[Tutor] hi

Vick vick1975 at orange.mu
Mon Aug 12 22:41:41 CEST 2013

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Oscar Benjamin [mailto:oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 August, 2013 00:11
> To: Vick
> It's because I'm using double precision and you're using mpmath. 

[Vick] Where is the call for double precision in your code?
Is it built in with scipy or maybe odeint?

> Of course you have to ask yourself how much time you're prepared to spend
> coding up integrators to make the error smaller when you could really just
> use scipy's odeint and get on with plotting your results!

[Vick] I've always wanted to code things up on my own without having
recourse to some modules except when I really cannot do without it. Anyway I
also use excel VBA to code in excel, so having the codes in a way I
understand them means that I can translate it either to python or to excel

What type of calculations do you do with your integrators?

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