[Tutor] Need to be able to accept Page Down or CTRL-E

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Fri Feb 1 13:38:03 CET 2013

On 02/01/2013 03:34 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
>   <snip>
> OTOH if you mean you want to send the page up/down/arrows as the
> "something" then its a different game and you can do it. In that case
> you need todo what you did with ESC. The character set your external app
> uses will determine the codes you send. Assuming its the same set as
> your local setup you can use the following program(untested!) to read
> the codes from your keyboard (assuming you are on Windows):
> import msvcrt
> print "Hit space to end..."
> print
> while True:
>     ky = msvcrt.getch()

The OP is running Python 2.73 on Linux.


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