[Tutor] Question regarding lists and manipulating items in lists.

Andreas Perstinger andipersti at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 07:20:15 CET 2013

On 16.01.2013 01:23, Scurvy Scott wrote:
 > After playing with your example I keep being told that list has no
 > attribute int_to_note. I know what the problem is, I just don't know
 > how to fix it.
 > So right now my code is:
 > import mingus.core.notes as notes
On this line you import your module and give it the name "notes".

 > def make_notes(num_notes):
 > 	it = fib()
 > 	notes = []

Inside your function "notes" is a list.

 > 	for i in range(num_notes):
 > 		n = next(it) % 12
 > 		notes.append(notes.int_to_note(n))

Since "notes" is a list inside the function, Python tries to find the 
method "int_to_note" for a list and fails. But I think you want to use 
the function which is defined in your module.

You have to either rename your module reference or your list.

Bye, Andreas

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