[Tutor] Getting range of a list

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Tue Feb 5 23:20:39 CET 2013

On 02/05/2013 04:48 PM, Hs Hs wrote:
> Thanks Steve.
> But one question, when I print, I get extra empty lines. How to get rid of them!  Thanks again.
>>>> f = open('test')
>>>> head = '---'
>>>> for line in f:

line = line.rstrip()     #get rid of the trailing newline (and any other 
whitespace there)

> if line.startswith('>'):
> head = line[1:].strip()
> else:
> print head+'\t'+line

The print generates a newline by default.  So you either have to do the 
strip() I suggested above, or use a trailing comma on the print.  I 
recommend the former.

> X1A
>                          <------
> X1G
>                         <-----
> X2A
> X2G
> X3A
> X3G
> X4A
> X4A
> Thanks
> Hs.

You're still posting using html mail.  And your indentation is still 
getting messed up.  Also, you top-posted.


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