[Tutor] set locals

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 18 21:45:24 CET 2013

On 18/12/13 17:45, Mark Lawrence wrote:

> Can I be so bold as to ask how discussing metaclasses and __setattr__ on
> a tutor mailing list is going to help the newbie who's having problems
> with their "hello world" program?

It won't, but the tutor list is also for experienced programmers new
to Python, so it might help there.

Although I do grant it's a tad more exotic (I nearly said erotic!)
than our usual fare. And I'd probably expect to see it on the
main Python list. But IMO it is within the group's remit - just!

But there is the equally valid counterpoint that overly exotic 
discussion here can turn away the real newbies who are our bread
and butter audience.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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