[Tutor] same python script now running much slower

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 15:01:28 CET 2013

On Dec 31, 2013 12:43 PM, "Protas, Meredith" <ProtasM at vision.ucsf.edu>
> Thanks for all of your comments!  I am working with human genome
information which is in the form of many very short DNA sequence reads.  I
am using a script that sorts through all of these sequences and picks out
ones that contain a particular sequence I'm interested in.  Because my data
set is so big, I have the data on an external hard drive (but that's where
I had it before when it was faster too).

Meredith, you really haven't given enough information for anyone to know
what your program does and why it's slow. How long is your code? If you
could just post the code here then you will likely get a much more helpful

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