[Tutor] can't install

Tobias M. tm at tobix.eu
Tue Dec 31 01:42:27 CET 2013

Quoting Lolo Lolo <losermeloser at yahoo.com>:
> Hi, can i ask why the name ~/my_venv/  .. is that just to indicate ~  
> as the home directory?

The name was just an example. Yes, '~' is your home directory. You can  
actually use this in your shell
instead of typing the whole path.
You probably want to put virtual environments in your home directory.

> so pyvenv already has access to virtualenv? i thought i would have  
> needed pypi  https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv  or  
> easy_install before i got install it, but here you create the  
> virtualenv before getting distribute_setup.py.

Since Python 3.3 a 'venv' module is included in the standard library  
and shipped with the pyvenv tool. So you no longer need the  
'virtualenv' 3rd party module.

> Everything seems fine now, at last! I really appreciate your help;)

Great :)

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