[Tutor] New User-Need-Help
Jos Kerc
joskerc at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 00:14:15 CET 2013
Sorry, sent before finishing...
If you changed raw_input, as asked.
Now, it complains about print 'Game Over'
Should become print('Game Over')
On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 12:10 AM, Jos Kerc <joskerc at gmail.com> wrote:
> No, not same. At lea
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:44 PM, Joel Goldstick <joel.goldstick at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> so copy the code and the error message here
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Deborah Piotrowski <
>> spiceninja4u at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I did what you said, nothing changed.
>>> same errors, same syntax message.
>>> I suggest you run it on your IDLE to see if it works.
>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Joel Goldstick <
>>> joel.goldstick at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Joel Goldstick <
>>>> joel.goldstick at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Are you using python 2 or python 3?
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Deborah Piotrowski <
>>>>> spiceninja4u at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Ok, so I made a shortcut to IDLE(GUI) and I open it up. click "New
>>>>>> Window" and type in the code:
>>>>>> print "Game Over"
>>>>>> raw_input("\n\nPress Enter Key to exit")
>>>>>> and save the file on my desktop.
>>>>>> I double-click it and it opens a black window with gray text for a
>>>>>> split second and if you look quickly enough then you can see "Invalid
>>>>>> Sytnax".
>>>>>> If I do the same code in the Interactive Window then it highlights
>>>>>> "raw_input" and says "Invalid Syntax"
>>>>>> Are you using python 2 or python 3?
>>>> Sorry, you said above python 3. In python 3 raw_input was changed to
>>>> input. so change that and it will work for you.
>>>> There are some differences between 2 and 3 that you will need to look
>>>> out for. Go to the python.org site to learn about them. Your book
>>>> was written for python 2 it seems
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Joel Goldstick <
>>>>>> joel.goldstick at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Deborah Piotrowski <
>>>>>>> spiceninja4u at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It Didn't work.
>>>>>>> First of all, reply to all. You are sending messages to me only,
>>>>>>> not to the group. Other's may be able to help you better than I can.
>>>>>>> Second. "It didn't work" is not a useful answer.
>>>>>>> So you have a file with two lines in it. The first has a print
>>>>>>> statement. The second has a raw_input statement. When you run it, what
>>>>>>> happens exactly? Do you get a traceback message telling you what the error
>>>>>>> is, and on what line?
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Joel Goldstick <
>>>>>>>> joel.goldstick at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Deborah Piotrowski <
>>>>>>>>> spiceninja4u at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Joel Goldstick <
>>>>>>>>>> joel.goldstick at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski <
>>>>>>>>>>> spiceninja4u at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book "Python
>>>>>>>>>>>> Programming for the Absolute Beginner" and am starting with a simple "Game
>>>>>>>>>>>> Over" Program. This is the code:which is extremely simple!
>>>>>>>>>>>> print"Game Over" raw_input("\n\nPress Enter Key to exit")
>>>>>>>>>>> welcome Nicholas
>>>>>>>>>>> One important thing about python is indentation is important.
>>>>>>>>>>> You have presented your code in a way that can't be. Can you actually copy
>>>>>>>>>>> your program and paste it into an email message. Also, Windows, Linux, Mac?
>>>>>>>>>>>> That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says "Game
>>>>>>>>>>>> Over" and at the bottom say "Press enter Key to exit" and when you press
>>>>>>>>>>>> the enter key it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
>>>>>>>>>>>> But all it does is highlight "raw_input" and says "invalid
>>>>>>>>>>>> syntax" Now, if I just put "print "Game Over"" then it says Game Over
>>>>>>>>>>>> UNDERNEATH the code I just printed!
>>>>>>>>>>>> now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not
>>>>>>>>>>>> what is supposed to happen!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not
>>>>>>>>>>>> to busy).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,Nicholas
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Joel Goldstick
>>>>>>>>>>> http://joelgoldstick.com
>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit with Python 3.3
>>>>>>>>>> Here is the code in exact form
>>>>>>>>>> print "Game Over"
>>>>>>>>>> raw_input("\n\nPress Enter Key to Exit")
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Nicholas
>>>>>>>>> You need to unindent the raw_input like so:
>>>>>>>>> print "Game Over"
>>>>>>>>> raw_input("\n\nPress Enter Key to Exit")
>>>>>>>>> In python you indent code blocks (like for loops, if statements,
>>>>>>>>> function blocks, etc.). You can't just indent from one line to the next in
>>>>>>>>> sequential code or you will be told its a syntax error
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Joel Goldstick
>>>>>>>>> http://joelgoldstick.com
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Nicholas J. Piotrowski
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Joel Goldstick
>>>>>>> http://joelgoldstick.com
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Nicholas J. Piotrowski
>>>>> --
>>>>> Joel Goldstick
>>>>> http://joelgoldstick.com
>>>> --
>>>> Joel Goldstick
>>>> http://joelgoldstick.com
>>> --
>>> Nicholas J. Piotrowski
>> --
>> Joel Goldstick
>> http://joelgoldstick.com
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