[Tutor] Converting integers into digit sum (Python 3.3.0)

Wolfgang Maier wolfgang.maier at biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Dec 10 13:00:19 CET 2013

Asokan Pichai <pasokan <at> talentsprint.com> writes:

> If you liked it, I will give you one that uses one less variable 
> def digitSum(n):
>       dsum = 0
>       while n > 0:
>             dsum += n % 10
>             n /= 10
>       return dsum
> Stupid of me not to have mentioned that this Python 2.x only. Sorry 

but very easy to fix:

def digitSum(n):
    dsum = 0
    while n > 0:
        dsum += n % 10
        n //= 10        # explicit floor division works in Python2 & 3
    return dsum


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