[Tutor] global variables

Matthew Ngaha chigga101 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 16:27:21 CEST 2013

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:
> On 22/08/13 13:36, Matthew Ngaha wrote:

> Global variables  in themselves are not the problem.
> It's how they tend to get used that causes problems.

> Globals that are only changed via a set of
> dedicated functions are not topo much of a
> problem - although they should probably be
> bundled as a class (or module)
> Usually that should be in a class. A class represents
> a set of operations using common data. Therefore shared
> state would naturally fit in a class along with the
> operations which depend on/modify that state.
Oh this makes a lot of sense. Sorry about disagreeing with Chris i now
see that perhaps a class is definately the best choice for keeping a
state variable.

> Thats more problematic and usually a sign of a bad design.
> Even if using global variables you should modify them
> explicitly via return values of functions rather than
> as hidden side-effects inside other functions.
> mystate = changestate(mystate, some, other, args)

Yeah i have to agree about the bad design now i think about it. I
didn't see the issues before reading this

> It is possible but only by playing silly games with
> semantics such as:
> class MyProgram
>    global1 = 0
>    global2 = True

> [Or alternatively you can hide them inside a database.]
> Now technically there are no globals but in fact we are
> just moving them inside the meaningless class and have
> all the same potential issues with global side effects
> etc.

About the class variables, i have used them a lot without realising
they had all the same side effects as global variables. Something i
now have to try a different approach with.

> In my experience there are usually a few globals required
> for any meaningful program. It's not avoiding globals
> completely that's important, it's being careful to use
> them sensibly and with good adherence to the principles
> of coupling and cohesion in the design.

Thanks  alot! This is definately a lot of food for choice and will
help in my future decisions. I'm happy i asked this question as i can
honestly say i had been developing some bad habbits. The responses
have definately been helpful about program design and not just global

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