[Tutor] Posting solutions to "homeworky" problems

Prasad, Ramit ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com.dmarc.invalid
Tue Aug 13 21:27:18 CEST 2013

Peter Otten wrote:
> Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> > I would post a snippet but isn't it generally a bit of a faux-pas to give
> > solutions to these problems (I mean this as a real question)?
> In principle I agree, but sometimes I lack the discipline to hold back.
> I think the code I gave is peculiar enough to make it easy to find for a
> suspicious teacher hunting for cut-and-paste artists ;)

Not to mention that since this is a Euler question (stated in the original 
post), optimized answers are easily found on the Internet. The tricky bit 
is in figuring the appropriate algorithm and not actually in the coding.

I like the Euler project, but I found it more a test of my math/analysis
skills and much less of my programming skills.


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