[Tutor] Beginner question

Karim Liateni kliateni at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 11:14:49 CEST 2013


eschneider92 at comcast.net a écrit :

>I've been learning python from the website 'inventwithpython.com', and I'm on a chapter that covers the following code: 
>import random 
>import time 
>def displayIntro(): 
>print('You are in a land full of dragons. In front of you,') 
>print('you see two caves. In one cave, the dragon is friendly') 
>print('and will share his treasure with you. The other dragon') 
>print('is greedy and hungry, and will eat you on sight.') 
>def chooseCave(): 
>cave = '' 
>while cave != '1' and cave != '2': 
>print('Which cave will you go into? (1 or 2)') 
>cave = input() 
>return cave 
>def checkCave(chosenCave): 
>print('You approach the cave...') 
>print('It is dark and spooky...') 
>print('A large dragon jumps out in front of you! He opens his jaws and...') 
>friendlyCave = random.randint(1, 2) 
>if chosenCave == str(friendlyCave): 
>print('Gives you his treasure!') 
>print('Gobbles you down in one bite!') 
>playAgain = 'yes' 
>while playAgain == 'yes' or playAgain == 'y': 
>caveNumber = chooseCave() 
>print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)') 
>playAgain = input() 
>I'm confused about what the line 'checkCave(caveNumber)' does and how it works. I would appreciate any help with this 
>Thank you, 
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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