[Tutor] How to access a method defined in one class from another class (which is a thread) in Python3?

Prasad, Ramit ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com.dmarc.invalid
Thu Aug 8 22:41:41 CEST 2013

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SM wrote:
> Ramit:
> Thanks for the quick response. You are right about the error. When I did the following:
> x = Ui_MainWindow()
> x.setStdoutToTextEditWindowFw()
> I got the following error:
> AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute 'textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput'
> But I do have code that creates an attribute in Ui_MainWindow() class:
> self.textEdit_fwcmdlineoutput = QtGui.QTextEdit(self.tab_fw)
> This is what is making me get confused as to why it complains that there is no attribute.
> Thanks,
> -SM

You need to call that line of code to create the widget. Obviously 
it is not being created from the class's __init__. 


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