[Tutor] Fwd: http.server -- stuck at binding [windows8]

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick kwpolska at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 12:58:06 CEST 2013

gaah, forgot to reply-all.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <kwpolska at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] http.server -- stuck at binding [windows8]
To: shanmukhateja at gmail.com

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 12:40 PM,  <shanmukhateja at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>            I am developing a simple http media streamer with the help of
> simple http server of http.server and I have a problem in binding the
> server. I get the “the address is not valid in it’s content error” and I
> KNOW that it can be solved by socket.INADDR_ANY but the problem is my router
> has assigned me 192.168.1.*** and my ISP has given me a ip like 119.*.*.*
> which is causing the problem.. I find this 119.*.*.* IP nowhere in ipconfig
> [neither with the /all flag]
> How can I solve this puzzle???
> Kindly help me out
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192.168.1.* belongs to one of the three private IP ranges, it is not
accessible outside of your network.  If you want to stream outside of
your home network, you must set up port forwarding.

1. Configure a static IP address for your computer (in the properties
of your NIC, Google “Windows 8 static IP address” for more info). You
can use any of the 17.8 million available private addresses, but you
are better off by using whatever your router gave you + 10 (a safe
margin to ensure DHCP won’t give the address to someone else; e.g. turns into
2. Log into your router and configure port forwarding.  Where you can
conifigure this depends on your router.  Once again, Google should be
of help in this case.

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <http://kwpolska.tk>
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