar Benjamin)
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 14:16:39 +0100
Subject: [Tutor] myown.getfilesystemencoding()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 August 2013 17:39, eryksun <eryksun at> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at> wrote:
>> the function returns 850 (codepage 850) when I run it via the command prompt,
>> but 1252 (cp1252) when I run it in my IDE (Spyder).
> Maybe Spyder communicates with python.exe as a subprocess in a hidden
> console, with the console's codepage set to 1252. You can use ctypes
> to check windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCP(). If a console is attached,
> this will return a nonzero value.

Spyder has both an internal interpreter and an external interpreter.
One is the same interpreter process that runs the Spyder GUI. The
other is run in a subprocess which keeps the GUI safe but reduces your
ability to inspect the workspace data via the GUI. So presumable
Albert means the "external" interpreter here. Also Spyder has the
option to use ipython as the shell for (I think) either interpreter
and ipython does a lot of weirdness to stdin/stdout etc. (according to
the complaints of the Spyder author when users asked for ipython


From dvnsarma at  Sat Aug 31 18:30:23 2013
From: dvnsarma at (=?UTF-8?B?RC5WLk4uU2FybWEg4LCh4LC/LuCwteCwvy7gsI7gsKjgsY0u4LC24LCw4LGN4LCu?=)
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 22:00:23 +0530
Subject: [Tutor] A mergesort
Message-ID: <>

I have been searching for mergesort implimentations in python and came

def merge(a, b):
if len(a)*len(b) == 0:
return a+b

v = (a[0] < b[0] and a or b).pop(0)
return [v] + merge(a, b)

def mergesort(lst):
if len(lst) < 2:
return lst

m = len(lst)/2
return merge(mergesort(lst[:m]), mergesort(lst[m:]))

mlst = [10, 9, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 2, 1]
sorted = mergesort(mlst)
print sorted

Besides using recursion in merge function also, it has somethings

Especially the statement

v = (a[0] < b[0] and a or b).pop(0)

gives a.pop(0), if a[0] < b[0] otherwise b.pop(0).

We have to look at the statement as

v = ((a[0] < b[0] and a) or b).pop(0)

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From chris at  Sat Aug 31 18:43:57 2013
From: chris at (Chris Down)
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 18:43:57 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] A mergesort
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2013-08-31 22:00, D.V.N.Sarma ??.??.???.???? wrote:
> def merge(a, b):
> if len(a)*len(b) == 0:
> return a+b

Indentation in Python matters; if you're going to post code, you should
probably keep it.

> We have to look at the statement as
> v = ((a[0] < b[0] and a) or b).pop(0)

This is short circuit evaluation, which is fairly common in programming

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From stefan_ml at  Sat Aug 31 22:46:14 2013
From: stefan_ml at (Stefan Behnel)
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 22:46:14 +0200
Subject: [Tutor] A mergesort
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <kvtkng$in5$>

D.V.N.Sarma ??.??.???.????, 31.08.2013 18:30:
> I have been searching for mergesort implimentations in python and came
> across this.

In case this isn't just for education and you actually want to use it, the
built-in sorting algorithm in Python (used by list.sort() and sorted()) is
a very fast mergesort variant. Anything you could write in Python code is
bound to be slower.


From jacklittlemc at  Sat Aug 31 23:30:36 2013
From: jacklittlemc at (Jack Little)
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 14:30:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] how to save variables after a user quits in python
Message-ID: <>

I am coding a game and I want the player to be able to quit the game and immediately take off right from where they started from.

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