[Tutor] help with running perl script that writes to a text file

3n2 Solutions 3n2solutions at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 00:44:35 CET 2013


I want to automate the following manual process from DOS promp:

c:/scripts/perl>perl fix.pl base.gtx >base.txt

Here is my python script:

subprocess.call(['perl','fix.pl','base.gtx >base.txt',path])

I also tried this alternative:

subprocess.Popen(['perl','fix.pl','base.gtx >base.txt',path]) #same
result from this method.

The above script generates the base.txt file but has no content in it.

any ideas as to why the resulting text file is empty? Am I using the
correct python commands to run the above manual process?

I'm using python 2.7 on windows 7


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