[Tutor] formatting datetime.timedelta to "HH:MM:SS"

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Dec 11 14:37:11 CET 2013

On 11/12/2013 13:12, Jignesh Sutar wrote:
>     print str(exe_time).split('.')[0]
> Sorry, I guess my question was why I can't use something similar to
> below on exe_time (of type datetime.timedelta)? Rather than doing string
> manipulation on decimals or colons to extract the same.
> now = datetime.now()
> print now.hour
> print now.minute
> print now.year

Old style

print('%02d:%02d:%04d' % (now.hour, now.minute, now.year))

New style

print('{}:{}:{}'.format(now.hour, now.minute, now.year))

Sorry I can never remember the formatting types to go between {} so look 
for them around here 

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Mark Lawrence

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