[Tutor] Subprocess communications query

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Dec 10 20:35:28 CET 2013

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Reuben <reuben.dlink at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> There exists two Linux machines A and B. Machine B contains python script
> which needs to be run e.g. Test.py
> In order to run that script, machine A needs to telnet into machine B and
> then execute "python Test.py"

Nothing about this sounds like Python.  Is there anything specifically
Python-related to this question, besides the detail that machine B is
running a Python program?

This really sounds like more like a Linux system administration
question.  If that's the case, you probably want to ask on a forum for
system administrators, like:


where they'll be able to point you in a better direction than us.

(By the way, when you say "telnet", I do hope you do not literally
mean telnet, which is not known to be secure.  You need to talk with
other system administrators and learn about tools like ssh.)

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