[Tutor] a Pygtk question sort of

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 12 02:37:20 CET 2013

On 12/01/13 01:18, richard kappler wrote:
> Before anybody jumps me about this question being inappropriate for this
> list, yes, I know it probably is BUT, the two places where it might be
> appropriate are down pretty hard, so this is my only option (I think).

I'm not sure what you mean by "down pretty hard" but this definitely 
looks like a question for a pocketsphinx forum...

> ....I want to use this code or code
> like it ....in my bot program, so I don't need the gui, button or any of that. I
> need pocketsphinx to work exactly as below, but send the text output
> back to the main program or to a different program (chatbot) instead of
> the gui. Make sense?

Sadly no.
Can you explain exactly how you intend running pocketspinx?
What is the main program? A Python script? Or some other external 
program? Where does chatbot fit in? Is it just an arbitrary example or 
is there some specific symbiosis going on?

> gui method and the button. The problem is the button controls the vader
> (determines begin and end of utterances) as well. Detailed explanation

Nope, you lost me again...

> So can anyone give me some guidance here or point me towards a place to
> discuss this? The forums at Python.org are under construction, the
> CMUSphinx forums at Sourceforge are down (404) so I'm not quite sure
> where to go for help.

Googling pocketsphinx python threw up at least half a dozen useful 
looking links....

You could also try the main python mailing list (or its mirror on
the comp.lang.python newsgroup)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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