[Tutor] Runestone Python Course

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 21:02:33 CEST 2013

But I discovered that if you delete the single leading blank in front of
each line, then it works.
Maybe their parser doesn't like unindented lines starting with a space...
That's odd. I haven't had any  of those problems. I wonder if it's your
browser. I'm using FF. Are you doing the first course or the more advanced
one? I'm only looking at the first one. If you write them I 've found them
to be very cooperative, which is the norm for open source stuff if you're
polite. imagine trying to get through the Microsoft phalanx to the
programmer, if you could even find them, and then they'd say they had no
authority to make a change until it was reviewed by the Committee of 400, a
year from now ;')


On 23 August 2013 01:18, Francesco Loffredo <fal at libero.it> wrote:

> Omar Abou Mrad wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at gmail.com<mailto:
>> cybervigilante at gmail.**com <cybervigilante at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>     http://interactivepython.org
>>     <snip>
>> Would be nice if it worked though, logged in through my google account,
>> now i get this error which I can do nothing about:
>>   Sorry, Something went wrong
>> The error is: |invalid request|
>>  |It was the same for me|. It gives this error message as soon as I try
> to run one of their "ActiveCode" examples.
> But I discovered that if you delete the single leading blank in front of
> each line, then it works.
> Maybe their parser doesn't like unindented lines starting with a space...
> It's a nuisance, though.
> Francesco
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More and more, science is showing that animals, even "simple" ones, have
awareness and feelings. There is no hard divide, as the rape-the-earth
crowd would have us believe..
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