[Tutor] First Python Test

Aurélien DESBRIÈRES aurelien at cwb.io
Sat Feb 2 14:23:24 CET 2013

Join #emacs on irc.freenode.net and ask them.

I do not bring any support for non free Operating System nor
BrainWashing ones ;-)

"Shall, Sydney" <sydney.shall at kcl.ac.uk> writes:

> Dear Aurelien,
> Would you please explain how one installs GNU Emacs on a MAC using OS
> X v10.6.
> I cannot find a binary package. The GNU site seems to me to have only
> source code packages.
> Mille fois merci.
> Sydney
> On 02/02/2013 09:54, Aurélien DESBRIÈRES wrote:
>> hmm ... you should use GNU Emacs, it's Free in price and license!
>> Extensible Text Editor with a cool Python-mode ;-)
>> Jamie Griffin <jamie at kode5.net> writes:
>>> * Simon Yan <simonyan at fedoraproject.org> [2013-02-02 01:11:12 +0800]:
>>>> I would recommend start off from a simple text editor that has basic syntax
>>>> highlighting features. There are a number of options out there.
>>>> TextMate is a good choice, a little pricy.
>>>> VIM, if you are a terminal guy
>>>> Even Python IDLE is a good choice you wanted to edit just a few simple .py
>>>> files.
>>>> I would suggest give it a look in the Mac App Store and you will find a few
>>>> other good ones too.
>>> I believe the editor of choice on Mac OS X these days is BBEdit -
>>> again, a bit expensive. TextMate used to be good but there are
>>> better ones out there now. Personally, I prefer the commandline
>>> editors, vi or vim which is already installed on Mac OS X. I haven't
>>> used the Xcode editor before but if it's what you're comfortable
>>> with then it's probably best to stick with it.
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