[Tutor] trying to parse an xml file

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat Dec 14 16:03:00 CET 2013

bruce, 14.12.2013 15:29:
> Looking at a file -->>
> http://www.marquette.edu/mucentral/registrar/snapshot/fall13/xml/BIOL_bysubject.xml

That file looks ok to me.

> The file is generated via online/web url, and appears to be XML.
> However, when I use elementtree:
>   document = ElementTree.parse( '/apps/parseapp2/testxml.xml' )
> I get an invalid error : not well-formed (invalid token):

That's only a part of the error message. Could you provide the complete output?

That being said, maybe you did something wrong when you downloaded the
file? Try to get it again.


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