[Tutor] If a method has no return type?
timomlists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 11:25:13 CET 2013
Op 07-02-13 10:09, Sunil Tech schreef:
> Thank you Wesley, Kal & tutor
In the future, the Python interpreter comes in handy for quick checks.
>>> def spam():
... pass
>>> s = spam()
>>> s, repr(s), type(s)
(None, 'None', <type 'NoneType'>)
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Kal Sze <swordangel at gmail.com
> <mailto:swordangel at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Dear Sunil,
> No method or function in Python has a *static* return type. That's
> because Python is by nature a dynamic language, with duck typing and
> dynamic dispatch. In fact, any method or function may well return any
> of a number of different types:
> def crazy_function(return_int)
> if return_int:
> return 1
> else:
> return 'foo'
> It's probably bad design, but there is nothing in the Python grammar
> and semantics that stops you from doing that.
> So your question is better phrased as: if I don't explicitly return
> anything, what is returned?
> The answer to that would be: the None object
> Cheers,
> Kal
> On 7 February 2013 14:09, Sunil Tech <sunil.techspk at gmail.com
> <mailto:sunil.techspk at gmail.com>> wrote:
> > If a method has no return type?
> > what will it return?
> >
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